That's the way it is

Elise Finnigan

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
Elise walked up the little path that was made in front of her and Michael's house. Boy, did she ever have a good night out. A few drinks with Adrian and just getting to know him better. The little brunette brushed off her dress and fixed her hair, she could still smell Adrian's cologne, which was somewhat faint but since Michael wasn't home he wouldn't be able to smell it at all. Elise fumbled with her keys in her purse until she could properly take them out. She opened the door and let herself in, throwing her purse on the couch and putting her shoes in the closet. Elise walked over to the kitchen to get herself a glass of gin.
Michael heard Elise open the door. He hadnt told her hed be home a couple days early on purpose. He knew she was up to some thing and know was the time to comfront her about it. He absolutely hated having these talks with women. As in his case they normally ended in disaster. He quitely made his way down stairs to the kitchen.
"Elise we need to talk." he said to her "And befor you ask no it can not wait till morning." as he got closer to her he caught a scent that wasnt his colongne and was defoniatly not her perfume.
Elise took a glass from the cupboard and put it on the counter, pouring the drink. The brunette turned her back to see Michael. She was surprised to see that he was home. " Yup, I agree that we need to talk." She said crossing her hand to hold her drink. " Alright." Elise said bluntly.
*oh god here we go* Michael thought to him self. "Elise i want to know who the hell you were out with to night." he said going straight to the point. "Look dont even think about saying a friend as i callled them and they told me that they havent seen or heard from you for a couple of days." Michael was almost shouting at her so he lowerd his voice. "I just want you to tell me as i can smell him on you. NOW TELL ME!" he said and shouted at her.
Elise had a sly look on her face, " You had the nerve to call my friends?" She shouted. " Are you my mother looking for her long lost child?" She nearly screamed. " And.. he is just a friend so get that drilled into your little brain!" She shouted putting the glass and bottle away. " What do you want me to say Michael? Hmm? Would you like to me to say that I had s*x with him? That I kissed him?" Elise asked, of course she didn't sleep with Adrian, but she just kissed him.

woops, sorry.. wrong account.
"Of course i had the nerve!" He shouted at her. "in case you didnt know i have been around this house the past couple of days." he informed her sitting down. "Elise all i wanted was a name and for you to admit what youve done with him." he shouted at her. "But obviously you couldnt do that could you.…… you you simple minded c@w bag could you!" he shouted at her.
Elise's eyes had narrowed, " What the f*** did you just say to me? All you wanted from the start was what Michael Jr down there wanted!" She shouted, throwing a glass across the room. " That's why you wanted to marry me so quick, so Michael and Elise juniors could be running around the house!" Elise's body was filled with rage. " Why do you think I never wanted to have s*x with you? Well let me tell you @ssh0le." She said coming closer. " I don't want my bloody children to be a person like you!" She screamed. " I've felt like I've been trapped in here, you've been keeping me all for yourself, look how that ended you idiot." She narrowed her eyebrows.
Michael ducked as the glass hit the wall. "Elise Elise you are simple minded. Do you really think i wouldve done all of that to get you in bed." he said to her "I never kept you here it was your choice to move in i didnt influence that you did." He said to her. He could see she was getting angry so he turned her around and put her into a police hold on the sofa. "Im not letting go till you calm the f**k down young lady."
" Me simple minded?" She asked questionably. Elise growled as he put her into a hold, " I'm older than you." She said biting his hand. " Let go of my right now.." She said. " Michael please let go of me." She said calmly. " I would like to be let go of." She said trying to move. It took quite a bit of calming down for Elise to be let go of from Michael. But when he did let go of her, she ran to the bathroom and locked the door. Elise picked up her phone and started to call Adrian, she told him to come quick and her address. " Your lucky I don't call my friend Ryan to come and beat you up you loonatic!" She screamed from the bathroom.
Once Elise had calmed and shed gone to the bathroom. Michael picked up his phone and text his boss about acomodation at hq and if he could still have it. "Go on then i can be gone in minuetes women." he whent to his room got changed into his uniform and holsterd his side arm. Packed enough clothes for a couple of weeks and waited for Elise to go as he wouldnt be coming back here for a while. He started to tidy the mess up. He grabbed the dog and put her in his truck. "Stay here my princess we will be leaving soon i promise." he said to her.
Adrian had just got home from the medley after having a great time with the new girl which he had met, Elise. Things had gone pretty cool and for once he thought he had found a girl that like him for him and not just his Veela looks. He just hoped she didn't mind all the unwanted attention that he got all the time because of it. Still he didn;t know if that kiss had meant anything but he would call her tomorrow, after all they had given each other their numbers.

