The Best Place Away From You

Danielle Gates

green eyes 💍 harpies keeper 💍momma to twin girls
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Damien ❤️
Straight 14 Inch Flexible Elm Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
23 (05/2027)
Away from everyone.

Then again,the Hufflepuff seventh year sent a particular note to meet her in that place. She had been wanting to approach him and talk. To ask forgiveness and hopefully mend the friendship they once had. She thought back to the note she sent him.Hope we could talk.North Tower.After classes in the afternoon. If you are up for it. DKC. She had sent it via owl. That was in the morning at breakfast. However,she decided to send another note,this time via a first year, telling him that she changed her mind and suggested a next time. She was not ready for it. She wanted to say sorry but too coward to face him again. Then,there was the rose that she sent him. She was hoping against all odds that he did not figure it out that it was her. But still,the initials on the note she sent him this morning gave it away.

That is what came to Danielle's mind when she reached the North Tower. With classes done and homework out of the way,she went out of her dorm and wandered around the castle. Valentines Day had come and gone and she tried her very best not to encounter any more drama. She was bored and normally,she would bring out her guitar and play songs in the lounge or just in the common room. Today was an exception. Those two places did not need her music anymore. Besides,she wanted to avoid those places where two people most likely frequented them. Even the forest was out of the question because of what transpired before. She could not believe that she was being weak in front of that many people. Stupid Danielle.

The Hufflepuff approached the tower window and sat on its ledge. Toying with her necklace,she gazed outside where she could see the forest trees from her position. The breeze played with her long hair and she did not even bother with it. She sighed with contentment.For the first time in the past few weeks,Danielle felt she could breathe with ease. She could not wait for graduation. That was the only time where she could assure herself that they would not cross paths. Hopefully. They shared classes and she willed herself to mask her emotions and put up a passive face every time they met eyes. She shook the negative thoughts she had and focused on other stuff such as Quidditch and music. Thinking of music and feeling the leather jacket she wore,she wondered how her good friend Silus was doing. She smiled every time she remembered how he always wore his leather jacket even to Yule Ball. She missed his company but she was sure he was busy with other stuff. At least,he was not caught in all of the drama in her life.

Suddenly,she heard footsteps coming up to where she was. Hopefully,it was just another student,Danielle brought up her legs,careful to keep her balance. She had made sure no one except Amy Applewhite knew where she went off. Not that someone would look for her these days. Aion knew they were supposed to meet there but surely he had received her second note and would not bother coming here. So she was certain it was just another student. Holding her breath,she listened for more movement with her face still looking outside. That way,whoever it was could not entirely see her.
During breakfast that morning, Aion was enjoying one of his first proper meals of the semester. So often he would miss out, and prefer to grab snacks throughout the day, but on this morning he'd been convinced to join Cyan, with whom he now sat eating and laughing with, just as an owl dropped a letter onto his plate of toast. Plucking it off the jam, he opened it up to see a note from Danielle asking him to meet her. With his best friends words running through his mind, he knew he wanted to be civil, but he was also going to be careful.

During his classes he continued to think back to what Danielle was going to say, while trying to reassure Cyan that he would have things under control. He was well aware of what he was walking into, and he hoped after his meeting with the seventh year he'd come away at least not wanting to avoid her. After classes, he sat in the Ravenclaw common room, but with the time approaching he would soon have to be leaving to meet up with her. He had a few points of his own he wanted to get across, and he was actually looking forward to telling her what he thought. Just as he was leaving through the portrait, one of the first years hurriedly introduced herself as Alexis, and explained that Dani no longer wanted to talk to him. He'd frowned, irritated that she'd bailed on him like that. How did she not know this wouldn't be helping her case? "Thanks" He said to Alexis, but continued on towards to North Tower in the hopes that Danielle was bluffing.

Sure enough, after a few minutes of searching around the Towers, he found the girl tucked away by the window. "Dani?" He called out. She wasn't facing him but he was pretty certain he was correct. How many people sat on their own up here anyways?
There was a silence and for one moment Danielle thought the student just passed. She just continued gazing outside as she waited for that person to pass by again on the way down the tower. However,a voice spoke out,saying only one word using her nickname at the same time. Danielle froze in place. She knew that voice yet that voice never called her by her nickname. It was always her given name. Then,there was that tone. There was no coldness in it. She could not place what but the voice did not sound like accusing nor harsh. It was just...normal. Calling her name in a question.

