The Hogwarts Monthly

Isabella Chaos

infamous | fashion designer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Ash Wand, 14 1/4", Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
1/2009 (44)
Welcome to the first issue of the Hogwarts Monthly where students bring you the latest school news and entertaining articles. We've all worked hard so we hope you enjoy reading it!

School News: Events, Clubs, and Sports
A Happy Halloween Indeed
By Isabella Chaos
Pumpkins decorated the unrecognizable Great Hall as princesses, sports players, and superheroes walked the halls on Halloween night. Traditionally, the pumpkins the first year Gryffindors and Ravenclaws had been growing this year had been magically enhanced to grow much larger than their normal size for decoration in which this year they had outdone themselves, everyone seemed to be going all out this holiday. Even knights of shining armor could also be seen in the halls attempting to spook students, though their clanging of course gave them away, it was all in good fun. In on the fun were the portraits, who seemed to be out of sight in their paintings though would loudly yell "Boo!" at innocent students passing by for a laugh. Once again a gang of pranksters had gone about the school the previous night for a bit of pre-Halloween mischief though no harm was done. Many students attended classes in costume and the day was buzzing with excitement all day it seemed many teachers seemed to give up any attempts to get the attention of their students that day and instead let them take it easy.
As the festive day progressed into the evening, when the feast and dance began, many different, unique and some just plain weirdly costumed students began emerging from their common rooms, fueling their excitement with candies, sugary drinks and food. The general theme for the costumes seemed to be "cute" and "humorous" with the occasional scary costume. Taking the "Scariest Costume" award for the second year in a row was Gryffindor Head of House and Care of Magical Creatures Professor, Professor Tom Fletcher, dressed as the character "Freddy Kruger" - a nightmare to children! As mentioned, there were cute costumes galore in the Great Hall that night, but it only seemed appropriate that the "Cutest Costume" award went to someone who's already described as "cute," first year Slytherin, Sukie Takahiro, dressed as "Rhino" a hampster in a Muggle movie, Bolt.
Many laughs were shared among friends as they danced and chatted away happily in the decorated hall though the costume, or rather costumes, that brought the most laughs were the Banana trio, each banana suit worn by Slytherin second year, Larissa Sedgwick, Gryffindor second year, Robert Kain, and Hufflepuff second year, Liberty Barnett, who, of course, took the awards for "Funniest Costume." Though some may consider the "Cheesiest Costume" to be a funny costume as well, Angel Brookes instead took home the award for "Most Creative Costume." Finally, the most anticipated award of "Best Costume" was announced to HNZ's very own "Alice in Wonderland" worn by Slytherin first year, Carmen Peregrin.
After a successful and safe Halloween feast, many students retired to bed after being worn out by the fun filled day. Halloween is known as a spooky night all over the world but the Headmistress and Headmaster make sure to keep students safe within the castle walls by hosting this fun event every year, it is a day full of silly and elaborate costumes, many laughs and students hyped up on sugar and fun.

Quidditch Craze
By Mike Goulding
Well it's that time of year again, Quidditch season is about to start and all teams are looking tough and ready to battle it out for the prized Quidditch cup. Many of the houses now have new players they can call upon if fresh legs are needed. This year is also the last year for many players, such as veteran amateur Quidditch player and Gryffindor Captain Bruin Dumbledez and his fellow colleague, Cyndi Weasley, as well as Head Girl and Ravenclaw Keeper, Estrella Drage. Does this mean that Bruin will be giving his team that final push in hopes that Gryffindor would be the strongest candidate for the Quidditch Cup? "The Gryffindor Pride are preparing for the upcoming season and are determined to meet and defeat all challengers. We are confident that when the dust settles, it will be Gryffindor hoisting the Quidditch cup. If any of the other teams are upset by this comment, so be it! The rest of our talking will be done on the pitch," stated Gryffindor captain, Bruin Dumbledez, seventh year.
Of course, other House teams seem to think otherwise. "I think Slytherin has a good chance of winning this year because we were the first to start up tryouts and practices, showing that we're determined to work hard this year. We're not letting something like 'older players' intimidate us because it's all about the individual player. In some ways having younger players can even benefit us because we'll be playing together longer, and thus strengthening our team together," said Isabella Chaos, Sytherin Co-Captain, third year. Lily Potter, Ravenclaw Captain and sixth year, also said, "I feel Ravenclaw has a great chance of lifting the House Cup this year. We are putting together a great Quidditch team and I think we are going to give everyone a run for their money!" Hufflepuff also seems to have a very strong team this season but their captain, Rhyspa Arieous, sixth year, said when asked about Hufflepuff's chances I think that we've got a pretty good chance. None of the houses have really had teams, it's always been messed up one way ot the other. I do think that with the right people, the Hufflepuff's will have a fair chance at the House Cup.
Well it seems this year is going to be a very exiting one for Quidditch, which looks more possible this year than previous years. It wil be a year full of tight, gripping and talent galore with competitive players fighting for the sought after trophy this year.

