🌹 Rose Giving The Bravest

Ruto Vernier-Raison

'Roo' | carefree | enigmatic 🍃
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 15 Inch Unyielding Ebony Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
Roo had no idea who any of the people were on her list of recipients. She wasn't even sure where to start either. She liked exploring the castle however, and so with her basket of roses, wandered around the corridors in search of places she had never seen before. She had heard the Gryffindor common room was on the seventh floor, and even though she knew she wasn't allowed inside, it would still be nice to try and find it. Perhaps she could ask Max where it was? It shouldn't be too hard to find, surely. As Roo was walking however, she gasped as she almost ran into someone walking in the opposite direction. "Sorry! My bad. Lost in my mind's wonders." she muttered, before realising what she was doing. "Hey, do you know anyone named Conan? Conan Elliott?"
Conan was almost at the end of his list of deliveries, there were only a few more people on the list he needed to deliver to and then he could say he was done for the day. The whole thing had turned out more fun than he thought it would be and was in rather high spirits as he headed along the seventh floor corridor to start making his way back to the common room. That's when he almost walked straight into another girl, having to stop himself before they collided. "Sorry!" He was quick to apologize, quite sure that it was probably his fault for not paying attention. But then the girl was asking for him and he blinked in surprise. "Oh, that's me. I'm Conan."
Ruto smiled as the boy confirmed that he was in fact Conan Elliott. "Lucky is something I usually wouldn't call myself, but today things seem to be different." she said, reaching into her basket for the rose with Conan's name on it. "A yellow one. For you." She held it out to him once she found it, the note dangling from its stem.

To Conan
Thank you for being my best friend all through primary school. It has always been great having the bravest Gryffindor to rely on. It’s a shame we aren’t in the same house any more. But I am glad we can still hang out.
Conan only had to wonder what this girl might want from him for one second before a rose was being presented. And almost immediately he felt his shoulders deflate somewhat. "Oh." It just felt incredibly awkward to him receiving a rose, but he accepted it all the same and flipping over the little note attached to it. At least it was a nice message. Conan almost felt a little bad he hadn't sent one back. "Thanks," he did have to offer the girl with a small smile. He knew how hard delivering the roses could actually be, it was taking him far longer to do his deliveries than anticipated.
The younger boy didn't seem too pleased to be receiving a rose, and Roo just shrugged. "You're welcome." she replied as she thanked him. She then smiled. "Are you delivering roses as well?" She noticed the couple of roses he had left and wondered if he needed any help finding who he needed to find, not that Roo would be able to help very much.
He paused for a moment, scanning the note just one more time before he carefully put the rose into his pocket, just so it didn't get mixed up with own deliveries. Then, he offered a small smile and nodded his head. "Yeah." It was probably obvious by the fact he was holding a basket full of roses on one arm. "Speaking of which, I should probably... you know." He made a vague gesture behind him with his free hand.
Roo smiled slightly as the boy replied to her, but then quickly narrowed her eyebrows as he hinted to the fact he didn't want to be talking to her anymore. She knew that delivering roses was quite busy, but why didn't he at least want to have a small break? Figuring perhaps he was just shy, but mostly rude, Roo stepped aside to let him pass. "No need to worry. Just don't get lost. We wouldn't want you to go missing." she said mysteriously with a slight giggle before heading off in the opposite direction.

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