The New Kid

Raffael Fox

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
Raff was the new kid. Everyone pretty much ignored the transfer Beauxbatons boy. Or maybe Raff was just thinking they were. In actual fact he was keeping to himself, afraid of what people thought of him. He would never admit that fact though. He decided to take a trip to the library, maybe look up information about Hogwarts. He didnt know much and thought it was only fair considering he knew Beauxbatons back to front. He also had alot of time on his hands and alot on his mind that he needed distracting from.

Arriving at the library, he found Hogwarts: A History, off the shelf and settled into a corner with it, occationally glancing up when someone came in. He needed to start talking to people, otherwise he would never make it out of school.
Andromeda felt as if she had so much to do it was killing her, her head ready to explode she took herself off to the quietness that only the library could afford. Usually it had been chock a block full of OWL and NEWT students but looking about now she was delighted to see only a handful of them in. Taking her bag off her shoulder she was about to sit down at an empty table when looking up she saw a vaguely familiar face. Trying to place him was hard at first but as she was about to sit down it dawned on her who he was. A smile spread across her face and she stood up again, slung her bag back over her shoulder and walked over to him.

"Raphael wasn't it? Hiya" she grinned, wondering why he was alone in a corner of the library like this.
"You got transferred too I see, Carlisle made it as well."
Raff looked up from his book to see a somewhat familiar face. It was a relief actually. "Yeah-" Raff stopped, forgetting her name, he had never been good with names. "Andrea?" He tried, "Damnit," He scrunched up his face a little. "Im terrible with names." He admitted, with a slight smile.

"Yup, got the transfer." He nodded, not sure whether that was a good thing, but he made it seem like it was for the girl's sake anyways. "Oh, I havnt seen him around." Raff admitted, at least that was one more person he might be able to have a conversation with.
She smiled and sat down beside him.
"Nearly there, don't worry. It's Andromeda but call me Andy everyone else does" she removed her bag and rested it on the table, "there's actually quite a fair few transfers this year. Carlisle made it into Gryffindor. How are you finding your house? It's probably a bit strange after Beauxbatons."
"Andy." He said, "I wont forget next time." He said with a laugh as he ran a hand through his hair. He felt more at ease now he had someone to talk to. "Ravenclaw's okay actually." He laughed. "Yeah it is alot more different than Beauxbatons." He admitted, he missed his old school, yeah, but he guessed Hogwarts wasnt shaking up to be too bad after all.
"What classes do you have this year?" He asked to keep the conversation going, he knew she was a year younger than him, he had remembered that much.
"Oh I won't hold you to that, I can see how remembering Andy might get tricky" she smiled, Andy herself knew how difficult it was to transfer to another school. It was no joke and making new friends when everyone was already in their own clicks was not easy. Especially when you transferred in the later years.
"Oh the usual and my electives. I chose Muggle Studies and Care of Magical creatures. I didn't think I'd need the other subjects for doing healing" she told him, "What about you? Have you sorted your elective courses out?"

She was glad he had gotten into a good house, wondering if he had managed to speak with any of the students there yet.
"If you can you should try to meet Estrella and Lily, they're older students but they're prefects for Ravenclaw and really great. They'll point you in the right direction for everything from quidditch to school work. Will you be joining the team?"
"Oh sweet." Raff said in response to Andy's subjects. He was close to choosing Care of Magical Creatures, but then decided against it, wanting to take less subjects that he could focus on instead of a lot. "I chose Arithmancy and Ancient Runes." He said, wondering if he had made the right decision. He had enjoyed those subjects in Beauxbatons, so hopefully he would be okay at Hogwarts.

