- Messages
- 19,111
- OOC First Name
- Emzies
- Blood Status
- Muggleborn
- Relationship Status
- Married
- Sexual Orientation
- hetrosexual
- Wand
- Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
- Age
- 4/2015 (46)
<SIZE size="50">The new term brought so many possibilities to so many. It brought a comfort, it brought a fantasy, a time away from the reality of the problems and lives outwit the walls of the strong fortress. It wasn't the first time that a place with the name Hogwarts had become a home for a certain student. Where, the four walls, and roof the place provided were more of a home than anything they'd ever felt before. Even if it was only for the seven year span of school. It was enough time to get everything adjusted, to get a true sense of the world and where the person fit in. However, for some a place that could be called home, could be the place where all of a sudden nothing seemed to fit. Where things should be getting better, but weren't. It wasn't easy, nor was it anything desirable. To be left with no real home, and the only one you'd ever felt be an example of how quickly things can change. It was a dark, and overcast day, like a lot of the days during winter. The days that made you want to drink hot chocolate, and watch bad muggle tv. All in all it was days when being indoors was most desired. But, in a world like the current one, this isn't achievable for most. For the colourblind, and extremely unfortunate Slytherin teen, his life had been one misfortune after the other. It was only his acceptance letter to Hogwarts that had even lead to the slight improvement in his quality of life and Hogwarts had become home. It was the gleaming castle of hope that had kept him going each time, he was sure he'd had reach the end. It was what kept him going. The promise of a stable home, of a future. Of a life that didn't revolve around misery, poverty and pain. The cold of the winter a painful reminder of how bad his life had turned. He wasn't like most, where one or two bad things happen. His life was a constant flow of sh1t. No matter how hard he tried to improve it, something else came and told him no. There were times, when the slytherin would just look up and feel like yelling, kicking and scream. He simply couldn't understand what he'd down to deserve the life he had gotten. There were so many pureblood, elite Slytherins in his house, who had families who committed terrible acts, and yet the most of their worries could be if their boyfriend or girlfriend cheats, if they are betrothed. They had families, money and opportunities galore, what had they done that he hadn't. Why did they have everything he so desperately wanted, and didn't half the time seem to appreciate. He knew that he was probably seeing it in an entirely different way. The outside in. The only person so have so much crap happen to him in his life, and anyone who didn't appreciate what they had made him so very angry. People who didn't understand that life was never as it seemed.
Wandering the halls of the singular place he could call home, the slytherin made sure that no matter what happened while he was at hogwarts it was better than what he had outside of it. Which at this point was a difficult thing for the Slytherin to achieve, he had nothing, so Hogwarts was the place where he had everything. An easy place where he didn't have to try too hard. Or where he knew that no matter what things would be okay. The school did however feel different. They seemed less homey. Less like how he last remembered them. It was as if, the Slytherin's outside life had finally turned his mind into thinking he didn't fit in, in Hogwarts. The place where no matter who you were you could if you tried, fit in. The halls seemed empty, cold, dark. Not the usual kind of dark he had to deal with each day, a dark that made him think that everyone was avoiding him. The colourblind teen knew it was early on in the term and people were readjusting, but hogwarts had never felt like this for him. It had always felt perfect. It had always been the place he felt safe. And while he felt safe, there was something nagging at his mind that it wasn't as safe as he so desired it to be. Part of the teen thought it had something to do with the fact that he had been to a new home in the last year. A place where the people their had meant to care about him. Meant to protect him and help him through the issues he had, and yet they'd been the exact same. Finding the faith in humanity was always a challenge. It was the simple reason why he had not trusted that hufflepuff girl and her make shift family. He'd been promised a safe place to live. A home with loving people and all he'd gotten was a roof and four walls. It had been somewhat better than being with his father, but he'd had muggle school to deal with which had not made the experience that much better than living with his father. At least with his father, it was one person, someone who at the end of the day was only one person. At the other house, the foster home, there had been the mother, the father, and all the kids at school. All in all, it had made him lose what little faith he had in the human race. He guessed that was primarily why he no longer felt so comfortable in the school. Sure, it was the one place where he had never felt the sting of the hatred of humanity. But it was only a matter of time, he was sure. After all, for this teen nothing good ever seemed to last. All he could hope for was that the people he called his friends were having better years than him. That they hadn't felt anything close to what he had had to. Sure, he knew they had their own issues, but he hoped life treated them good. His friends were the kind of people that deserved all the happiness in the world, who deserved the best hands life could serve. A little bit of foul playing was all that would be necessary for the people to build, but nothing to the extent of what he had. The terrible hand, and the terrible playing. His life had really reached a point where it could get no worse. truly the only way for his life to get worse was to lose Hogwarts, or to lose his life. Both of which he felt safe in hoping would not occur. Hogwarts seemed like the kind of place that would always be there. A home that would still exist even after he left. For all those like him who were with nothing and found what they needed in a magical building.
