The Little Things

Stefan Archer

head librarian
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
Stefan had completely packed his things. It hadn't exactly taken very long, but still, Stefan Mason Archer was in a sense ready to go home. Home a losely used term. But, still Stefan did not know much else, so to him, it was exactly that, Home. Stefan still had the rest of the day to kill. He was leaving in the morning with all the others. But unlike most others the holiday's did not fill him with a happiness or tell him that it was time to relax. Instead his holiday filled him with dread. Stefan didn't know what his father was going to be like. He was temperamental, with a temper to match a room full of anger management people. Stefan didn't know if it would be a good or bad holiday. The weather didn't bother him, the amount of times he'd see friends was non-existent. His mind was stuck on if he would even see the end of the holidays. In his mind he told himself that it would be smart to try to say goodbye to others. To his friends, just in case. But, Stefan knew that was a) weird and b) suspicious and c) it would just be easier to not. Stefan wasn't very good at goodbyes. He'd had close to no experience of it. He'd only ever said goodbye to two people in his entire life. His mum, and lately his friend James. In a way Stefan almost resented his friend, after promises of safety and protection, he'd been quick to step out the line of fire. But, Stefan could hardly hold it against him, it had been a family matter that Stefan had lost his friend to, and seeing as Stefan came from a very poorly put together family, he was happy that he had the possibility to rediscover his. Stefan was unsure of what to do with himself with the remainder of the day. All the other people were packing, and they had a hell of a lot more to pack than Stefan did. Stefan had gathered his belongings and put them into his bag. It all fitted into the one bag. His clothes, wand and other belongings. Stefan was leaving his books at the school. he didn't want his father to be anywhere near anything he could destory. Of course Stefan hadn't packed absolutely everything, he had one of his sets of clothing on. Including the t-shirt that he had gotten from Kate and Sara Moon at their birthday party. Stefan was glad to have a new t-shirt, although the fact it was white, meant that if he wore it at home, it wouldn't be a t-shirt that could last. But, for now, Stefan enjoyed wearing it.

Stefan was wondering the corridors. Eyes focused on the ground and a sense of reluctance in his every step. Stefan Archer wasn't happy to be going home, but he was somewhat pleased that he'd managed to complete his very first year of school. A lot had changed about the Slytherin. The colourblindness was not always on the for front of his mind. He'd grown slightly taller, he'd gained some colour in his otherwise deathly pale skin and he looked all round better. He was more confident, and sure of himself and the little knowledge he had. Stefan knew this would all change over the small holiday. But then, Stefan didn't know what else to do. It was just how things were. Stefan came to the courtyard and stepped outside. Winter in New Zealand, was not that cold, but without a jumper Stefan felt chills run up his arm. Stefan had cleaned his jumper and was waiting for it to dry. It was his only jumper and he wore it so often that washing it was necessary. Generally Stefan didn't leave his dorm until his jumper could be worn, but he felt confident without it. He had no hideous scars or bruises. Most had faded, the odd small bruise was faint. The scars upon his skin would never leave, but they didn't look so terrible and they were not as prominent. So Stefan had felt confident enough to leave without it by his side. In sense it was almost symbolizing his last day of freedom for a while. He sat down on the steps that were just after the large doors into the School. He was (despite his worries of the coming holiday) pretty content with how things for him had turned out. He wasn't too bothered about if everything he had worked towards was crushed. He told himself he would work at it again. He would, he had to. For the sake of his education, his own well being and his friends. Stefan shuffled along the step until his back could lean the cold stone. He had a smile on his face and was just staring ahead of him. He enjoyed the little things. The little moments, where things weren't so unclear (it was cloudy, which meant that it was easier for Stefan to make out shapes) and just being in the moment emitted an odd happiness from him.

OOCOut of Character:

I'm a little bored

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