The Bookworm Strikes Again

Penelope Fournier

Well-Known Member
Beech Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Pixie Hair
Penelope's eyes moved quickly across the pages of the book from the library. She was sitting in the shade of a tree near the lake, and reading. It was expected from her. She was like the queen of bookworms. She was reading a book about owls. It was filled of facts, her favorite things in the world. It was really interesting, although some others wouldn't agree. To Penelope it had seemed like only a short while she had been there, but she had finished the book, which was actually around 100 pages. She looked up and saw one of her friends. She almost dropped her book, but it was from the library so she was careful not to. She walked over to her. "Hi, Alix," she said, smiling.
Alexandra von Hohenstein was sitting out by the lakefront today, enjoying what little spring weather there was to enjoy, and of course reading a book she borrowed from home....
She didn't have much to do and went quickily bored. Then all of a sudden she heard someone call for her. Looking around somewhat wildly she found a reddish haired girl reading a library book. It was not until she got closer that she recongnised her. It was Penny! She subsequently gave her a hug and then exclaimed:
"Geez Penny. I haven't seen you very much for a while. How are you? And how was your summer?"
Penelope hugged Alix back. "I know, I've only been paying attention to the books, and even though they're my friends, I should do stuff with people sometimes," she said. "I'm great, and my summer was uneventful. But I guess, considering it could have been much worse, it was awesome. How have you been?"
Alix chuckled heartily as she heard the comment and then replied to it: "But Penny, I think both books and people are equally important."
Her expressions went a little bit drker when Penny said things could have been bad... By god what did she mean by that?
Way too curious for her own good, Alix asked the begging question: "What do you mean could've been worse? Now I'm curious."
"Me?" She said, "I'm fine, despite a shaky start of the term..." and replied quietly.
Penelope shook her head. "Don't worry," she said. "I just meant with all the family drama and stuff. But we managed to not talk to each other or run in to each other. So it was alright. I mean, we could have had some big argument, considering our situation. But it was fine." She listened to Alix speak. "Now I'm the one who's curious, what happened?" Penelope was a little concerned.
Alexandra shook her head as she noticed the concern in Penny's face. Frankly, she didn't know herself what took over her that day.
"Sorry, didn't mean to make you worried." She took a pause and then said hesitantly as she processed her own actions: "It's just, it's not like me to point my wand at random people right Penny? Well I kind of did that..."

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