The New Kid

Andromeda looked at Raffael as he spoke, certain that she didn't just like France for the romance of it. She felt the same way about Ireland her home and Italy where her father was from. She smiled though completely empathising with him about missing home.

"I know just what you mean, this summer was the first chance in over three years that I finally managed to get home to Ireland and it will probably be another three or four before I can go back again, if ever" Andy liked sitting her chatting with Raffael, it was easy and pleasant, "I'm glad I'm not the only one who daydreams alot then. So that day in Brightstone, how long did yourself and Lizzette stay talking?"

She didn't know why she brought up the strange but funny girl, she had hoped to bump into Lemina at some point to ask about her sister but she hadn't seen her in the longest time.
Raff smiled a little in understanding, until the subject of Lizzette was brought up. He realised he had been a little out of it that day, so he had practically forgotten it until bumping into Andy. "Oh not for long, I wasnt really feeling the best that day." he admitted to Andy.

"So how is the boy you were with? Carlisle." Raff added the name quickly, remembering Andy mentioning it before, noting the fact he was transfered. Raff would have to see him some time, maybe get to know more people at Hogwarts. He needed to fit in a little better than he had been so far.
"Oh sorry I hadn't even realised you were ill, guess I didn't stick around long enough to find out" Andy grimaced, then blushed slightly when he asked about Carlisle.
"That was the first time we had actually met and would you believe we've been dating ever since" she smiled, her cheeks held the softest rosy hue and her eyes had the glint of a sparkle about them. She had found herself a diamond in the rough and couldn't believe that they were together now nearly five months. Looking up at Raffael with a huge smile she told him about her vacation.
"He actually took me to Marseilles for a couple of weeks this summer, we went on a day trip to Paris but we got as far as the Lourve and I simply lost myself there. It was breathtaking".
Raff shook his head in a way that said 'dont worry about it'. "Nah, it was just a headache, I was okay." He grinned.

He listened as Andy spoke of Carlisle and her face turned slightly pink and her eyes sparkled. He knew that face. She was completely and hopelessly crushing majorly on this guy. Raff grinned dispite himself, it was good to see people so happy.
"Im happy for you." Raff said genuinly. He let out a light laugh when she mentioned to Lourve. "I love it there to. I can spend hours just simply looking around." He loved the sights in France, you would think growing up there he wouldnt be amazed after a while, but that was one thing he couldnt get enough of. The scenery in Paris was amazing.
Andy smiled and began to shake her head.
"Tell me what were you lot thinking when you decided to put that glass monstrosity of a pyramid up outside it though? It doesn't do the place any justice at all, I think it takes from the beauty of the old building".
Andy was sometimes outspoken in her views but never intentionally meant to hurt anyone with them, afraid that she might have done so now Andy grimaced.
"Oh sorry Raffael, should keep my opinions to myself more".
Raff listened and really couldnt agree more, he was about to say as much, but he let Andy finish what she was going to say before doing so. He shook his head when she said she was sorry. "No need to apologise, I completely agree. I like hearing other peoples opinions, it opens your mind to different perspectives." He said indifferently, throwing a grin at Andy. It wasnt like she was directly insulting him.
Andy smiled at him.
"Probably sounds maddeningly forward of me but would you mind if I called you Raff, I mean I love your name it's really cool. I guess I'm just so used to everyone around here shortening names down. I mean mine is Andromeda try saying that every time you want to talk to me, major mouth full. It's alright though I can call you Raffael if you prefer" she felt as if she had just stuck her foot in her mouth again and at this point would need some serious assistance to remove it.
Raff half grinned. "Everyone at home calls me Raff, thats cool." He said truthfully, he liked his name, but preferred Raff over all. He really wasnt too fussed though. He class out of a nearby window momentarily. Maybe he should be off. He had assignments to do, unfortunatly. "Well Andy, I think I better be off. Although I will definatly be taking this." He held up the book. "It was good to talk to you. Its nice to know Im not completely alone here." He chuckled.
Andy smiled up at him as he said he had to leave.
"It was good to talk with you again too... Raff" she settled herself back into her seat and opened up her bag once more to take out one of the medical journals she had there, before looking at him once more.
"You're never alone as long as I'm around".
She gave him a conspiratorial friendly wink, hoping he would make friends soon at the school. He was a genuinely lovely guy, she wondered briefly if she should take the time to introduce him to some of her friends. This idea made her smile and she promised herself that was just what she would do.

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