Open the devil on your shoulder

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Ivy Cullen

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Mixed Blood
Curly 12 1/2 Inch Swishy Ivy Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
11 (08/2050)
Ivy had had fun at the piñata and had enjoyed talking to marley. but with her bag full of lollies she wandered the hall. enjoying taking in the costumes and decorations. seeing people hanging out with their friends made her feel a little lost and lonely. She wished she had made friends. it had sounded so easy listening to Willow and lin but she seemed to have somehow turned a lot of the girls against her, for soething that she both couldnt have controlled and wouldnt have changed even if she had wanted to. she got herself a drink of the red punch before leaning against the wall near the food table. She saw someone deliberate over somehting and smiled wickedly "The Devil on your shoulder says go for it" she said.
Christa chuckled at the girls words, looking at the two options in her hands. "Well, the Devil on my shoulder has a point," she said, her smile turning sly as she glanced between the choices. "But I think I’ll trust my gut on this one." She took a small dramatic pause before making her choice. "Definitely going with the cake, I’ll let the punch wait." She turned to her then. "Hi, I'm Christa, you make an interesting Devil."
Ivy saw the girl turn around. she had never spoken to the younger student but there was something familiar in her face, which she assumed meant that she was also a Gryffindor. "Go with both then you wont be disappointed" she said "but if you insist on just cake, cake is good" she added as the girl seemed to make up her mind. "Hey Christa. I'm Ivy. thank you." she said. she was going to comment on the girls costume but she wasnt quite sure what it was. "are you enjoying the feast?" she asked instead.
"Hm, maybe you're right?" She wasn't used to so much variety since back home her parents travelled a lot and she spent a lot of time camping, so it was usually one of those things where you got what you were given. Not to mention things like Halloween were just another normal night for her, and this was her first time ever dressing up. It was nice to change the way things in her life worked for a while, even if it was a completely new concept she didn't really understand, like being in a school for once and waking up in the same place every day. She picked up the punch in her other hand, grinning. "Nice to meet you Ivy, and yes I am, I've never been to one before, my parents travel a lot and they always bring me and my sister... er, well they did, not it's just my sister I guess."
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