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Year 14 - Issue One<FONT font="Viner Hand ITC">
Pack your bags because we're going back to Hogwarts!
A new school year, a new chance to gain friends and a new adventure waits for us. It is the beginning of Y14 in Hogwarts and we all know what that means, students returning back to the castle, sorting of new students and lastly the end of our vacation. No worries, I'm sure that there are lots of surprises in store for us this year. Stuff like new professors, new school activities and clubs to be activated. I'm sure that we all missed something about Hogwarts, perhaps the delicious foods, fresh air and our classes too. Whatever it may be I know we're all looking forward to return to Hogwarts. We need to keep moving forward and just really enjoy each year, as soon we'll be graduating from the school.
As we return to Hogwarts all students are promoted to a higher year, which means first years will be no longer first years as they're now promoted to second years. Well congratulations to you guys, then we also have the sixth years promoted to their last year in Hogwarts. Don't worry though we know you're going to make your last year remarkable. But never forget that...
"Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home."
The leaving of some fine students; and beginning of others!
As we all know, a new year has begun. We have a host of new First years coming in, excited and nervous. Let's hope everyone welcomes them accordingly. Welcome to HNZ!
However, on another note, our Seventh years have left, to be replaced by new ones.
Last Years Head Boy and Girl, Danni Merrythought and Landon Dalton have been replaced by Kamaria Zhefarovich and Hogwarts Monthly's own Justin Cliffeton! These Two Raven's will do the school proud and will set an excellent example, that us younger students will (hopefully) follow. Congratulations guys!!
We also have a host of new Prefects. These include;
Slytherin's: Isabella Romanes & Bella White.
Gryffindor's: Madlyn Margera & Faxen Lowart.
Hufflepuff's: Ostensia Romanes & Dymetris Kozlov
Ravenclaw's: Makaylah Makwa & Lapis Lazuli
Congratulations all! I hope you have a great time and that we, your fellow students won't cause (too much) trouble for you.
]10 Tips for First Years to survive their first year at Hogwarts NZ
We've been there done that, so here are some helpful tips for all First Years who are giddy, jumpy and terrified inside. Remember this and I'm sure your first year will go well. So, here are the Top Ten Tips for First Years who are willing to survive their first year in Hogwarts. No pressure though, Good luck!
1)Make time for you. - Be sure you set aside some time and activities that help you relax and take the stress out of your day or week. Whether writing in a journal, reading a book or maybe chatting with your new friends. Just remember to be good to yourself.
2)Go to class. - Obvious, right? Maybe, but sleeping in and skipping early class will be tempting at times. Avoid the temptation. Besides learning the material by attending classes, you'll also receive vital information from the professors about what to expect on tests, changes in due dates, etc.
3)Get to know your roommate and others in your house. - The people you live with, most of whom are going through similar experiences and emotions are your main safety not only this year, but for all your years. You may change roommates after the first semester or you may stay roommates for all seven years but just take the time to get to know your fellow first-year students.
4)Meet with your professors. - Speaking as a professor, I can assure you there are only up sides to getting to know your professors, especially if later in the semester you run into some snags. Professors schedule office hours for the sole purpose of meeting with students, take advantage of that time.
5)Strive for good grades. - Another obvious one here, right? Remember the words of the opening paragraph, setting some goals for yourself and then making sure you work as hard as you can to achieve them.
6)Make connections with students in your classes. - One of my best students said his technique in the first week of classes was to meet at least one new person in each of his classes. It expanded his network of friends and was a crucial resource at times when he had to miss a class.
7)Stay healthy/Eat Right. - A lot of problems first-year students face can be traced back to an illness that kept them away from classes for an extended period of time that led to a downward spiraling effect. Get enough sleep, take your vitamins, and eat right.. Stay healthy!
8)Stay in the castle as much as possible. - Whether it's homesickness or a boyfriend or girlfriend from home, try not to leave too soon or too often. The more time you spend on getting to know the campus and your new friends, the more you'll feel at home at school. And why not take advantage of all the clubs and social events that happen at the school?
9)Keep track of your money. - If you've never had to create a budget, now is the time to do so. Find ways to stretch your money - and as best you can, avoid all those things that you want focus on your needs first.
10)Act cool - Be prepared to feel overwhelmed. There's a lot going in your life right now. Expect to have moments where it seems a bit too much. As one student says, be prepared to feel completely unprepared. The trick is knowing that you're not the only one feeling that way.