As Adrian got in to the house he walked in to his living room and collapsed on the sofa. He was so glad that he had not had more than one drink tonight or he wouldn't be feeling as calm as he was now. As he led chilling out his phone rang. A quick look and he saw it was Elise. "Huh that was quick." He said to himself before picking the phone up. "Hey you whats-" He said before getting cut off by her shouting down the phone. She sounded upset, angry and maybe there was a little fear in there. He wasn't sure but he did know she was talking about her boy friend. He put the phone down after getting her address and quickly apperated.

When his feet touched solid ground again Adrian pulled out his wand just in case this guy was going to be violent. He didnt want to get involved in something that wasn't exactly his business so he banged on the door hard so that he was heard. He could hear loud shouts from inside and he guessed the neighbours could hear too. His plan was simple, get Elise out, he didn't want her getting hurt
"Its open and put that wand away!" michael shouted in answer to the door. As the man enterd Michael knew straight away that he was here for Elise "Shes in the bathroom up stairs first door on the left." he told him trying to be calm about the situation. He carried on with clearin the glass up who knew that glass can get every where.
Elise was crying in the bathroom, she was surprised that the cops weren't involved. The brunette walked to the mirror and wiped her eyes, and found a bag that she would put everything from there into. It was a magical bag that weighed nothing, but you could put an entire house into if you wanted. How could Michael be calm is all she really wondered, but did she really care? No, not really. The brunette took everything that was her's from the bathroom and put it into the bag. She heard that Adrian was here, she just waited so that she could go to her bedroom quickly without an attack from Michael.
Adrian looked at the guy who spoke to him. Just one look and he had Adrians instant disapproval. She could do so much better. Still he wasn't here for the guy, he was here for Elise. He put his wand away, he knew how to use wandless magic anyway, and headed inside and followed the directions he had been given before knocking on the locked door. "You want some company thats not of a total d!ck?" He asked her, not caring if the guy heard or not. He couldn't care less about the guy who spoke to his dog with more respect than his girl friend from what he had heard. What kind of guy does that.
Elise opened the door and wiped her tears, she signaled the bedroom to Adrian and quickly ran into it. The brunette was putting all of her clothes into the bags as well as anything that was hers. Elise saw the picture of Michael and her and through it out the window. " He took the dog!" She screamed. " Ugh!" Elise growled and cried at the same time. She had cleared all of her stuff from the bedroom and mainly the whole house. The brunette took all of her coats and shoes and stuffed them into the bag. " Let's go?" She asked quietly with a tug on his arm like a little scared child.
Michaels work phone rang "Shalom boss ………… thank you sir ill be there in ten." he wuickly hung up the phone and put his stuff in the truck. "Elise im gone the house is yours ill be by in a couple of days to get the rest of my stuff." he told her putting all his keys but the trucks on the table. "Good bye. Just remember i have always loved you through thick and thin." he said as he closed the door and drove off for good.
Adrian looked at her as she came out of the bathroom. Her eye red and puffy from her crying. He felt so sorry for her as he followed her too the bed room. How could she let that man do this to her, he was a real piece of work. "You know if the house is yours you could get quite a good price for selling it." He said as a joke to see if he could make her a little happier as he helped her pack then grabbed two bags for her when she said to leave. "Yeah lets, i feel dirty just being in the same house that he lives in." He mentioned walking back down the stairs. "You can stay at mine for the night if you want. Il sleep on the sofa and you can have my bed." He said reaching the door and opening it for her
Elise looked at Michael and nodded before she saw him leave. The brunette picked up her bags and gave a little laugh to him, " I think that I could." She gave a little smile. " Thank you for coming here on such short notice." She nodded, " I really do appreciate it." Elise smiled up to him and gave him a peck on the cheek. " If you were only here early." She sighed lowering her head. " Can we use my car?" She asked taking the keys, waiting for a response.
Adrian shrugged and gave her a sweet smile. He was glad to help her out, especially in times like this. "Hey what can i say, you taught me to dance i owed you one." He said winking at her before laughing. He was used to these sorts of situations as his mum and dad would argue all the time and he always made him mum laugh again after them. He feared to think what they would be like with out him there to pick the pieces up after them. "Yeah sure but im driving. I dont want you behind the wheel in this condition. You should take a breather for a bit. And not to mention i know the way to mine." He said taking the keys off her and opening the boot to stick the bags in before shutting it again then getting in the drivers seat.
Elise nodded smiling happily, or how ever she could smile at this point. The brunette wiped her eyes and sat into the passengers seat. Her eyes were so puffy that she could barely see anything. " Oh yeah, that's true." Elise laughed and buckled herself in, bringing her knees up to her face and burying them in it. " Let's go." She said nodding, thankfully leaving the house behind.

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