The Hogwarts Monthly - April 2028

Beth Titus

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
Hogwarts Monthly said:
April 2028 Issue

Time For A Laugh

We all like a laugh, from time to time, but April the first is renowned for being the prankster within's day to to step out and cause havoc. I know that many students around the castle enjoy this day, and I took the time to inspect a few of the tricks some of the more 'professional' jokers had up their sleeves. The first thing I came across is a classic in the muggle world: Precariously balanced above a slightly open door, was a bucket of cold water. I know this, because it wasn't until after opening the door that I noticed the bucket. The boy* inside (wielding a camera) explained that it was he who had set the trap. He then told me of the others he had set up around the castle, such as the low trip wire and cushioning charm he had set up in the dungeons. I asked him what the key elements of a good prank were. He happily informed me that when a prank is over with, no-one should be physically hurt, and that a small cushioning charm to prevent breaking teeth on a floor, can really aid in encouraging others- and often the victim, to have a good laugh about the prank. Have deemed I had heard enough, I thanked the boy and proceeded to walk out of the door, not realising that the boy had already reset the trick. Once again, I laughed it off, and continued my search for pranksters.

And I did not have to look far: A boy and a girl (possibly second years) were stood behind suits of armour in one of the corridors. Though I did notice a foot on my approach to this part of the corridor, I decided to ignore it and learn a little about the prank. Which I did. When two bags of flour levitated over my head and split open. "So," I began, cleaning myself up, "what inspired you to perform this prank?" I soon learnt that these two students were siblings, and that this was the first trick they had played at Hogwarts, though they intended to do more. I asked them what they would recommend people to try out. "Experimentation in this field, is key," girl* informed me, "we have tested many pranks on each other at home, and this is the first one we felt was sure to work well at Hogwarts. If you're too young to perform much magic, levitation is a great way to go."

So there you have it. No matter what year you are, or how skilled at magic, you can still join in with the mayhem. Muggle tricks work very well on those not from a muggle background, and the simplest spells can gain the best result. Do not be afraid to try new pranks. But remember; safety first, and I wont be taking responsibility for any chaos caused next April. Good luck and have fun.

*Unnamed to avoid detention</COLOR>

Aunt Meg

Aunt Meg is here to resolve the problems of students. If you have something bothering you, and you want Aunt Meg's advice, please contact Beth Bastone of the Hogwarts Monthly staff.

Dung Bomb Detention said:
Dear Aunt Meg,

I recently found a purse full of dung bombs! Naturally, I was going to give them to a member of staff, but before I could, one of the professors caught me and gave me detention. The professor did, however, forget to confiscate the dung bombs, and now I'm not sure whether to hand them over to a member of staff, or use them in revenge.

- Morally Confused
Aunt Meg Says said:
Dear Morally Confused,

I don't think that using it against a staff member is a good way to go about it, considering you only just get detention for it. Though, it would help if you handed it in to the staff member that gave you detention, and explain what happened.

- Aunt Meg

Tricks And Treats said:
Dear Aunt Meg,

My good friend recently pulled a prank on me by enchanting my pet frog to stick to ceiling- which was a form of distraction so they could tip a packet of Bertie Bott's over my head. Now I'm keen to get my own back, but I'm lacking inspiration. Any suggestions?

- Frog Owner
Aunt Meg Says said:
Dear Frog Owner,

Well, if nothing you can think of, then do what he did. Though, maybe a frog won't be so distracting for him. So, maybe let off a dung bomb, which should sufficiently distract them. Don't you think? Then maybe pour water on their head.

- Aunt Meg

Teapot Calamity said:
Dear Aunt Meg,

I accidentally broke my grandmother's teapot in the Christmas holidays, and we haven't spoken since. We normally write to each other, but I'm too scared that she'll be cross with me. What should I do?

- Clumsy Hufflepuff
Aunt Meg Says said:
Dear Clumsy Hufflepuff,

Maybe attempting to repair the teapot might be the best way to try and go about this, however make sure that she doesn't see you do it. Then, you present it too her as a brand new teapot and if you did all of this carefully, she'll love you as much as before!

- Aunt Meg

Holiday Plans: Don't Get Bored

Not all of us can be lucky enough to get a holiday away from home when Hogwarts takes a break, but here are just a few ideas to hopefully inspire and entertain you through the sometimes grim days when Hogwarts is closed.