Penning the Professor
By Andrew Bruke
When being interviewed in her elegant office, Astronomy Professor, Aurora Merrythought, pulled out a chair to sit, muggle style. "You know, I don't have a clue why I don't use magic for things like that," laughed Professor Merrythought. Perhaps the old school rules of no magic in corridors or dormitories stuck with her, causing her to live a 'squib-ish' lifestyle, though clearly Professor Merrythought has no problem with that.
Teaching Astronomy is not work to Professor Merrythought, but rather a pleasure for the young woman. Before she became a professor however, the young woman worked as other positions before, showing her hard work ethic. And although the Astronomy professor is perceived as a very happy, energetic person, she admitted to once going through a low point in her life. "I worked as an investigative astronomer in the Wizarding Astronomical Society, and then I actually became an apprentice auror in America, only for a short period of time though, as there was a low point in my life," revealed Professor Merrythought, though commented no further on the matter.
With Professor Merrythought being so young, she is still subjected to gossip and rumors, such as the gossip about being spotted with Professor Firn, Transfiguration Professor, at the Silver Hour, a masked event held in Bleak Street. "Well I can confirm myself and Professor Firn are in no relationship, we both have partners of our own currently," Professor Merrythought clarified respectively, though the air of suspicion still hangs in the air for many, wondering why they were at the Silver Hour with each other and not their partners. Another surprising relationship with Professor Merrythought is that with first year Hufflepuff, Dannii Merrythought. Judging by their unique surname, it is clear the two are sisters though Professor Merrythought assured that Dannii would not be favored and getting a straight 'O' if it wasn't earned.
With two important previous jobs and a current one under her belt, twenty-three year old Professor Merrythought has shown that she is a very hard worker (and doesn't see it as work). Some of her latest accomplishments include the two inventions she has made on her own within the past six years. Aurora's Awesome Astronomy Apparatus 3000 is fully functioning as well as Aurora's Awesome Blackhole Accumulator 9234, it is not clear why there is a '9234' in its title. The fourth years that used the machine were asked not to question about the number.
It seems like this Astronomy Professor is favored among many students and many are hoping she will stick around longer than the others and won't be a victim of the curse that has been rumored to be on the Astronomy department, but that can't be confirmed until she returns to teach a second term.

Defend Yourself
By Mike Goulding
It seems the leaders of various clubs were all eager to get their clubs up and running early this year and that is no exception for the SDA, Student Defense Association. The club is ran by President Katalina Vanderhol, Gryffindor fifth year, and Vice-President, Mike Goulding, Gryffindor fourth year. The meetings are held in the Dueling Chamber where members learn how to practice their defensive skills on dummies and often times, on each other - as long as a Professor is supervising them. A special thanks goes out to Professor Tom Fletcher, Care of Magical Creatures Professor and Gryffindor Head of House, for volunteering to supervise and help the club and its members. The club is open to second years and up and they are still accepting members so it's not too late to sign up by contacting either leader who would be glad to assist you.

HNZ's Very Own Fashionistas
By Leia Evans
There's Quidditch and the Muggle Sports Club for athletes and sports fanatics, libraries and Book clubs for the brainiacs, various creative groups for the artists - so where do the Fashionistas go for their specialty? The Fashion Research and Design Club, led by third year Slytherin, Isabella Chaos. In this club the members, not all female by the way, are given the opportunity to design their own clothes, supplies and equipment available at their fingertips in the secret headquarters of the club. The headquarters, which is password protected, is very cozy and welcoming, making members that have nowhere else to go feel like they belong somewhere.
The members experience the 'research' part of the club through various ways in designing. The members have researched which patterns to use for certain designs, which fabrics don't work well with each other, which silhouettes should make comebacks and which ones should not - all through trial and error. "I find it best that we all learn how to design through mistakes. A lot of the times its unnerving and quite frustrating but how else will we know not to do that the next time?" said leader, Isabella Chaos.
So aside from allowing members to design their own clothes what does the Fashion club have to offer to the school? "Showcase their talent and creativity of course," said Isabella. "Quidditch is a way for athletes to showcase their talent, so we can do that same." How did the leader plan to showcase the fashionable talent of the members? By hosting an auction and a fashion show. The auction is said to be held in the Great Hall on December 3rd, where the designs of members will be auctioned off to the student body in exchange for money so the club can maintain their equipment and supplies. It is believed that this is the first auction to be held at HNZ so many members are quite excited for their first revealing of their hard work.
"Our biggest event however is the fashion show," said Isabella, "which will be held next semester. It's going to be a grand event!" The decision to hold the fashion show until the next semester was said to be so that the members can get the hang of designing throughout the year and wow everyone with their skills at the fashion show. A fashion show was supposed to be held last year however due to school complications, the show had to be held off, thus making many older members excited for this year, which seems to be very active.
The Fashion Research and Design Club is still accepting members and anyone wishing to join must speak to Isabella Chaos, no prerequisite is required.

2022: A Year of Success
By Lemina Troque
Fellow Hogwartians, the time for exams is fast approaching, faster than many people realise. But even though they will soon be upon us, what have you done to prepare? As the first editorial, I will be giving you tips on how to succeed in school. Not just in 2022, but for the rest of your school career. Maybe even as you embark into training for your future. I have found these pieces of advice invaluable over the my five years at Hogwarts, particularly now that my OWLs are approaching, and I hope you will too.

FINISH ALL COURSEWORK This is the single most important aspect to doing well. All your homework from the whole semester can make up to 50% of your final grade. I know all how easy it can be to let that Charms assignment fall out of your mind in light of the latest gossip with your friends or trials for the Quidditch team. But we’re here at school to learn, well we try to! Not only will completing your homework significantly boost your grade but it will be yet another way to revise, or in fact make sure you know it in the first place! Having said that, it isn’t the end of the world if some DADA essay goes amiss. Just remember: you’ll learn loads; you’ll get better grades and as an added bonus you’ll even help out your house in the house points league table. An all-round knock-on effect, if I do say so myself.

