That Was An Accident

Georgia Rose

OOC First Name
Curly 14 1/2" Sturdy Alder Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
Georgia Rose was enjoying her morning off. She spent most of her Saturday mornings with the young kids in her small dance group, but because everyone was just back from their holidays she had no interest in making them start back as soon as. While Georgia enjoyed the pressures of a good mornings work, she just wasn't sure most of the other kids would have the same work ethic about it. However, this was no different from the fact that she now had a morning off, and had spent it taking a run and was now sat in a chair in a beauxbatons dorm, having quickly showered. Her stomach rumbled loudly, but she was tired, and didn't particularly want to get up to go get food. She couldn't really be bothered, but she knew that in the end she'd probably end up getting up to go. However, sitting casually on the chair, with nothing in front her, made her mind briefly flick back over those last two weeks that she had spent back home, if a person could really call it that. Of course her adoptive parents had showered her with gifts, and she had stayed for the most part in her room, while her parents had various guests over, who weren't particularly fond of kids. She was glad to be back at school, and was vowing that she would stop even going back for christmas. It seemed a little pointless really.

These thoughts however, sprung her from her chair. Georgia wasn't going to think about it any more. She liked her adoptive parents as much as any person would but she did most of the time feel like she was just a part of something these people had needed to continue with their normal lives. These thoughts were ones that the young beaux girl didn't really like thinking about, so after another large grumble from her clearly unhappy stomach she walked out of the dorm room. She was finding this fourth year to be pretty good. her classes were alright, and she was looking forward to being able to sit those exams soon. Not next year but the year after. Which would be great fun. Georgia was smiling to herself as she wondered down the very familiar hallways. She wasn't going to let those thoughts ruin her day, she was looking forward to spending it later with a few friends. It would be a nice little catch up. Which was always what happened at this time of year when everyone was off doing their own little things. Georgia was so wrapped up in her thoughts that as she turned the corner, she did not see the person she then walked straight into. Tumbling to the ground, she sat herself up and looked to see who she had walked into. "You alright?" She asked happily in french, though her tone was clearly also apologetic. "I'm sorry the fault's all mine" the girl added quickly thinking that would be the right thing to add in this situation.

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