[ul][li]Get A Job
Okay, possibly not the most fun of things to do, but a part-time job can provide much needed income for future holidays, not to mention how great it will look when you go to apply for a job after graduation. A part-time job will keep you busy through the break, and you wont even notice the time flying by. Make sure to still take some time for yourself, though. Overworking will do no good.

[li]Write To Friends
Most of us get the chance to make at least one close friend at Hogwarts. Often, these friends are not local to us, and visiting them is not always the easiest of tasks. The most entertaining solution to keeping in contact, is to write a letter. Letters are good fun, and you can always attach photographs and drawings. Letters can be kept forever, so perhaps find a nice box to set aside to preserve those special letters.

[li]Write A Book
You're likely thinking "You're insane! I'm only [age], I can't write a book!" Alright, not necessarily one that you will publish, but I, personally, find writing during the holidays is a highly useful pastime as it can help to vent any anger (which is not uncommon when your relatives are buzzing around, non-stop) and it can help to encourage and cultivate your creative side. A book like this can be shared among friends, however long or short, and it can be a positive reminder of your time spent at Hogwarts.

[li]Go For A Day Out
So, you can't stay anywhere else, but as long as you can get out of the house, you can have a day out. There's always time to go for a picnic with friends, or find some place quiet to read a book, or maybe if you can, find a pond or lake to sit by. You can make a day of nearly anything, and if you can get to the shops, you could try and make a day out of that, too.

<LI>[li]Revise And Learn
It's always great to learn a new skill, especially if it's something you can use in everyday life. If you want to get to the top of the class at Hogwarts, you need to occasionally study. Setting some time aside to revise and read through any new school books you have, is a great way to spend spare time. And, if you don't fancy learning about school subjects, consider investing in a factual/'how to' style of book. These are always useful, and you can get some very interesting ones that can teach you how to make strange little paper creatures which, once back at Hogwarts, you can charm and create a beautiful, magical scene with.

Fact Of The Month

Albus Dumbledore's full name is Albus Wulfric Percival Brian Dumbledore which translates into White Wolf power Pierce the evil Strong Bumblebee.


Capricorn - It's time to get active and have a laugh. Perhaps a quick sprint around the Quidditch Pitch would do you good? (Well, it could hardly be a slow sprint) A boost in activity, this month, will bring wonderful experiences. Try to wear yellows and oranges.

Aquarius - Take the time to reflect upon the past when you find yourself with free time. Somebody is missing you, and a little reminiscence between friends, could be the answer to a question that you have searched for, for so long.

Pisces - Something or someone wearing green or blue, spells potential disaster. Do not let anything trouble you, if that is at all possible. Somebody does want to make friends, but they have a funny way of doing it, so it is your job to remain patient and understanding.

Aries - Fights may seem like something that wont happen to you, right now, but you may be surprised by how fast events can change and evolve and grow into something much more dramatic. Don't let a silly little tiff get blown out of proportion.

Taurus - Fly high and soar above the others. This month is all about fighting through the sludge of life, and achieving what you can. When an opportunity to do something brilliant arises, you must seize it with both hands and an open mind.

Gemini - Two heads are better than one when a problem arises within your romantic life. Whether or not you are currently aware that you have one, someone else is all too aware of your current situation, and they are keen to change things. It's up to you to take that step and make a difference. Especially if they're walking up one of the staircases.

Cancer - Keeps your friends close if you want to avoid trouble, this month. We all need someone to keep an eye out for us, sometimes, so make sure you have found that person to work with, already. But do remember that you only get what you give out, and if you do not aid this person when they need it the most, your relationship may be damaged beyond repair.

Leo - Outrageous circumstances call for a second look at recent events. Do not be fooled by someone close to you, as they may know a lot more than they first reveal. Try to figure this one out without the influence of others.

Virgo - Try to avoid taking pranks too seriously, this month, as the jokes played are done so with good intentions. If you can prevent any negative thoughts in the direction of these pranksters, you may find yourself pleasantly rewarded.

Libra - The animal world is calling out to you, and it is your duty to receive and respond to that call. Don't be scared to try something new that, at first, may not seem like the sort of thing you want to do. Let your brain relax a little, and chill out my the lake.

Scorpio - A fun time, is April. But while many people are joking around, it's time to be a little more serious and take other people's feelings into account. Someone is about to get the wrong end of the stick, and you need to delicately defuse the situation and hurt as few people as possible in the process.

