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Year 15 - Semester 1 - Issue One<FONT font="Viner Hand ITC">
Quidditch! Quidditch! QUIDDITCH!
It's the time of the year where the Quidditch Pitch are filled with four majestic colours; Red, Green, Blue and Yellow, shining through the vast area with their brooms in their hands and ready to win the game. First up! Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff. We all know who's the winner is but we also need to know how they won. As a new set of Co-Captain's arose, new members joined the different teams as well. The game started cool and light, with everyone eager to win, it started when Aphrodite Snow (Co-Captain and Chaser) snatched the quaffle before the other team had a chance. This was followed by the Hufflepuff's Beater, Greyson Knighton, aiming the crazy bludger toward the part-veela, which was blocked by their Beater. The Gryffindors were the first ones to make a goal; also there was a lot of quaffle snatching as the two teams went head to head, with the Bludgers in pursuit. The zealous Seekers on the other hand were searching for the snitch, those little things are just so fast! Momentarily, love birds Aphrodite Snow and Isaiah Romanes made the pitch livelier as he cheered for his girlfriend, commemorating his love for her.
There was a spin with the Hufflepuffs when both Co-Captain Dymetris Kozlov and Robbie Masters switched positions in an attempt to score. Once they were done it was time to get the game going, as Faxen Lowart (Chaser) tried to score, in the end she got hit by a bludger. With another couple up in the air, it sure was a thrill to watch them worry for each other. The game started to get rough, adrenaline rushing through everyone's body. A lot of tension with the Beaters started when they would hit the bludgers toward the other members of the team. Followed by the new sets of Seekers, trying to search for the snitch and once they saw it. The seeking for the golden snitch started, Sergio Romanes (Seeker) was determined to win the game. As he flew around the pitch to take it in his hand, while the Hufflepuff did the same. There was no match for him, the moment he got the snitch in his hands the game was declared done for, making Gryffindor winners of the game!
Who's to blame, here?
As the Quidditch match for the Gryffindor and Hufflpuff's ended, a new match began with Slytherin vs Ravenclaw. The match started easy and subtle, a few glares where exchanged but no one was harmed. Soon the game began to show some roughness, as different Beaters of the team started to hit their opponents with the nasty bludger. It was Kailie Styx from Slytherin (Chaser) who was the first one to score, putting Slytherin in the lead. The Ravenclaws were also trying to catch up with their aggressive and determined Beater/Chaser Makaylah Makwa trying to shoot the quaffle into the hoops. Luckily, Artemis Jackson (Keeper) blocked her shot which made the Ravenclaws grumble. Our own Headboy Jeremy Thorne (Chaser) even got hit by the bludger, but the strong man he is Jeremy ignored the pain. Next Slytherin's Captain Isabella Romanes (Beater) called their Alternative Keeper Kamaria Warlock (Keeper). A transfer student from what I heard, she tried her best to keep the hoops away from the Ravenclaw's but failed at it, making Slytherin's Captain furious, in which she decided to replace her with herself. The match went well until the snitch appeared and the Seekers were struggling to catch it. In the end the Ravenclaw's Seeker Sara Moon caught the snitch which ended the game, making the Slytherin's devastated. Also the Slytherin's Seeker was nowhere to be found, which made the whole team furious. Let's just hope Milena La Fleur (Seeker) is hiding away from her team, other than that who else is to be blamed?
And so one year ends, and another is nearly half finished?
Another new year! And do we have news for you! As we all know, our dear Professor Lloyd has left us, in the... kind-of-capable-hands of Professor Blaze (coolest name ever, right?) and Professor Kingsley. His last words to us will forever be written across our hearts;
"Challenge yourselves, but don't forget to have fun. Wrestle some Manticores. Listen to Mandrakes. Kiss a Dementor. But steer clear of the Forbidden Forest, okay?"
Erm... yeah, though I'm sure we'll all try to live up to Professor Lloyd's expectations, though I don't recommend listening to any Mandrakes, or kissing Dementors but otherwise some pretty good advise, no?
