The Hyperactive Need Friends Too

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Gerard McCloud

Active Member
OOC First Name
Gerard is a nineteen year old guy who is a little crazy and idolises Gerard Way. He is very sensitive to caffeine but loves energy drink so he is almost always incredibly hyperactive. He's a generally happy loving guy who is full of confidence but doesn't always know when to stop or be quiet. He always tries his best to do the right thing and be helpful however things don't always work out the way he plans.....

He really needs some people to be:

Close friends
Any other acquaintances

Any other suggestions are welcome :)
Heyyyy your like totallllly what I'm looking for Esme here. She a bit wild, kinda insane and very much in love with anything zombie. She ditch hogwarts to go back to regular home schooling cause of the situation at Hogwarts. She lives on her own now, so maybe a roommate or even a boyfriend would be nice? She totally hyper xD, I wouldn't have been posting here if she wasn't. Let me know what ya think! >D
Awesome :)

Either would be great. They could start off as roommates and then it could progress from there maybe?
Yes I would lovvvvve that ♥ would you want to start? Or shall I?
Angela's a little hyper, and very rebellious. She would find Gerard very entertaining :) Friends, perhaps? Or close friends, depending on how they get along.
That would be great. Friends is probably a good start and then we'll just have to see how it goes from there. ^_^

Would you like to start an RP or shall I?
Giggle :)

Umm.... What was the plan again...?

Oh wait! was it the thing with the superhero and Gary's sister??

Cuz that was great :D
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