The Magic School Bus

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Nozomi Koshiba

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OOC First Name
Hey everyone this is my newest character Zoom. Yeah she's of Koshiba blood but not of Koshiba nature well not all at once anyway. Nozomi is a trouble maker whether she wants to be or not. She's developed her sister Hoshi's ideas of what fun is (school aged Hoshi not grown up Hoshi) at the same time she nice and sweet. She's like Dennis The Menace in sense because she means well but her good intentions always end in disaster. There's only so much a five year old can do after all. She's clumsy as hell even though she hadn't needed anyone to hold her hand while walking in ages. So over all whenever she's around it's best not to have breakables or valuables around. Despite her clear flaws she's a happy little five year old that loves to play, dance and sing even though she can't carry a tune to save her life and has two left feet.

What she needs are friends around or younger or a littler older than her age to play with and maybe have some Rugrats style adventures with. She has a pretty good imagination though most of what she imagines includes explosions. So if you have a kid and want to RP them post and lets see how this is going to play out :D
I have a seven year old, Raymond Mandy. He is a very loud and obnoxius boy. He is full of energy, but he doesnt warm up to other children because he is usually with his twin sister. I am sure he and Nozomi can make some trouble and have some adventures.
Bex and Zoom?
Loud obnoxious boy plus loud clumsy girl equals a lot of trouble. Lovi I knew you would be one of my partners in this. I love you ^^

Yes Bex and Zoom need to RP. Zoomie needs her sister.
Aww, you know I have your back Ana!
I can start a topic for the two of them. If you have an ideas on some trouble you should PM me.
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