We all loved Professor Lloyd, he was funny and never got too mad when we strayed from the straight and narrow, but now we are going to be under the ever watchful gaze of our beloved Professor Blaze. He started off as Potions Master and then swapped the dreary, dank dungeons for the smell of manure (eww) as a Herbology Professor, and our wonderful Professor Kingsley. You all know that runes reading, Gryffindor pride leader we all (well, most of us) know and love (probably). We're sure they'll both do a great job and we wish them the best of luck!
Enjoy the holidays everyone!
And with that comes the end of a Semester!
So it seems we have again reached the end of another fun filled semester here at Hogwarts New Zealand, and boy have we had some fun. Between the fun filled games played inside the halls, the re-emergence of the dreaded Rumour Has It and the awesome Halloween Competition, it's any wonder the students are excited for a break. We have all met new friends, caught up with old friends and even for some; we have discovered family we never knew we had. But not to worry, the end of this semester means that you will come back completely refreshed for Semester two. Don't forget your holiday homework kiddies!
Top Ten: Christmas!
Christmas time is when people come to gather and watch the stars, open presents and eat some really fantabulous food. So, here is a top ten things to look forward to about Christmas! (Because we all know we're just a little bit excited)
1. Everything is so cheerful!
Can you feel that Christmas cheer? I sure can when it's Christmas, everyone is happy to have presents, little kids open their toys and run around and show them off, mums and dads cook delicious food and get the whole family and all your friends together for a feast full of fun! How could you not like that?
2. Presents
Need I say more? Personally I'm a big fan of getting presents and opening them and finding out what I've gotten, secret Santas’ are also common amongst friends; it's wonderful to get a present from someone unexpected! Everyone loves getting presents, which is why presents shows up on this list, presents are so fantastic!
3. The decorations are fantabulous!
Face it. Nothing can beat the loaded window displays, the ribbons and garlands around every lamp post, the glittering lights of various colours and doilies and nativity scenes and the trees and everything in between all of that, and how you get to wear red, green and white, or fluffy red and white hats, it's just so wonderful!
4. The food is awesome and so special!
Can somebody say cookies!? Besides fruitcakes, gingerbread houses, chocolate cakes, well-done ham and plate full of chicken legs, there are dozens of holiday treats that make my mouth water. Eggnog, boiled lollies, roasted lamb and Christmas cookies included!
5. Things smell so good!
Come on, I mean, Christmas trees, cinnamon and spices, chocolate cakes, ginger bread houses, baking hams... yeah...
6. Shopping!
Christmas is a great time to shop! There is always something wonderful to find and it's always fun to shop and feel the Christmas spirit in the shops. Sure you might run into some mad shoppers, Hell-bent on getting the perfect Christmas present, but think of the positives! You might met someone new, or catch up with an old friend!
7. Goofy outfits and parties
We all know someone that gets a little over-excited about Christmas, and they dress up in red, green and white, Christmas related costumes and some even throw Christmas parties! How wonderful would it be to get an invitation that would surely lead to so much fun?
8. Santa!
A man dressed in red and white coming late one night to give you presents and all he gets is some cookies and time away from the wife? Sounds like a great man to me, which is why he is also present on this list of wonderful things to lookout for.
9. Time of giving
Christmas is a time of giving back to your parents, your friends, your teachers, or even just giving to someone you think needs a boast in morale. Try bonding with neighbours when setting up Christmas lights, or go donate money or presents to a local orphanage, sing Christmas songs at a nursing home, help out around the house... just try and do something for your family or community.
10. Have Fun!
Most importantly, Christmas is a time to have lots of fun! Go out and play with friends, have games in the lounge room, open up all your presents, sing Christmas carols, sit down for a meal with your family that you might not see until next Christmas, just get out and celebrate one fantastic year!
This will be a fast-paced month with plenty of surprises in store. You'll be busy and involved in many things. You'll be confident and self-assured, but you could be prone to impatience and too much risk taking. A full moon could bring a crisis involving your business or romantic partner. Much tact and the willingness to compromise will be required from you to make up for one or more situations when you were overbearing or hurtful. There might be frustration regarding your schoolwork, but fear not-there is light ahead. The turn of the month will bring you good luck.
The Sun, Venus, and Jupiter will all transit in your sign this month to bring positive energy and the ability to attract the people and resources you need. Some of your dreams will be realized now if you're proactive and keep the faith. Personal relations will go smoothly while Venus is in your sign. The Sun will impart strength and confidence when it moves to Taurus. A New Moon at the cusp of your sign will herald a time when you feel renewed and can make a fresh start. Mars and Virgo will help you get organized and focused in schoolwork.
