Closed The Jacobs

Jacob Kingsley

HNZ Alum | Gryffindor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 12 Inch Rigid Larch Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
Other Jacob!

I was talking to one of my classmates and they mentioned you're at Beauxbatons now. No wonder I haven't seen you around! How's it treating you?

Are you excited to be in your last year too? Reply back when you can. It would be cool to hear from you.

Other Jacob,

I have indeed transferred, my dad got this job offer from the Ministry of France he couldn't refuse. I didn't want to leave my family so far behind so I decided to travel with them. I am an official French citizen now, cool eh. My French still sucks, but it is definitely getting better since all our lessons are in French. The school is so nice, looks like a bloody palace! I do miss you guys and our Professors.

How is everything at Hogwarts New Zealand? I am so excited, I picked some nice NEWTS, but can't wait for a real job either. Do you have any clues for what you want after Hogwarts?

Jacob had received the letter from Jacob Finley early on in the week but the rush of lessons and quidditch had delayed his reply. Finally, early one morning while he ate some toast, he was able to work on it. And later on that day, he quickly jogged up to the owlery before curfew to send it off.

Other Jacob,

That's cool to hear. Your French is definitely better than mine would be.

The start of year feast was pretty crazy. A poltergeist showed up and slimed everything and everyone. It's been a busy start for me. I'm captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team now so had tryouts this week. We've come close but this year I think we'll get the championship. Do you still play Quidditch?

Yeah, I have a few ideas but nothing really solid. So I'm taking a bunch of NEWTs. I had to beg Styx to let me into his class. What about you? Any ideas what you're going to do after you graduate?

Quidditch practise and his NEWTS had completely eaten his time. He had recieved a reply from Jacob and it wasn’t until a week later he could actually give a respond to the letter. He dipped his quill in his ink jar and started to write. He was happy that he could do something in English for once, French was pretty hard.

Other Jacob,

My French is only a little bit better, because you don’t know any.

Dam, I wish I had witnessed Vex sliming everyone, that would have been funny. Congratz on making Captain mate! You deserved it. I play as a beater fort he Beauxbatons team. So I will meet up you then and maybe we will even have a match together.

I think I want to become a healer, give something back to the world. So I picked those NEWTS. It is a wonder Styx let you, he isn’t te nicest chery around.


Sorry it's been so long since my last reply. NEWT year is no joke! Rumor is that Beauxbatons did win - Congrats by the way- so maybe we will see each other in the finals. I'm planning for Gryffindor to be there.

Yeah, guess he was having a good day. Anything fun planned for the holidays? I don't have much planned. Probably catch up on sleep!

Other Jacob,

Doesn't matter, I was busy with Quidditch and NEWTS as well. We did win.. I somehow managed to get three hits into the other teams's seeker so she was out. Was pretty epic and intense as a game. Thanks for the congratz! I would love to go against you, but we should go and have lunch and catch up first.

Sleep is high on the list as well. NEWTS are grueling mate, its bloody murder. I took on arts and cooking as extra classes her so that is keeping my busy as well.

Hopefully we will survive our NEWTS and then we are finally free. :p


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