Closed The Grocery Store

Sophie Elliston

artist | healer in training
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Curved 14 Inch Unyielding Willow Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Sophie had to admit she was not having a very good day. Just a few months ago she thought leaving Hogwarts was going to be such a bliss and that she would finally be free of any pressure, but that was only half true. She didn't have to attend classes and do well in exams anymore, but she did have the pressure of pregnancy, and she never knew how hard it really was until she had to experience it herself. Her mother had not been happy finding out that her daughter was pregnant and far too along for an abortion, but nothing could be done about it now, and Sophie had to learn how to be independent so she could be fit enough to raise the child that she was carrying. It had been nerve wracking for her going out in public and showing her stomach to the world. Unfortunately, the muggles were a lot more judgemental, and there was nothing the former Ravenclaw could do now to hide it. Her mother had told her to go grocery shopping, and Sophie headed out rather reluctantly. She had her license now, was in her first year of driving, and despite how much she hated it, it was what her mother wanted her to do, so she had to.

Trying to ignore the judgemental looks that were cast her way, Sophie piled everything she needed into the shopping cart as efficiently as she could. She went down the list, squeezing her way through some of the aisles where people didn't bother to move out of other people's ways. She made it to the bread section, looking around for the loaf of bread that she needed. When she found it, she reached up to grab it, but was knocked as a small child ran past her, and the bread fell straight onto the ground. Sophie sighed with frustration. There was no way she was going to be able to pick it back up.
Etienne liked to travel around sometimes, and New Zealand was one of his favorite places to go. It was just so beautiful, he couldn't help but be drawn to it. He had been out hiking, enjoying the scenery, when he found he was hungry. Etienne decided to stop at the store and get something he could cook for lunch. He was a good cook, and he liked cooking for himself. And his sister, sometimes, when she let him.

He was looking for a good bread, perhaps a baguette, when a small child rushed past him, knocked into a pregnant woman, and then continued on their way. He frowned. Well, that certainly wouldn't do. He walked over, leaning down and picking up the bread the woman had dropped. "Your bread, mademoiselle," he spoke, a melodic French lilt to his words, straightening and holding out the package to her. His breath caught as his eyes locked with hers, and his heart skipped. Well, he had always believed in love at first sight. "Are you alright?" he asked, his voice gentle.
Sophie was suddenly taken aback when a man had picked up the bread for her. He called her something in French, which was a language she was unfamiliar with, before then asking if she was alright. He was attractive, she had to admit, but she doubted anyone would think the same of her with her pregnant stomach. "Thank you." she replied, tucking her hair behind her ear as she took the bread from him and placed it into her shopping cart. "I'm okay. Just shopping." She smiled slightly at him.
Etienne couldn't take his eyes off of the woman, his heart fluttering in his chest. She was the prettiest thing he had ever seen. "Is there a, ah, mister, shopping with you?" He asked, glancing down to her belly and then back at her. "Or is he waiting at home?" He subtly asked, curious if anyone had swept this gorgeous girl off of her feet or if he could try himself. He offered out his hand to her, smiling shyly. "Etienne Monet," he introduced himself.
Sophie was just about to thank the man again and walk away when he asked about her pregnant stomach. She didn’t know why she hadn’t been expecting questions about the father, especially now that she was showing and was only just slightly comfortable being out in public, but it was much too embarrassing for her to answer. She blushed before shaking her head. “No.” she replied simply, looking down at the ground. She didn't want to speak any further about it, as that would definitely scare people away and give her even more judgemental looks. The man introduced himself as Etienne Monet, which just confirmed that he was indeed French. "My name is Sophie Elliston." she said softly, looking up and shaking his hand that he offered her. She hesitated a moment before deciding to speak again. "What, um, brings you here?"
Etienne couldn't help but smile as she said there was no mister. That was reassuring. Unless there was a miss? He almost hesitated, wondering if there was someone special, but decided he couldn't just walk away without knowing for sure. He took her hand as she shook his, bringing it up and pressing a gentle kiss to the back of her hand. "I came to see the beautiful country," he answered her, keeping her hand and reaching out slowly to tuck her hair behind her ear. "I did not expect to meet an angel," he flirted lightly, giving her a gentle smile. "This, ah... this may be forward of me, but perhaps we can meet again? I would love to take you out for dinner," he gave her a shy smile.
Sophie couldn't help but blush a little more as the man shook her hand and then gave it a gentle kiss. Was that how all French introduced themselves? It became apparent however that perhaps the man took a liking to her when he tucked her hair behind her ear and called her an angel. She let him and stood completely frozen as he did so. She didn't think this would ever happen to her, especially whilst she was pregnant, and she had to wonder whether or not she was dreaming. The man was attractive, but the thought of him being a muggle slightly worried her. She didn't know how she could break it to a muggle that she was magical, which was the main reason she abandoned all of her friends when she found out about her magic. She didn't want to accidentally break the statue of secrecy, but these were the worrying thoughts that were running through her head as Etienne then invited her for dinner. "Yes, dinner would be great. Where were you thinking?" she asked. She liked him, and just hoped something good could come out of it.
Etienne smiled brightly, thinking quickly over his options. Dinner at home was too much, too soon. Where could they possibly go? He decided not to let her know how he didn't know where they were going yet. "Now that, cherie, that would be a surprise," he murmured, smiling at her. He was just thrilled she had agreed to go with him. "Tomorrow night? I could pick you up at six." He offered. He could definitely pull something together by then. Surely. Maybe.

