the only exception! epic charrie request

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Valkyrie Finch

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
okay so i am a proud supporter of quick and always will be, even with mister blondie sweeping quinn off of her feet. that is why i am requesting a mark salling for kalina. for now, i'm just going to call him mark because it will be easier. first, i'm going to tell you a little bit about kali. she is a prefect at beauxbatons and sixteen years old and has a lot of fun in her life, not dwelling too much on anything that isn't important or fun, which is why she tends to have a different philosophy when it comes to dating. she has been found to say to her twin sister, "boys are like bubblegum, once they loose their flavor you can spit 'em out and get a new one" so she doesn't really have very serious relationships, she is only sixteen after all. it isn't as if she is looking to get married. now this is where mark comes in. he is a hopeless romantic in the sweetest, most pathetic sense. kalina and mark meet each other and he thinks that he has fallen in love while she is kind of annoyed with him, because even if he is a hopeless romantic, he can also be quite chauvinistic and that is not how kali roles. little does kali know, mark had had a talk with his big brother, who said that he can get girls by treating them like dirt an mark believed him because he was rarely without a girl by his side. so they meet a few more times and kali snaps at him, telling him off about everything he has said since they day they met and he cowers off, being the shy person that he is and guess what, a random girl is like "why where you so mean to mark he's such a sweet guy?" and kali explains it all and the girl laughs at her and tells her about his brother. of course, she won't go running into his arms right away, instead she apologizes and they steer clear of one another for a little bit because kali feels uncomfortable with strong feelings of anything past friendliness. during a vacation break, they meet up and end up touring around muggle cities backpack-style and kali starts to feel things, just as mark tries to convince her that he is over her. well, kali has never been good with telling if people are lying or not so she believes him and tells him to go on without her, while she stays in milan and he moves on to berlin as they had planned to. well little does she know, he is setting an extravagant night for them together in a little town in france that she has been known to frequent. mark writes a letter, pretending to be kali's sister, riley, telling her that something urgent has happened and that she must return to france immediately so she does and well there isn't any urgent thing so she goes off to that small town for a few days, just hoping to hear anything about mark from anybody that they know, but she doesn't until she finds herself whisked away into a restaurant with him and whaddya know? they confess their feelings. him very easily but her timidly because she isn't good with that and mark understands that, so he doesn't say anything further on the subject, except asking for another date. she, of course, says yes because who could say no after such a romantic night? well they start dating and we can figure out drama from there, but i would like to start from the beginning of the trip. so please post here.

you should be able to post up to 800-1000 because i can, but at a minimum 500 words. the rest of his character is up to you, but please make him so we can plot. oh and his name is up to you!
Hey there, I'm thinking that your character mark is very interesting indeed, I want to try to make him if you like... Thanks!
Hey there Alexis,

I am very interested in this 'Mark' character of yours. I am a moderately experienced roleplayer, but I've never really written over 450 words. But Im sure if I really try I might be able to fix that. Ive never really had a reason too before this so it would be a good experience I think.

Its ok if you dont think Im up to it. I'll understand. I just thought I might mention it
Thanks anyway
I'm sorry guys, I'm hoping someone who can hit 500 words plus on an average post and from what I've seen of your posts, neither of you can. I tend to be of a bit of a nit picker, so if anybody else is interested post away!

Heyy Alexis!

I created a new character, on Friday, His name is Malachy Scythe. He's from Ireland, and comes from a large family of Muggles. He has three younger sisters and an older brother. He is the only one of his family who is a wizard, so he thinks himself better than the rest of them and this comes across, as thoough he is only muggleborn, from the way he acts about his magical ability, you might believe him to be a pureblood. Malachy, I'm still working on him, ((And I'm yet to pick a P:cool:) I think he would be the type to be a hopeless romantic. His older brother, could be the one to tell him to treat girls horribly. Malachy would not look up to him very much, but he would respect his words on how to get girls, if by that was how you wanted it to be. Okay, so that is what I have on Malachy so far.

I am fairly busy in RL, but I can promise, one or two posts a week, depending on the shifts I have to work, and the workload from school. And I tend to match whatever the person before has posted. So If I wanted to I could reach 800-1000, providing I have something to go. I can reach 500. The more I know about the character, ((and also how I feel while writing it)) the more I can write. I would say my posts are alright writing wise. ((like, I'm not awful at writing, but not brilliant either)) I can completely understand if I'm not what you're looking for, I'm somewhat picky myself.
So What do you think?
Valkyrie Zimmerman said:
:wub: ong he sounds awesome!

I'm glad you think he sounds Awesome.
This is him, btw.
So are you saying yes to my entry?
So I can begin making the bio, and stuff. If yes or no.
Oui madame (as long as his playby is mark salling so I can stare at his siggy while replying. xD )
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