"Im yet to meet them, but I'll keep an eye out." Raff laughed lightly, she then asked about Quidditch and Raff shook his head. "I prefer my feet firmly planted on the ground." He explained. "Are you on the team?" He enquired.
She looked at him as if he had just sprouted eight heads.
"You willingly chose Arithmancy and ancient runes? you are a Ravenclaw alright" she laughed, then shrugged at his having not met the two Ravenclaw girls.
"Not to worry you'll meet them in time, I don't know if I know any other Ravenclaw fifth years. Oh wait I do. Aries Centauri he was a transfer from Durmstrang last year, so you should be alright. He's a nice bloke and oh my goodness. You don't fly? How can you exist in the magic world without liking flying? ok sorry about that... I'm just overly obsessive about it and quidditch and yeah I'm on the house team. I'll be trying out for beater this year though as our two are finishing up this year".
Andy felt a pang at this, two of her best friends were leaving the school at the end of this year. She knew she would miss them terribly.
Raff laughed at her shocked attitude. "I like those subjects." He grinned, at her Ravenclaw comment, he was still a little unsure of the houses, but he had been halfway through reading about them in the book he had in his lap when Andy showed up. Her reaction when he admitted he didnt like flying was also worthy of a laugh. "Beater? Cool." He said genuinly. He wished he could get into Quidditch, considering he felt like the only wizard that didnt like it, but his parents never allowd him to play it, so some habits are hard to break.
Andy looked at him waiting for the punch line that never came.
"You like them, you are openly admitting to liking two of the hardest subjects on the curriculum? Wow" she looked at him, a crease forming above her brow, "you genuinely like them?"

This always fascinated her as she had never seen the need for these subjects or indeed the fascination behind them. She would never say this out loud though as she had never studied either subject and thought it would be unfair and unwise of her to comment or make an informed opinion.

"Do you fly at all?" she had to ask, Andy simply couldn't understand anyone not wanting to be up in the air.
Raff laughed yet again. "Yeah I genuinely like them." He shrugged as if it were no big deal and really to him it wasnt. He enjoyed studying hard and the accomplishment of good grades at difficult subjects. Andy then asked if he flied at all. "No not as much really, sometimes I will, but its not often." He said slowly, she must really find this a big deal, in France it isnt as much, but Raff was finding alot of things extremely different in Hogwarts than they were in Beauxbatons.
Andy leaned back in her seat speechless, she knew there were people in the magical world who didn't like flying or didn't do it so much but she had never actually met one before. She was amazed.
"Wow, I couldn't imagine life without flying. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't fly. It means everything to me" she told him, she remembered back to first year after she had been bitten when her natural aptitude for flying left her temporarily. Professor Rambolt had to give her herbal tea to stop the motion sickness she had felt every time she got on her broom, Andy had literally thought her world had ended. It had taken about five months in total for her to be able to fly without resorting to the special brew and never wanted to go through that experience ever again.
Raff smiled gently when she said flying was everything to her. "Different interests. I prefer to read, or do something nerdy like that." He admitted. Yeah he supposed he was a bit of a nerd, but school work wasnt his life, he just preferred being in a nice quiet cosy room with a book than being up in the air flying through adreneline.

^ Lame, didnt know what to write xD
[that's ok ;) ]

Andy smiled and opened up her bag to reveal three medical books and two on quidditch.
"I enjoy reading too, I don't read alot of frivulous stuff but I do enjoy text books" she grimaced and blushed a little, "Now that sounds nerdy and to think I'm a Gryffindor."

She closed her bag again and attempted to see what he was reading.
"Ok I give up, what are you reading right now? School book or easy reading?"
"Thats not nerdy!" Raff protested, with a wave of his hand. The girl in front of him was anything but nerdy in Raff's opinion. He enjoyed her company and was thankful he finally had someone to talk to. She asked what he was reading and he laughed. "Now what Im reading is nerdy." He said and pulled his book up so she could see the front cover disaplying 'Hogwarts: a history.'

"I wanted to read up a bit on the school, considering I know nothing about it." His French accent only proving his point further.
Andy smiled when he told her she wasn't nerdy at all before then showing her the book he was reading. Her eyes lit up, the amber orbs almost glowing a paler shade of gold.
"I love that book" she gushed, "I think I've read it cover to cover four times now".

She laughed before adding;
"I can't believe we are trying to find out which of us is the bigger nerd".
"Are you sure your not a Ravenclaw?" He grinned when learning she had read it from front to cover four times. That was alot, even for Raff. He glanced down at the book unconciously, wondering if he would enjoy it as much as Andy.

"Well, we should just call it equal." He beamed at her.
Andy shook her head and smiled at him.
"Actually both my parents were Ravenclaw they honestly thought I would be too, but my uncle is a Gryffindor and I'm more gung-ho like he is. I just get my passion for learning from my parents, tis a true Gryffindor heart that beats here. So you better take the nerd title, it wouldn't look good for a Gryffindor to have it" she teased him.