Venus moves to your sign to help you get along well with others. You'll be inclined to listen more and be helpful during the month. Avoid the tendency to gossip - be diplomatic in conversations. The full moon will bring out your flirtatious and superficial side. This could backfire if you're not careful of other's feelings. You could have trouble focusing. Try to keep a record of conversations and instructions so there are no misunderstandings.
Three planets in Aries this month will get you motivated to make changes in your academic life. However, be proactive if you want to see results. Nothing will come to you easily - you'll have to put in some effort. The Full Moon in Libra will stir up trouble on the home front or with your family. Don't be surprised if there's a misunderstanding or failure to communicate. Be on your best behaviour and willing to compromise even if someone else is in the wrong. A new moon will help you improve your relationships with friends and associates.
You'll feel motivated and enthusiastic with the Sun, Mercury, and Uranus moving through Aries this month. The transits in this fellow Fire Sign will bring a lot of change and variety and several unexpected events. You might overindulge in food and drink or spend too much, especially while Venus is in Taurus. Jupiter in Taurus brings opportunities, but you must be patient, which isn't your strong suit. A New Moon in Taurus will bring out this quality, however, and you'll also learn how to slow down and appreciate beauty and nature.
Jupiter and Venus in Taurus will help you enjoy the finer things in life and open up opportunities to meet new people. Mercury will be retrograde in Pisces during the first few days of the month. Be clear when giving instructions and follow up later to avoid hassles. You should refrain from taking action on important matters during the month so you can be clear about the best way to proceed. Nearer the end of the month, you'll be busy and have a lot on your plate.
Venus will be in Gemini this month. This planet will enhance all communication, and you'll have a relaxing and enjoyable time if you don't stay in one place. Make new plans or take care of details or there will be a lot of confusion. You might become frustrated by rapidly changing scenarios and people who try to rush you. You could experience a lot of tension and anxiety when dealing with others. Try to remain calm and detached even if someone pushes your buttons.
A friend will help you get organized and stay on top of things this month if you ask. You might also get involved in a group or organization that needs practical help. The opportunity to be helpful and generous to your partner or the public will arise at some stage this month. Later in the month, you'll be able to relax with others and enjoy the finer things in life. A New Moon will help bring out your patience and determination over the coming weeks. Your intuition will be strong all month.
There might be some rapid developments in your love life with a few planets in Aries this month. You'll feel vital and energized, but you could make rash decisions if you're attracted to someone. You'll find that all of your relationships require more diplomacy and cooperation than usual this month. It will be difficult to achieve harmony without some effort. Be careful when communicating to family members early in the month. If you aren't clear, there could be misunderstandings and confusion. Pay attention to details all month in order to avoid mistakes.
On a positive note, there will be an aura of romance and new opportunities whether you're single or in a committed relationship. The Sun, Mercury, and Uranus will all move through Aries, causing you to feel uneasy and defensive. Life at home or with family members could be tense and full of conflict. Sudden changes will disturb your equilibrium. A Full Moon could cause stress or a crisis regarding your career. Help from others that you had counted on might prove disappointing.
You'll be active in your community or within your extended family this month. You'll take the lead in organizing events or gatherings. Venus will be in Taurus early in the month, helping to smooth over any disagreements with family members. However, for the rest of the month, issues could be magnified and cause stress. A New Moon in Taurus will allow you to develop more patience and loyalty, and this will help resolve problems. It would be good for you to get out in nature and surround yourself with beauty or listen to soothing music.
Your ruler Neptune has been in your sign for a few months, bringing out your spiritual nature, artistic sensibilities, and intuition. Mercury will be in Pisces until the middle of the month, so you can expect to have some powerful insights and vivid dreams. Follow your hunches and they will pay off. There could be a strain on a committed relationship because your partner might be critical and demanding. Much will be expected of you and you may not be able to live up to the high standards. A New Moon will help keep you grounded.
Editor's Note
I'd like to thank all of my lovely staff who were able to get all this done on time and with little to no nagging from me. The paper wouldn't be what it is now without all of you. So thanks! I look forward to working with you some more!