The Hufflepuff exhaled slowly,thinking of what to say or whether to face him. Deciding on neither,she spoke out,still looking outside,"You were supposed to get that note. You were not supposed to be here. Why even bother coming here?" Her voice was weak and the last sentence was even like a whisper to her. She was already tired of everything. That was why she bailed out of meeting him. She wanted the friendship back,sure,but she was actually planning to just talk to him on the day they will be leaving Hogwarts. That way,she would just endure hours of seeing him rather than four months.

Danielle grew silent as she waited for Aion to answer her.Or walk away.She was even confused whether she wanted him to talk or go. It would even be better if he would just use his harsh tone again. That way,she could ask forgiveness easily. She knew she was at fault twice and it affected her friend greatly.
Aion crossed his arms over his chest, standing in the corridor to see Dani continue to stare out the window, even though she'd asked him to come. This was so typical of her. Cyan's words rang in his head as he thought about whether Danielle was trying to manipulate him. She wanted him to come and comfort her, obviously. She was the one who was meant to be apologising to him and his friends, not the other way round. "I did get the note. Both of them" He replied, not moving from his roots on the ground. "I bothered because I thought you might actually want to tell me something." He added, unintentionally glaring slightly at her. It was a good job she couldn't see his face. The time the students had spent together before Maddie and Cyan had gotten involved had been going well, they had so much in common. But as soon as the tables had turn, Aion couldn't help but think Dani was doing this on purpose, to spite them all. Trying to push the thoughts out of his head, trying to doubt his own opinions, he pushed on "Why did you want to meet?" He asked, hoping she was going to tell him the truth. If she didn't, Dani could kiss all hope of friendship goodbye.
Danielle continued staring outside. She knew it was rude not to face the person you were talking to but she could not will herself to face the other side. She knew what to expect already. Cold eyes glaring at her.She wondered if she should still ask for his forgeiveness. She could not help but think that whatever she would tell him would fall to deaf ears. Aion seemed to trust Cyan now.

Aion's response to her about the notes surprised her. He received both but still came.This was what the Hufflepuff was afraid of. Confrontation. However,there was no escaping it and better deal with it.

"I bothered because I thought you might actually want to tell me something."

Danielle nodded at his words. Aion got it right that she wanted to tell him something.But,she did not know where to start nor how to say it.She adjusted her place on the window and leaned back,now facing the window ledge across her. She could already see him from the corner of her eyes,standing with arms crossed over his chest. Please,just go.Just go on and be angry at me. She silently pleaded in her mind.

When Aion pressed on and asked about the reason she wanted to meet,Danielle heaved another sigh and sat straighter.Without facing him,she started,not caring what she would say. "I asked you to come thinking that I could do this.I don't know where to start but I know what I want to say - ask - from you." She pushed herself to put on a brave face and finally faced Aion."Aion. I'm sorry. I am sorry if I have been mean to you and Cyan.To Maddie as well. I am sorry if I acted like you cannot have other friends aside from me. That is,if I am still your friend.",she smiled palely at this.It was a long shot for her to regain the friendship they had and she might as well give up on it."It was so selfish and not my usual personality and I really regret it." When she started talking, the words just kept on flowing. All this time Danielle was speaking,she tried her best not to breakdown in front of him. She remembered what Cyan said to her in the kitchens and the seventh year did not want Aion to think the same about her.
Aion continued to glare at the Hufflepuff, his arms crossed against his chest as he tried not to get angry. Eventually, she finally turned enough so start talking, but that only thing he heard what that she had something to ask him. Given the status of her rose, Aion didn't really need to question what was going through her mind, and watching her struggle to find her words only confirmed his thoughts. As Dani finally looked at him, he listened in silence as she apologized for her previous comments. It's not just me you should be saying this to, he thought, frozen in place as he allowed her to say everything she needed to. It was only when she admitted to feeling regret and remorseful that Aion began to relax slightly. Maybe this was her way of asking for forgiveness, even if she was so close to backing out.