Sagittarius - With the current planetary alinement, stepping outside of the castle without good reason to do so, may result in serious trouble. Do not venture too far from the comfort of your bed unless it is required. Boredom looks to take over, but, this time, you must control it.

Ten Things You Should NOT Keep As Pets

Who doesn't like a nice little rabbit or a cute little kitten? Many people at Hogwarts own a pet owl, or another flying creature. But what about the creatures we should never keep as pets? What are the worst ones to own, and why? If you're thinking of getting something to impress your friends, under no circumstances get any of the following..

Number 10: Jarvey
To those who have never seen a Jarvey, these creatures have an appearance much like that of an overgrown ferret. The good thing about this creature is that it's not particularly violent, and it enjoys chasing gnomes- which will certainly help if you have an infestation. You're probably thinking 'Why not get a Jarvey? They sound ideal.' Well.. They're not. Their downside comes into play when you find yourself in company of those who dislike insults and rude words. The Jarvey, wonderfully, can speak, however, it can only say things that my elderly grandmother considers 'vile' and 'sickening'. I'm not going to lie; that does make it tempting to get one.

Number 9: Flobberworm
Why? Really? Why? Why would you even bother with one of these? As much as I respect all creatures of the world, I have to say that this one is possibly the most pointless of them all. They are big, brown, vegetation-consuming worms that do nothing. You can attempt to feed them, but with no obvious signs, you may end up feeding a piece of lettuce to the wrong end of your Flobberworm. Don't bother getting one of these unless you intend to be a highly neglectful pet owner.

Number 8: Erumpent
If you want your home, your friends, and yourself to get blown up, what better way to do it than by angering an Erumpent. Its horn will blown up pretty much anything, so meeting one of these in the wild is never a good idea.

Number 7: Erkling
Now, this is a really stupid creature to own: The Erkling eats the children it entrances with its laugh. I hope you got that. Memorise that piece of information- it could come in handy. I suppose that if you are an adult who really dislikes children, this may be of interest to you, though you would almost certainly have a stay in Azkaban.

Number 6: Chimaera
With the head of a lion, the tail of a dragon, and the body of a goat, who would be able to resist a truly fascinating creature such as this? Well, me, for one. They are vicious and deadly and their eggs are class A non-tradable goods. They're not exactly great fun to be around, and owning one will get you into serious trouble, or killed.

Number 5: Acromantula
Essentially just a really, really, really big, poisonous spider that will have a nice chat to you as it makes you its lunch. If this idea appeals to you, you should probably stay at St. Mungo's for a little while.

Number 4: Manticore
With instantly fatal venom, skin capable of repelling nearly every charm you can throw at it, violent tendencies, and a very interesting visual appearance (a scorpion tail, a lion's body and a human-like head), the Manticore, a creature capable of human speech, is the ideal pet for anyone with a death wish, who should probably be hanging around St. Mungo's with the lovely people who thought the Acromantula would make a good pet. Don't even think about getting one.

Number :cry: Lethifold
A Lethifold looks like a half-inch thick black cloak. At night, it hunts its prey, gliding along the ground. It smothers and digests humans in their sleep. So, unless you can cast a Patronus Charm in your sleep, I highly advise against keeping one as a pet.

Number 2: A Dragon
This one speaks for it self. At least, it should. If you want your face melted, a good long stay in Azkaban, or you can outrun a dragon every time. They may be beautiful creatures, but they can be deadly and ferocious. Not at all cuddly or tamable. If you want something that tries to burn down your house and kill you and those you hold dear, then this is definitely the pet for you.

Number 1: Dementor
An insanely dark creature used frequently around Azkaban to keep the prisoners under control. They feed on positive emotions, so you will always feel depressed when the Dementor is around. They make the room freezing (though this is probably the last of your concerns if there's a Dementor flying around your living room). In appearance, the Dementor is certainly grim. It's not the sort of creature you'd take to a party to liven it up. Oh, you'll also need to watch out for the Dementor's kiss which will suck out your soul and leave you as a shell of a person. In my opinion, yes, this creature is far worse than a dragon. At least a dragon would kill you.<COLOR color="#000">

Got a story or know some gossip that you think needs publishing? Contact a member of the Hogwarts Monthly staff, and your contribution could be featured in the next issue!


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