That Thing Called Family.

Chase Finnigan

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Chase was sat on a bench in Oceania. He had arranged to meet Caysi, as her dad had invited them both over because he wanted to chat to them about something. Chase wondered whatever could this chat be about. He was a little confused. But he was certainly looking forward to meeting his old-friends parents. He wondered if they would approve of him, Chase hoped so, he liked Caysi a lot and hoped that they could continue to be the best of friends.
Caysi told Chase that she would meet him at the bench in Oceania, seeing as it would be an easy apparation to her dad's house. The new brunette walked swiftly, well as much as a pregnant woman could, to Chase. " No time for explaining this." She pointed to her swollen stomach as she laughed at Chase. " Ready to go? Good." The former Hufflepuff laughed, she didn't want to be later for her father. " Sorry I'm rushing, just making sure Mr. Finnigan doesn't have us for dinner." Caysi smiled as she held her hand to Chase's. Once she felt her feet touch the ground, she was happy and nodded. " Welcome back to the Michigan Finnigan House!" She said walking quickly. " You've never been to this new house, but we can introduce ourselves to the trees and bushes afterwards." Caysi laughed and walked through the doors. " Seamus Finnigan! Chase Grant and Caysi Finnigan have arrived!" She smiled sitting down on a couch. " Sit down here Chase." She patted to the seat right beside hers. " Dad, this better be good." Caysi told her father.
When Chase heard Caysi's voice, he was ready to greet her with a hug, as they always had done. But she seemed to be in a rush, and before he knew it, Chase found himself in the Finnigan Household, and was being invited to sir down by Caysi. "Woah, that was madness..." Chase said, in his rather camp sounding, and effeminate voice, before sitting down next to Caysi, as she had told him to. Chase wondered what an earth Seamus could want to talk to them about. Of course, Chase would never refer to his best-friends father by his first name, he would be known as 'Mr. Finnigan' by Chase. "Yeah Mr. Finnigan, I'm excited to hear what you have to say." Chase said happily, sitting back into the sofa, and putting his arm along the top of it, behind Caysi. They had always been close friends, and he was glad that he was finally getting to meet her family. After all, it had taken long enough.

OOCOut of Character:
I take it Seamus is the father right? :p
Seamus looked out the window to see a brunette as well as a blonde appear on the property. They were certainly his daughter, and his son. Seamus had just found out the Chase was his son, and he was extremely excited to tell them both. Seamus walked down the stairs to join both his children, and to tell them the good news. " Hello hello." He laughed as he took a seat adjacent to them. " Ha, this is some pretty amazing news." The brown haired man laughed as he looked over at them. " Well... your family." He smiled. " Not cousins, but brother and sister." He nodded. " Welcome to the family Chase." Seamus laughed.

OOCOut of Character:
Yes he is :)
Chase gave himself a sly pinch in the arm to check that what he had just heard wasn't a dream. When he finally convinced himself that this was real life, Chase found himself not knowing how to react. It was great news, it was just a big shock that was all. Chase smiled, unsure of what else to do, and just allowing his mouth to take over from his brain for 2 Minutes. "Woah, well that was unexpected, but I guess that's great." Chase said, turning to Caysi and smiling before turning back to Seamus. "So am I a Finnigan now?" He asked, knowing that was an obvious question, but he still had to check that this was for real.
Caysi was somewhat in shock when she heard the words 'brother and sister' come out of her dad's mouth. The brunette just picked at her hair.. it would've been so much easier if they found out earlier, but either way they were family! " Wow, that's amazing!" Caysi smiled as she looked over to her brother and dad. " Yes you are! Welcome to the family!" Caysi said as she hugged Chase.
Chase hugged Caysi back. "YAY!!! We were only saying the other day how much we looked like each other." Chase joked, before realising that he didn't actually know why he had never known about his sister before. "So Seamus, I hate to put a dampner on things, but why have we never known this before?" He asked, purely interested, in where this great news had come from.
Seamus smiled as he watched the children hug. " It's quite funny, you two almost look exactly a like." He shrugged. " Well, I was talking to your mother the other day and we decided that it was time to tell you." Seamus nodded as he cleared his throat. " It was really good that you and Caysi kept in touch mostly because it would be easier for me to tell you." Seamus added. " Your mother and I gave you for adoption when you were younger simply because we couldn't handle all the children, honestly, now I have about 12 kids.. It's pretty stressful, but I decided to tell you now because your mature and a young man." The older man nodded. " Now we need to join you into the family! Where are you living at right now?" Seamus curiously asked Chase.
"Oh Right..." Chase replied. Something was bothering Chase. He loved the fact that he was and always had been a Finnigan. And the fact that he had been brought up in another family wasn't what was bothering him. Chase understood Seamus' reasons for adopting him, and they were perfectly reasonable, but it was understandable that Chase was a little upset that he had been given up by his biological parents.

