The Perfect Scene

Maria Leingod

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4 Essence of Silver Thistle
Maria sighed as she entered the mall. The whole Leingod family were there. They were all going to do some shopping, and everyone was abuzz with excitement as they looked at the shops and started talking about what they would buy. She felt someone tugging on her hand and looked to see her twin happily pointing at a store. She loved to see her twin happy. It was like a blind man seeing the sun for the first time, dazzling, astonishing, and glorious. They ventured further into the mall until they stopped at an information point. Their mother shushed them until she had their full attention. It took a few minutes.

"Okay, everyone. Instead of going around in one huge group why don't we split up? Me and your dad can go together, Maria you go with Sophia, We meet back here in two hours." The rest of the group nodded and started getting into their pairs. By the time their had finished speaking they were all ready to go. They said their goodbyes and went off in different directions.

Maria had felt herself being dragged by her twin to some fashion store where frilly dresses and colorful shirts and pants were displayed. She had figured that her twin would like to take a look inside and try on some of the clothes. Shaking her head in disagreement, Maria decided to just stay at the ice cream parlour located just in front of the said shop and wait there for her twin. Her twin would take forever in choosing her clothes after all. Ordering a chocolate flavored ice cream, Maria sat on the only empty chair in the shop and waited until her sister come back.
Aimlessly walking around the mall, going into clothing stores and inspecting the cheap "Clothing" they had to offer, Arielle wanted to kill the few hours she had until her car arrived. She was bored, all the clothes in the mall were too poorly made and common for her to even bother taking a second look. Since she was a child she has been treated with the finer things, she has her own maid, she has a walk in wardrobe and most importantly, she imports everything she wears from Italy, France or Japan. Because of this, Arielle had never taken an interest in clothing that wasn't designer. Walking up to a map, Arielle looked for any designer clothing stores. She wouldn't buy anything but at least she would have something to do instead of wandering around pretending like she had somewhere to go. There were no designer stores on the map. Letting out an irritated scoff, Arielle looked around for another cheap clothing store, if she was killing time by quietly making fun of every piece of clothing before, she could continue to do that now. She couldn't see any. Shrugging, Arielle walked around some more and looked into the windows of the stores she was passing.

After aimlessly walking around for a few more minutes, Arielle found two stores. To her right was a shoe store; in the windows were a pair of brown boots, a pair of striped flats and a pair of black heels. The store was having a fifty percent off sale. The shoes on display looked ridiculous to Arielle, she couldn't imagine anybody volunteering to wear something like that. To her left was another clothing store, it looked the same as all the other clothing stores Arielle had seen that day. There were dresses, shirts and pants being displayed. Arielle laughed quietly to herself, every clothing store in the mall was trying to sell knock offs of the designer clothes she owned. She saw two girls about her age walk up to the store, they looked similar, and Arielle assumed they were twins. One of the girls went into the store, while the other volunteered to wait outside. She was curious about the girl that was waiting outside. She wondered if the girl was too good for those tacky clothes like her. The girl ordered an ice cream and sat down on an empty chair. Arielle decided to walk up to the girl and introduce herself. She walked up to the girl and looked straight at her. "Hello, my name's Arielle, can i sit with you?" She asked politely, her French accent obvious as usual.
Maria was quietly enjoying her ice cream and at the same time time, impatiently waiting for her twin sister to come back. Only 5 minutes had passed, yet for her, it seemed like it were hours already. She cannot really get it why her sister would spend so long time in choosing a dress, it makes no sense for her. After all, all the dresses and clothes displayed on the store were very much alike and common, and it';s not like they were very fashionable either.

Checking her phone for any message from their parents, Maria continued with what she was doing, until she was stopped by a girl's voice. Maria looked to see who it was and if she was indeed talking to her. After she was already sure, she just nodded her head in response. She doesn't know what to say after all. She had also noticed that the girl's way of speaking is accented and she was very proper. She was probably French or if not, she probably came from a distinguished family. Deciding it would be better if she talk with the girl rather than just sit ans wait for her twin, Maria introduced her self as well. "My name's Maria, well, won't you order any ice cream?" She inquired as she had noticed that the girl didn't buy anything at all.
Looking the girl up and down, Arielle noticed what she was wearing. She had made the wrong choice of talking to her, it looked like the only clothing the girl owned was cheep knock offs, the kind of clothing in the store the girls’ sister just went in to. Arielle felt enraged at the mistake she had made in talking to the girl in the first place. She did not look like somebody she would associate herself with, she usually talked to people of the same wealth and fashion sense as her, this however was a new experience for her. She wanted to get out of the conversation as quickly as possible, she hadn't been in this sort of situation before. Raising an eyebrow, Arielle thought about how she would look if she continued to talk to her, she thought about the negative consequences, about how she would be judged by talking to somebody from such a lower class then her. She started to think about the positive consequences too, if people saw them having a conversation together, Arielle might look better by comparison. The girl introduced herself, her name was Maria.