With these tips I'm sure you're going to have an enjoyable and stress-free year.
Aries: Things will creep up on you if you just get on with the job in hand -so watch out for your arch-rival! there is the possibility of disappointment if you do not have the courage of you own convictions. Desist crawling to further your opportunities, or career. Do not be afraid of a new romantic connection - the most logical route is not always the right one. Try not to be snooty or prudish in love.
Taurus: Someone could be less than straight emotionally. They are confused so give them the benefit of the doubt, for now. Distress from grief will pass and healing is at hand. Clear the air over any deceit and be as forgiving as you possibly can be. Life is good and peace will be yours if you reach out and accept the things you cannot change. Be independent and keep your own council on a controversial issue.
Gemini: Calm down in the face of adversity. Acceptance of things as they are is the key, then life can dish out the prizes. You deserve a pat on the back for your composure. Many a storm has been weathered recently and you have held it together. Well done! A loving embrace to warm the heart is around the corner. Fortify your energy with strong food and exercise. You will need added oomph to get through the next chapter.
Cancer: Mixed feelings about travel plans will fade as soon as you make the effort. Stir the pot to keep your pet project bubbling nicely. Is a loved one acting out a role to keep you sweet? Surely it is better to avoid that haunted feeling and face the truth? Finances are not important: a sense of personal completion and arrival is. Reach out and accept the inevitable or your torment is set to continue. The power is in your hands.
Leo: Do not let anyone knock you off centre. Finances and contracts look good and there is the possibility of a win if you play your cards right! A loved one is missing you and needs renewed contact. Do not be too proud in affairs of the heart. It pays to be willing to forgive. You will not know whether to laugh or cry at life's irony this month, so maybe try both! A trip abroad will go swimmingly.
Virgo: Do not be fazed by stress, as aking definite decisions is certain to ease any complex situation. Peace of mind is yours, if you leave the past behind and allow yourself to prosper. Gentle exercise will benefit you and a plan you have, has potential. Move on and have a good time is my advice. You have not had an easy time lately and a loved one is running rings around you. Clarity is needed and an honest heart-to-heart.
Libra: Call a halt to selflessness for a minute. If you can manage this, the noise in your own head may deafen you. Do stop being an ostrich and tackle your personal problems effectively this month. Rumours abound, but just ignore them. No-one knows the truth anyway. Discretion and silence are the best policy, as you are not obliged to explain yourself. Review all contracts and commitments and make deeply emotive decisions this month.
Scorpio: Weigh up all of your options and plump for the extravagant gesture as it will pay off. A leap of faith in a work matter will come good. Be confident about travel plans and expect all arguments to settle amicably. Stress over finances could be shifted with a small change. You are not one to follow the straightforward route. A challenge is more up your street and you will tackle the trickiest option with confidence.
Sagittarius: This should be a positive time. Avoid confrontation and make the most of positive vibes. Finances will improve, but delay agreeing to anything until you've tied up all loose ends. Move forward and leave the past behind. The road ahead looks clear. Be independent and strong in all things. Do stop worrying! Wear blue to enhance your desirablilty. Make intelligent love moves and give peace a chance.
Capricorn: Wear green to attract fortune. Avoid personal stress based on low self-esteem and insecurity, and you must not beat yourself up about the past. You are a generous spirit. Be careful that chancers do not pull the wool over your eyes! Follow your instincts. Keep a clear head, and talk through any problems. Leave complicated behavior and immaturity to one side.
Aquarius: Be meticulous with finances and pay attention to the detail of forms and contracts. Everything will work out better than you expect. Red attracts passion to spice up your life! A long deserved rest is in order, so kick back and switch off the phone. Passion, proposals and property make for an interesting time. Take time to look good and give yourself centre stage for a change.
Pisces: The best things have no rhyme or reson attached to them, so let go and enjoy! Leave restrictive behaviour to one side and do not allow yourself to be dictated to. Work stress should pass, and a time of leisure is well-deserved. Wear black to attract. Stop all those arguments in your head about things that are really inconsequential. Put issues in perspective and make a list of priorities. You do have a lot to get done and several people have high expectations.
Student Advertisements:
Do YOU want something advertised inside the Hogwarts Monthly? Well then you'd better send something off to Justin Cliffeton so that he can include it inside of the next issue!