He stepped back, motioning at the store. "Until then, perhaps I can help you finish your shopping?" He asked, smiling warmly. "I would hate to part from your company so soon. Perhaps we can talk a bit?" He offered, hoping she might say yes to this, too.
Sophie couldn't help but think that Etienne was a rather intelligent man, and she also couldn't help but think that was the main reason why she was attracted to him. Despite Sophie's past choices, there was always something so great about a man with his head on his shoulders, and she was glad she had said yes to dinner as it would really help her get to know more about him. She nodded as he said he'd pick her up at six, and gave him a friendly smile as he then asked to help with her groceries. "Thanks. I have a couple of things left." she said, reaching into her pocket for the shopping list. It was written with pen and paper and Sophie couldn't help but find this slightly unusual as she was always used to quill and parchment with her note taking at school. "Apples and broccoli. I don't like broccoli, but my mother reckons it's good for... you know... the pregnancy." Sophie shrugged, not really knowing what to believe anymore. "I believe they're both in the fruits and vegetable section." Sophie took her cart and headed over there, glad to be getting some help finding the last couple of things she needed.
Etienne smiled, following easily after the woman. He held his own groceries in his arm, forgetting about them entirely as he walked with her. "Cherie, I will make it my personal mission to find a broccoli dish you like to eat," He promised her, already planning to research it. "You deserve all the best things, suffering unpleasant meals simply won't do," He nodded, more determined now. He gave her his best smile, following along beside her. "Tell me more about yourself, cherie?" He asked, his smile turning a little shy. He wanted to know more about the woman beside him.
Sophie couldn't help but blush again as Etienne said he would find a good broccoli dish for her to eat. She wasn't sure it was possible, but was flattered by the man's determination. As he then followed it up with saying that she deserved the best things, she silently disagreed. She was a pregnant teen who had made a wrong choice, and there was no way she deserved anything good, but she wasn't about to spill her insecurities out on a practical stranger. When she found the apples, she began putting a few in a plastic bag as Etienne asked her to tell him more about herself. She just shrugged. "Well, I just graduated from Hogwarts New Zealand. I was in Ravenclaw House." she said simply, tying off the plastic bag. "What about you? What school did you go to?"
Etienne smiled, listening closely as she spoke. Ravenclaw. That meant she was either very smart, or very creative. Both suited her well. He ran a hand through his hair. "Beauxbatons." He told her. "I have been out of school for a little while now," He stayed with her, moving as she did. "I am a music teacher, but I like to vacation here." He smiled, reaching up to brush her hair back but watching to make sure it would be welcomed if he did. "I have been considering moving to the area, but I had not quite made up my mind." He told her honestly, giving her a charming smile.
Sophie nodded as Etienne told her he went to Beauxbatons. It made sense as that was the local school in France. She heard it was a very prestigious school and was flattered to meet someone from there who seemed to really like her. "Oh, so you're only on vacation at the moment?" Sophie asked, a little disappointed at the thought of him not sticking around for long. There was always a catch, and perhaps the girl should never get her hopes up too much. She took a few more steps towards the broccoli once she had finished with the apples, cringing a little as she picked some up and placed it into her cart. "Well, I definitely think you should move here. I like it here." she said to him, hoping it wasn't too obvious that she didn't want him to leave. She wasn't sure how much her words would mean to him, but thought it was worth a try.
Etienne could swear that Sophie looked disappointed as he said he was on vacation. He slid a little closer, reaching up with the intent to brush her hair back from her eyes. "I think I will like it very much as well," he murmured, his eyes lowering to her lips for a moment before he glanced away shyly. It was certainly much too soon for that, wasn't it? He let out a slow breath, looking to her groceries. "Might I walk you to your car?" He asked, looking back up to her with a gentle smile. "I am not quite ready to say goodbye, mon cher," He murmured, already planning to buy her groceries for her.
Sophie didn't mind the man touching her hair. She had many people touching her stomach, so she was used to the uninvited touch. Not only that, but she liked him, and she wasn't sure what about him made her so drawn to him. Perhaps it was just his ability to see past her pregnant stomach? Or maybe it was something more? Sophie wanted to get to know him, and smiled as he asked to walk her to her car. "Yeah, sure." Sophie replied, happy to have his company for a little longer. She couldn't help but blush slightly as he said he didn't want to say goodbye yet. "We don't need to say goodbye. It won't be forever." Sophie said shyly to him, flattered that he thought that way. She was never one for being positive, but she just knew that they couldn't simply only be meeting that one time, not when there was clearly something that brought them together. She needed to tell Selene about him, and maybe she could do a prediction on their future. The woman began walking over to the checkouts and piled her items onto the conveyor. "Do you always pick up girls in grocery stores?" she asked with a cheeky grin.
Etienne smiled softly, following after her. He reached into her cart, helping her load it before slipping in front of her. He put a hand on the cart, leaning forward and reaching to twirl a strand of her hair around his finger. "Time away from you will feel like forever, mon cher," He told her with a gentle smile. He moved with the line, reaching behind him and paying for her groceries without asking. As they moved outside, he took a breath of the fresh air and smiled gently at her.

