The creation of a troublesome friendship

Ares Taylor

Well-Known Member
Ares wandered through the forest "what to do what to do?" he thought out loud. He suddenly received inspiration, run and climbed up and nearby tree and completly hid himself from view waiting for an innocent victim.

Emi wandered the Forbidden Forest, although to her, it was just a forest. The forest seemed empty, and noise could be heard for miles. She smiled to herself, this was a place for mischef. She walked under a particuly large tree, pausing for a moment.
Ares smirked as he girl paused right underneath the tree he was in, he suddenly dropped down right in front of her. "Boo"
Ares grinned as the gril jumped a bit.

He poked his tongue at he as she teased him, "Hey it was the best I could do having a whole five seconds to prepare!" he suddenly turned and quickly climbed the tree "But I can do better" He yelled as he climbed higher.

Before the girl had a chance to do anything he'd begun throwing rotten fruits from the tree at her. "Beat that" he yelled as he sent a rotton, disgusting looking fruit at her.
Emi laughed as the boy started to climb the tree. When saying 'I can do better' Emi was going to ask what, when a large rotton fruit hit her shoulder. Then many came pelting down at her, she laughed doging to miss them. She tried to look up at where this boy was throwing them from.

"Heyy you didn't give me a chance" she yelled up at him, while reaching down and picking up the fruits that missed her, heaving them up at him. One hitting him straight in the eye. Emi then swung round and started to climb the nearest tree, which too, was full of the rotton fruits. She grabbed one and threw it towards the boy, it just missed. Sighing she picked more and threw one after the other. They were more sucessful and this time and hit him, leaving marks. She giggled at his face as she hit him, like he didn't expect her to aim to be able to actually hit him.
[*cough* no godmoding! lol]

Before Ares knew what was happening, it was a full blown rotten fruit fight, he was throwing every fruit he could get his hands on she was throwing them back. Ares gasped as a fruit actually hit him. He quickly jumped to another tree and grabbed handfuls of fruit and threw so many at a time that it looked like the forest was raining fruit.

[erm.. tehe.... *glances nervously* lol :)]

Emilie laughed as more and more fruits were thrown. She was almost out, she reached out to get one that looked particually rotton, noticing her hands and the colour that they had turned. Losing balance, she fell out of the tree.


Emi attempted to land, but did not quite succed. Instead she twisted her ankle, falling to the ground.

"Ouch..." she muttered, trying to get up, this was unsucessful, and she started laughing, not bothered about her ankle which was throbbing slightly. She lay back down on the ground as she couldn't get up due to her laughter. She sat up at looked round to see where the boy was.
Ares rushed down to help the girl that had fallen out of the tree, "Are you okay?" he said moving quickly towards her. When he got to her he couldnt help but laugh, she looked as though she'd badly hurt her ankle, yet all she could do is laugh.

He rolled his eyes at her clumsiness but offered her a hand "Come on, I'll help you up"
Emi smiled, and grabbed the boys hand to help her up.

"That" she said, when she was up, "Was the best fruit fight I have ever had!"

She laughed, glancing down at her ankle, she wasn't putting much weight on it. Anyways she didn't mind she had, had worst. She smiled at the boy "Sp whats your name?"
Emi smiled, and grabbed the boys hand to help her up.

"Thanks" she said, when she was up, then said "That, was the best fruit fight I have ever had!"

She laughed, glancing down at her ankle, she wasn't putting much weight on it. Anyways she didn't mind she had, had worst. She smiled at the boy "So whats your name?"
Ares smirked "It was okay..." he grinned as he ruffled his hair and bits of fruit fell out. "You have an okay arm for a a girl" he sid with a impressed smile.

The ravenclaw boy gave a little bow, trying hard not to laugh "Ares Taylor, and you my lady are?"
Ares grinned at Emi, "Well Emi," the ravenclaw said with a friendly smile, "Will you be okay for awhile or do you wanna head back to the castle?" he asked motioning towards her ankle.
Ares smirked. "I guess we could start by getting cleaned up" He laughed as he quickly grabbed a large piece or fruit from his shirt and made a move to mush it into Emi's hair. "Cause it looks like you got alot of fruit in your hair!" he teased. "But dont worry, im sure alot of girls hair smell like fruit!"

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