The Graduates and Other characters

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Oliver Cade Halliwell

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Half Blood
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Curly 10 Inch Unyielding Pear Wand with Boomslang venom Core
So I have more characters to throw into the world.

Oliver Cade Halliwell. Recent Ravenclaw Graduate. Tutshill Tornados Keeper. Since I neglected Oliver for the last few years of his education he is lonely. He needs friends, possible people he met at school if their still around, he needs some romantic interests. His final fell apart so that is up for grabs. I'm starting from scratch so I'm open to ideas.

James Woodlock. Slytherin Graduate. Herbology Professor. James had recently reconnected with an old school friend so its got me thinking that he needs more of a social life outside of teaching. He needs friends and well everything else.

Skye Taylor. Gryffindor first year. Quidditch enthusiast. Bubbly and playful. Skye needs some friends to welcome her into the Hogwarts fold, for Skye I am open to future plots, i.e. relationships and the such.
If you want we can have him and Kia meet up for lunch or something and you know just talk, she hasn't really seen may of her friends since the party because she had all those weekend detentions and she wouldn't have seen much of him at Graduation so it could be nice for them to catch up, yes?
Sounds good, I'll start a topic when I get home later today unless your desperate too.
Nope, you can start xD
Cool, I will get to it soon
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