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Christa Langley

sorry, I'm a what
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curved 12 Inch Flexible Cedar Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Christa knew it had been a mistake to go outside today, but she’d been hoping a little fresh air would help. Unfortunately the sky had other ideas because it felt like almost the moment they’d stepped out the doors, the wind had picked up and sent their nearly finished homework flying through the breeze. She’d looked at Julian in shock and the had both raced after it, trying to catch it out of the air as they ran. They didn’t have any luck though, because the most important parts (the END!) had gotten lodged between a couple of branches, and refused to be dislodged when she tried to throw other sticks up to get it. “Do you have the other page? Did we get that?” She asked, looking up at the one in the tree, but she could clearly see her name on the page. Parchment was so weird, what if it scratched whilst up there?

“Hold this,” she said, shoving thr rest of her parchment into Julian’s hands. She didn’t know him well, but they’d been working together on this homework all week, she wasn’t about to start again. “I’m going to climb up the tree and get those pages down!” She declared, pulling her robe off and shoving the sleeves of her shirt up her arms. “Can you give me a boost up?” She asked, holding onto the bottom of it.​
Julian would like to think that he had no idea what Father would think if he were to see him working with a mudblood on homework. Not that Julian had much choice in the matter considering they paired together for this specific homework. He had no say in it. Langley say in it. It was all the professor's fault. It was even more annoying, that they'd had to put this much effort into the work that it had taken the better part of the week for them to nearly finish it. Unfortunately for both of them, the Fates obviously had better ideas than to let them finish the homework in peace. When the wind blew their homework, and they had to both chase them down all the way to the edge of the Frobidden Forest, Julian was just about ready to call it a day. His... partner... however, was quite determined to grab the remains of their homework. Neither of them were willing to Accio the thing for fear of tearing it completely through the branches. For some bizarre reason, Langley had decided it upon herself to start removing her clothing which made him gape because this was hardly proper for a lady. And what in Merlin's name did she mean by boost her up? She was definitely too heavy for the Levitation Charm - not that he would say because you never comment on a lady's weight. "Put your robe back on!" he snapped while blushing because Merlin's beard.
Christa blinked at Julian, utterly baffled, because she could not work out what he as talking about. “Put my -? Julian what are you going on about? I’m not stripping down, I’m taking off my robe so I don’t get stuck in the bloody branchs!” she huffed, tossing it aside. “And I’m climbing this tree because I would like to not an entire week’s worth of work,” she folded her arms and raised an expectant eyebrow at the other boy. “Do you wanna help me or are you going to be the one to go up there?” She knew there was a charm for summoning things, Accio, but she had no way of knowing it wasn’t going to tear her paper to shreds and how was she supposed to know if it was going to work in time since she was still new to all of this - it also wasn’t usually her first thought honestly. Julian really didn’t seem like he was the tree-climbing type. “So gimme a boost into the tree before I change my mind and throw your wand at it!”

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