- Messages
- 193
- OOC First Name
- Beth
- Wand
- Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
Hogwarts Monthly said:November 2027 Issue![]()
A Spooky Night
One night of the year, the students- and Professors- at Hogwarts get to dress up as some of the most terrifying, and amusing, things. I was fortunate enough to set aside my revision for just one night to slap on far too much mustard-coloured make-up, mess up my hair and throw on a sheet. In case you haven't guessed, I was supposed to be a demonic ghost of some description. Anyway, my terrible costume aside, there were some truly amazing costumes. The originality factor, in my opinion, was scooped up by Miss Briar Rowan who turned up dressed like a Quaffle. I was fortunate enough to grab a quick interview with her.
As I waited hopefully for another interview, I met Liberty Corvus who was dressed as a superhero. Libby was kind enough to supply me with a short interview, which included her feelings about this being the final Halloween Feast she will attend at Hogwarts.Interview said:Question: What can you tell me about your costume?
Briar: It is a quaffle. I picked it because I love playing chaser in Quidditch.
Question: Did you come here alone?
Briar: I came here on my own, but I may meet up with someone later.
Question: What do you think of the Halloween celebrations?
Briar: I love Halloween, a chance to have some fun and maybe pull a few pranks, and eat sweet stuff.
Question: Do you know what you're costume will be next year?
Briar: Possibly a centaur. I was going to this year but I thought I had better wait until I know a little more magic, so the costume will be better.
Question: Were there any costumes you loved?
Briar: I like the man-eating shark, and yours is really good too.
Question: Have you ever found a spider in your pumpkin juice?
Briar: No, but spider tastes quite nice.
There had been a lot of different emotions flying around the Great Hall, some of these resulting in friends laughing and messing about, some resulting in more angry feelings. It has been rumoured that an older Slytherin student was expelled after assaulting a professor at the feast. Yikes. And on that note, perhaps Aunt Meg can help you lot through some more problems.</COLOR>Interview said:Question: Are you here with anyone?
Liberty: I'm just with myself, this year. Previously I've attended with my close friends, and I think it lightens the mood too if you have a small group with you, but no, I've not found anyone to come with me this time.
Question: What do you think of the costumes?
Liberty: The other costumes are great. I would say that one or two stand out from the crowd, but they really all do, so it's hard to say which is the best. I think those judging are going to have a difficult conversation ahead of them.
Question: How do you feel about this being your last Halloween feast at Hogwarts?
Liberty: Each time it's held there is always a lively atmosphere, and some of the most imaginative costumes. I can say that when I move back to France after I graduate, I'm going to miss events like this. I've had the memories of various Halloween parties from such a young age and from the beginning of my magical education, that to finish with another, rounds it off rather nicely. And the pumpkin juice is especially nice this year.
Aunt Meg
Aunt Meg is here to resolve the problems of students. If you have something bothering you, and you want Aunt Meg's advice, please contact Beth Bastone of the Hogwarts Monthly staff.
Girlfriend Bother said:Dear Aunt Meg,
I'm going to my first Yule Ball and there's a boy I want to ask to go with me, but he has a girlfriend (she doesn't want to go). Do you think I can persuade her to let me and him go just as friends?
- Friends FirstAunt Meg Says said:- Dear Friends First,
Depends if you know the girl well, or not. If she's your friend then you should be able to convince her to trust you not to try to make a move on her boyfriend for a night, and just let the two of you go as friend. If not, talk it out with her with a girl-to-girl talk. It couldn't hurt to try.
- Aunt Meg
Unwanted Holiday said:Dear Aunt Meg,
My parents want to go to France with me in the holidays, but I want to stay at Hogwarts as it's my first year and all my friends are going to be here. How can I get them to let me stay?
- Troubled TravellerAunt Meg Says said:- Dear Troubled Traveller,
Explain it to them. The best way to make people understand things, is for you to talk to them about the problem, or basically just how you feel about what is going on, or what could happen.
- Aunt Meg
Broom Foul said:Dear Aunt Meg,
I was messing around on the Quidditch pitch when I saw the boy I like. I flew towards him, planning on surprising him by turning at the last minute. Well, I did manage to turn, but I accidentally bashed him in the face with the tail of my broom. He's okay, and I shouted my apology as I ran away. How can I prove to him that I'm sorry for what happened?
- Not On The TeamAunt Meg Says said:-Dear Not On The Team,
Go to him, and try to talk to him about what happened. Tell him you're sorry, and explain what happened to him in an entirity. He can't stay mad at you forever, especially considering it was an accident.
- Aunt Meg
A New Year Looming
At the dawn of a New Year, many muggles make promises to themselves (some wizarding folk may make 'resolutions', too) although, most of these promises will be broken within the first two weeks of their being made. So, what are your plans for 2028, and how can you stick to them? Here are some 'rules' to follow, and, with any luck, you're life will improve evermore, this coming year.
