Open The Last Go Of It

Rhys Garner

freelance writer + apothecary assistant
OOC First Name
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Straight 11 Inch Flexible Elm Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2041 (18)
Rhys, honestly, felt weird to be returning to Hogwarts for the last time. This was it, one more semester, and then he would have graduated. He was almost done with classes and homework and writing for the Monthly. He wouldn't be sleeping in the Slytherin dorm and waking up every morning to eat breakfast in the Great Hall. Not only that, but he'd have to get his own place and have a normal job like everyone else and be a proper adult. It was exciting, just as it was a little daunting. He was trying to go over things in his head, sighing as he found himself wandering towards the cliffs, eventually sitting right on the edge, legs hanging over the side and swinging in the breeze as he stared out at the lake.
Ivelisse had lost very pretty much all positive feelings she might've had towards Hogwarts at one point. It wasn't particularly that she felt negative towards the school in general, she just felt negatively about her being there. She was ready to graduate. To get out of here. Even if there were things that made her a little nervous. She tried to push those away, they were worries for later. For now her main concern was to get through the semester and graduate. Ive had been halfway through one of her runs, deciding to head up the cliffs for a little break when she noticed someone on the edge. "Don't tell me you're one of those sentimental types." She spoke as she walked up to Rhys, sitting down on the edge a little away from him whether he wanted her to or not.
Rhys was just a little startled when someone suddenly appeared in his peripheral vision, but he quickly calmed himself down, offering Ive a small smile as she sat down next to him. Honestly, he hadn't expected anyone else to be out here. At least, not so close to the edge where they were probably not even allowed to be sitting in the first place. "Just a little," he admitted with a small laugh, "I'm just thinking. It's going to be weird waking up every morning and not looking at this view or having to head to classes anymore." Hogwarts had been a huge part of their lives for the past seven years, and now they were all expected to make their own way in the world.
The one good thing left about Ivelisse's prefect status was that she didn't care much about wandering places they weren't technically allowed to go. Or others doing so. There wasn't much that could go wrong for her either way. If a professor came alongs she'd just say she caught the other student there. "I guess that's true." She shrugged at Rhys' explanation. It would be weird and yet she couldn't help but to imagine how good it would be. "Don't you think it'd be a good weird though? I know we've been here for a while and all but personally I'm excited to able to just go where I want to go." A year or so ago she might have voiced a different opinion, be more sentimental herself. Right now though, there was nothing more exciting to her than the prospect of leaving Hogwarts.
There was no doubt going to be a bit of an adjustment period as he really tried to get used to not being at Hogwarts, but no doubt the freedom would be nice. And he was sure his parents and even his older brother would be willing to give him a hand if he did struggle by himself. "I mean, I guess it will be nice not having to worry about exams anymore," he offered with a small laugh, turning his eyes back to the view and leaning back on his hands. "You got any idea what you're going to do once you graduate?" He knew he wanted to go freelance with his writing, while bolstering his paycheck while he got started with his work at the apothecary.

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