Deciding to continue the conversation, Arielle introduced herself back "My name's Arielle, Arielle Lemaire." She said smirking at her ingenious idea, her accent still as obvious as before. She liked her accent, it made her feel classy and interesting, the thing about her accent she liked the most was that it was a good icebreaker. Hearing Maria suggest that she buy some ice cream, Arielle felt a little insulted. She works so hard keeping her body toned and healthy, she eats the right foods, she exercises everyday and the fact the Maria would even think she might want some ice cream was surreal to her. "I don't eat Ice Cream, I only eat healthy food, eating junk like that would ruin my body." She said politely, if she sad something rude to Maria, she might look bad. "I will buy you another Ice Cream once you have finished that one if you like Ice Cream so much." She said with a slightly rude tone to her voice. Arielle felt angry at herself for saying something rude, she didn't want to say anything that might be taken as an insult and she just did. She smiled, trying to seem genuine so Maria didn't take her comment in the wrong way.
Maria had noticed how the girl had looked at her. She seems to be examining her which pretty much unnerves Maria, nevertheless, she decided not to show it. She had already gotten int trouble because of her quick temper a few days ago. Maria was just wearing the casual clothes that she had just pulled out of her closet, her family's in such a hurry that she was not really prepared at all. Nevertheless, her clothes suits her just fine, though as she had noted, hers pales in comparison to what the other girl was wearing. rich kids... too much money to waste.. she thought to herself, keeping in mind the consequences of her actions once she decided to talk back rudely. It would be pretty embarrassing if she did that. And besides, it wouldn't hurt her if she had decided to be friendly for once will it?

Maria smiled when the girl had introduced her self once again, she had notice that the girl seemed to like showing off her accent, she doesn't mind it though. Maria is not one who would enjoy the spot light as much as the girl who is currently sitting with her, she prefers to be on the sidelines, watching and observing people until she annoys them for doing so. "A pleasure to meet you then Arielle.." She replied nonchalantly, trying to show a genuine smile on her face.

Maria had noticed that the girl was a bit irked when she had suggested that she buy some ice cream. She doesn't really mean it in a rude way but she had guess that the girl might have taken it wrongly, it seems like the girl was very concerned with her appearance after all, not that it matters to Maria, the girl has every right to say whatever she wants to say. However, when the girl said that ice cream was a junk, Maria felt a little annoyed, though she wouldn't admit it, she loves ice creams, and she wouldn't just let anyone insult that. "Ice cream's not a junk, but you are very much entitled to your own opinion, if you don't like it, then fine.." She said as politely as she could, she wouldn't want to be enemies with the girl after all. "No, I think I'm satisfied with just this one, I'm perfectly fine with it, you got no need to spend your money on some junks like this right? But anyway, thank you for the offer" She added. She didn't mean to appear rude or anything but she doesn't really know how to properly refused to the girl's offer.
While intently listening to everyhting Maria was saying, Arielle smirked to herself This girl has a bit of an edge. She thought to herself, her opintion of Maria instantly changed, she liked girls attitude. She was impressed that somebody actually had the guts to stand up to her and say somehting rude. She was so used to people being afraid of her, mostly due to the fact the she could easily intimidate people. Maria was different, Arielle started to think a little better of Maria. If Maria had the guts to stand up to somebody like her than she could be capable of almost anyhting. Maria had one of the traits that Arielle wanted in a friend. She was very impressed. More so than she ever thought she could be by a girl like Maria, Arielle know new that first impressions definately don't count.