SELECTIVE REVISION This probably seems to go against every single bit of advice your teachers have given you ( ever! ) but you do not have to revise everything! And you most definitely do not have to commit the same amount of brain power to everything you are studying. In fact, if you did this, you would most likely achieve lower marks across the board. There is very little point in doing what is called ‘comfort-studying’ which is revising things which you already know. And know you know. But you study them for many reasons. One is to make you feel smarter than you are. (the harsh truth) Learning what you already know is an easy way out of studying, but it’ll only give you a hard time at exams. Another tip is one that many professors will not like to agree with, yet it is true nonetheless. You have to study more in subjects that are important to you. I am by no means saying ignore the other subjects, but if you have been dying to drop Transfiguration since 1st year and have your sights set on a future career as a Divination professor yet aren’t doing as well in the subject as you would have hoped, I don’t think it would take a genius to work out that perhaps Divination should take up a larger chunk of your revision time. That said, just try and get the balance right. Prepare a revision timetable for yourself and you’ll be fine! If you stick to it. (Well, try to.)

DON’T FREAK OUT The biggest reason people don’t do as well as they could during exams is that they suddenly have a panic attack either before or during the exam. ‘I can’t do it, I’m terrible!’ Sound like you? Even if it doesn’t, everyone gets nervous exams which is natural and to a certain extent can sometimes make you perform better. But you have to get the balance right. Do some deep breathing and drink water before exams as opposed to doing last minute cramming, it’ll be so much better for both you and your results in the long run. If you have a practical exam, just focus on keeping your wand steady and recalling what you need to know. Most importantly, focus, but don’t overdo it.

THE LIBRARY IS YOUR FRIEND Studying is best done in a quiet place. Your common room or dorm might be quiet, but there are too many distractions. Likewise with the grounds. It depends on your methods of study but for the majority of people it is easiest to study where procrastination cannot take place. Even if you do meet friends in the library, they will most likely also be intending to study. Plus, if you talk, Ms Midnight or Ms Jenane may throw you out!

I hope that these tips will prove helpful in the coming days and weeks, perhaps even months and years. Even if this wasn’t the most interesting article in the Hogwarts Monthly this month, remember it. Who knows, a few years down the line they might come back to you and really help out in the stressful period before exams to lead you through to the blissful holidays. I hope you enjoyed the first editorial and the rest of HM, expect much more greatness to come!

Opinion: Investigative Journalism, Editorials
Animagi at Hogwarts?
By Taylor Mercer
When the ‘Gossip Magazine’ struck for a second time, rumours once again flooded Hogwarts. One rumour was shortly after proved incorrect as our one and only head boy transformed into a bear right in the middle of the Great Hall. Turns out Bruin Dumbledez isn’t a werewolf, but is in fact an animagus. Although this rumor was straightened out, it did nothing to stop the talk that will always flow through the halls of Hogwarts. The question now: Is Bruin the only Animagus in our school?
The process of learning to become an animagi is long and demanding one. Only highly skilled witches and wizards have the ability to make such a transformation. After an interview with one of our Transfiguration Professors Remus Firn, it was confirmed that Mr. Dumbledez isn’t the only animagus in the school, but there is in fact more than one student being assisted by our Professor in the hope of becoming an animagus. No names or ages were mentioned. Does our school hold some young geniuses? How many of these training students will be able to successfully pull off this difficult task. How many already have?
According to Professor Firn the main key to becoming an animagus is “commitment” to the “sometimes irritating” process. He also hinted that becoming an animagus can often be better achieved when one is younger with a fresher mind, as quoted by Firn, “Don’t wait until you're thirty years old.” Is this why a few of our students have chosen the path of becoming an animagus?
With everyone aware of Bruin’s animagus form, we can be safe to say that if we spot a bear around the halls it will be our head boy. But what about all the other training students? With their forms a mystery who knows how many animagi might be lurking around the school? Has the head boy started a new trend? It might be a hard one to live up to for these training animagi, even Professor Firn had to admit he was surprised by Bruin’s transformation in the Great Hall. We will just have to wait and see how many students end up as animals in the unpredictable school that is Hogwarts.

For the love of Gossip
by Ellie Sparks
Assuming you haven’t been hiding out in the dungeons for the past few weeks, I’m sure you’ll all be well aware of the cruel Gossip Magazine which has magically been appearing on each house table. There have been two published so far, the second even more horrible than the first.
The magazine is clearly twisting a lot of things, going by the reactions of mentioned pupils, and a lot of people have been upset and angered by it. All I can say is, how Pathetic? Who is so sad and pathetic that they have to do something so cruel for a laugh and a good time. Sad, sad, sad! They must have a very boring life if this amuses them, and I’m pretty sure they wont be so amused when it’s uncovered who has been writing the crap. I’m sure half of Hogwarts New Zealand will be after said person then! But there must be some truth behind the stories, which makes you think, how can this person be finding out all of this stuff? No one has any idea, but I’m thinking spies. The writer must have spies, finding out information for her. Although I have no idea how it will all be working out, it’s still a mystery. So, guys, watch your backs and be careful of who you trust!

