The Hogwarts Monthly - Y18 S2

Yerik Rhys Price

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4 Essence of Silver Thistle

Year 18 - Semester 2 - Issue One

Graduation is Coming

Happy, Sad, Confused, Conflicted, emotions are running rampant these days as graduation gets ever closer. The leaving students have finished their education and will now be on their way to the real world. After all the things that have happened in the past year, you would be forgiven for thinking that Hogwarts was just another stepping stone on the way to life. Hogwarts has been shaping the minds of young witches and wizards for centuries and that is something we can never forget. Whether it is making out in the dorms, having detentions with Professor Styx or gaining house points from Professor Kingsley, we all have had our ups and downs, but we would never trade them in for anything.

When graduation finally comes don’t forget to grab it with everything you've got. Whether you are Headgirl, Headboy, prefect or a common seventh year, graduation has meaning for everyone. When your name is called and you are walking up, remember all the good times you have had, even the bad times have helped to shape you into the person people see now. Remember to forgive past grievances and to embrace new life, even those of your rivals or enemies.

Ten Kinds of Students you've met or will meet in HNZ.

The two-faced
They're nice to your face, but when your back is turned it's a different story. Almost every compliment that comes out of their mouths is two faced, just like their personality. Unfortunately these students are the most difficult to distinguish, why? Because anyone could be two faced, and you may never know unless they're horrible at hiding it.

The shy one
Usually quiet, these students are often seen without friends. Not particularly because they're mean, but because they're too shy to make any friends. Conversely, the shy ones are usually the kindest and most trustworthy, but are regrettably too shy to show it. Can easily be mistaken for the loner.

The loner
No matter how much you want to use your wand outside of class, it's not always a good idea. Remember, you're still a beginner and one million times more likely to make a rookie mistake, hurting yourself or possibly another student in the process. That is not how you want to make friends.

The smarty pants
We all know the smarty pants; they go to all their classes, get perfect grades and may even find joy in assignments. Unusual, right? Not for the smarty pants! These studious students can usually be found in the library, and are stereo typically sorted into Ravenclaw. However not all smarty pants wear blue robes, they can be found in all houses!

The snob
Wealthy, pretty and ready to brag about it. They think they're better than you, because in regards to money, social status and sometimes even blood status they are. Also known as 'the spoilt brat', these students get what they want, when they want it. Because they expect you to do everything for them, and grovel at their feet while doing so.

The little mermaid
Obsessed with all things muggle. They love cell phones, muggle clothing, muggle history, everything! And of course their best grades are in Muggle studies. You'll easily be able to spot these students thanks to their clothing, since they appear nothing short of a muggle wannabe.

The bubbly one
These are one of the most easily noticeable students thanks to their bubbly personality. They're loud, over the top and always want to talk to somebody. If you're the new kid you can be sure they'll go out of their way to make you like them. Why? because deep down all these bubbly students want is to be the center of attention.

The evil one
You'll be able to recognize these students as easily as the bubbly ones, because the evil students are cunning, ambitious and are always plotting world domination. They believe that somehow, some day they're going to rule the world. No need to worry though, most usually abandon these plans by their 7th year and end up with a second rate job because world domination was more important to them than grades.

The queen bee
Every single year has one. Some students hate them, some students love them, and others want to be them. Little do those students know that being a queen bee isn't all it's cracked up to be, every queen bee has their prime and sooner or later they ended up being the two faced, or worse a loner.

The sidekick
Usually paired up with a queen bee or an evil one, the sidekick is an inch away from the limelight. Whether they want it or not varies, however most never end up more than a mere sidekick. You'll notice them always at somebody's side, backing up everything the queen bee/evil one says.

Professor and Student's Spotlight!

Okay readers. So for this issue, instead of our usual where I simply interview to people, we went with a feature this time. Centering on every-one's favorite magazine. RHI! So without further ado, I present Professor and Student Spotlights! Firstly, I chose to interview Professor Elvera Le Fey. Considering she is out Seer, I thought it could be fun to get her view of the world. So I made my way to her office.

1. Okay, first question, what effect do you think RHI is having on the students at Hogwarts?

I think Rhi is having a huge impact on the students. I have had to comfort students who have been upset by what has been written. There is also friendships and relationships that have broken. but there has occasionally had the opposite occur. students helping reassure each other, forming friendships. even some relationships starting after things have been put in the magazine. but this certainly isn't enough good to balance the bad.

2. Are the Professor's doing anything to catch the persons involved?
Yes. though it is not proving an easy hunt. rest assured that we are trying as best as we can.

3. Have you had anything said about you in an article Professor?
Yes I have. it certainly wasn't the most flattering of articles.

4. Well, that is very exciting. Another question though, is there any other position you feel you would like to try?
Hmm... I think Divination would be fun, but I'm not a Seer, so I'd probably fail immensely at it.

5. How does the presence of such a magazine make you feel?
It makes me feel uncomfortable, as though people are always looking for something to twist and manipulate. and makes me sometimes feel like I can't be myself in case it gets twisted in the same way again, though i try not to let it influence me.