"Yes, it is junk." Arielle said politely. She was pondering wether or not she should make Maria a friend of hers. Maria wasn't wearing the most fashionable clothing in the world. Arielle knew that she would be able to fix that almost instantly. She would enjoy giving Maria a makeover. Arielle wasn't all about looking expensive and pretty, she spends a great deral of her time making sure everyhting that she wears is comfortable too. If she buys something at it doesn't meet her level of comfort, she would instantly return it. She has always been accustom to the highest standards. If she offered to give Maria a makeover, she would be comfortable and fashionable at the same time just like her.

Pleased with her ingenious idea, Arielle smiled at Maria. She wanted to seem friendly, all she needed now was for Maria to agree to being her friend. She needed Maria to want to be her friend. She knew how to make friends in France but it was different in New Zealand. The people were different and they expected a different standard of friendship. She didn't quite know how to find out if Maria wanted to be friends with her, she sighed. She knew she had just better be straight forward "Would you like to be my friend?" she asked kindly, she hoped that Maria would be able to notice how kind she was being.
Maria just sighed and roll her eyes at the girl's remark about ice cream being a junk. She can see that the girl was trying to be polite but she can also see that it was actually not the nature of the girl to do such thing, nevertheless, she can see that they were pretty much the same. They were rather frank and blunt. "You speak out what ever it is that is in your mind ne? That's pretty unusual, people would usually try to please others and act really nice, it's stupid.." Maria noted with a slightly irked tone, wiping her lips with a tissue after she was done eating. She really dislikes the kids around her, they were just so pretentious for her, they don't deserve her time, however, the girl with her at the moment was different, though she appears to be rich, she's not fake unlike the others.

Maria raised an eyebrow and started to laugh when the girl had asked whether she would want to be her friend. It's not that she finds the question funny, it was just so unexpected that she hadn't been prepared. "You want to be friends with me? Are you sure? I'm not fashionable like you, my clothes are not even designer ones.. am I really wanted to be a friend? If yes, then why not.." She then said after she had finally stopped herself from laughing.
Maria was gradually becoming more pleasant to be around, Arielle started to think more of her as she continued to talk. "It's a habit of mine to say what i'm thinking, honestly, i like being outspoken. Its alot more real to say what you're thinking. At least it makes me different from some of the other people around here, they can be so fake." she said with a smile. She wanted to be completely honest with Maria and that is what she was doing. She was always nice to people who seemed real. She made it a point not to be nice to anybody who was fake. She thought alot of people in New Zealand were fake, they were too nice to be real. That was one of the main reasons she hadn't made any friends in New Zealand yet.

Hearing Maria start to laugh didn't bother Arielle in the slightest. She expected her to say something rude and ignore her completely. Arielle felt somewhat releived that Maria actually wanted to be friends with her. She knew know that she could give Maria one big makeover and she would be the almost perfect friend. Arielle wouldn't mind using her credit card on somebody who desperately needed a new wardrobe. She thought it would be fun spending her money on somebody else for a change. "I can give you a makeover if yoy like, i have my credit card with me." she said with a smile, she couldn't wait to make Maria look as awesome as she did.
"Hmm.. well you're right, it's more likable when you are talking to a person whom you think is stating the truth, I wouldn't want to waste my time talking with pretentious persons, they're disgusting, why not just say what you are thinking..." Maria said with a smile. Arielle, though she was in a higher social class as her, seemed to be a fun girl to be around. They're pretty much the same she guessed.

Maria was really grateful for Arielle's offer to give her a makeover, she's happy that someone had actually went out of her way to help her, yet, she wasn't sure if you would take the offer at all. Maria's not someone who would want to depend on other people at all, she wouldn't want to have someone to spend their money needlessly on her, especially if that someone is a person that she had just happened to meet. "I don't mind it, yet, are you sure about that? I mean, you don't need to do that at all, I have money here with me.." She said casually, looking at Arielle with a small smile in her face.
Laughing again, Arielle thought it was adorable that Maria agreed with her views on people. They did always seem fake and it annoyed her a lot. She was very pleased and even more impressed that they had the same view on things. "I don't like it when they try to act like they care but they really don't." Arielle stated, she was being completely honest to Maria, she felt comfortable talking about what she thought with her mostly because Maria felt pretty much exactly the same way. She smiled at her, glad she had found somebody she could talk to about what she actually thought.