The quietness of the higher floors of the school, were a nice reminder to the colourblind teen that there was so much of the castle he never went to. Like the forbidden forest, or the music room. He tended to got to the places he knew and like. He tended to go outside, but after his holidays he had no desire to spend any extended period of time in the fresh air. It was a dark and overcast day. He'd had enough of those to last a while. It had been his choice to not stay at that woman's place, but he'd just been too nervous to do so. What if it had all been lies, he couldn't take another minute of it. Living around had seemed like the better option. At the time, now it seemed to him like the worst decision he could've made. Stefan hadn't felt that cold, or that alone in his life, and there had been times where all he'd been was alone. This was different, there was no break from it. It was just loneliness all the time. The colourblind teen stopped in his tracks when a bit of paper on the ground made him slip slightly. He spent a moment looking around himself, no one. His fall had been and would be a secret. He bent down and picked up the bit of paper, it was odd for him to see himself in on of the pictures, to see Kate. He had no idea what it was. Slowly the boy read through it. Taking his time, as he needed to. He felt angry at what they said about Kate, it wasn't her fault. It was silly, stupid, then he reached the part about him. To say he was annoyed about that was a completely different thing. Stefan was livid. These people who wrote that, didn't get it. They didn't know. Sure, they were somewhat right, but to publish it. He just wanted to rip the people apart. What gave them the right to publish something Stefan was to scared to really admit, something that had made his life hell for the most part of their life, and they were saying he deserved it. Stefan didn't know how to feel about that. He thought he deserved it, Kate had thought differently. The one person who had ever questioned him about deserving it. The person who really made him feel like he didn't. That he was human and that no human should be treated in such a way. What gave these people the right to say such things. A drama King. The entire thing was the lowest of blows. He just wanted to yell and scream about how it wasn't his fault, how he didn't mean for any of it, he just didn't know how he was meant to deal with those situations. He doubted any of the other people who'd written that had ever had a life like his. Had ever experienced what he'd had to experience almost every day of his life.
Instead of releasing this anger however, the slytherin sat on the very top steps of the North Tower and crumpled the paper in his hands. His hands were almost shaking he was that angry, but he couldn't let it get the better of him. He couldn't let the anger win, or the teen knew he would be no better than his father. This was just something else he would have to learn to deal with. Stefan propped his elbows on his knees and put his head into his hands. God, how stupid were these people. He didn't know why they thought anyone who had anything written about them would be happy. Why would they write things like that, about people who clearly had things to deal with. The Slytherin teen knew that very few knew who he was, they wouldn't unless they'd closely looked at the picture be able to tell it was Stefan. Or that he was the guy they were talking about. He knew that the professor wouldn't be bothered by it, but he was. He so greatly was. The colourblind teen knew that most would be able to shake it off, but it was another thing to add to the pile of terrible but true statements about his life. He knew what was written was almost completely true, and that was what bothered him the most. With his past few months he had hoped for nothing bad to happen at Hogwarts for it to remain his sanctuary, but once again life had decided that his life was not suffering enough. He knew what he needed there and then. Kate. The one girl he could trust to get his anger down, the one person he was willing to talk to about some of his issues. But he didn't know if she would still even want to speak to him. He loved her, and he just hoped she was something life wouldn't take from him.