6. This is a personal question, how has your time at Hogwarts been?
My time at Hogwarts. It has been great. From my first year as a student to this, my fifth year teaching. Its occupants have become a family and the castle my home. A place where many of my best or worst memories happened.

Well there we have it boys and girls. How do we feel about that?

I was able to catch up with a bunch of students. Some of what they have on RHI is rather interesting. First we have my good friend, and Prefect Athena Zhefarovich!

Hey Athena! Have you got a second? I want to ask you a couple of questions about RHI? Athena shrugs and agrees.

1. You're awesome, okay, how did you feel being a subject in RHI?
It was awesome. Really, I think everyone’s dream is to be told they are going to be knocked up by the time they are a 7th year. Oh, and that they’re in love with 'dirty blood.' No offense, K. Seriously, though, it sucked. I didn't like everyone staring at me as if they knew me because of what they read in the stupid article. It was embarrassing even if the stuff that was said wasn't true.

2. Right, do you have any ideas about who might be behind it?
I wish. I think that the RHI writer is a girl. She's far too catty to not be.

3. Maybe you can suggest that at the next meeting?
Hm, maybe I will.

4.Do you think RHI will be caught?
At this rate, no. She is probably going to graduate and get a job at some rag like The Quibbler.

5. Last question Athena. This one isn't about RHI, do you have any regrets that you want to confess too?
Nooooo...Like what?

Next is the infamous Minoas Stratis. Here's what he had to say.

1. What does RHI mean to you?
It means unnecessary trouble and drama, if Hogwarts already didn't have enough. I'm sure most people in this castle would agree with me. I don't believe there's one person with reasonable firmness that really enjoys this piece of...publication. If they do, well, they are probably lucky and their name haven't been mentioned in those pages. Every time an issue is out it means that friendships, relationships and reputations are at stake. It means that truth had been captured in some unknown way and it has been amplified with tiny bits of lies enough to cause enormous damage.

2. That is quite a story you have there. Sounds kind of personal. So does that mean you have been featured in the article before?
Come on! I don't think this question really needs an answer. As far as I can remember I have been featured in most issues. I'm mostly known by the nicknames RHI has given to me from time to time. Cougar hunter, werewolf wannabe, centaur lover, I'm sure they are going to find something creative for the next issue.

3. How do you feel when you walk into that hall and see a copy on the tables?
Like I have received a howler enchanted with a couple of sonorous charm. Or I could actually compare the feeling with the one someone would have upon seeing a frenzy erumpent charging at them. You know there are a few chances to avoid the explosion to follow.

4.I suppose that would be a pretty standard answer. Hmm, as a Gryffindor, do you believe what they are doing is cowardly?
I don't think my opinion has to do with the fact that I'm a Gryffindor. I was just taught to have the guts to say what I have to say to other's face and not hide behind anonymity. I can only understand these people's obsession of publishing distorted truths by either believing they are sadists who find pleasure in seeing others suffer or because they are craving attention and they're getting it by having the whole school reading to their inaccuracies. Either way, I find them pitiful for not having any private life and for deciding to spend so much energy on other people's lives and issues. I would advise them to find another, better hobby and get finally a life.

5.Sounds like pretty good advise if you ask me. Thanks Minoas, just one more question. What do you plan on doing after you Graduate from here?
Since I like spellcrafting, I would like to work at the Comittee of Experimental Charms and contribute in my own way in wizarding community. It would be an honor to introduce new protective and healing spells as well as spells that could master the elements.

And there we have it guys. Tell us what your opinions are of RHI! Til next time!

Dear Aunt Meg...

"Dear Aunt Meg,

I don't even know if you can help me, but I ned to talk to someone about this and I figure you would be good enough. So just before school resumed, my mother and father were killed in a fire at St Mungos. I am now an orphan. I don't know what I am supposed to do. People keep apologising and saying their sorry and that they knew how I feel, but how can they? They all have parents, they haven't been living with their aunt and uncle since they were six. My parents have been sick for a while, but I always thought I would be together with them again one day. But now that is impossible. I'm scared to be on my own. I don't know how to go on from here. Help?

My Heart Aches"

This is a very personal issue, and I am flattered that you wrote to me about it. That is a very big step. I know someone that wasn't even able to communicate when their parents died suddenly. You are not alone, believe me. There are people that know how you feel, and unfortunately there always will be people that share your feelings. There are a lot of orphans and some do not take the loss of their parents as well as others. By writing this you are showing that you are strong, strong enough to wish the guidance of others. Don't loose that! Keep the strength to find people that can help you, keep looking for people that will make you a better person and don't let this occurrence to taint your heart. I know exactly how you feel and I can only hope that you will be able to stay strong and remember that there is at least one person out there that is wishing you well.

"Dear Aunt Meg,

I don't know what it is, but my brother is getting on my nerves. He keeps being jealous of everyone I am friends with and I don't know why. Every time I am with my best friend, he gets all mad at me. It is starting to really annoy and hurt me and I just want him to stop now. I don't think he understands how sad and hurt I get when he tells me he doesn't trust\like my friends. What should I do?