Cookery Corner
with Patricia Rogers
Hi guys and welcome to your first installment of the Cookery Corner. Every month I’m going to be giving you a few handy tips and recipes that will have your taste buds buzzing in no time at all.
Well as Halloween is over I thought I’d start this off with a few ways to get rid of that left over pumpkin. Well pumpkin as we all know from first year Herbology, or will know for you Slytherin and Hufflepuffs who have yet to explore the wonders of the Greenhouses, is a very versatile fruit, used more for our routine Pumpkin Juice in the mornings and a slice of Pumpkin Pie at dessert. Well, pumpkins are actually used for a number of things. Our ever so popular Jack-O-Lanterns at Halloween, the seeds alone make a nice snack, Pumpkin chucking – yes it’s a sport, growing them to as big as they can be for Pumpkin festivals and competitions, the Native Americans even dried strips of Pumpkin and wove them into mats.

But that’s enough of that, what you’re here for is the food aspect of it right? Well pumpkin, as I said, is a very versatile fruit and can be used for many things. Here are a small selection of my favorites: [ul][li]Pumpkin Pie</LI>
[li]Pumpkin and chocolate chip brownies
[li]Spiced pumpkin tart with stem ginger cream
[li]Japanese pumpkin salad
[li]Pumpkin & ginger teabread
[li]Pumpkin curry with chickpeas [/li][/ul] But alas, I’m not going to be tempting your taste buds with all of this dishes today, no, I shall be giving you two of my personal favorites, two which I hope in turn you will enjoy also.

But before we start, please remember the basic rules before you start to cook. [ul][li]Wash your hands!
[li]If you have long hair tie it back – no one likes hair in their food!
[li]Have your area clean and keep it tidy throughout!
[li]Have your food prepped and ready to go before you start cooking!
[li]Wear an apron – unless you like getting dirty!
<LI>[li]And lastly, have fun![/li][/ul] So my first recipe for you all today is Pumpkin Pie. Oh yes, old faithful. Everyone is bound to have tried this at some stage and if not, where have you been? Well now it’s your turn to impress everyone with your own home-made pumpkin pie.

Pumpkin Pie

For the pastry:

Sweet short crust pastry case
or a packet of ready made sweet short crust pastry with 40g/1½oz crushed pecans mixed in.

For the filling:

450 g/1lb prepared weight pumpkin flesh, cut into 1in/2.5 cm chunks
2 large eggs plus 1 yolk (use the white for another dish)
3 oz/75g soft dark brown sugar
1 tsp ground cinnamon
½ level teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
½ tsp ground allspice
½ tsp ground cloves
½ tsp ground ginger
10 fl oz/275 ml double cream


1. Pre-heat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4.
2. Use a shop bought sweet crust pastry case, about 9 inch/23 cm diameter and 1½ inches/4 cm deep.
3. To make the filling, steam the pumpkin then place in a coarse sieve and press lightly to extract any excess water.
4. Then lightly whisk the eggs and extra yolk together in a large bowl.
5. Place the sugar, spices and the cream in a pan, bring to simmering point, giving it a whisk to mix everything together. Then pour it over the eggs and whisk it again briefly.
6. Now add the pumpkin pureé, still whisking to combine everything thoroughly.
7. Then pour the filling into your pastry case and bake for 35-40 minutes, by which time it will puff up round the edges but still feel slightly wobbly in the center.
8. Then remove it from the oven and place the tin on a wire cooling rack. Serve chilled (stored loosely covered in foil in the fridge) with some equally chilled créme fraïche, but warm or at room temperature would be fine.

Now for you tasting pleasure I’m going to give you the recipe for a scrummy Pumpkin curry with chickpeas. Yes you heard right, a pumpkin curry. Don’t turn your noses up too quickly though, it is surprisingly refreshing and oh so good.

Pumpkin curry with chickpeas


Tbsp sunflower oil
3 tbsp Thai yellow curry paste
2 onions , finely chopped
3 large stalks lemon grass , bashed with the back of a knife
6 cardamom pods
1 tbsp mustard seed
1 piece pumpkin or a small squash (about 1kg)
250ml vegetable stock
400ml can reduced-fat coconut milk
400g can chickpeas , drained and rinsed
2 limes
Large handful mint leaves
Naan bread , to serve

1: Heat the oil in a sauté pan, then gently fry the curry paste with the onions, lemongrass, cardamom and mustard seed for 2-3 mins until fragrant. Stir the pumpkin or squash into the pan and coat in the paste, then pour in the stock and coconut milk. Bring everything to a simmer, add the chickpeas, then cook for about 10 mins until the pumpkin is tender. The curry can now be cooled and frozen for up to 1 month.
2:Squeeze the juice of one lime into the curry, then cut the other lime into wedges to serve alongside. Just before serving, tear over mint leaves, then bring to the table with the lime wedges and warm naan breads.

Well folks that’s all from me for this installment of Hogwarts Monthly. I hope you all enjoy experimenting with these recipes and encouraged you all to give it ago. Remember the cooking club area is always open, so drop on down and give it go. Finally guys. Here's your chance to play a part in the next issue. I have loads of ideas, but I want to know what you want to eat. All you have to do send me your idea for the main ingredient you want to see in the next issue.

Entertainment: Music, Fashion, and Gossip
Unraveling Musical Mysteries
By Vivienne Esquire

Not long ago, there were no musical outputs at Hogwarts. No choirs, bands, anything of the sort. People could only have the odd jam with their mates, not able to pursue it further. Then one week, second year Hufflepuff Sam Prince, held auditions for a still unnamed band. Why no one thought of this before is a mystery, but everyone seems to be jumping on the bandwagon now.
Since the auditions were held for Sam's group, another official band has been born, formed by first year Ravenclaw, Noah Esquire. We hear that there are several other more casual ones, so we'll keep you updated on how those go.
The Wrock Club room is seriously getting a work-out, and rightly so. The club is open to everyone, at all times (remember curfews, kids!), so it's really a surprise that only now is it being put to proper use.
With this sudden wave of musical talent being exposed, what does the boy behind it have to say? Hogwarts Monthly sat down with him, as well as Noah, to find out.