Wandering the halls of the singular place he could call home, the slytherin made sure that no matter what happened while he was at hogwarts it was better than what he had outside of it. Which at this point was a difficult thing for the Slytherin to achieve, he had nothing, so Hogwarts was the place where he had everything. An easy place where he didn't have to try too hard. Or where he knew that no matter what things would be okay. The school did however feel different. They seemed less homey. Less like how he last remembered them. It was as if, the Slytherin's outside life had finally turned his mind into thinking he didn't fit in, in Hogwarts. The place where no matter who you were you could if you tried, fit in. The halls seemed empty, cold, dark. Not the usual kind of dark he had to deal with each day, a dark that made him think that everyone was avoiding him. The colourblind teen knew it was early on in the term and people were readjusting, but hogwarts had never felt like this for him. It had always felt perfect. It had always been the place he felt safe. And while he felt safe, there was something nagging at his mind that it wasn't as safe as he so desired it to be. Part of the teen thought it had something to do with the fact that he had been to a new home in the last year. A place where the people their had meant to care about him. Meant to protect him and help him through the issues he had, and yet they'd been the exact same. Finding the faith in humanity was always a challenge. It was the simple reason why he had not trusted that hufflepuff girl and her make shift family. He'd been promised a safe place to live. A home with loving people and all he'd gotten was a roof and four walls. It had been somewhat better than being with his father, but he'd had muggle school to deal with which had not made the experience that much better than living with his father. At least with his father, it was one person, someone who at the end of the day was only one person. At the other house, the foster home, there had been the mother, the father, and all the kids at school. All in all, it had made him lose what little faith he had in the human race. He guessed that was primarily why he no longer felt so comfortable in the school. Sure, it was the one place where he had never felt the sting of the hatred of humanity. But it was only a matter of time, he was sure. After all, for this teen nothing good ever seemed to last. All he could hope for was that the people he called his friends were having better years than him. That they hadn't felt anything close to what he had had to. Sure, he knew they had their own issues, but he hoped life treated them good. His friends were the kind of people that deserved all the happiness in the world, who deserved the best hands life could serve. A little bit of foul playing was all that would be necessary for the people to build, but nothing to the extent of what he had. The terrible hand, and the terrible playing. His life had really reached a point where it could get no worse. truly the only way for his life to get worse was to lose Hogwarts, or to lose his life. Both of which he felt safe in hoping would not occur. Hogwarts seemed like the kind of place that would always be there. A home that would still exist even after he left. For all those like him who were with nothing and found what they needed in a magical building.
The quietness of the higher floors of the school, were a nice reminder to the colourblind teen that there was so much of the castle he never went to. Like the forbidden forest, or the music room. He tended to got to the places he knew and like. He tended to go outside, but after his holidays he had no desire to spend any extended period of time in the fresh air. It was a dark and overcast day. He'd had enough of those to last a while. It had been his choice to not stay at that woman's place, but he'd just been too nervous to do so. What if it had all been lies, he couldn't take another minute of it. Living around had seemed like the better option. At the time, now it seemed to him like the worst decision he could've made. Stefan hadn't felt that cold, or that alone in his life, and there had been times where all he'd been was alone. This was different, there was no break from it. It was just loneliness all the time. The colourblind teen stopped in his tracks when a bit of paper on the ground made him slip slightly. He spent a moment looking around himself, no one. His fall had been and would be a secret. He bent down and picked up the bit of paper, it was odd for him to see himself in on of the pictures, to see Kate. He had no idea what it was. Slowly the boy read through it. Taking his time, as he needed to. He felt angry at what they said about Kate, it wasn't her fault. It was silly, stupid, then he reached the part about him. To say he was annoyed about that was a completely different thing. Stefan was livid. These people who wrote that, didn't get it. They didn't know. Sure, they were somewhat right, but to publish it. He just wanted to rip the people apart. What gave them the right to publish something Stefan was to scared to really admit, something that had made his life hell for the most part of their life, and they were saying he deserved it. Stefan didn't know how to feel about that. He thought he deserved it, Kate had thought differently. The one person who had ever questioned him about deserving it. The person who really made him feel like he didn't. That he was human and that no human should be treated in such a way. What gave these people the right to say such things. A drama King. The entire thing was the lowest of blows. He just wanted to yell and scream about how it wasn't his fault, how he didn't mean for any of it, he just didn't know how he was meant to deal with those situations. He doubted any of the other people who'd written that had ever had a life like his. Had ever experienced what he'd had to experience almost every day of his life.
Instead of releasing this anger however, the slytherin sat on the very top steps of the North Tower and crumpled the paper in his hands. His hands were almost shaking he was that angry, but he couldn't let it get the better of him. He couldn't let the anger win, or the teen knew he would be no better than his father. This was just something else he would have to learn to deal with. Stefan propped his elbows on his knees and put his head into his hands. God, how stupid were these people. He didn't know why they thought anyone who had anything written about them would be happy. Why would they write things like that, about people who clearly had things to deal with. The Slytherin teen knew that very few knew who he was, they wouldn't unless they'd closely looked at the picture be able to tell it was Stefan. Or that he was the guy they were talking about. He knew that the professor wouldn't be bothered by it, but he was. He so greatly was. The colourblind teen knew that most would be able to shake it off, but it was another thing to add to the pile of terrible but true statements about his life. He knew what was written was almost completely true, and that was what bothered him the most. With his past few months he had hoped for nothing bad to happen at Hogwarts for it to remain his sanctuary, but once again life had decided that his life was not suffering enough. He knew what he needed there and then. Kate. The one girl he could trust to get his anger down, the one person he was willing to talk to about some of his issues. But he didn't know if she would still even want to speak to him. He loved her, and he just hoped she was something life wouldn't take from him.