"You don't have houses like that at Beauxbatons do you? you know like Ravenclaw, Slytherin... is it just one big happy family type of thing there?"
Raff let out another laugh. "Fair enough." He said with a smile. His passion for learning came from his parents as well. To be honest they pushed him into it, but it doesnt make him enjoy learning any less than he does now.

He shook his head at the Beauxbatons comment. "No we dont, but let me tell you. Its alot more stricter there than it is here. Its a big leap." He admitted. He still felt like he was going to be judged at every turn in his classes, that he would get in trouble for trivial things, like at Beauxbatons, but it was alot different here and he would eventually learn to accept that.
Andy sighed.
"I can well imagine, the European schools do seem so much more serious and strict about discipline and stuff. I blame the crappy weather we get there. Whereas here the weather is so much nicer for longer, so our melatonin levels are much higher than those in the northern hemisphere or Europe any way. I'm from Ireland originally and boy does it rain like the beclappers there. I don't know why they bother selling beach wear or any summer clothes, it just rains all the time."

Andromeda realised she was rambling and stopped herself, looking at him with a bemused grin.
"You have so got to excuse me, it's another curse of the Irish I'm afraid and I've never even kissed the Blarney stone".
Raff chuckled and his eyes sparkled as he listened to Andy ramble a little about the weather. He had heard (and read) that the weather in Ireland was terrible, although it was still a place Raff wouldnt mind visiting. He wanted to travel when he left school. He was dead set on doing so.

Raff let out another laugh and scrunched his nose up a little, "To be fair, I dont understand why people would want to kiss that thing. Realistically, you dont know how many people have put their lips to it." He raised his eyebrows and gave Andy a serious look for as long as he could maintain it. He soon let the face fall as he let out a small laugh.
Andy laughed as well trying to remember some facts and figures her grandfather was always spouting.
"As far as I know over 300,000 people go to kiss it every year. That's alot of germs though I have seen a guy wipe down the rock from the spot they kiss. I still wouldn't do it though" she made a grimace as if she had sucked on a very sour lemon, faking a shiver as well she simply said, "ooooh!"
"What's the silly rhyme about it... I know I know it.... let me see.." Andy rattled her head trying to remember something that had been taught to her at the muggle primary school.
" 'There is a stone there, that whoever kisses,
Oh! He never misses to grow eloquent:
'Tis he may clamber to a lady's chamber,
Or become a member of Parliament.' Well I have no intention of every joining parliament or the ministry so I'm safe".
she grinned at him.
"So where in France are you actually from?"
Raff laughed as a form of agreement to her statement, he wouldnt do it. He happened to be somewhat of a clean freak. He grinned as Andy recieted the 'silly rhyme'.

The next question Raff added more emphasis to his already relatively strong accent. "Im from the centre Paris mademoiselle." He bowed his head a little jokingly, revelling in the light and easy atmosphere. He was so used to tense and uncertain surroundings, it was good to joke and laugh and be around such an easy going person.
Andy was awestruck immediately, she didn't know why she had this fixation with everything French at the moment she just knew she loved the language, though Alex was slowly turning her off of it... she had loved the food, the people were so cool and the country was simply breathtaking. Herself and Carlisle had only spent a day in around Paris so didn't get to see everything mainly as Andy had wanted to see the Lourve and had gotten so desperately mesmerised by it that the day had literally flown by.

She rested her chin in the palms of her hands as she stared starry eyed off into the distance.
"Paris" she sighed smiling, "you are so lucky. Of course coming from there you probably take it all for granted, I would love to wake up every morning and have proper coffee down Montmartre and sit for a portrait down Montparnasse. Spend my days idling away in the Lourve or on boat rides down the Seine."
Andy sighed again almost getting lost in the vision she was painting. She blushed slightly and sat up straight again.
"Sorry I tend to daydream alot, probably why I have my nose in a book so often, to stop my brain from wondering".
Raff cocked his head to the side, a knowing grin in place. "You'll find most girls will love the whole idea of France. Oh the romance," He said dramatically, "but when you grow up there the novelty of walking down to the bakery every morning wears off. I do know I'll start to miss it soon though. Plus I have no idea when I'll be going back so." He shrugged saying it conversationally. Raff knew he loved it there, it was home, but when would he get the chance to go back?

"Dont worry I have the same problem," He admitted, he tended to let his thoughts wander, to anything and everything, which was another reason he threw himself into school work.

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