Closed The Past and The Future

Dimitri Jeffreys

Daring- Bored- Adventurous
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
10-inch flexible black walnut with Fwooper Feather Core
9/24/2028 (30)
Dimitri spend a wonderful few days with Ares, staying in bed or just around his apartment in one of Ares' shirts. It was nice. The apartment actually felt like a home instead of just where he was staying. They had enjoyed breakfast in bed that morning, but now Dimitri was making them some Okroshka. He could remember the way Mallory had always made it for them while he and Annika read aloud from their favorite books. He shook his head, brushing the thought aside. "Dorogoy, lunch is ready," Dimitri called, moving to set the bowls of cold soup on the table.
Ares had told Xavier he wouldn't be home in a few days but he was beginning to wonder if he'd ever go back, spending time with his new boyfriend, in his boyfriends flat was just....pretty amazing. He'd never had a boyfriend before, not formally, so he was experiencing a whole new wave of emotions and experiences that felt truly wonderful. Ares was always in awe of Dimitri and he loved spending this time with him. He was in some casual, house wear and walked to the kitchen from of the living room for lunch. "Smells really good," he said as he sat down, "What is it?" his russian was still broken, with a heavy accent but he was actively trying around Dimitri because it would only get better with practice and he didn't mind when Dimitri corrected him. It worked.
Dimitri smiled, setting the bowls on the table. "Okroshka, it's a cold soup. It's raw vegetables, boiled potatoes, eggs, and sausage, and some kvass, which is a non-alcoholic beverage made from fermented black or rye bread." He explained, settling down at the table and smiling at his boyfriend. "Your Russian is getting better, darling," Dimitri commented, taking a bite of the soup.

He smiled. "My sister used to make this for me," he told him, switching back to English. He had to admit, it was a lot nicer with Ares here. He looked down at his food a moment before looking back up to Ares. "Dorogoy, how long are you staying?" He asked with an almost shy smile. "I'm going to miss you when you go,"
Ares looked at the different dishes as he went over it. "Sounds good," he did think it was maybe a bit much but he also wasn't going to complain about it either. He shook his head at the compliment, he was still pretty bad at it, but he would need to just keep trying and he'd get there eventually. Or at least get good enough that he wasn't having to think it over so much. "For your Russian or your cooking?" he asked and then gave a little shrug, "I'll have to go back eventually or my brother will think I've been kidnapped, but I can try to come here more often," he didn't want to set timings to it because for once he thought it might be better to just see how it felt.
Dimitri chuckled lightly. "Both?" He asked, though he knew that Ares enjoyed being corrected as much as Tri enjoyed correcting him. He liked this new dynamic they were falling into very much. He pouted a little as Ares said he'd have to go back, sighing and propping his chin in his hand. Tri reached over, looking for Ares' hand in his own. "Aw, maybe I should just kidnap you," he teased. "It's cold at night without you in bed with me," He let out a dramatic sigh. "I don't like the cold, Ares."
Ares gave a little smile as his boyfriend and just laughed, "I don't know how you managed to live in Russia if you don't like the cold," he said with a light tone, though he could figure out why he didn't like to be alone and why he probably didn't like the cold, all going back to the boy's father. "I'll be round often enough," he didn't want move just yet, and it was too early in his mind to move in but he could just start going round more frequently and for longer periods whenever he could. It would be nice to see him more often.
Tri laughed at Ares' comment and shook his head. "Yes, lived. Not going back," he teased, winking. "It is surprise I never froze," he shuddered at the memory. He sighed as Ares said he'd be around, pouting a moment before shrugging and taking a bite of his food. "Ah, well. I have waited this long," he winked playfully at the other man. He never minded waiting for Ares.
The rain was coming down heavily that day. Annika wore a nice sundress, holding an umbrella over her as she stared at the building. It made sense that it would be raining when she finally decided to do this. She stared a bit longer, before finally throwing a rock at his window. It clattered against the frame, and she waited, watching impatiently for her brother to appear.
Ares gave a little laugh, "I should take you to where I grew up, Australia in the summer is no joke," he said, he thought it would be nice for them to go to Australia, it was where his dad was still living and it would be good to show him a little of his life. He could think that Dimitri would enjoy seeing it too. He gave a little smile at Dimitri's comment and began to eat his food, hearing an sharp noise of a rock hitting a window. He glanced round at it. "Do you think that was intentional or that it's hail stoning outside?"
Tri smiled, pleased that Ares would want to share more of his life. "I would like that," he murmured, debating briefly if there was anything in Dimitri's life that he could share with the other man. He was about to speak when something hit the window. That was odd. His brow furrowed, an old memory striking him out of nowhere. "I... maybe..." he murmured, standing. It was so oddly familiar. Was it really just a storm? He walked over to the window, peeking out carefully.