"I don't, actually, I never really hit on anyone," he told her. He hadn't ever really had a preference. He often found men and women equally attractive, but none of them had drawn him in the way that Sophie had. He stilled, turning to look at her with a shy smile. "But one cannot control fate, my sweet," he murmured, brushing his own hair back that time. "And one cannot control where they find angels," he reached out again, this time intending to brush one knuckle gently over her cheek.
Sophie wasn't always the best at taking compliments, and that was mainly because she found it hard to even compliment herself. She simply smiled sightly as the man told her that time away from her would feel like forever. She hoped it meant that he would stay, because she hadn't met someone like him in a very long time. She was a bit taken aback as he paid for her groceries. "Oh, you didn't have to do that!" she exclaimed, blushing again. She wasn't sure what she would tell her mother if she found out a stranger had paid for the food.

As Etienne responded to her question, she smiled at how much she liked the answer. A guy that didn't hit on many girls certainly had the confidence, and that was ultimately what drew her to him. He then called her an angel, but she was much too shy to reply. She made it to her car before turning to him again. "You're going to move here though, right? You're not going to go back to France for long?" she asked, hoping it didn't make her sound too desperate. He was definitely alluring.
Etienne followed Sophie to her car, loading her groceries into the vehicle for her. He was silent as he did so, considering his answer. When he finished, he settled one hand on the hood next to where she was standing. "Honestly?" He asked, reaching up and brushing his knuckle gently along her cheek. "I have been looking for a purpose for some time, mon cher," He smiled gently, blushing a bit. He glanced away shyly. "I... I want to keep seeing you, Sophie," He told her, peeking back up to her and rubbing the back of his neck.

"I know we have just met. I won't say I'm moving here just yet, but," he held up one finger, indicating he had a point. "Let me take you out a few times, let us talk, get to know one another. You are a beautiful woman, and I want to know you. I hope... I hope you want to know me as well." He chuckled nervously, shifting on his feet. "If things go well, and you decide you would like to continue seeing me, I will move here. Close by." He looked back to her with a gentle smile. "I want to be in your life, mon cher, but I want you to want me here," he admitted. He hesitated, reaching up again to brush her hair back. "Do you believe in love at first sight, cherie?" He asked.
Sophie wasn't surprised anymore when Etienne began putting the groceries into her car for her. She didn't bother saying anything this time, and instead just smiled as she helped him do it. They were done soon enough, and Sophie couldn't be more thankful for his help. At his words, Sophie could feel more butterflies in her stomach. "I want to keep seeing you too." she assured him. She thought it was cute the way he rubbed the back of his neck. It was almost as if he was nervous, despite also being so confident. She listened as he reasoned with her, and nodded in agreement. She liked that he didn't want to rush into anything too quickly, especially since they had just met. "That sounds like a good idea then. I'm happy to get to know you some more. You seem like a very interesting person." she told him truthfully. She hesitated at his question. Love at first sight was a big deal. "I mean, I guess so. It's hard to know because I don't think I've ever truly been in love." She shrugged, hoping her answer wouldn't potentially offend him. It had been hard to say with Chrysander, but sometimes she thought that the only reason she convinced herself she loved him was so that she could try and mend herself.
Etienne smiled, taking her hand and pressing a gentle kiss to the back of it. "We'll just have to find out then, won't we?" He murmured, keeping her hand a few moments longer than she needed to. "Tomorrow night then, my sweet?" He asked, pulling out a pen and scribbling his phone number down on a scrap of paper. Once she had it, he pressed another kiss to her temple before stepping back. He gave her a shy smile, lingering a few more moments before turning and walking away. He had completely forgotten his dinner, and he needed to go back and get it. He might as well get something for tomorrow night, just in case. He hummed to himself as he walked back inside.
Sophie let the man take her hand, blushing again as he kissed it. It was a simple gesture, but very sweet, and it made her like him even more. "Yes, tomorrow night." she said with a small nod, quite excited to see him again. She took the paper he gave her with his number on it, watching as he walked away in the opposite direction. She didn't think it would be this easy to find love, especially since she had just graduated school and was pregnant, and she really hoped with everything inside of her that this was going to work.

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