Arielle thought it was sweet that Maria suggested that she pay for her makeover by herself. Arielle had a near endless money supply and her credit card hadn't been used since she last brought new clothing, it had been a while since she last shopped and she wanted to do Maria a favour to show her gratitude for being so much like her and being so nice. "No, i insist that i pay for absolutely everything." Arielle said smiling at Maria, she knew that she could buy Maria a whole new wardrobe if she wanted to and she didn't want Maria to waste the money she had, Arielle had much more at her disposal and she didn't want Maria to get into any trouble if she spent all of it.
Maria nodded in agreement, she really finds their conversation amazing, they are on the same wavelength, they seem to be able to understand each other and it was extremely rare to find someone who's just like her. "I have learned to block them off, I have already learned distinguished those who are sincere and those who are just pretending." Maria said with a shrug, she was stating the truth, she wouldn't waste her time talking to someone who seems so fake, it makes her feel irritated to do that.

Maria appreciated Arielle's persistence on insisting that she pays for her make over, she really do. However, she cannot really accept the offer, it would be surprising for her parents if they saw her with lots of designer clothes even though the money that they had given her was actually not that sufficient. " I'm really happy for the offer, but you know, my parents would surely wonder how I get such expensive clothes.." She said with a slight laugh, looking at Arielle with a twinkle in her eyes.
Talking to somebody like Maria, Arielle felt like she belonged somewhere. Since the move New Zealand, Arielle hadn't made any friends. It had been almost a year and nobody in New Zealand had even taken a second glance at her unless they were looking at her clothes. She felt at home in France and whenever she thought about it at brought on a longing to have somebody that she could relate to. It felt almost like she had somebody like that when she was with Maria. Even though she felt they were very similar, they were very different too. "It's the same for me, the ones with a fake smile are the easiest to find." She said with a joking tone to her voice.

Feeling her heart drop a little as Maria politely rejected Ariellle's offer to pay for a makeover. She knew that it was a kind and charitable thing to do, she never really reaches out to other people, she usually only focuses on herself and what she wants. It was different this time, Arielle actually wanted to help Maria. If Arielle gave her a makeover, Maria would be close to the perfect friend. She knew there was a compromise for the situation. "We could go to a cheap store and spend the money you have on knock offs and later on we could buy ones that look exactly the same so they wont notice." Arielle said shrugging; she thought her plan was absolutely perfect. She just needed Maria to agree once again.
Arielle was the sort of person that Maia likes. She's not pretentious like the others that she had met before. She doesn't hesitate to say what's on her mind and that makes Maria happy to talk to someone like her. Though they are on different social classes, it seems that they tend to understand what each other thinks. Arielle seems to understand Maria more that her twin sister does and it's rare for Maria to think like that. "Yes, It's a wonder why the others can decipher what's fake from real, it's so obvious, or maybe they're just so stupid to deny the truth.." Maria said, looking around her with a bored expression. Everyone just seems so fake for her, well, aside from Arielle of course.

Maria noticed the disappointed look on Arielle. She might have not taken her rejection of her offer that lightly. Maria guessed that it was probably the first time of Arielle to offer help and be rejected. Maria felt a bit guilty for that. "Are you really sure? Well, if you do insist...." Maria said, her voice trailing off and her face being slightly red in slight embarrassment. As she noticed that, she quickly shook her head and slapped her face. "Jeez, what am I being embarrassed for?" She said loudly although she was only talking to herself, that is then that she remembered that Arielle was actually sitting in front of her. "Sorry about that, I'm just a bit... how do I say it? I guess, I'm a bit shy about accepting the offer? Did I just said the right words?" Maria then added, her head tilted a bit in slight confusion.

It was something completely different for Arielle to think somebody was as socially smart as her on the first meeting, seriously, it was. Arielle would usually think that hey were being just as fake as the main population, the population that were all about "Being nice" to everybody and not actually saying what they were thinking. Arielle had made an effort not to be like them since was old enough to realise how fake everybody was actually being. Once she had realised she obviously stopped talking to everybody who seemed fake or in any shape or form didn't seem genuine. Growing to realise that almost everybody was that way, Arielle put a guard up, not only to keep herself safe but to make sure that she wasn't fake either. "I agree, but i don't think that they can tell the difference any way." Arielle said with a smile, it was a smile of accomplishment. It reflected exactly how Arielle felt, accomplished.

