The beauty of the bubbles

Kali Pratchett

Active Member
OOC First Name
Purple Smurf
Kali giggled and watched as the bubbles floated into the sky. Her mother had given her one of the pots of bubble mix and she was making the most of it. It was exciting, being in a place with magical people selling magical things. Her mother had sent her out of the house for a bit so she could 'talk' with Johnny. Even Kali could understand what that meant.

The small girl blew some more bubbles and sighed as she watched them fly away, free. On popped on her nose and she closed her eyes, scrunching up her face, from the liquid that splattered on her. As she rubbed her eyes she managed to trip backwards onto a bench. Luckily there was no-one on it but people were looking at her weirdly. Kali just giggled and lead back on the bench, dangling her feet over the arm rest.
Autumn watched a girl fall onto a bench, after having a bubble explode on her face. She giggled a little, thinking she looked rather odd. Autumn was never one to lounge around, especially in public. She clutched her favourite book to her side, sighing, looking if there was another place she could sit. She didn't want to interrupt the girl, who looked like she was having a lot of fun. Autumn decided to sit on the bench anyway. She shyly made her way towards it, and stopped in front of it.
"Er, excuse me?" Autumn kept her eyes down. "Er, do you mind if I sit here?" She asked timidly.
Kali looked up as someone approached her, it was a girl who looked around her own age. The girl swung her lags around and sat up properly to make room for her. "Sure. It's not my bench." She smiled to her. The other girl looked kind of shy, not actually looking at Kali. "What book are you reading?" If she was going to sit next to the girl she wanted to talk to her. Life was boring without talking. Or bubbles. Everyone had to love bubbles. Unless they were allergic to them, apparently some people were. Kali shook her head, her thoughts were going off track now. "I'm Kali."
Autumn looked down at her book. "Oh, er, it's "A Beginners Guide to Transfiguration", by Emeric Switch. Just doing some research before my classes start you know. . ." Autumn risked a glance at Kali and smiled. "I'm Autumn Gold." She responded. She sat down next to Kali. Her thoughts were going barmy in her head. She was desperately trying to think of something to say to the girl, but came up short, with nothing. She opened her mouth to say something once or twice, but closed it each time, looking like a fish gulping for air. So instead, Autumn opened her book, and tried to concentrate on what it was saying.
Kali smiled. "It's nice to meet you Autumn. Is the book interesting?" She tittered a small giggle when the girl started to speak once or twice and began looking like a fish. Autumn had said she wanted to get some research done before classes start. Maybe she was knew to all of this like Kali was. "Are you new to here as well?"
"Oh, yes I've read a few pages already, and it's quite good." Autumn replied happily. Kali asked her if she was new.
"Yes, I am new. New to Hogwarts, new to magic! I must tell you, it's quite hard not knowing all of the stuff." Autumn muttered, looking down at her book.
Kali nodded. "I know right? Everything is magical, It's awesome. Did you know that wands pick the person who buys them?" She was fascinated by the way this place worked. If wands could choose people then she had to wonder what the school would be like. "What's Transfiguration?" It sounded like it would be changing one thing into another thing but she highly doubted there would be a lesson on that, then again, it was a magic school
Autumn nodded her head. "Yes, my wand picked me! It was an odd experience."
Autumn thought for a moment, and then replied to Kali's question.
"Transfiguration is a class that we will be taking. It's where we will learn how to change the form and appearance of an object, and we will learn how to vanish objects. I think it will be so much fun to learn!" Autumn exclaimed, getting excited.
Kali giggled, even with having to still do history this school was seeming pretty awesome. "That sounds so fun, it's such a shame we're not allowed to do magic outside school, my parents would love to see the stuff we're going to learn." She really wished she could show her parents what she would be learning but it was against the rules and totally unfair in her opinion. "You know what, we should totally be friends in school." Anyone who put up with her was a friend.
Autumn nodded her head in agreement. "I know, my parents would be amazed with it all. I'm still amazed!" She wished there was a way for them to see it all.
Autumn blushed when Kali said they should be friends. Autumn had never had any friends, yet as soon as she ventured to the magical places, she got along with nearly everyone she met.
"I agree." Autumn smiled.
Kali clapped with happiness. "Yay, hey do you know about the houses? I just know there's four, I wasn't told the names of them or what they mean." She wanted her parents to know everything to make up for her no being able to show them her magic.
"Hmm, houses. Okay, there are four of them. Firstly, we have Ravenclaw. Ravenclaw's value wit, intelligence, creativity and learning. There is also Hufflepuff, who value hard work, tolerance, fair play and loyalty. Gryffindor's value bravery, courage, loyalty, and chivalry. And lastly, Slytherin, where they value ambition, leadership, resourcefulness and they are cunning. Does this explain it you you?" Autumn asked. She had read most of this in Hogwarts, A History.
Kali's forehead crumpled into a frown. "They sort people based on personality? What is the point of that? Wouldn't that cause total clashes of people?" In her personal opinion it would either cause rivalry between people because they're different or inter house fighting because of clashes in personality. People who meet people with the same personality structure as themselves clashed or loved, there was no in between.
Autumn had never thought of it that way before. And, the more that she thought about it now, the more she agreed with Kali. But, even if she didn't agree, she wouldn't have said anything anyway. She nodded at Kali.
"Yeah, your right." Autumn nodded. "I think it's because that was what the founders were like. And each of them wanted to take in the people that were most like them." Autumn thought out loud.
Kali shrugged, her frown only lessening slightly. "Well that's just not nice." She humphed dramatically before giggling. "Don't mind me, I'm often called a drama queen." She smiled at Autumn, she seemed like a good friend, even if she was shy. Kali hoped they would be good friends, she liked making friends.

(Sorry, internet isn't that good so 'I have to keep it short in case : ) )
[That's okay, will just make my reply short as well. . . :) ]

"Why isn't it nice?" Autumn asked.
Autumn giggled a little bit, after Kali let Autumn know that she's was a drama queen. She smiled back at Kali. She hoped that Kali wouldn't mind the fact that she was super shy. Autumn also kind of hoped that Kali would help her move out of her shell a little bit. But for the time being, she was pretty comfortable.

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