🌹 Rose Giving The first rose of the morning

Lucy Montague

Fifth Year | Music Maestro | Co-Captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Lucy was excited for rose-giving - she always was - and it was her very first delivery of the day. She wandered through the castle, having gotten directions towards student lounge to find the girl she was looking for. "Eurydice?" she called out to the room as she entered, holding her basket of fresh roses - her hand reaching for a pink one.

@Eurydice Nightray
It was still a little bit too early but Eurydice was already too awake to continue staying in her dormitory or the Common Room. She and her William would be spending most of the day together outside of classes today as far as she was aware so she figured she’d wait in the Student Lounge until they had to meet. She was reading her textbooj when a girl came up to her making her quite tense. “That’s me,” she said quietly as she closed her book and looked around. She’d seen Kael-nii and Elio-nii around earlier so they must be nearby just in case she needed them.
"I've got a rose delivery for you," Lucy said, trying to contain her excitement as she walked up to Eurydice. "Here." She passed it over - a pink rose - with the attached note. She waited to see what the girl's response would be. Pink roses were always exciting.

I'm here when you're ready to talk.

As soon as Tizi had heard his sister was in the area, he'd pretty much been keeping a sharp eye on her and when a girl came up to her with what he assumed was a rose, he plucked it out of the air as she went to hand it over to Eury, scanning over the note quickly before nodding and handing them both back to Eury and then continuing on his way. The note wasn't mean, and he knew who it was from, so he'd let her read it.

*permission to GM taking the rose from Eury​
Eury had been about to take the note before it was taken from the older girl's hand. "Tizi-nii!" she yelled, totally not expecting her older brother to just come out of nowhere and take her rose and note. She'd been about to cry really if Tizi-nii hadn't returned them really quickly, which just made her confused because he just totally walked away after that. She held the rose gingerly after that and opened the note, smiling widely at the note she got from her other brother. "Thank you," she told the girl as she closed the note, sure that her brother wouldn't want anyone else seeing it. "Sorry about him. He's my brother... and the new temp librarian," she felt the need to explain to the older girl because well... Tizi-nii had always been a little rude.
"Oh!" Lucy exclaimed in surprise as the rose was taken by someone she didn't recognise. She was feeling the first stirrings of anger at being blocked from doing her job when the girl explained who he was. "Oh. I guess that's okay. As long as you got your note." She eyed the apparently temporary librarian warily. If he'd been a student, she might have given him an earful, but he was staff so she let it lie. "Have a nice day!" she said as she went on her way.

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