Year 14 - Issue One
Pack your bags because we're going back to Hogwarts!
A new school year, a new chance to gain friends and a new adventure waits for us. It is the beginning of Y14 in Hogwarts and we all know what that means, students returning back to the castle, sorting of new students and lastly the end of our vacation. No worries, I'm sure that there are lots of surprises in store for us this year. Stuff like new professors, new school activities and clubs to be activated. I'm sure that we all missed something about Hogwarts, perhaps the delicious foods, fresh air and our classes too. Whatever it may be I know we're all looking forward to return to Hogwarts. We need to keep moving forward and just really enjoy each year, as soon we'll be graduating from the school.
As we return to Hogwarts all students are promoted to a higher year, which means first years will be no longer first years as they're now promoted to second years. Well congratulations to you guys, then we also have the sixth years promoted to their last year in Hogwarts. Don't worry though we know you're going to make your last year remarkable. But never forget that...
"Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home."
The leaving of some fine students; and beginning of others!
As we all know, a new year has begun. We have a host of new First years coming in, excited and nervous. Let's hope everyone welcomes them accordingly. Welcome to HNZ!
However, on another note, our Seventh years have left, to be replaced by new ones.
Last Years Head Boy and Girl, Danni Merrythought and Landon Dalton have been replaced by Kamaria Zhefarovich and Hogwarts Monthly's own Justin Cliffeton! These Two Raven's will do the school proud and will set an excellent example, that us younger students will (hopefully) follow. Congratulations guys!!
We also have a host of new Prefects. These include;
Slytherin's: Isabella Romanes & Bella White.
Gryffindor's: Madlyn Margera & Faxen Lowart.
Hufflepuff's: Ostensia Romanes & Dymetris Kozlov
Ravenclaw's: Makaylah Makwa & Lapis Lazuli
Congratulations all! I hope you have a great time and that we, your fellow students won't cause (too much) trouble for you.
]10 Tips for First Years to survive their first year at Hogwarts NZ
We've been there done that, so here are some helpful tips for all First Years who are giddy, jumpy and terrified inside. Remember this and I'm sure your first year will go well. So, here are the Top Ten Tips for First Years who are willing to survive their first year in Hogwarts. No pressure though, Good luck!
1)Make time for you. - Be sure you set aside some time and activities that help you relax and take the stress out of your day or week. Whether writing in a journal, reading a book or maybe chatting with your new friends. Just remember to be good to yourself.
2)Go to class. - Obvious, right? Maybe, but sleeping in and skipping early class will be tempting at times. Avoid the temptation. Besides learning the material by attending classes, you'll also receive vital information from the professors about what to expect on tests, changes in due dates, etc.
3)Get to know your roommate and others in your house. - The people you live with, most of whom are going through similar experiences and emotions are your main safety not only this year, but for all your years. You may change roommates after the first semester or you may stay roommates for all seven years but just take the time to get to know your fellow first-year students.
4)Meet with your professors. - Speaking as a professor, I can assure you there are only up sides to getting to know your professors, especially if later in the semester you run into some snags. Professors schedule office hours for the sole purpose of meeting with students, take advantage of that time.
5)Strive for good grades. - Another obvious one here, right? Remember the words of the opening paragraph, setting some goals for yourself and then making sure you work as hard as you can to achieve them.
6)Make connections with students in your classes. - One of my best students said his technique in the first week of classes was to meet at least one new person in each of his classes. It expanded his network of friends and was a crucial resource at times when he had to miss a class.
7)Stay healthy/Eat Right. - A lot of problems first-year students face can be traced back to an illness that kept them away from classes for an extended period of time that led to a downward spiraling effect. Get enough sleep, take your vitamins, and eat right.. Stay healthy!
8)Stay in the castle as much as possible. - Whether it's homesickness or a boyfriend or girlfriend from home, try not to leave too soon or too often. The more time you spend on getting to know the campus and your new friends, the more you'll feel at home at school. And why not take advantage of all the clubs and social events that happen at the school?
9)Keep track of your money. - If you've never had to create a budget, now is the time to do so. Find ways to stretch your money - and as best you can, avoid all those things that you want focus on your needs first.
10)Act cool - Be prepared to feel overwhelmed. There's a lot going in your life right now. Expect to have moments where it seems a bit too much. As one student says, be prepared to feel completely unprepared. The trick is knowing that you're not the only one feeling that way.
