The dark hiding

Shaylah Rouge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Taneaka [main]
15" Ebony and Raven Feather
Shaylah walked through Bleak Street happily. She loved it here. It was one of the only places that she could go where she found it easy to hide.

She walked like she owned the place. She knew that if anyone tried to bother her at all her dad would come and teach them what happens when they tried anything with his only family member. He was a death eater so he did't have much time for Shayah.

Shaylah turned a corner and put her hood up on her hoody so she could hide herself more.
As Shaylah walked, she heard someone shouting to her from behind. When she turned she saw a boy who looked a bit older running in her direction.

"Hey" Shaylah said this in a tone that meant either 'who are you??' or 'I don't care what your problem is'.
"You mean 'Magical Menagerie' in Obsidian Harbor??" Shaylah stared at the boy. How many more people are gonna come here off Obsidian Harbor sayin they're lost was her thought.
"If I must. Follow me." Shaylah started walking in the direction of Obsidian Harbor waiting for the boy to follow.
Shaylah heard the older boy talking from behind her. "I'm about to. I'm starting at Hogwars in september. How about you??"
"I'm dreading the answer to this question but what house you in??" Shaylah thought she might as well find out how bad it was.
"I don't know why you'd ever wanna be in gryffindor, it's so tacky. Slytherin is the best! BTW if I were you, I wouldn't go around this area saying that you're in gryffindor too loud." Shaylah laughed at the thought of what might happen to this boy if he was heard.
"Nor do I but there's still no way I'm going into gryffindor. Anyway, I still don't know your name. I'm Shaylah. Shaylah Rouge."
"It's the only house with pride, plus my whole family's been in slytherin. I'm the frst one to come to Hogwarts NZ though. What house did you want to be in befor you got sorted."
Trevor laughed "Gryffindors are known as the proud lions!" he said with a smile "Some of them have too much pride" he muttered with a frown. When she asked what house he wanted to be in, he thought for a moment "Well, I definitely didnt wanna be in Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw was too nerdy for my tastes I guess it was between Slytherin and Gryffindor" he smiled "Both my parents were Gryffindors"
Shaylah giggled "Another family thing. So who are you here with??"
"Oh. You've got a little sister. That's so cool. I've always wanted a little broter or sister." This was another reason why Shaylah hated her mum.
"dis-own him and adopt a slytherin first year. So are you and your sister here with your parents or did you come alone??"
"Didn't your parents wanna com here or something??" Shaylah liked being nosey. Shefound it more fun. "I'm here with my dad. He got a new job here just so I could go to Hogwarts NZ."

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