Arielle felt her smile widen slightly when Maria agreed to her cunning and ingenious plan. She thought it was a good plan, it was a good idea and it could be carried out easily. The perfect qualities of a perfect plan made Arielle's seem even better than it was, it seemed better than it was. Although it was sort of obvious to do what Arielle had suggested it still seemed good. "Good. I can't wait." Arielle said with a smirk, it was something she did frequently but she felt original every time she did it. Laughing quietly once again, Arielle thought Maria was adorable in the way she talked to herself. Maria seemed like a kid, it was different for other people her age, they usually seemed an adult but the were children. Arielle knew that in Maria's makeover she would highlight how she was a kid and not make her look like an adult. "Should we go now?" Arielle asked, impatient as to wether or not Maria wanted to shop yet.
It was very rare for Maria to converse casually with someone, more so a girl. For her, she doesn't need to waste her time and energy trying to get friendly with anyone. She had learned long ago that it is not wise to trust someone whom she doesn't know completely. She had learned that not everyone around her has the nicest intention for her, though they were acting nice, it just means that they want something from her or from her family. And because of that thought, Maria had only her twin sister to trust, but at the moment, it seems to her that Arielle is someone whom she can trusts too, even more than her sister, because unlike her twin who is a polar opposite of her, Arielle and her is very much alike. "They can't tell the difference because they're just too lazy to observe.. people would just walk around with any goal and just talk to everyone in their way, acting too friendly, jeez, it really is stupid and annoying at the same time.." Maria replied, nodding in agreement at Arielle's statement.

Maria smiled in delight as she saw the look on Arielle's face, she seemed to be happy when she had agreed to take her offer. She doesn't really get it, but she is starting to feel happy whenever the girl in front of her would smile. It was one of the real smiles that she can see after all. "As in now?" Maria asked incredulously, checking her watch for the time, she barely had an hour before her parents would return, and now that she had remembered it, her sister hadn't returned as well. However, since she doesn't want to let Arielle down, Maria decided to just contact her sister and her parents to tell them that she won't be going with them. "my sister hadn't return from her shopping ye, probably too indecisive to choose her clothes, she's always like that, but anyways, I'll just call her and my parents to inform them, where are we going?" She stated, bringing out her phone and started dialing her sister's number.
Talking to Maria gave Arielle a feeling that she was accepted, she hadn't felt accepted the whole time she had been living in New Zealand. Now that she knew that somebody shared the same views on the world as her, she felt wonderful. She felt like she wasn't the only one and that somebody actually understood her. It was a rare feeling for her and she wanted to make the most of it before it went away, She didn't know how though. "It annoys me so much, sometimes I want to rip their heads off because of the ignorance the show off." It did annoy Arielle, everybody radiated this ignorance to everybody around them and it sickened her. She hated it and she wanted to change the world but it was impossible for a girl like her.

Arielle felt her smile widen when she saw Maria smile, she enjoyed having a friend, well, what felt like a friend. She felt that Maria understood her views and opinions on the world, it was so refreshing to her. Arielle was excited to give Maria a makeover to show her just how beautiful she could be, she had a feeling that it could let Maria come out of her shell a little bit more. "Yeah. Now." Arielle stated while flipping her hair. She couldn't wait, her plan was good, and she felt as if nothing could ruin this moment, except if Maria's parents said no. Arielle looked intently at Maria as she dialled her parent's number.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry it's so short :(
"hmm.. you are indeed right... I wonder what's it like to be oblivious to anything around you.. jeez, I would probably die if I'm like that.." Maria said an a rather annoyed manner. She's a pretty observant person, always speaking out her mind whenever she sees something wrong. And sometimes, it odes get her into trouble, people doesn't like it when she observes them after all. "But nevertheless, some people wanted to keep their ignorance, deeming that it is better if they don't know anything, thinking that they would be able to live blissfully if they remain that way... it's a pretty stupid outlook if I may say so.." She continued on, shaking her head a little to dismiss the thought.

Maria nodded in agreement as Arielle said that they would be going already. She dialled her mother's number and started to tell her that she wouldn't be going with them. "Hello, mom, do go ahead of me alright, I met a friend and I choose to go with her instead... please do inform Sophia and take care of her... I'm sure she have lots of shopping bags with her..." She said softly to her mother, saying goodbye to end the conversation. After she's done, she carefully placed the phone in her pockets, standing up and preparing to leave. "I guess we can go now?"

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