Open That Was Fun

Daintree Vaskevold

loves attention; hates muggles deceptive; layabout
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Ebony Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Griffin Feather
11/2036 (25)
Daintree had gone most games without being hit with a bludger and now had been hit three times. It wasn't exactly the most fun, his whole body ached dully and in particular his ribs, there the pain was a little sharper. He walked into the Hospital wing and gave a quick smile to the captain and the captain's boyfriend before sitting on a bed himself, he wasn't about the interrupt that conversation that they were having. He sat down on a bed and just wondered if they'd see any more of their teammates in this hospital wing. It was a truly brutual game but it had also been quite a bit of fun.
Kiara wasn't sure why she went to the game, she wanted to see Ilvermony kids but she didn't want to see Slytherin's lose. And as second of them was out of the game, she left, she didn't want to see how this will end up. And she understood where she was going only when she was at the Hospital Wing, for some reasons she wanted to make sure that Daintree was okay. Probably only because Jenna still cared about him. She found in her pockets some sweets and entered the Wing. "Hey, you did a great job," she gave him a friendly smile, she didn't hate him and she didn't dislike him, she was in mixed feelings... She didn't want to feel any bad about him, so she was there to probably fix and understand that. "How do you feel?" She handed out to him the sweets and sat on the bed that was right next to his.
Daintree was a little surprised to see Kiara, he knew her through Jenna, and wasn't sure why she would be here to see him of all people. He gave a polite smile to her and nodded, "Thanks, it was a lot," he said, of course he wasn't so bothered with winning as others were or as hurt by being hit other than physically. He held quidditch in high regard but he didn't doubt that his efforts on a winning team were never going to be unnoticed. He gave a little shrug, "Sore..," he replied before giving a little frown, "I don't mean to be rude Kiara, but...what are you doing here?" he asked, might as well figure it out with her, she was Jenna's friend and though he was sure he and Jenna were on friendlt terms, he wasn't sure he'd be able to say the same when it came to Jenna's friends whom he knew she was very close to.
-godmod approved-

Well, talk about a brutal match. Emily left before it ended, more interested in Daintree than she was the game itself. She sauntered back to the castle, walking in to the hospital wing. She was surprised to see Kiara there, and she walked in just in time to hear Daintree ask why she was there.

Emily raised a brow, answering that for her. "Me, probably." She slipped past the other girl and walked over to Daintree. "She's dating my brother. She's probably just trying to get on your good side to get on my good side," she shrugged, scooting Daintree over and sitting in the bed with him. She leaned back, turning her head to look at him. "You look terrible," she teased. "Are you dying?"
Kiara chuckled and gave a nod. The game surely was something, she was slowly figuring out that she came to the game simply because she wanted to finally actually pay attention to how Daintree played, Jenna seemed to still keep him on her good side and Kia wanted to give it another shot. And he let out the question that was bothering her for a quite moment, yeah, what she was doing here? But right before she managed to answer, someone answered in her place. She frowned a bit, she was already a bit frustrated about Ilvermony being here instead of Beauxbaton and now Emily? "Actually, I'm not here because of you," she tried to give her a smile, even if that frustrated her a bit, she surely wasn't the one to show it. "In fact, I wanted to apologize," she turned back to Daintree. "I wasn't right when I chose to stay on one side after your and Jenna's break up. I thought that I was doing everything right because she is my best friend and all that, but actually... It wasn't my place to choose sides and try to feel any dislike towards you, especially when you didn't even do anything wrong," she did look guilty. Something in Emily's showing up, pushed Kiara to actually acknowledge why she was there. "I was mad that Jenna couldn't get over you and... I was wrong, but I probably chose the wrong timing, I was just hoping that I could catch you here alone," she finally came to the point where she was leading with that and gave a light chuckle. Of course, she skipped the whole part that she had a crush on Jenna while they were dating and that was the main reason why she chose the side, but anyway, she was there to apologize about doing that. She didn't have to tell anyone about that crush, no one knew it and no one had to know it. After she said everything, she was absolutely sure that she had to come up to him at another time not when more than a year had passed and right after so important game. However, it was already too late to change that. "And I would choose other ways to get on your good side," she chuckled at Emily and gave the older girl a friendly smile. She at least hoped that now she managed to explain why she was there and that she wasn't planning on befriending Emily's friends. Did she even know who she was friends with? She had absolutely no idea.
Daintree looked up at Emily as she walked into the hospital wing and he gave her a little smile, he appreciated that she had come to see him and explained why Kiara was there to see him, he gave a little smile thinking that would've been something he'd done. And at teasing he gave a little smile, "Maybe, waiting for the nurse to tell me how much blood is spilling insider my own guts," he knew he was probably fine, his chest hurt, but he knew he wasn't dying, but he could joke. But Kiara then answered the question and it wasn't actually that she was here for Emily's favour which he wouldn't have minded. He listened as she spoke and then shook his head, especially as she look guilty, and then explained the Jenna had taken some time to get over him. "If you had been just being nice to me to get on her good side, as a slytherin I wouldn't have minded," Daintree said, "But it's fine, you don't need to apologise, I get it, you're easily forgiven,"

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