Open that's my mum

Rose Edogawa

daddy's girl🌸asthmatic🌸most like mum🌸panicky
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 11 Inch Whippy Cherry Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
*open after tamara

Rose was looking for her mum's name on the trophies and lists. She knew her mother had been quidditch captain, she didn't know if she'd won the quidditch cup at the time or not. She wanted to find her name on the trophies, she had found her aunt on a couple of them and she smiled when she saw them, but she had yet to find her mum. She looked at one of the costume trophies and noticed her aunt Ai on that one, as well as her head of house. His name popped up a couple of times too and she kept moving about the room to see who else name she could find. She couldn't see any of her siblings on any of the trophies, and she wasn't surprised about that to be honest either. Rose wondered if she would be the first one to get her name on a trophy. She kept looking and eventually found her mother's name, grinning as she noted it was for a costume contest. That was pretty funny since her mother wasn't very into her children playing dress up. She shook her head and moved on to see the Quidditch names and positions to see her mother's name alongside someone called Tybalt. Would she have her name on a trophy?
Lyra was wondering what would happen if you would fail all your classes. Would you get expelled and be thrown out of the Wizarding World? Were there certain jobs only suitable for failed Witches and Wizards? And if there were what were these jobs and when would they get to know more about them. Lyra was overthinking everything, but the classes had been somewhat difficult to keep up with. The Professor would say something and one hundred and three thoughts popped inside her mind which kept her away from actually listening to the class. She bumped into someone and felt bad that she was once again not with her head in the here and now. ''Sorry'' She said to the girl.
It seemed that Rose was just the kind of person that people ran into, or that she ran into other people because she looked up to see that there was a Hufflepuff looking at her. "Oh, no I'm sorry, I must have got in your way," she said. He head had been rather firmly in the clouds so it was hard to think on whether or not she was at fault. She'd been paying too much attention to all the trophies with her mum and everything on them so she didn't mean to ignore her surroundings, but she'd never been a particularly good multitasker. That had always been more Elijah's thing, or Sayuri's, not Rose's. "Are you alright? I didn't hurt you did I?"

@Lyra Gates
Lyra was surprised the girl apologized to her. It was her fault she had been too busy with everything that she hadn't looked at where she was going. ''It was my fault, I should have paid attention to where I was going'' Lyra said while looking at the girl she had ran into. She didn't look much older than she was and Lyra was already glad she wasn't bothered by her action. ''I am Lyra'' she said while holding out her hand. She needed to know more people and this was a good start. ''And no I am fine, were you hurt by my stupidity?'' Lyra looked at the case in front of her. A lot of trophies with names she didn't recognize. ''Do you know any of these people?'' She asked, finding a reason why the girl probably had been here.
Rose nodded lightly at the girl as she said she should have paid attention, so should have Rose, but if the girl was willing to take the blame for it she didn't see how that was a bad thing. She looked around at the trophies. "I'm Rose," she said smiling lightly. The girl seemed a bit dreamy headed, a little like Hina sometimes, maybe they were similar people? It was hard to say. "No I'm not hurt, and I'm glad you are not also," she added, running her fingers over the Quidditch cup, and the names of both of her parents in different places. "I know Taylor Blare, and Ai Edogawa, also Conan Edogawa, Conan and Taylor are my parents, Ai is my Aunt," she said, grinning. "Do you have any family here?"
Lyra listened to Rose whose family was represented greatly on these cups and medals. For Lyra it was different. Her mother couldn't even see Hogwarts since she was a muggle. And she was sure that her dad wasn't on any of these either. She had some family that had been to Beauxbatons, but she had no clue if their names were displayed on a trophy there. Maybe her uncle got best cook if that was a trophy. ''That is so cool'' Lyra said. She spotted their names on a Quidditch Trophy, but also on some others like best costume. ''My family isn't on here, my mom is a muggle.'' Lyra said eyeing Rose her reaction.

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