Sam enters the room, right on time. His hair is spiked up and his clothes (jeans and a shirt, can't go wrong) are cool, both hallmarks of a rockstar. Sauntering in casually, he gives a friendly wave, taking a seat as the interview begins. He definitely comes across as someone well put-together, luckily not one of those trainwreck rockstars we see so often these days. It's a refreshing change, to say the least.

Hogwarts Monthly: Hey Sam, thanks for agreeing to this interview! Just going to ask a few questions, nothing too painful. Umm.. Noah doesn't seem to be here yet, but we'll get started without him. Firstly, tell us a little about yourself, and what music means to you.

Sam Prince: Well I was born and raised in London. I lived there in the centre of the city all of my life, but moved to New Zealand to attend Hogwarts. Ever since I was about four years of age I have taken a great interest in music. I find that it is such a great way to express yourself and also brings people together whether you are a Muggle or a Wizard. Though I am not the greatest at writing songs. [Sam laughs] In fact, I'd think my writing skills wouldn't even be regarded as writing skills.
Anyway.. I play the bass mainly, but also guitar, preferably acoustic. I own both instruments and play them a lot of the time.. any freetime that I get really. I started the guitar at around five years old and then took up bass three years later. I plan on continuing playing for many years to come.
He finishes, with a smile.

Just then, Noah rushes in, ruffling his hair as he catches his breath. Unlike Sam, Noah's hair is shaggy and messy. He wears tighter jeans, and old faded sneakers. Maybe not trainwreck material just yet, but definitely not as smooth as Sam. "Sorry.. slept in.." he mumbles, smiling sheepishly at the others in the room, and taking a seat next to Sam.

Hogwarts Monthly: That's fine Noah, I'll just ask you that question again: Tell us a little about yourself, and what music means to you.

Noah Esquire: Um.. well.. I play a little of everything. Mainly guitar, but I can jump on the keyboards and drums if need be. However, I don't play an instrument in this band. I'm the lead singer. I think voice is one of the best 'instruments', as it's really free. There are no set chords or whatever, and you can really go totally wild. I can move around the stage, and just have so much fun. A lot of people think that the singer is the leader, or face of the band, but I really disagree. I try to just be like.. the personality. While the others are playing their instruments however they want, I'll be jumping around, and going crazy. Doesn't mean I'm the leader, it just means I do something different! Music is a big part of me, so I try to convey that onstage, by giving it everything I have..

HM: Wow, you guys seem to both have a huge love of music. Why did you decide to start a band?

SP: I started up a band because I figured that there is so many talented people in Hogwarts that it would be great to put those talents to use and maybe flaunt them a bit. It was also a great way to meet new people whom your bound to get along with as you would have at least one thing in common- Music.

NE: To be honest, I'm not really sure. I heard that my cousin had become a member of Sam's band, and I just decided to make my own. We've always been a little competitive, especially in our creative ventures. So yeah, it was partly because I wanted to beat my cousin, and partly because I just wanted to! I really do love music, so I just thought: 'why not', and went for it.

HM: Can you tell us a little about your fellow band members?

SP: Sam pauses at this question, taking his time to find an answer. Well since we have only had one 'rehearsal', we don't know each other all that well. Most of the members I don't know so it's great to know that soon we should all be very close, like family almost. From what I do know they are all very friendly and all are extremely talented. We should have a lot of fun.

NE: Well, I haven't known them for long, but they all seem like really awesome people. We have two guitarists. Arianna Tipley - she's the token girl, just there to make us all look good (kidding!). No, she's really talented, and an obvious pick for the band. I can't wait to see her grow as a musician, as I know she has a lot to offer. There's also Charlie Linus, and he's a really cool guy too. His audition was awesome, and I'm hoping to hear more from him. He's a great addition to the group, and I hear he's a bit of a ladies man, as well. Noah winks jokingly. On bass, we have Angus Greenwood, and he's a third year. Being the oldest, that means he's sort of our 'leader'. By leader I mean the least responsible one, probably the one to convince us to throw furniture out of windows. No, I'm kidding, I bet he's smarter than that. Don't throw chairs out of windows, kids! [Laughs] And then on drums, we have Corrie Yelnats. We had quite a few applicants for his instrument, but it was clear to me that Corrie was the right guy for the band. He was great at auditions, and seems to be a really cool guy, too. In fact, everyone seems to mesh perfectly together. I think we make a great team, and hopefully we'll make a lot of awesome music together!

HM: Seems like you both have some very solid line-ups. What were the auditions like?

SP: They were great! I didn't realize that so many people would show and each and every one of them were so so talented. After the auditions I was just in awe, I didn't know how I was going to choose. He shakes his head, sighing slightly. I even felt bad about announcing those that made the band, at the time I wished I could let everyone in.

NE: Oh, it was awesome! Everyone was so talented, and I really enjoyed watching all of the awesome performances. It was so hard to make the desicions though.. and I still feel bad about the people I turned away!

HM: Yeah, I can imagine that it would be difficult. Okay, next question: what music do you personally enjoy, and what direction do you see your band going?

SP: I like rock and indie mostly. Most of the artists I listen to are Muggles. I listen to music a lot of the time and when I am not listening to music I'm playing it. Well..I think we will be playing rock and indie mostly, thats just my opinion though, I still have to discuss it with the band. It's our band and everyones opinion counts. He says, with a hint of seriousness.