Chase smiled again, he was here now, and they had told him the truth, and that was all that mattered right now, he would go into details a little later. "Oh I'm living right in the centre of New Zealand, just off Obsidian Harbour...Why'd you ask? By the way I can't wait to meet the rest of my family." Chase said with a small but cheeky laugh as he looked around, to see if his new/old mother/siblings were lurking around anywhere in the big room.
Caysi laughed as she looked around. " A few of them should be here in a moment." Caysi nodded as she looked out the window. " But they can't be all here for too long, apparating to different places in the world is quite hard if your tired." The brunette laughed. Caysi looked at her father, she knew that he missed their mother, but it was for the best. " Dad, maybe we should order food or something?" She said as she looked over at Chase, she wanted to have some alone time to tell him about their mother. Caysi watched her dad walk away then quickly turned to Chase. " Our mom.. she's quite a character. She's extremely evil, she was a death eater before, that was when she left us when I was even little." Caysi nodded. " Dad had to raise us on our own, that's why it was hard for him." Caysi added. " She came back and said that she was changed, that played out for a few years, then she became her normal self." Caysi scoffed. " But now dad's engaged to a new woman, with whom we have two half sisters with, and they're both your age." Caysi nodded as she looked over at Chase.
Chase was shocked to hear about what had happened to his mum. He couldn't really be too upset about it as Chase had never known his mum on the Finnigan side. "Urm Wow I guess? So is this new woman nice?" He asked, just curious. Chase's life had got a lot more complicated in the space of the last 3 Minutes. He now had new brothers and sisters to deal with, as well as a new dad, his dad's fiance, and his Death Eater of a mum. And on top of all that, Chase was not looking forward to explaining this whole story to his 'Adoption' Parents. "So I'm like part of a massive family now...this seems great." Chase said with a wide smile, taking a breath in to smell the delicious food coming from the kitchen. "Ooo smells good, is Seamus...I 'Dad' a good cook?" Chase asked with a laugh, the whole 'Mum and Dad' thing was going to take some getting used to for Chase. Especially after 16 Years of having another set of parents to call 'Mum and Dad.'
Caysi laughed, " Yeah, trust me.. it's a lot too take in." The brunette looked over at the kitchen. It seems as if her dad took it upon himself to cook dinner. " Oh yes, he's a pretty good cook." Caysi nodded. Her green eyes scanned the room, then out the window, she wanted to make sure that her step mother didn't hear what she was going to say, not that it was bad at all. " She's actually really nice, she looks out for all of us like she's our own mother." The brunette nodded. " I think that you'll fit in just great with our family." Caysi nodded, " We even look like twins." She giggled.
Chase smiled as Caysi spoke about her step-mum. "Oh great, I look forward to meeting her too then." He said with a little giggle, before hearing what else Caysi had to say. Chase nudged Caysi as she told him that they look like twins. "Hey maybe we do, but that ain't no bad thing..." Chase said with a laugh. Chase was excited about being part of this massive family, and hge couldn't wait to meet the rest of them. "So when's dinner gonna be ready?" Chase asked, hearing his tummy beginning to rumble a bit.
" Nah, that's a really good thing." The brunette joked back. " You'll like her, trust me.. she's like... me, but.. there's something about her that is a bit different, if you understand." She shrugged her shoulders. " I hope soon, or else I'm going to be dying over here." Caysi laughed as she got up. " I don't know what you want to do, here are some options, I can invite the whole family over, which is like seven or eight people.. or we can meet them one by one if I drive you around tonight." Well.. not drive, Caysi wasn't thinking clearly tonight.
Chase considered his options as Caysi revealed them to him. "Ooo I think Seven family members all at once may get a bit too much...I like the driving around bit...but without the driving." Chase said with a laugh, what he had said made no sense whatsoever, but it was funny and it had made him giggle, so he wasn't too bothered. "So......'Sister' are there any boyfriends that I should know about?" Chase teased, as he nudged Caysi in the side. Since Chase was now officially Caysi's little brother, he was going to act like one...annoying and in your face.
Caysi laughed at Chase, " Well, then.. I'm not to sure how to reply to that." The brunette laughed as she listened to Chase. " Oh no brother, no boyfriends that you should know about... yet." She teased him. " Any girlfriends?" She was the big sister so she needed to take her spot as protective.
Chase laughed at Caysi's reply. "Yet?" He teased..."What's that supposed to mean then eh?" Chase said, continuing to nudge Caysi in the side. "And as for me...well......there was this girl...but I don't see much of her I guess we're kinda over..." Chase said, remembering Layla. Chase realised that he was being depressing and boring, so looked at Caysi and smiled. "Anyway, enough of that nonsense...hurry up dinner..." Chase joked, laughing as he breathed in the smell of Seamus', who was now his dad's cooking.

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