Annoyed Sister"

Depending on your brother's age, you can go about this in different ways. If he is an older brother, he might feel that it is his job. I too have a brother that can be overbearing. Many brothers feel the need to protect their sisters, even if it annoys the sister. If the brother is younger, maybe he feels that you don't give him enough attention. Are you very close? If so, he might feel as if he is being replaced and does not want to lose you. He might be scared that you'll find someone more fun to hang out with and he might find your friends a threat to him. I really think that you should talk to him about it, you need to make sure that he understands that his behavior is wrong and that you won't stand for it. If he has a problem, you might have to try and ignore him and hope that that makes him realize that you won't accept his behavior. As your brother, he should listen to your feelings, but you must make sure to listen to his and try to understand why he is behaving in such a way.

"Dear Aunt Meg,

I have a problem. But I don't know if you can help. I guess I should just tell you now, seeing as I have gotten this far. You see, there is this boy, I like him and I think he likes me, but the problem is he seems to like everyone. He treats everyone the same as he treats me. But when he gets overly excited with me, he also gets affectionate, but I don't know if he is showing his true feelings, or getting carried away. What should I do... I really like him.

Seriously Confused."

This is quite a problem. Affectionate people do tend to show their feelings in an excitable way and might get caught up in the emotion of the situation, amplifying their feelings. He may like you, he may not like you. My advice is that you go and talk to him, he sounds like a good friend. A good friend will not be turned away by you affections, instead, they would try to clear the air about it. The worst that can happen is he does not like you back, and the friendship is ended. A friendship ending is not a scary thing, it is an opportunity for something better to grow in the empty space. Go tell him! Maybe he will like you back!

I wish you luck!

Horoscopes for Everyone!

This seems like a good time for you Aries, you seem to be in a streak of good luck right now. This high may however also cause emotions both in yourself and in those around you to run higher than normal. Be careful of this as it might just bite back. Don't let it get to your head Aries, stay focused, especially if you have exams.

You're eager to get things done during this term, in classes, relationships and with family, but this may end badly for you Taurus. Be wary, but do not be over cautious, this is a good time for you Taurus, just be sure to focus on the other things that are also important. Don't leave friends behind.

Taking what you have for granted is definitely not something you should you do Gemini. Treasure what you have right now, but keep your heart and arms open for what could come next. The future might just fall into your lap. Don't push it away, but remember the friends and family, professors who got you to where you are now.

Family is very important right now. Don't let fading arguments and ill feelings cloud that. Rekindling with family will be good for you Cancer, it will prove to have very positive results for you. Maybe a new love interest will appear. Family help you in more ways, that could be the key to new and better relationships.

Thinking yourself above others is just the thing for you right now Leo. While, often not suggested. Perhaps spend a little less time thinking and considering others and a little more time thinking of yourself. How you can improve your grades, your friendships, your love life. While your caring nature is commendable, don't forget about you.

Go outside a little more, Virgo is an earth sign, and this is particular important right now. Enjoy the fading winter weather, and the arriving summer. For this bodes well for you Virgo. Don't be stopped doing things you love. Also explore new opportunities and experiences. Expand your horizons Virgo, during this time, this is very important.

Be more social right now. Make more plans with your friends, and go out and make new friends. This may prove to be very beneficial right now. Being alone is no fun, and Libra's are known for doing well in social groups. Expand yourself, go out with those you care about. Don't lose track of studying though, this will counteract the beneficial acts of socializing in this time!

As per usual Scorpio this all about you idea that you have right now isn't going to be much use. You have to let people in. Talk about things and just make use of the connections that you have. Considering doing more for others, and helping even those you'd really rather not. Good Karma Scorpio is always a little useful, especially come exam season.

Many different choices are going to present themselves to you Sagittarius. Be sure to keep your eyes open for them. But don't make any decisions too quickly. Remember that you have plenty time to make your choices. If things seem overwhelming, open up to those close to you. This may make those difficult, and new choices just that little bit easier to handle.

Cut down on the studying! This may be the first time I say this, but Capricorn, you need to relax a bit. Take a few breaks. Explore new areas you maybe avoided before. This may surprise you as bearing incredibly positive results. Remember that while studying and hard work are important, so is having a little bit of fun, once in a while.


You'll sense what your doing wrong right now. Whether that be in making friends, work, school, family, the thing you've been doing wrong in a situation will become clear, and because of this, you'll be able to make it right. This will greatly improve your year, and will help make you feel more positive overall.

Family and friends seem to be weighing you down right now. Don't seem to have enough time for yourself do you Pisces? But no matter, spend a little more time on yourself, and those stress levels you've been feeling will wash away easily. Spend a little more time reading, and a little less time worrying about others. Don't ever forget about yourself Pisces.

<FONT font="Rage Italic">Editor's Note
I'd like to thank all of my lovely staff who were able to get all this done on time and for keeping up with me. The paper wouldn't be complete without all of you. So thank you! I look forward to our upcoming issues and future writers!


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