His arms relaxed back down to his sides, Dani was staring at him so strongly now it was difficult for him to know whether to trust her. She'd had told him that she knew what she'd done and that it was wrong, and Aion was beginning to understand that she no longer meant it. Taking a few steps closer, approaching the window ledge, he tapped her feet in an effort to request her to move slightly, before turning to jump up backwards. Sat on the ledge, he leant forwards to rest his arms on his thighs, looking out down the corridor he'd just come. "I believe you" he said finally, before turning his head to look at her. "What did you want to ask from me?" He added. Asking his questions directly seemed to be working, and if they were going to patch things up he needed to know how she felt.
As Danielle was speaking,she watched Aion from the corner of her eye and could still see him glaring at her. This made her worried and just wanted to give up.But,she had to do this or they would leave Hogwarts in unfriendly terms."I know I should also apologize to them but I feel I should talk to you first." The Hufflepuff intended to talk to Cyan and Maddie already after she talked to Aion.

A movement from Aion caused Danielle's heart to flutter but only realized that his defensive stance had relaxed. His arms were not crossed anymore. At least,he did not look that intimidating now. She had finished talking already and was waiting for any reaction from him. But instead of talking,he approahed to where he was,making her brace one of her hands on the ledge. The worse though came to her that Aion might push her.However,he tapped her feet which surprised her. She understood then. She shuffled herself to sit straighter as Aion hoisted himself up to her level. She continued looking at him as he seemed to be thinking to himself. The silence was really defeaning.

Danielle thought that she should just go and give up on regaining the friendship."Maybe,I'll just --"go.The word died out on her lips when Aion looked at her and said, "I believe you"Danielle could not believe it. Embarrassed as she was for what she had done,she expected that Aion would make it hard for her to ask forgiveness. "You do?",she could not help but ask.Danielle was being hard on herself.

"What did you want to ask from me?

Danielle looked at Aion. She wondered if she should ask about the rose. Given the events that happened between them,she already knew the response that the Ravenclaw would give her. That they would be better as friends. Still,she took the risk."Forgiveness.",she said before looking away back to the scenery outside the tower. "And the rose."As she said the rose,she could not bring to look at Aion's face. It was also a good thing that she skipped breakfast that day when they started delivering roses.
Aion glanced up as Danielle offered to leave. If she did, he would have given up trying to get through to her. Luckily she seemed insistent on staying once he'd broken the silence, and he relaxed a little with the idea they'd get a chance to talk properly. He nodded to her response, he did forgive her, after all he wasn't one to hold on to mistakes people made. When time passed it was easy to see how you would've reacted differently in a situation, and Aion had spent the last 6 months living the life of his own guilt. He just wanted to understand where it came from, but as Danielle spoke of the rose, he didn't really need to. He looked down to the floor once again as the room quietened again. He wasn't entirely sure what to say, and he should have realised it sooner, before it got to this point, including those around him too. Since he was learning to opening up, he figured he may as well with Dani too "I don't want that." He said truthfully, knowing that it might hurt her to hear it but he couldn't lie. "I don't want that with anyone" He added quietly, unmoving. He hadn't intended for things to take this route, but the thought of giving anyone an ounce of commitment made him fall back into a habit of hiding away.
Danielle sighed as she waited for any response from Aion. Despite the silence,she already knew that she would be rejected. Surprisingly,she never felt an ounce of sadness nor disappointment. She already knew and had expected it already. Since the time she wrote that note and chose that rose. So when the Ravenclaw gave his answer,Danielle looked at him in the eyes,"I know. And it is okay. Honestly,I'd rather have us as friends without the commitment and complications. Realizing that she had mentioned the word friends,she stopped herself. Reaching the back of her neck with her right hand,she akwardly asked Aion in a soft voice,"Are we friends again?" She did not want to jump into conclusions.