1. Start small. Making big promises like 'I will never let the quaffle in' is not a great idea as they can cause you to mentally punish yourself for 'failing' at them. Go for smaller, less rock-solid things, such as 'I will try my best as keeper' this sort of thing means that you do intend to do your very best, but if you miss the odd shot here and there, you wont beat yourself up over it.
2. Make it special. Don't promise just any random thing to yourself. Make the resolution/s helpful in some way. Do NOT make a promise to yourself simply because somebody else has told you to. List all the goals you would like to achieve (To get on the Quidditch team/get a boyfriend/girlfriend/new friend/travel the world/complete homework on time?) and select between three and ten. Ten is not advisable if this is your first time, so three is a good start. You can have little things like 'eat raspberry ice-cream', but do not put these as your top three/five/ten.
3. Pick a location. The big night has arrived, the celebrations are happening all over the world. Where are you? Are you at home? On holiday? At Hogwarts? Find a place that you truly feel the atmosphere, yet feel completely comfortable and aware of the world around you. If you're at Hogwarts, perhaps find a vacant window in your dormitory or common room. Or join in any little parties going on around the school- not that I'm saying it's alright to wander off about the school grounds, or near the lake, when the castle is swamped with the light of night.
4. Ready yourself. If you're planning to join a Quidditch team, you need to practice at every opportunity. Well, some of your resolutions may be rather high maintenance, and you may wish to brace yourself for what is to come by finding a way of sampling possible future scenarios associated with your resolution. This way, if, for whatever reason, you grow to dislike the promise, you can withdraw from making it without the added guilt that so many feel.
5. If all else fails, stay strong. Sometimes plans take a turn for the worst without us doing anything wrong. It's a pain, and often emotionally heartbreaking, but there is very little we can do. Take a deep breath and allow yourself some 'chill out' time. You can always try again next year, or in a month's time. Perhaps reconfigure your resolution from saying you will continue do something, for example, to saying you will try your best to do this thing. Don't be too hard on yourself, just be proud that you at least made the promise with every intention of going through with it.
Fact Of The Month
- The curse used to kill Harry Potter's parents, "Avada Kedavra," derives from a phrase in Aramaic Abhadda kedhabhra, which means to "disappear like this word."
Capricorn - Sit back and watch the world. If things are sliding out of control, just take the time to sit back and observe from another angle. Don't allow yourself to grow dizzy with the weight of the world when there is little you can do. Just try to make the best of the situation and come out smiling.
Aquarius - Something valuable will become within your reach, this month. This 'thing' may not be diamonds and galleons, but it could be something that was once lost from your possession, or perhaps it's something psychological. This is your month of thinking, so drink deep from the well of knowledge and learn as much as you can before the dawn of the new year.
Pisces - Watch your back, this month, as someone may be out to stir up trouble. Try not to let words get to you, but at the same time, be cautious of who you say what to as someone you would normally trust, may betray you. Just make a point to not say anything nasty about anyone, and you should be fine.
Aries - Don't be held back by your emotion. It's time to move on in any way possible. Don't lose any more sleep over aging matter you can do nothing about. And in the case of any matters you can resolve, it's time somebody got an apology. Stay loyal to your cause.
Taurus - A fire is burning deep within, and it is your choice as to whether or not you seek an alliance and charge forth, commanding your army, or whether you douse the fire with facts and pity. It's time to choose between your heart and your head, but be aware that both have consequences.
Gemini - This month is your time to shine and show that person you really like, just how talented and truly wonderful you are. Look out for other people competing for this person's affections. You can be the winner if you take the time to think before you jump. Words are very important at this time.
Cancer - Who has been causing you grief, lately? Take an early reflection of the year soon to be passing, before you consider diving head-first into the next one. Careful planning is key and, if done correctly, could result in something wonderful in the new year.
Leo - Slow down and chill out. You've been working harder than you realise and you need to take a break. With December approaching, you should look to the stars for support and guidance. Cryptic messages may be hidden in the most unlikely of places. Don't ignore them. It's time to pursue your goals with the full force of Mars' presence.
Virgo - Lean on friends for support and don't look back. When things go wrong- as they often seem to, avoid looking back and contemplating what could have been, but wasn't. This sort of thinking will only make things worse. Discuss your future plans with people you hold dear and listen to their advice.
Libra - The new year promises great things for you and romance is certainly on the cards, if you so choose. Someone has been waiting for the right opportunity and with the Yule Ball in the not-too distant future, this time is ideal. Remain calm and follow your heart. Your brain may push people away. Don't allow it. Just brace yourself and take the plunge.
