The Long Way Home

Jaden West

Apothecary's Owner ☠️ Potion 1-4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation


The Long Way Home

The sun burn right into her skull, blinding her clear eyes from her sleep. She hesitated moving, thinking if the sun would just go away somewhere other than her faced she would be good to fall asleep again. Looks like the sun wouldn’t grant her wishes and fulfilled her desire to go back to sleep. She let out a staggering cough. Where am I, what happen? Jaden moved to look; when she did she felt a damp feeling of cold sweat running down her back. One of the most disgusting feelings to wake up too, in addition to that she had cotton mouth and her head was pounding a mile away. How did she get here, where is here? Why do I smell like rancid? She groans, fixing to get up from the seat she occupied underneath her. When she pulls to get up, her arms let out easily. She had no strength from the lack of energy she was stoop to slump down the floor into a pile of bottles and cans.

The glass clink each other, bottles half crush were set aside from her. She spotted one of the bottles that were half full still, anything to clear her mouth she grabbed and pulled into the direction of her mouth. Could’ve been pissed in it, taking the chance she drowns the drink. It wasn’t thanks to hell. She sighed letting the bottle slip from her hand, everything feels so odd. She had a massive headache, making her uncomfortable to sit there and wander what happen. Jaden best bet was to get up and get the hell out of here, her mind in waves of confusing she didn’t hear someone approaching her.

”You’re awake now?”
“Well that depends what you mean by awake”
”I take that you are if you’re replying”
“You think that all on your own? Where am I”
”Think back to last night”
“I’m trying but all I’m getting is a damn migrate, anymore thinking and I’ll get a tumor. So where am I?”
”You’ll figure that if you clear away your eyes”
“Not a chance, I need to use the bathroom too, I’m so damp in the back”
”You were in the pool, sort of with a few friends of mines”

“That explains a lot, thought I had wet myself”
”So you don’t to need to use the bathroom anymore then?”
“Can you please tell me where I am, what country for starters.”
”What? You’re in the U.K, East Yorkshire to be exact, how can you not know what country you’re in?”
“Never mind. Muggel or?”
”What’s a muggel?”
Jaden for the past five minutes had her head down; her eyes were shut as she talks to this stranger, finally the feeling to open them happen. She didn’t know what to expect from the stranger, but she was stun to see she was looking at someone young, partially about her age. The girl had pale ashen skins, she was very slim wasted but held a lanky posture due to being very little. Blonde hair and dark blue eyes phase into her light skin. Her cheeks were rosary, a good thing anymore lighter and this girl would be a walking ghost.
”Last night…how did I, I mean how did I even?”
”There was a party, you were here, we had fun.”
“Party…fun? We as in?”
”My friends and I had a party, you came with this guy and we had fun. All of us…and”

”We had fun too…as in just us two” the girl held a smirk, she was making it aware that they both had fun and it had been a private party once everyone was gone. She slide to the floor right next to Jaden, she slid her hand in between Jaden, kissed them and smile.
“I have to go—I don’t even know what happen?”
”But why we could have more fun, just the two of us”
“It’s not that I have to go, go to work. I’m going to be late for my job”
”Are you sure? Or are you lying?” she moved over and kiss Jaden’s face, ”Come on let’s have fun. I won’t hurt you”
‘No thanks, I really do have to go” she moved away from the strange girl, gather up to her feet though it was killing her to do, she moved as fast as her body would let her.
”Please don’t go….We had fun you like it”

“It’s not that, I promise to come back. I promise” she grabs her jacket and pulled it over her. “I will don’t worry” she was dying to get out, the girl frown but she showed her the way out. The door was besides the room that she was in. “Take Care” she left the room and exited the flat. Not knowing where she was or how she had got here, Jaden had to think clearly, but before she could do anything else she needed a bathroom fast. Before she pissed herself and the odor on her worsen.

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