NE: Personally, I love all types of music. As long as it sounds good, I can appreciate it, no matter the style. But I must say, that I do love old music quite a bit. Maybe I'm just an old guy at heart, I don't know. I love rock and indie, so mainstream pop isn't really my thing. But you know, I still listen to catchy songs every once in a while.
To be honest I'm not sure what direction the band will be heading in.. I think it's too early to say. Maybe I can answer that after we've had a few more practises. Hopefully whatever direction we do go in will be a good one, and that we're not shockingly terrible. That's my biggest fear, just being totally.. unawesome.

HM: Can we expect any concerts in the near future?

SP: Maybe, maybe not. If we're good enough. Sam jokes, with a boyish grin.

NE: Hopefully! I'd actually really like to perform at the Yule Ball. *hint hint, Headmistress.. hint, hint* But if that can't be arranged, then maybe just a normal concert in the Great Hall? Ooh, I know! We could have like.. a big festival in the grounds, with all of the school bands, plus other performers. Like Woodstock, HNZ style! Oh and we could have stalls, and displays, and other awesomenesses! I am so suggesting this to the school board or whatever!

HM: Ha! Great idea. Do either of you plan on recording an album, or trying to get a record deal?

SP: No. I don't think that I will go that far in music, I wish to view it as a hobby not as a career. Though all the band members would be able to get a record deal. They are all so talented but I am not sure if they wish to pursue it further. I'll ask and I'll get back to you.

NE: Oh no.. not at all. Although I am very passionate about music, I don't plan on making a career out of it. It's a fun hobby, but I don't see the need to make any money out if it. I do want people to hear our music, so maybe we could create a mini album, and donate the proceeds to charity or something. But in saying that, I haven't actually discussed this with the guys. So if I find out that they're interested in something more serious, then yeah, I'll go along for the ride.

HM: Any words of advice for other music lovers, or people thinking of forming their own band?

SP: Just to keep doing what your doing. Whether you can play two chords or two hundred songs just to keep at it. If you love doing it then your meant to do it. Oh and never give up. I would really encourage others to start a band. It's such a great way to have fun not only do you get to do what you love doing but you get to hang out with friends. And I think a bit of competition wouldn't hurt...though I wouldn't really say any band could compete with ours. I'm just kidding, seriously though. I would encourage it. Music means a lot to me and I would defintely love to see the different styles of music being produced.

NE: Go for it! Simple as that. You don't even need to go through holding auditions, because you can just round up some mates! It's really fun, and the Wrock Club has all the equipment you need. So yeah, just go for it, even if you don't think you're any good. Because at the end of the day, music is about having fun, and creating a medium that can connect people. Music is really social, so I recommend everyone to try it in some form or another.

Hogwarts Monthly: Okay guys, thanks for that! Now are you ready for the Lightning Round?

1 - Deep songs, catchy songs, or somewhere in between?
Sam Prince: Somewhere in between.
Noah Esquire: Depends on how I'm feeling, but usually I like a balance.

2 - 60s, 70s, or 80s music?
SP: I'd say 70s, because I know more music from that era.. I blame my mother.
NE: 60s, definitely 60s. Maybe 70s.. 80s, not so much.

3 - Rolling Stones, The Beatles, or another classic band?
SP: Rolling Stones!
NE: Ooh, too hard! The Beatles were so cool, but Mick Jagger was awesome onstage. I try to copy his moves sometimes, actually!

4 - Hannah Montana, Jonas Brothers, or High School Musical (soundtrack)?
SP: Must I choose? [Laughs] I'd say Jonas Brothers..
NE: Oh wow.. probably Jonas Brothers, because they have a couple of good songs.

5 - Writing, practising, or performing?
SP: Performing, definitely.
NE: Performing!

6 - King of Pop (Michael Jackson), King of Rock n Roll (Elvis), or Kings of Leon?
SP: Kings of Leon. Great Musicians!
NE: King of Pop. He may have had an odd life.. but he was an amazing performer.

7 - Stage diving, insane guitar solos, or a more laid-back performance?
SP: Insane guitar solos, Hendrix style!
NE: Stage diving! I'm loving these questions, by the way.

8 - Friendly competition, mutual respect, or hardcore rivalry?
SP: Mutual respect. Having another band around is so cool, I think - if the time comes - we could have a concert for the two bands. Raise a bit of money? He glances at Noah.
NE: Yeah, I agree; Mutual respect. I think Sam's band will be great, but I'm not trying to beat him or anything. Well.. I am trying to beat my cousin, but that's another story!

9 - You do it for the: music, money, or fame?
SP: Fame and Fortune! No I am kidding, music. Nothing else matters much when your in a band.
NE: Too easy, music.

10 - Hogwarts Monthly, or some other inferior publication? *cough*
SP: Hogwarts Monthly. Because it's awesome. [Winks]
NE: Hmm.. hard question.. Alright, I'll go with Hogwarts Monthly! [Laughs and does cheesy thumbs-up]</COLOR>

Do you have your own musical group? Know a friend who does, and want to surprise them? Then you can appear in the next issue of Hogwarts Monthly! I'll be featuring talented HNZ kids each issue, so why not make the next one you? Promote your band, and get a bit of attention. What more could you ask for?

And on occasion, I'll be writing music reviews too. If you have a favourite musician, album, or maybe just one catchy song that you can't get out of your head, then send in a suggestion! I'm always open and welcoming to cool ideas. So hit me up (in English: send me an owl), and I'll try to get it into the next issue. Ciao!

