the first half

Riley Smith

Well-Known Member
Riley walked through the harbour. As he had been with Adele for some time this meant he could spread his wings. HE was looking for some new meat so to speak. The man sat on a bench and looked at the surrounding people. There wasn't really anyone of interest at the moment but he could wait, there would always be someone worth waiting for. After about five minutes he saw one. The girl was young but not too young, blonde, and she looked pretty.

Riley stood up and approached the blonde girl. "Hey babe. How come a pretty girl like you is here all alone with out a guy to keep her near?" He flirted shamelessly, like usual. Really, Riley was the biggest flirt he knew, no girl could escape his flirting. Unless she was ugly of course. Or he'd already been with her.
Kadie had been shopping all day. She had decided to wear her red dress that day. So far she hadn't bought much, it was unusual for her to leave a shop without buying three things but today she was even walking past them. In all honesty, Kadie was bored. Sure, shopping was awesome but she didn't have much room in her cupboard and had to do a sweep out again. What she really wanted was a guy.

Kadie had been single for a while, another unusual thing. Then again, with another one of her friends getting pregnant she was going of the idea of boys. Only for a little while anyway, the blonde was now interested in them again. Fully. Kadie jumped when a guy approached her, flirting outrageously with her. She simply giggled and stood, one hand on her hip, the other flicking back her golden locks. "Because I'm too much for one guy to handle." She smirked in a flirty manner and bit her lip. "Why? You wanna try and handle me?"
Riley watched her flick her hair back. He had a thing for blondes and this particular one was a real hottie. He looked at her up and down checking her out then smiled. " Well you obviously haven't met anyone like me, I could handle you every bit of you." He was always a flirt and he didn't even need to try to do it, it was a natural thing like breathing. " So do you have a name to match that pretty face of yours or do i have to make one up." Riley wondered if this would be one of his easy conquests or if he would have to work a little or if he liked her enough maybe it would last a few months, he wasnt too bothered he got the same thing in each scenario.
Kadie laughed and licked her lips. He was cute, about her age and, by the looks of him, pretty well off. All she ever wwanted in a bloke. She leant into his ear and whisspered, softly enough to tickle him with her breath. "I'll give you mine if you give me yours first." She sighed before leaning back out of his personal bubble and smirking again. Thia was a game now, either she would play him or he would play her, no matter which it was, the out come would be the same. One would lose and the other would move on. All of her 'relationships' were games, whether the bloke knew it or not.
Riley let her whisper in his ear as she whispered to him. He smiled slightly as it tickled him then looked at her when she returned to her original place again. He loved a girl who teased, he found it a fun sport to play. H smiled crookedly, as lots of girls said it was hot, and spoke. " Im Riley Smith. So are you going to keep up your end of the bargain." He tilted head to the side very slightly to make him look curious about her own name. In actual fact he was interested in what she and every other girl had
Kadie smiled. "Riley." She paused, as if to ponder it, before smirking in a teasing way. Again. "Isn't that a girls name?" She giggled and moved in case he went for her or something. Alot of boys were, let's say, protective, of their masculinity. "Anyway, I'm Kadie, Kadie Walsh." She smiled and curtsyed mockingly. "I think Riley is a girls name you know." She paused before looking him straight in the eye. "So tell me, do you live up to your name?"
Riley rolled his eyes as she commented on his name. He had never met a girl with his name which was a good thing on his part. He thought while she spoke fir something else to say. He shrugged. " Well believe me Kadie im all man." He winked charmingly at her. " I can prove it too you if you like. I guess that answers your last question with a complete and utter know. I am in no way girly."
Kadie laughed and eyed him up and down. "You know, I wouldn't be totally against that proof you were talking about." She wiggled her eyebrows and laughed at him. He was cute and maybe the flirting wasn't harmless any more but it wasn't anything she wasn't used to. Looking the way she did she got boys all over her alot of the time. There wasn't a bit of her that wasn't perfect in her eyes, all thanks to her mothers wand work of course. Looks like this didn't just come naturally.
Riley raised an eye brow and smiled. Score. He thought t himself, this had been almost too easy for him. He wondered if Adele would be at his place as she seemed to be obsesed with him ever since they first met but since he started dating her for real she had calmed down slightly. He decided to take the risk as the reward was so much more greater then the hazard. " Well i can always apperate us to my place if your serious about the whole proof thing. I know it will be a big surprise." He put emphasis on the word big and smiled as he said it.
Kadie laughed. "How about you let me be the judge of that." She giggled and took a step closer to him so he could apparate her. She hated apparating, it made her stomach feel liike it was about to explode but, in this case, the benefits of it out weighed the downside. "Come on Rile, You sccared I won be impressed?" She teased him. He was making this game much more fun than most of her previous ones, And so much easier aswell.
Riley laughed then rested his hands on her waist as he was about to apperate. He turned his smile into a cheeky grin. " Well you would be the only girl who hasnt been impressed, and there have been a lot of girl by the way." He laughed then apperated to outside his house. Riley walked up and opened the door, shutting it behind them. He led the way into the living room and turned to her. " So shall i prove it here or in the bedroom?"
Kadie winced as they landed but the discomfort quickly vanished when she saw where they landed. She had been right, he was very well off. She was so amazed by the room they were in that she almost didn't hear what he said. "Depends doesn't it? Where's more comfortable?" She giggled again. This was becoming a very fun day, much more fun than she had planned anyway. It was still to be discovered if actually was a fun day.
Riley thought for a second. His room was nice and it was comfy but this place was closer as he was already here. He decided to impress her some more. " I think that my room is more comfy than here." He winked at her then led the way into his bedroom. " So is this comfy enough for you or do we have to go back down sairs?" He smiled and turned to face her resting his hands back onto her waist.
Kadie's eyebrows shot up at the site of his room. He really was rich. "I think this is comfy enough Girley." She smirked. "Sorry, I mean Riley." She laughed and sat down on his bed, crossing her legs. "Come on then. You don't have stage fright do you?" She bit her lip and leant back on her arms, waiting for the show.
Riley laughed and shook his head. " You wish." He spoke as he took off his top revealing his 8 pack. " I doubt if a girl would have one of these." He laughed then walked towards her and leant over her, his hands at her sides holding himself up on the bed. He met her lips with his own and made it last before pulling back with a cheeky grin. " Convinced yet or do you need more proof?"
Kadie grinned into the kiss and pretended to think about the question before smirking and grabbing him by his belt loops in his trousers. "More proof is needed babe. That just means you have a flat chest." She winked and moved so she was completely lead back on his bed, waiting for the 'show'.
Riley laughed and undid his belt and removed his trousers before kissing her again and letting her do the rest. He liked this girl and wondered if she liked him back. Riley rested his hands back onto her waist and leant on her so he could lie ontop of her on the bed.

one hour later
Riley was led next to Kaddie under the covers. His hand tracing up and down her arm. He had a smile on his face. " So was that proof enough because i dont think i have any more to be honest." He laughed

(Could be bothered to change character)
Kadie lay in the bed next to Riley. She smirked and shook her head. "No, I think I need something more." She laughed and rolled over. Riley was pretty awesome; obviously rich, willing to make her happy and, best of all, he wasn't asking for commitment or anything like that. Yet. "So, what's next then boy?" She bit her lip again and ran a finger down his chest.
Riley smiled and gave a passive shrugged. " We can do what ever you want to do babe. Anything you want its done." He put his arms around her and rested his head back onto the pillow

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