Closed The elephant in the room

Teddy Pirrip

Walking the line, most of the time 🧸 5th year
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ebony Wand with Fairy Wing Core
In some ways, having a co-captain was helpful as it gave Teddy someone to bounce ideas off and lessened the overall pressure of being captain, which Teddy wanted to avoid after seeing Rāwhiti struggle with the pressure last year. But in other ways, it was extremely frustrating that Teddy had to agree decisions with Fraser and he couldn’t just make the call and move on. Naturally, some positions were straightforward to fill, but one position Teddy had to tread carefully since he already knew who he wanted for chaser, or more accurately, who he didn’t want as chaser.

The two captains retreated to a quiet area to discuss the gryffindor tryouts, Teddy kicked things off with, “Well I suppose Alicia is the obvious choice for chaser,” Teddy started, “She played at her old school, she’s dedicated, and her tryout speaks for itself. And the alt, I thought that first year, um…” He checked his notes. “Miles. He was a standout. Showed a lot of potential and if we get him in now, he'll be ready to take over when Alicia graduates." He stopped there, deliberately skipping over the other name and hoping Fraser wouldn’t notice. If her name didn’t come up, they could avoid the discussion on altogether.
Being a co-captain with Teddy was going to be good, he was sure. but he knew it also meant a level of responsibility. He had a lot of other things, and knew he'd default to Teddy over himself, but he listened to the other boy's notes, nodding along and then gave a little frown. "There's Veronica," he said with a little tight tone. he wasn't a massive fan of the girl, not since he'd taken points from her. He didn't agree with the choice to make her prefect, but he knew that her contributions to the team were something. She had more experience than the first years, even if they had potential. "She's got experience playing, and seniority," he told him, keeping his voice low ensuring they wouldn't be overheard.
Teddy’s jaw tightened as soon as Fraser brought up Veronica. He’d been hoping to sidestep the topic entirely but it was not to be. The other boy’s frown didn’t go unnoticed either, and Teddy wondered if Fraser was trying to gauge his reaction as much as he was his.

“Yeah, she’s got seniority,” Teddy admitted grudgingly, glancing at his notes but they weren't much help has he hadn't even bothered to write her name down. “But that doesn’t necessarily mean she’s the best fit for the team.” He said carefully, keeping his tone neutral even though the truth was anything but. It was personal and he was trying not to dwell to much on what he really meant which was that Veronica wasn't the best fit for Teddy's team. "I'm telling you Fraser, this first year has got potential." He said, steering the conversation away from Veronica again.

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