Summer Kind of Wonderful
By Isabella Chaos
The summer holidays are fast approaching in the southern hemisphere which means no more uniforms for students and right now, casual is in! (You know some may say that dressing down is a lot harder to pull off and look good than dressing up!) That means breaking out the shorts and tanks! This simple summer guide will keep your look fresh, fun, and flirty! And if you're a male, don't sweat it, there are looks for you to keep cool this summer as well!

You may think shorts and tanks aren't much to report on, but think again, there are so many varieties, your look will always be fresh! From short shorts to bermudas, there are many different styles of shorts for you to wear.

Short shorts
Short shorts are fun to wear, you just look and feel great in them, but in order for you to keep your look appropriate, never reveal too much. If you're planning on wearing short shorts, make sure to keep your tops casual and fun.

High Waisted Shorts
These types of shorts are definitely in right now and the key to rocking this look is to make sure your top is tucked in, otherwise how else will they know they're high waisted, right?

Short Overalls
All there is to say about this cute pair of denim - underrated! They go great with just about any type of top.

Bermuda Shorts
Don't like showing off too much leg? No worries, bermudas are super comfy and stylish to wear this summer!

Puffy Shorts
This is the newest trend in the fashion world currently, puffy shaped shorts! Not commonly found in a usual wardrobe but its seriously suggested to snag a pair of these cute bottoms for yours!

More than just Denim
Not a fan of denim? No problem, there are plenty of different fabrics in which shorts come in to keep you cool and cute!

Into the Sporty, Casual Look?
These types of cargo shorts are great for looking sporty chic and still being able to run around with the ball!

Short Suits
Perhaps another underrated trend. This look is cute for a flirty date during those hot summer nights.

Tunics and/or Leggings
Tunics and leggings are a great fun look, when paired correctly. Often times the mistake is made where one thinks leggings are okay to wear as pants - well stop! If you're planning on wearing leggings as your bottom piece, make sure your dress or tunic is long enough to pull it off! (left) If you plan on wearing a long shirt or tunic without leggings, make sure you have a pair of shorts underneath, otherwise you're asking for disaster!

Stand Out
Tired of the boring, blue, greys, and blacks? Add style to your look by wearing bright colored denim shorts instead!

Not into Shorts? Try Skirts or Dresses!

Contrasting Colors
When dressing up, try wearing a skirt with a bright, funky pattern to contrast with a simple black top! You can even try the look the opposite way.

Be Comfortable!
Let your body breath this summer! Most of the time we're stuck in stuffy uniforms and robes, this summer stock your wardrobe full of these breezy dresses for a casual chic and comfortable look!

Still Not Convinced to switch from your trusty Jeans? No worries!

The summer is not about tossing the old blue jeans away, you can still rock them! Of course the summertime calls for more casual attire atop, whichever your style may be. Just make sure to have layers underneath for when those summer nights get too hot!

Feeling like all of a sudden your wardrobe sounds so plain? Well it's not! The summer is all about being casual and nothing is more casual than a t-shirt and jeans. However if you want to spice up this classic look, just add a funky patterned headband or another bold accessory to add flair to the style!

Add Color to Your Life!
Although wearing all black or all white can be slimming, the look is so dull and sometimes even washed out! This summer try on some bright colored jeans for that unique twist in your own style!

Being Male and Fashionable
Just because fashion is more of a 'girl thing', doesn't mean boys can't still keep up with the trends and look good this summer. These casual looks would look good on any boy in HNZ!

This casual tee has replaced the laidback looks of muscle shirts and baseball tees. It is light and breezy and goes with anything though the best look would be alone with a pair of jeans.

It's Not Dead
Although v-necks have replaced the muscle shirt for this summer's hot trend, it doesn't mean that wearing them makes you unfashionable. To keep this style from looking boring or worse, out of style, try breaking away from the plain white tee and twist the classic look by wearing a muscle shirt with stripes or a different, colored print.

Perfect in Plaid
This pattern is definitely one that many boys like to wear and who can blame them, it looks good on them! If you're planning on wearing one of these buttoned patterned shirts, try wearing a bright, contrasting color underneath that shows under that one unfastened button. (left) A lot of the times boys prefer to wear the shirt unbuttoned and open, in which case a neutral color underneath is fine so as not to take away from the plaid. (right)

Look Your Best in Vests
Vests may seem like they're only to be worn with button up shirts in a formal environment but this summer, vests have taken on a whole new look of casual. One of the easiest ways to dress down a formal vest it so wear those ever popular v-necks! Button up your vest for a classy summer look or keep it open for the casual effect!

Hot Night
Going out on a dinner date this summer? Want to look good but think button up sleeves are too hot? Don't sweat it! The simple method of rolling up your sleeves keeps you feeling and looking cool!

Keepin' Cool
Summertime means hot weather right, and with athletic boys who sweat around, you've got to keep that hair out of your eyes! The one thing that never fails, head gear. Whether you opt for the caps, forward or backward, or the beanies, - long hair or short hair - one thing's for sure, you'll always be just a little bit cooler this summer!

The most important fashion rule of all, just be yourself! Have fun with fashion. Never try to be a carbon copy of someone else because where's the fun in that?