Year 15 - Semester 1 - Issue One
Quidditch! Quidditch! QUIDDITCH!
It's the time of the year where the Quidditch Pitch are filled with four majestic colours; Red, Green, Blue and Yellow, shining through the vast area with their brooms in their hands and ready to win the game. First up! Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff. We all know who's the winner is but we also need to know how they won. As a new set of Co-Captain's arose, new members joined the different teams as well. The game started cool and light, with everyone eager to win, it started when Aphrodite Snow (Co-Captain and Chaser) snatched the quaffle before the other team had a chance. This was followed by the Hufflepuff's Beater, Greyson Knighton, aiming the crazy bludger toward the part-veela, which was blocked by their Beater. The Gryffindors were the first ones to make a goal; also there was a lot of quaffle snatching as the two teams went head to head, with the Bludgers in pursuit. The zealous Seekers on the other hand were searching for the snitch, those little things are just so fast! Momentarily, love birds Aphrodite Snow and Isaiah Romanes made the pitch livelier as he cheered for his girlfriend, commemorating his love for her.
There was a spin with the Hufflepuffs when both Co-Captain Dymetris Kozlov and Robbie Masters switched positions in an attempt to score. Once they were done it was time to get the game going, as Faxen Lowart (Chaser) tried to score, in the end she got hit by a bludger. With another couple up in the air, it sure was a thrill to watch them worry for each other. The game started to get rough, adrenaline rushing through everyone's body. A lot of tension with the Beaters started when they would hit the bludgers toward the other members of the team. Followed by the new sets of Seekers, trying to search for the snitch and once they saw it. The seeking for the golden snitch started, Sergio Romanes (Seeker) was determined to win the game. As he flew around the pitch to take it in his hand, while the Hufflepuff did the same. There was no match for him, the moment he got the snitch in his hands the game was declared done for, making Gryffindor winners of the game!
Who's to blame, here?
As the Quidditch match for the Gryffindor and Hufflpuff's ended, a new match began with Slytherin vs Ravenclaw. The match started easy and subtle, a few glares where exchanged but no one was harmed. Soon the game began to show some roughness, as different Beaters of the team started to hit their opponents with the nasty bludger. It was Kailie Styx from Slytherin (Chaser) who was the first one to score, putting Slytherin in the lead. The Ravenclaws were also trying to catch up with their aggressive and determined Beater/Chaser Makaylah Makwa trying to shoot the quaffle into the hoops. Luckily, Artemis Jackson (Keeper) blocked her shot which made the Ravenclaws grumble. Our own Headboy Jeremy Thorne (Chaser) even got hit by the bludger, but the strong man he is Jeremy ignored the pain. Next Slytherin's Captain Isabella Romanes (Beater) called their Alternative Keeper Kamaria Warlock (Keeper). A transfer student from what I heard, she tried her best to keep the hoops away from the Ravenclaw's but failed at it, making Slytherin's Captain furious, in which she decided to replace her with herself. The match went well until the snitch appeared and the Seekers were struggling to catch it. In the end the Ravenclaw's Seeker Sara Moon caught the snitch which ended the game, making the Slytherin's devastated. Also the Slytherin's Seeker was nowhere to be found, which made the whole team furious. Let's just hope Milena La Fleur (Seeker) is hiding away from her team, other than that who else is to be blamed?
And so one year ends, and another is nearly half finished?
Another new year! And do we have news for you! As we all know, our dear Professor Lloyd has left us, in the... kind-of-capable-hands of Professor Blaze (coolest name ever, right?) and Professor Kingsley. His last words to us will forever be written across our hearts;
"Challenge yourselves, but don't forget to have fun. Wrestle some Manticores. Listen to Mandrakes. Kiss a Dementor. But steer clear of the Forbidden Forest, okay?"
Erm... yeah, though I'm sure we'll all try to live up to Professor Lloyd's expectations, though I don't recommend listening to any Mandrakes, or kissing Dementors but otherwise some pretty good advise, no?
We all loved Professor Lloyd, he was funny and never got too mad when we strayed from the straight and narrow, but now we are going to be under the ever watchful gaze of our beloved Professor Blaze. He started off as Potions Master and then swapped the dreary, dank dungeons for the smell of manure (eww) as a Herbology Professor, and our wonderful Professor Kingsley. You all know that runes reading, Gryffindor pride leader we all (well, most of us) know and love (probably). We're sure they'll both do a great job and we wish them the best of luck!