Scorpio - Be fearless and do as your heart tells you: If you get the urge to dance in public, go for it. If you get the urge to burst into song in the middle of a potions class.. Try to restrain yourself. Don't let school drag you down and stamp your light out- be strong, be brave and attempt to have fun without breaking too many rules.
Sagittarius - Try not to be too cold towards your enemies, at this time, as some knowledge they possess may be of good use to you. Gather all your resources and try to cram as much fun as possible into this time left before the new year. Perhaps it's time to start organising a party of some description? Don't leave anybody out!
Ten Things You Should Own/Buy This Year
Who doesn't love the odd bit of binge shopping here and there? Personally, I frequently find myself metaphorically drooling over the many quills to be found in wizarding shops. I have recently been window-shopping, and I have noticed quite a few items that I don't believe any witch or wizard with a scrap of sanity, to be able to go without. I decided to handily compile this list of things that are must-haves of the year. If you do not yet possess any of these items, then find the time to grab your galleons and buy, buy, buy!
Number 10: Monopoly
A good friend of mine introduced me to this muggle game. While neither of us have a complete understanding of the muggle world, we found it both interesting and fun. We did become a little competitive as the game progressed and we became more confident. It is a truly fascinating game, and those who can get their hands on a copy, should definitely play it. Not suitable for the impatient.
Number 9: Snitch Bracelet
Who hasn't dreamt of catching the Golden Snitch at least once in their life? I have, even if my interest lays more within that of the Quaffle. This bracelet is a purely beautiful piece of jewelry and ideal for attendance at a Quidditch related social occasion, or just day-to-day life. It does have a less desirable price tag, but that is only to be expected of such quality.
Number 8: Spectrespecs
I have very little to say on this item, mostly because there are no known words to describe just how funky these specs are.
Number 7: Colour Changing Flowers
When one is feeling down, sometimes the Hogwarts gardens are the ideal place to go.. But what if you are away from Hogwarts or there's a heavy downpour of frogs? Not to worry! Colour changing flowers will cheer you up in an instant. I could sit for hours, just watching these beautiful flowers switching in colour. Fascinating and soothing.
Number 6: Quidditch Shirt
If you're planning on attending a Quidditch match in the near future, you'll want a t-shirt displaying your support for your favourite team. The great thing about this is that you can always make your own t-shirt if you cannot afford one. And, hey, maybe you'll be lucky enough to meet one of your Quidditch heroes and get that shirt signed.
Number 5: Spellotape
Ideal for so many things. Spellotape has saved my life (well, saved my homework and battered books) on several occasions and I owe so much to it. I'm sure that many people have used this wonderful wizarding piece of technology at some point in their lifetime. Make sure you have plenty of the stuff throughout your time at Hogwarts. It may even save you from a fate worse than death; detention with the Slytherin head of house..
Number 4: Moontrimmer
The Streak may be 'in', ruling the world of Quidditch with its startling agility and general beauty, however, my nostalgic side has taken over in more recent years, and I have found myself rather drawn to the Moontrimmer. Alright, not the fastest of brooms, but fast enough, and, for its time, brilliant cosmetic design. Yes, I will admit that it is a much more basic broom in appearance, with no outstanding details, but that's what I love so much about it, and I believe that every Quidditch enthusiast should take the time to admire the more classic models of brooms.
NumberFlying Pet
One of the most useful things to have. I recently purchased a frog, for all the good that will do, and while many wizarding pets are lovely and interesting, something with flight is a lot more useful than something without, for the simple reason of owl mail. Yes, wonderful owl mail. Of course, creatures such as ravens, eagles and even bats have been known to be used for sending letters, though owls are probably the most useful. They're also pleasant to look at and they can be very affectionate. I highly recommend the use of these birds in everyday life. The best investment.
Number 2: Ostrich Quill
A little 'out there' in style, and perhaps not the most practical of quills, but certainly attractive, an ostrich quill is bright and cheerful. I've heard a rumour that these are easier to enchant. Whether that is the truth or not, is something I have yet to learn. Don't get any ideas about enchanting a quill to cheat on a test. A self-inking quill, on the other hand, is always very useful.
Number 1: A Wand
The ultimate in wizarding equipment. I know there could have been many other things in this place on the list, but I just felt the need to highlight just how crucial wands have been to the survival of our kind. And there are so very many wonderful wands. Most people will own just one wand in their lifetime, though some (often those who are clumsy/unlucky enough to have accidents) may own more. The average witch or wizard partners only one wand for their entire life. It's quite amazing, when you think about it, and it can also make you become rather sentimental. Stock up on wand polish and maybe even a case. Keep your wand in top condition and who knows how many years it will last.<COLOR color="#000">
Got a story or know some gossip that you think needs publishing? Contact a member of the Hogwarts Monthly staff, and your contribution could be featured in the next issue!