[Note: No characters were portrayed above, just pictures, even though I totally tried to get pictures of mostly celebrities in use. :lol: If you wish for the pictures to be of your character, we can just pretend Isabella took a photo of you. :p ]

The Rumour Mill
By the "Gossipmonger"
Hello kittens,
Some of you might think this is an imitation of the infamous "Gossip Magazine", but I, like our so called Gossip Girl, am too nosy for my own good and want the truth out. Perhaps even a little bit of chaos at the same time. Enjoy sweet peas, and if you haven't been on your best behavior...I'll know.

Papa Bear Bruin and Mama Bear?
Bruin Dumbledez made it perfectly clear during the second issue of the Gossip Magazine that he is a bear animagus. He was infuriated that one would try to call him a werewolf, but did anyone notice Mama Bear's (Andromeda Fiorelli) face at his response? Why was Andromeda so hurt by this? Does M.B. have a connection with the wolves? I don't know about you but I'd stay far away from Gryffindor fourth Year, Andromeda Fiorelli.

Almost Paradise.
Lover's Thomas Smith [Ravenclaw second year] and Autumn Gwin ['claw, second year], were seen in passing during Brightstone weekend in Madame Pomphrey's. While exchanging kisses and spoonful's of ice cream, Gwin seemed less than ecstatic at being in her beau's arms. Is this relationship paradise lost? Have Thomas Smith and best friend, Joceline Richarde [Slytherin second year] crossed the line when they saw each other that same Brightstone Weekend? Or has Smith finally realized his feelings for Richarde when she has been seen more and more with Ezekiel Hamilton [Slytherin, second year], is little Tommy boy jealous?

Spotted: Nina Patrokov and Noah Lewis getting a little too friendly?
The Sixth year Hufflepuff girl and seventh year Slytherin boy were seen early in the morning sneaking around the Forbidden Forest. After last year's crush on Noah Lewis, has Nina Patrokov finally taken action and cheated on Hogwarts Scotland graduate, Zak Swan? Well kittens, I'll need more help on this one.

Goth Gang, et la luna.
Yes, the Goth Gang is in the process of recruiting another. Eden Luna, Slytherin second Year, is rumored to be spending more and more time with Hoshi Koshiba, and from the Gathering of Goth's it is clear that Eden is a prospective member. Does that mean that the Glam Squad will have to recruit yet another? Wait and see my dears, because it's certain something will happen with this.

The Rumour Mill:
Leia Evans [Hufflepuff first year] and Noah Esquire [Ravenclaw first year], more than best friends? Is Gossip Girl right, is Leia Evans taking the Hufflepuff position as Miss Mary Sunshine, Zazuka Bones? You judge for yourself but she is getting close to Kaleb Styx [Slytherin first year], Sam Prince [Hufflepuff second year], Noah Esquire and Oscar Edwards [both Ravenclaw first years], while leaving her friend, Emma Meminger['claw First Year] all by her lonesome? Is this Andromeda, Zazuka and Brian all over again?

Avrille Grinaes [Ravenclaw first year] crushing on a boy that needs no introduction, Henric Lee [Slytherin second year]. It seems little Koshiba has her some competition for Lee's affection.

Is Alex Cullen [Hufflepuff sixth year] playing all the older gals? Last year, Harriet Turner was the object of his affection and since then, he has moved onto Kiera Kingsley [Gryffindor sixth year] (who has already been with James Potter [Gryffindor seventh year] ), Ginny Porter [Ravenclaw fourth year] and some think that he might even still fancy ex girlfriend, Nina Patrokov ['Puff sixth year].

Wonder Witch Answers Your Problems
<COLOR color="#fb8a00">Dear Wonder Witch,
I have my OWLs coming up this year and I'm really nervous that I haven't put in enough studying for them. I know there are many anti-cheat spells etc out there but is there something to help me study and retain information? If so will the anti-cheat detectors see this as me cheating?
Worried Wizard.

Dear Worried Wizard,

I am sure you've been revising and keeping on top of your studies, the fact that you are writing to me in November suggests this. You are obviously already very keen on the best aids for studying but I don't recommend you take anything, what I do recommend is that you gather some of the other OWL students and form a study group. I have always found that these peer groups are an excellent way to help retain information.
I don't think the cheats would detect something that helps you to study but I think it might for something that helps you retain that information falsely.
Hope this helps
Wonder Witch

Dear Wonder Witch,

I really like this boy but he has never hinted at liking me this way. I think we are friends but even this I am unsure about. I am only eleven, so maybe I shouldn't even be worrying about this stuff.
Ranting Ravenclaw.

Dear Ranting Ravenclaw,

I agree that at eleven you are possibly too young to be worried about boys liking you. Focus on your studies, any clubs you may be interested in and on becoming his friend. Being his friend could prove to you that you either are compatible for one another or that you should really only be friends.

Wonder Witch

Dear Wonder Witch,

I have been reading the gossip magazine and am very worried. It hinted that there are werewolves and beasts at our school. Then our head booy turns into a bear at breakfast. I don't know if I should tell my parents any of this incase they take me out of school. But, I am afraid, what if I meet one of those werewolves some night or get our head boy so angry he changes to a bear?

Dear Anon,

I can safely say you have nothing to worry about, our head boy does not easily lose his head and I'm sure he will not be giving the breakfast rush another display of his animagus skills any time soon. As to werewolves, I would be worried myself if you were to meet up with one as it would mean you breaking curfew which for your houses sake I hope you would not do. Werewolves only come out for the full moon so there isn't alot to be worried about, if there are any attending our school I'm sure our professors and headmistress and headmaster have everything under control. I certainly haven't been hearing any howls late at night.

Wonder Witch.

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