Enjoy the holidays everyone!
And with that comes the end of a Semester!
So it seems we have again reached the end of another fun filled semester here at Hogwarts New Zealand, and boy have we had some fun. Between the fun filled games played inside the halls, the re-emergence of the dreaded Rumour Has It and the awesome Halloween Competition, it's any wonder the students are excited for a break. We have all met new friends, caught up with old friends and even for some; we have discovered family we never knew we had. But not to worry, the end of this semester means that you will come back completely refreshed for Semester two. Don't forget your holiday homework kiddies!
Top Ten: Christmas!
Christmas time is when people come to gather and watch the stars, open presents and eat some really fantabulous food. So, here is a top ten things to look forward to about Christmas! (Because we all know we're just a little bit excited)
1. Everything is so cheerful!
Can you feel that Christmas cheer? I sure can when it's Christmas, everyone is happy to have presents, little kids open their toys and run around and show them off, mums and dads cook delicious food and get the whole family and all your friends together for a feast full of fun! How could you not like that?
2. Presents
Need I say more? Personally I'm a big fan of getting presents and opening them and finding out what I've gotten, secret Santas’ are also common amongst friends; it's wonderful to get a present from someone unexpected! Everyone loves getting presents, which is why presents shows up on this list, presents are so fantastic!
3. The decorations are fantabulous!
Face it. Nothing can beat the loaded window displays, the ribbons and garlands around every lamp post, the glittering lights of various colours and doilies and nativity scenes and the trees and everything in between all of that, and how you get to wear red, green and white, or fluffy red and white hats, it's just so wonderful!
4. The food is awesome and so special!
Can somebody say cookies!? Besides fruitcakes, gingerbread houses, chocolate cakes, well-done ham and plate full of chicken legs, there are dozens of holiday treats that make my mouth water. Eggnog, boiled lollies, roasted lamb and Christmas cookies included!
5. Things smell so good!
Come on, I mean, Christmas trees, cinnamon and spices, chocolate cakes, ginger bread houses, baking hams... yeah...
6. Shopping!
Christmas is a great time to shop! There is always something wonderful to find and it's always fun to shop and feel the Christmas spirit in the shops. Sure you might run into some mad shoppers, Hell-bent on getting the perfect Christmas present, but think of the positives! You might met someone new, or catch up with an old friend!
7. Goofy outfits and parties
We all know someone that gets a little over-excited about Christmas, and they dress up in red, green and white, Christmas related costumes and some even throw Christmas parties! How wonderful would it be to get an invitation that would surely lead to so much fun?
8. Santa!
A man dressed in red and white coming late one night to give you presents and all he gets is some cookies and time away from the wife? Sounds like a great man to me, which is why he is also present on this list of wonderful things to lookout for.
9. Time of giving
Christmas is a time of giving back to your parents, your friends, your teachers, or even just giving to someone you think needs a boast in morale. Try bonding with neighbours when setting up Christmas lights, or go donate money or presents to a local orphanage, sing Christmas songs at a nursing home, help out around the house... just try and do something for your family or community.
10. Have Fun!
Most importantly, Christmas is a time to have lots of fun! Go out and play with friends, have games in the lounge room, open up all your presents, sing Christmas carols, sit down for a meal with your family that you might not see until next Christmas, just get out and celebrate one fantastic year!
This will be a fast-paced month with plenty of surprises in store. You'll be busy and involved in many things. You'll be confident and self-assured, but you could be prone to impatience and too much risk taking. A full moon could bring a crisis involving your business or romantic partner. Much tact and the willingness to compromise will be required from you to make up for one or more situations when you were overbearing or hurtful. There might be frustration regarding your schoolwork, but fear not-there is light ahead. The turn of the month will bring you good luck.
The Sun, Venus, and Jupiter will all transit in your sign this month to bring positive energy and the ability to attract the people and resources you need. Some of your dreams will be realized now if you're proactive and keep the faith. Personal relations will go smoothly while Venus is in your sign. The Sun will impart strength and confidence when it moves to Taurus. A New Moon at the cusp of your sign will herald a time when you feel renewed and can make a fresh start. Mars and Virgo will help you get organized and focused in schoolwork.