His heart hit the floor and without a thought he turned and ran out the door, not even stopping to think that he was in his briefs and one of Ares' shirts. He ran down the stairs, throwing open the front door of his building and locking eyes with Annika. He stammered, his own eyes filling with tears as he stood frozen in the door, oblivious to the freezing rain.
Annika didn't have to wait long, unsure how to feel as her brother appeared in the doorway of his apartment building. Deciding that flippant was the safest way to handle this, she brushed her hair behind her shoulder and pointedly looked him over. "I see you stopped believing in pants." She remarked, not bothering to move closer.
Ares gave Dimitri a little smile, nodding at him before the stones had hit the windows. He was very surprised with after stepping up to the windows Dimitri had run outside. Ares went to the window and spotted someone outside but he didn't know who this person was. He went to the bedroom put on some trousers before grabbing a jacket and walking out. He spotted Dimitri in the freezing cold with the woman. She was younger than they were and objectively beautiful. Ares stepped into the rain already shedding the jacket and drapping it over Dimitri's shoulders, to at least help him stay a little warm, Ares was at least wearing trousers. "Hi, I'm Ares," he greeted the woman, not wanting to interrupt but noting the Dimitri was pretty frozen.
Dimitri stirred a bit, the tears spilling over as Annika spoke. "You're actually here," He breathed, though he remained mostly frozen until he felt Ares' jacket on his shoulders. He stepped forward a bit, unthinkingly, one hand coming up a bit and half reaching for his sister. "Nika," His voice broke, and he took another step forward. "I- I don't understand- I wrote- I wrote to you, for a year, I- you never replied, I thought- I thought you hated me," He stopped where he was, looking back to Ares with a slightly panicked look on his face. What was he supposed to do?
Annika ignored the other man, taking a step back for each one that Dimitri took forward. "I.... I don't know if I hate you," She replied slowly. "I know what happened. You tried to hide it. But I know Father disowned you and threw you out when you refused to marry that heiress." She was careful with her words, watching her brother warily. "Father told us you ran away. Mallory cried." She sounded a bit more accusing, but if it was of him or their father she couldn't decide. "It.... losing you was hard. On everyone. Except for father." She hesitated. "Mother... do you know, Dimitri?" She asked, her voice softening. "It broke her heart when you left. Mother... mother died." She watched her brother carefully, unsure how he would take her words.
Ares looked between them, he was catching the odd word between them, but they spoke too rapidly and he was unable to really get much more than that. He could tell though by their tones that this was emotionally charged. "Why don't we come inside," he tried to say when there was a break in it. He just thought it would be better if they spoke in the flat.
Dimitri's heart stuttered as his sister spoke, feeling more pain creeping on as she continued to speak. The final words though, they did him in. His face fell and he let out a strangled cry. He turned as Ares spoke, burying his face in the mans chest and breaking down. It was all too much, too soon. He was on edge seeing his sister anyway, but the news that his mother had passed was too much for him. He didn't move inside as Ares suggested, too upset to move.
Annika's heart twisted a bit as she watched Dimitri react. She let out a slow sigh, looking to the other man. Ares, or something. "I am going to leave," she told him. "Mallory has my contact information." She turned on her heel, walking away. Dimitri probably needed time to process what had just happened.
Whatever the woman had said, it had been either harsh or bad news because he suddenly had Dimitri hugging into him in heavy tears. Ares put his arms around him and glanced up at the woman who was walking away. Frowning at the name, Mallory. Was this the other sister. He tightened his hold on Dimitri and brought him inside, guiding him out of the rain and into the kitchen. He used wandless magic inside to summon a blanket and to dry off Dimitri's clothes. "What happened?" he had guided Dimitri to sit down and was sitting with him.
Dimitri let Ares lead him inside, collapsing down wherever he'd been placed. "Annika," he whispered brokenly, scrubbing his hands uselessly over his cheeks. "Nika. My youngest sister," he hiccupped softly, shaking his head. It was a lot to handle. He struggled to find his words, just shaking his head again and holding out his arms for Ares, too upset to really think much yet.
Ares frowned at the name, and then nodded. The younger sister. He thought he should maybe reach out to Mallory and speak to her first but he just put it out of his mind and held his boyfriend close, trying to give him as much comfort and support as he could in his arms.

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