With these tips I'm sure you're going to have an enjoyable and stress-free year.
Aries: Things will creep up on you if you just get on with the job in hand -so watch out for your arch-rival! there is the possibility of disappointment if you do not have the courage of you own convictions. Desist crawling to further your opportunities, or career. Do not be afraid of a new romantic connection - the most logical route is not always the right one. Try not to be snooty or prudish in love.
Taurus: Someone could be less than straight emotionally. They are confused so give them the benefit of the doubt, for now. Distress from grief will pass and healing is at hand. Clear the air over any deceit and be as forgiving as you possibly can be. Life is good and peace will be yours if you reach out and accept the things you cannot change. Be independent and keep your own council on a controversial issue.
Gemini: Calm down in the face of adversity. Acceptance of things as they are is the key, then life can dish out the prizes. You deserve a pat on the back for your composure. Many a storm has been weathered recently and you have held it together. Well done! A loving embrace to warm the heart is around the corner. Fortify your energy with strong food and exercise. You will need added oomph to get through the next chapter.
Cancer: Mixed feelings about travel plans will fade as soon as you make the effort. Stir the pot to keep your pet project bubbling nicely. Is a loved one acting out a role to keep you sweet? Surely it is better to avoid that haunted feeling and face the truth? Finances are not important: a sense of personal completion and arrival is. Reach out and accept the inevitable or your torment is set to continue. The power is in your hands.
Leo: Do not let anyone knock you off centre. Finances and contracts look good and there is the possibility of a win if you play your cards right! A loved one is missing you and needs renewed contact. Do not be too proud in affairs of the heart. It pays to be willing to forgive. You will not know whether to laugh or cry at life's irony this month, so maybe try both! A trip abroad will go swimmingly.
Virgo: Do not be fazed by stress, as aking definite decisions is certain to ease any complex situation. Peace of mind is yours, if you leave the past behind and allow yourself to prosper. Gentle exercise will benefit you and a plan you have, has potential. Move on and have a good time is my advice. You have not had an easy time lately and a loved one is running rings around you. Clarity is needed and an honest heart-to-heart.
Libra: Call a halt to selflessness for a minute. If you can manage this, the noise in your own head may deafen you. Do stop being an ostrich and tackle your personal problems effectively this month. Rumours abound, but just ignore them. No-one knows the truth anyway. Discretion and silence are the best policy, as you are not obliged to explain yourself. Review all contracts and commitments and make deeply emotive decisions this month.
Scorpio: Weigh up all of your options and plump for the extravagant gesture as it will pay off. A leap of faith in a work matter will come good. Be confident about travel plans and expect all arguments to settle amicably. Stress over finances could be shifted with a small change. You are not one to follow the straightforward route. A challenge is more up your street and you will tackle the trickiest option with confidence.
Sagittarius: This should be a positive time. Avoid confrontation and make the most of positive vibes. Finances will improve, but delay agreeing to anything until you've tied up all loose ends. Move forward and leave the past behind. The road ahead looks clear. Be independent and strong in all things. Do stop worrying! Wear blue to enhance your desirablilty. Make intelligent love moves and give peace a chance.
Capricorn: Wear green to attract fortune. Avoid personal stress based on low self-esteem and insecurity, and you must not beat yourself up about the past. You are a generous spirit. Be careful that chancers do not pull the wool over your eyes! Follow your instincts. Keep a clear head, and talk through any problems. Leave complicated behavior and immaturity to one side.
Aquarius: Be meticulous with finances and pay attention to the detail of forms and contracts. Everything will work out better than you expect. Red attracts passion to spice up your life! A long deserved rest is in order, so kick back and switch off the phone. Passion, proposals and property make for an interesting time. Take time to look good and give yourself centre stage for a change.
Pisces: The best things have no rhyme or reson attached to them, so let go and enjoy! Leave restrictive behaviour to one side and do not allow yourself to be dictated to. Work stress should pass, and a time of leisure is well-deserved. Wear black to attract. Stop all those arguments in your head about things that are really inconsequential. Put issues in perspective and make a list of priorities. You do have a lot to get done and several people have high expectations.
Student Advertisements:
Do YOU want something advertised inside the Hogwarts Monthly? Well then you'd better send something off to Justin Cliffeton so that he can include it inside of the next issue!