Venus moves to your sign to help you get along well with others. You'll be inclined to listen more and be helpful during the month. Avoid the tendency to gossip - be diplomatic in conversations. The full moon will bring out your flirtatious and superficial side. This could backfire if you're not careful of other's feelings. You could have trouble focusing. Try to keep a record of conversations and instructions so there are no misunderstandings.
Three planets in Aries this month will get you motivated to make changes in your academic life. However, be proactive if you want to see results. Nothing will come to you easily - you'll have to put in some effort. The Full Moon in Libra will stir up trouble on the home front or with your family. Don't be surprised if there's a misunderstanding or failure to communicate. Be on your best behaviour and willing to compromise even if someone else is in the wrong. A new moon will help you improve your relationships with friends and associates.
You'll feel motivated and enthusiastic with the Sun, Mercury, and Uranus moving through Aries this month. The transits in this fellow Fire Sign will bring a lot of change and variety and several unexpected events. You might overindulge in food and drink or spend too much, especially while Venus is in Taurus. Jupiter in Taurus brings opportunities, but you must be patient, which isn't your strong suit. A New Moon in Taurus will bring out this quality, however, and you'll also learn how to slow down and appreciate beauty and nature.
Jupiter and Venus in Taurus will help you enjoy the finer things in life and open up opportunities to meet new people. Mercury will be retrograde in Pisces during the first few days of the month. Be clear when giving instructions and follow up later to avoid hassles. You should refrain from taking action on important matters during the month so you can be clear about the best way to proceed. Nearer the end of the month, you'll be busy and have a lot on your plate.
Venus will be in Gemini this month. This planet will enhance all communication, and you'll have a relaxing and enjoyable time if you don't stay in one place. Make new plans or take care of details or there will be a lot of confusion. You might become frustrated by rapidly changing scenarios and people who try to rush you. You could experience a lot of tension and anxiety when dealing with others. Try to remain calm and detached even if someone pushes your buttons.
A friend will help you get organized and stay on top of things this month if you ask. You might also get involved in a group or organization that needs practical help. The opportunity to be helpful and generous to your partner or the public will arise at some stage this month. Later in the month, you'll be able to relax with others and enjoy the finer things in life. A New Moon will help bring out your patience and determination over the coming weeks. Your intuition will be strong all month.
There might be some rapid developments in your love life with a few planets in Aries this month. You'll feel vital and energized, but you could make rash decisions if you're attracted to someone. You'll find that all of your relationships require more diplomacy and cooperation than usual this month. It will be difficult to achieve harmony without some effort. Be careful when communicating to family members early in the month. If you aren't clear, there could be misunderstandings and confusion. Pay attention to details all month in order to avoid mistakes.
On a positive note, there will be an aura of romance and new opportunities whether you're single or in a committed relationship. The Sun, Mercury, and Uranus will all move through Aries, causing you to feel uneasy and defensive. Life at home or with family members could be tense and full of conflict. Sudden changes will disturb your equilibrium. A Full Moon could cause stress or a crisis regarding your career. Help from others that you had counted on might prove disappointing.
You'll be active in your community or within your extended family this month. You'll take the lead in organizing events or gatherings. Venus will be in Taurus early in the month, helping to smooth over any disagreements with family members. However, for the rest of the month, issues could be magnified and cause stress. A New Moon in Taurus will allow you to develop more patience and loyalty, and this will help resolve problems. It would be good for you to get out in nature and surround yourself with beauty or listen to soothing music.
Your ruler Neptune has been in your sign for a few months, bringing out your spiritual nature, artistic sensibilities, and intuition. Mercury will be in Pisces until the middle of the month, so you can expect to have some powerful insights and vivid dreams. Follow your hunches and they will pay off. There could be a strain on a committed relationship because your partner might be critical and demanding. Much will be expected of you and you may not be able to live up to the high standards. A New Moon will help keep you grounded.
Editor's Note
I'd like to thank all of my lovely staff who were able to get all this done on time and with little to no nagging from me. The paper wouldn't be what it is now without all of you. So thanks! I look forward to working with you some more!