Danielle's thoughts suddenly went to Cyan and Maddie. She had been making plans on how to approach them and somehow ask for forgiveness. However,she intended to prepare a little something for them. A peace offering of sorts. And the person beside her is the best one to turn to for advice. She was looking at Aion while thinking over this and, without realizing, she had this wide smile and twinkle in her eyes. Something that she did out of habit every time she wanted to ask a favor from her brothers and parents. She knew that to others looking at her now, she would look like a crazy person and maybe this time,she was indeed crazy.
Aion wasn't really sure how to respond to her question. Were they? He didn't want to graduate with any hard feelings towards her, but it would take more than this before he forgave her. Just because she had admitted she'd done wrong, didn't excuse her from what she'd done. "I'd like to think that one day we could be" He added honestly, looking up to meet her eyes, he was slightly taken aback to see her face lit up like a Christmas Tree. She was grinning too much for a situation like this, surely, and he frowned. "What?" he asked simply, confused as to what was going through the girls mind. He wasn't sure what Danielle was planning on doing, but it made him feel a little uncomfortable as she was staring at him like that. He couldn't feel guilty for not wanting to befriend her at the moment. Cyan was a rare instance where he instantly clicked with someone, and it wasn't in every case that he'd talk to someone a few times and that would be their friendship set in stone. He could count the number of people he'd spoken to at Hogwarts on one hand.
Nodding at Aion's answer, Danielle completely understood. It was not that easy to regain the friendship they once had, despite the similarities they had shared. "Completely understandable", she commented as she glanced back at the Ravenclaw. "You forgiving me was already enough and more than I could hope for.", she added. There were silence between them although it was not as tensed as before.

Danielle shook her head to erase the crazy smile she was sporting when she saw Aion's brows almost merging into one. Clearing her throat, she enlightened the person beside her. "I know it's a long shot but you dated Maddie before and you always hang out with Cyan. Has she,Cyan, mentioned me to you at all?In any way.", she played with her necklace before continuing, "I was thinking of talking to Cyan after I spoke to you and maybe,just maybe, give her something - a peace offering of sorts." She wondered what the girls liked. She could easily get them by owl from her brother, whom she heard was already working at the Ministry.
He was still looking at the Hufflepuff as her face relaxed slightly, but it still made him nervous about whatever she had planned. He was surprised she was trying so hard for a friendship, and even though he wanted to be civil to her once more, they'd not really spent a large amount of time alone together asides from their initial meeting. As he listened, he nodded in confirmation of his previous relationship, and current friendship with Cyan. "Has she mentioned you?" he repeated, wondering why she was asking about Cyan. He knew she wanted to talk to the Hufflepuff and apologise, but it was strange to hear that Dani wanted inside knowledge. Aion had actually mentioned the seventh year to her himself on a few occasions, but he wasn't sure he wanted to tell Danielle up front what he and his best friend had spoken about in confidence. He crossed his arms over his chest at her latest request, turning his head away once again at the realisation of what Danielle was trying to do. "You know, if you want to sort things out between you two, you'll need to talk to her." He said. He wasn't going to beat around the bush, and he wasn't going to be part of a plot to win Cyan's friendship over in gifts. Cyan was perfectly well equipped to deal with things herself, and if she wanted to be friends with Danielle that was her choice, but she shouldn't have to feel forced into it. "Just tell her you're sorry, job done." he added quietly, slipping off the window sill. It had been a mistake to come here. He wasn't going to be able to tell Dani what she wanted to hear, and it wasn't up to Aion to fix a friendship for them.
Danielle already noticed the change in Aion's demeanor and the fact that they were not exactly friends at that moment proved her observation. She understood that he would stand by Cyan and right now,she did not care. So instead of replying to his question,she just nodded while her mind was already brainstorming as to how and where she could talk to the sixth year.

At Aion's statement of Danielle just telling Cyan she was sorry,he slipped off the sill,which meant he would walk out on her.Again. "I guess I could talk to her.",she replied as she tucked some of her hair behind her ear."In fact,I would do it right now.",unexpectedly perching off from the sill and started moving to the staircase."Wanna head back to the castle together?",she looked back at the Ravenclaw,asking the question. Whatever his answer was,Danielle did not actually care.She already knew the boy's answer to it.

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