Open The Height of Sophistication

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Valeria Iglesias

confident; aspiring artist
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
boys <3
Straight 12" Sturdy Redwood Wand with Acromantula Web Core
5/2042 (19)
Valeria had never attended a halloween celebration in her life. It wouldn't exact have been fun to do it at home, with tutors and her as the only child. But given that she'd never been to a halloween celebration in her life she wasn't quite sure what to expect from it, she'd dressed up in a fairly simple costume, a sophiscated man was what she was calling it, and it was quite simple, she needed to see what this event was like before she started making more effort or the level of effort she wanted to put in. Valeria arrived at the great hall and had to admit that the place itself was very very impressive, it just looked really good and she liked the way everything had been put together. She walked over to the drinks and got herself something that she could easily drink before looking back at everything, and trying to decide if she wanted to do the spooky house or have a go with the grindylow pinata.
Ares found it interesting how Hogwarts New Zealand celebrated Halloween. It was definitely different to how it happened at Beauxbatons, but Ares sort of liked it. He wasn't sure what the standard was for dressing up, and so simply wore a large colourful bow tie and hat, hoping it would be good enough. But as he made his way into the Great Hall and saw all of the other costumes, he really wished he put more thought into it. People magically enchanted their costume, and someone younger than him even made themselves look like pasta. He thought they looked shocking.

Ares walked around the Great Hall for some time, pondering over the different games that they had. He watched people try and break the Grindylow piñata, chuckling as they missed. It wasn't far from here where he found Valencia, who was almost unrecognisable dressed as a man, and Ares smiled as he walked over to her. "You wanted a different sort of approach I'm guessing?" he said, gesturing to her moustache. He wondered what made her think of it.
Valeria looked at Ares as he approached her and she couldn't help but laugh lightly at him. She nodded at him. "Went for something not too complicated," she replied with a little twirl, flciking her hair from her face as she did so. "What are you even dressed as....a clown?" she asked, she wasn't sure and it just seemed rather wild to her too. What was this costume Ares had chosen. "Tell me, did beauxbatons have anything like this?" she asked, gesturing to the hall.
Ares nodded at Valencia's response. It definitely didn't seem too complicated to put together, and the thought of Valencia as a fully grown man really was scary. As Valencia asked what he was dressed as, he could definitely feel her judging him. He would definitely be putting more effort into his costume next year. "Yeah, a clown." he replied simply, glad that at least she could guess it correctly. "No. Beauxbatons was a lot more... formal than this. There were barely many games, and people didn't put in nearly as much effort as everyone here." He hoped after his explanation that Valencia would judge him a little less. "I'm thinking next year I'm going to do something super scary... like a zombie. I'll be unrecognisable." Ares smirked, already planning his next costume in his head.
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