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- Wand
- Rowan Wand 15" Essence of Fang of Basilisk and ash of phoenix metamorphosis
Stratton was looking forward to his grand-daughters return for the holidays. He had spent the last few weeks pulling in as many favours as he could in order to surprise Carmen. Of course the excitement became too much for him and he sent her an owl instead. Usually a man of very little emotion unless it concerned his beloved grand-daughter, Stratton was now eager to see her smiling face when she arrived home. She would no doubt be thrilled at the news that she would not have to be so far from him but would be able to attend Hogwarts in Scotland. Part of him knew he should have waited to give her the news when she came home so he could have seen the reaction for himself but he also knew she might have some friends she would wish to say goodbye too. There was that Kaleb Styx boy who he approved of very much. It was a shame he would not be at Hogwarts in Scotland with her, that had been a most fortuitous meeting on his grand-daughters part.
He paced the floor now waited with aniticipation. It would be at least another hour before she came home but he had missed her terribly. Disgusted that his son had opted to go collect her instead, Stratton listened as the sound of his daughter-in-laws footsteps echoed down the hall to him.
He paced the floor now waited with aniticipation. It would be at least another hour before she came home but he had missed her terribly. Disgusted that his son had opted to go collect her instead, Stratton listened as the sound of his daughter-in-laws footsteps echoed down the hall to him.