The first flirt

Malcolm Davis

OOC First Name
Malcolm hadn't been in New Zealand for long but so far he liked it. It was a nice place to go for a morning jog and there weren't too many weird snobby people with no life. He had his music playing in his ears as he jogged down the path in a sweaty top and trackie bottoms. He stopped for a minute to get his breath back and leant against the fence as he watched people walk past. This was an average run for him but he wasn't used to the New Zealand air. It felt odd to breath in and made it harder to run.
Lana bug was reading couple letters she had received that morning, and wonder how did everyone knew where she was staying for the time being. Instead of being in Hogwarts, Scotland where she was suppose to be in, Lana was in New Zealand visiting her cousin and best friend family. She had asked for permission, and to her surprise she was granted only this weekend, and was greatful enough to have travel by portkey. While reading yet another letter, another owl swooped down besides Lana, this one held a howler. Lana did not open this one, she decided to walk away but just like any howler it exploded into a highly shouted rants. Lana looked around hoping no one didn't notice, it had been another one from her mother. Damn that woman will never leave me alone!

(Sorry lame)
Malcolm turned his head when he heard someone shouting. He realised it was a howler and smirked to himself. He had had way too many howlers from his mum. He never paid any attention to them though. His mum could never tell him off properly because she was always at work and his dad didn't really care what he did. If anything, he cheered Malcolm on from the side lines then pretended nothing happened when his mum started asking questions. He smiled at the girl as she walked past. "Apparently, someone's in a bit of a mood with you." He grinned as he leant on a fence.
Lana bug felt her face brighten as she turned her attention towards a charming looking boy. She didn't know what to say but giggled than look down, her embarrassment hidden within her silky blonde tresses that nearly shield her face completely, till she looked up. "Well you know how mothers are." she spoke with a cheeky grin toying with the end of her hair, as she tilt her head to the side. "They always want to know if your wearing clothes that covers your entire body and make you look more like a old school nun." she smiled at her attempt of a bad joke. When really that wasn't the case, it was more like who gave you permission to leave Hogwarts!
Malcolm laughed slightly at her joke as he looked around, wondering where he could get a bottle of water. "My mum's the stricter one of my parents but even she lets us get away with murder most the time. She's also never home. My dad's a kid still. He messes around with all of us then pretends nothing happened when my mum starts hearing about it." Malcolm loved his dad and always found him good fun. Some of his siblings were too weird though.
"Well than I consider yourself pretty lucky" Lana bug spoke with a enchanted soft voice, when she was being that is. Most of the time Lana had issues with schoolmates at Hogwarts. Either they end up being to bossy and try to walk all over you. Or they befriend you and talk behind your back like words will never get to you. That's why Lana best friend was her cousin Sasha even if Sasha was the type to befriend just to fit it. Lana was still trying to teach Sasha being in doesn't mean your always liked. "So what's your name?" she asked the boy, walking towards him with her hands still occupied with loads of letters and old howlers.
Malcolm smiled as she mentioned him being lucky. "I suppose I am. I don't do half the stuff any of my siblings do though. Most of them go mental with freedom." He laughed slightly and shrugged. He was good friends with his little brother Kayne and that's where he went wild the most. The ten year old was a bit crazy to say the least. "I'm Malcolm Davis. I've just moved here with my family. What about you??" Malcolm was definitely one of the kinder ones in his family. The one that was kinder than him was Alvin and he was too quiet to make friends.
Lana bug giggled as she continue to play with her blonde tresses. "Nice to meet you Malcolm, I'm Lana Hayden but most call me Lana bug" on the count she acted like a little nosey lady bug. "I actually came to visit my cousin Sasha but she in school at the moment. I'm suppose to be Scotland" she smirked, her smile spreading across her face, pink lip blam made them stand out a lot more, along with her very light but noticeable make-up. Yeah, mom will totally kill me.
"Lana bug??" Malcolm laughed slightly. "Odd name. I don't actually have any nicknames unless I get them off one of my siblings but then it's usually something like d!ck or tw@t unless they want something when it's amazing darling brother." Malcolm shrugged. "Does your cousin live here or is she just here for school??" Malcolm liked the sound of this girl. She seemed to like trouble and he was a guy who liked trouble makers.
"Oh shut up?" Lana bug laughed. "Those names actually sound kind of appealing." she laughed some more before
standing close to Malcolm. "She does but she..I don't know her family lives here. They kind of spoil me and my sister but
I know I'm going to get in trouble by the devil woman" she giggled some more. "But she does go to school so yeah for both."
Malcolm laughed. "I've got used to them. I even answer to them without meaning to now." He smiled. "Apparently they suit me." He listened to her talking about her cousin. "If her family lives here, wouldn't she as well??"
"That's what I meant the first time" Lana rolled her eyes while sucking her teeth. "But she goes to that sister school. You know the one out in the goonies" Lana said while leaning against the gate now holding railing for support. "We used to live in America but than my parents move to England and hers moved down here. For what reason? I think family dispute. But I don't bother to ask" Lana shrugged while half way smiling at the boy now.
((Sorry it's taken so long to reply))

Malcolm shrugged. "I think my family's about to get into a feud with another family. We came here to see my dad's half brother because my uncle didn't know he had a brother but when we got here we were told by his wife that he's in azkaban. His wife's family are in a feud with another family and I think I'm about to join them. After all, they are my cousins." He grinned as he thought about the feud between the Rouges and the Greens. He had only met one Green but it didn't go down well.
"Are you sure your suppose to be telling me that?" Lana laughed her blonde silk tresses entwine between one another. "Hey do you like to jump on a trampoline? I heard it was fun" she started to flick her hair to the side as she spoke about a hobbie she absolutely love to do. "Maybe you like to try it with me? That's where I'm heading to right now?" she asked Malcolm.
Malcolm shrugged. "It's not like people are going to be killed. Plus, it's the fault of the other family that it's started. They blamed my uncle's wife fo the fact that he went to azkaban. She had just given birth so it broke her. It's not like she's easy to break either." Malcolm didn't know Tracy very well but he knew that she was a strong woman. She had been through quite a bit in her life and was good at coping with all of it. Malcolm smiled when Lana mentioned a trampoline. "I've done it in the past but I don't do it much. I spend most of my time jogging." His smile exteneded when he heard her invite him along with her. "Yeah, sure. Why not?? Which way are we going??"

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