Tending to the Annoying

Derrik Agile

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn

After a long walk, Derrik finally made it to the wing. He quickly laid Brodie on one of the beds slowly. He looked around for a nurse. It seemed like none of them were around until he heard one of them ask if they needed help.


Joan was in her office tending to some nurse matters when she heard the doors open. She got out of her office to check what was wrong when she noticed a very familiar face. Her own son! She ran out to see what was wrong.

"What happened here Derrik?" she said. So many things were running through her head now. The only thing she needed to care about now was this boy that Derrik had brought in.

Derrik turned around and almost jumped at the tone. "Mom?" his face almost turned red. He shook his head and explained what happened.

"I was with this boy talking and then when he turned to walk away down the stairs of the North Tower he fell a little more then half way down the stairs. He doesn't look that bad but he's knocked out I know that for sure. I carried him all the way here slowly though." After that, he walked away to take a seat. Too much was going on for him to handle.


Joan listened quite well. She then looked at the boy and tended to him. He was knocked out.
"Yes, you're right. There isn't much I can do. He's knocked out and will wake up on his own. It might be a few hours though."

Joan walked over to her son and gave him a hug. She never thought she'd see him again while he was at school. "I thought I'd never see you again until break. How have you been?" Joan kept a good eye on the other student laying on the bed.


"I missed you too mom." he said as he was hugged. "I've just been busy with school. Just give me a second to breath here okay?" Derrik was happy to see his mom but this was too much to happen at worse.

Just keep the thought that it couldn't get any worse out your head
Tala walked into the Hospital Wing, clutching a bloodied arm, he had cut it on a branch outside when he fell into a bush by accident. He looked up as he entered and saw Derrik, sitting beside another boy, and his mum. His eyes narrowed slightly. "Derrik" He said.

"Oh my. Looks like I'm getting my hands full here." Joan got up and went to the medicine storage. She grabbed her needed items and tended to the boy who had just walked in.

"So it seems you know my son and if I may ask how did you get this on your arm?" she sid softly. She didn't want to rudely wake the boy on the bed.

Oh for Merlin's sake look who walked in." Derrik almost sunk when he heard his voice. "Why did it have to be now he thought." His mom had attend to him as he looked up he wave hello. He walked up to the pair. Tala was hurt quite the bit but it was nothing that Derrik's mom couldn't fix.

"Hey...where have you been? I....missed you"

Tala didn't reply to Derrik, but looked at him the entire time he answered Derriks mothers question. "I was looking for that son of yours, thinking he might have wanted to sit out by the lake, when I lost my footing outside and fell into a bush" He said letting her deal with the wound. "It had rather sharp branches" Why was he with someone else?Tala thought to himself sadly.

"Ah well...I'll leave you to be to talk amongst yourselves. I've still got another paitent to look after. Please keep it down." Joan walked away and tended to Brodie for now.


Derrik looked at Tala's eyes. How was he supposed to know that? He was by himself the whole day and didn't get a word from Tala. Once Derrik's mom had left to deal with Brodie, it was time to deal with Tala.

"Are you okay?" he said slowly grabbing Tala's arm.

Tala sighed. They hadn't seen each other in a while, so things were a bit frayed. "I don't know Derrik, we don't talk to each other like we did before." He whispered looking down. "Who is that?" He asked nodding towards Brodie. Do I have a right to feel Jealous? He asked himself. He wanted to say that he missed Derrik too, cause he did, but, he couldn't bring himself to say it right at that moment.

'Well I've been trying to look for you. My looking failed but now its a success." Derrik felt really bad.

"That would be Brodie. Me and him aren't the best of friends. I was up at the North Tower when I ran into him. I was there to get some air and we started talking. Out of nowhere he said he be better off dead. I guess I royally annoy him. When he stormed off he feel about half way down the stairs. I had to carry him here. Then that's when all this started to happen." Derrik was about to burst. So much for him at one time is bad enough. With people that he knew and loved around him, it only made things worse.

"I've been looking for you all day, I guess we just missed each other" He said. He really felt bad now. He stepped forward and reached his hand up, to ruffle Derriks hair, but stopped the movement half way and dropped his hand. A split second later he pulled Derrik into him arms, giving him a big hug. He was very sorry for his actions when he arrived in the room.

Maybe what Tala said was right. Maybe they were just missing each other all day then. Tala ruffled Derrik's hair like he always did and gave him a hug. This was the thing that Derrik was missing. Derrik hugged Tala back that same. He didn't want to move at all but he thought it would be best because his mother didn't know about him and his feelings for Tala. But at this rate who could care.

Derrik dragged Tala to another room. His mom was too busy with Brodie. Once they were both out of range, Derrik kissed Tala.

I think we've been apart for a little too long. I'm sorry if I scared you at all."

Tala smiled slightly as Derrik dragged him away and kissed him. "We have been" He kissed Derrik again "It sucks that we are in different houses too" He said tightening his arms around Derriks body, pulling him closer to him. "I've missed you a lot" he said truthfully.
Brodie woke up and felt a stabbing pain in his head, "ouch" he said putting his hand to his head gently before opening his eyes, to see Derrik and some kid kissing no less. Brodie felt like someone had punched him in the gut, he only let pain flicker on his face for a second before getting off the bed and running out of the wing no, I did not just see that! he told him self still running down the hall way, he felt like he was going to be sick, Oh Brodie, you knew this was coming, Derrik never liked you, you were just a little annoyance, it was stupid to even think that you had a chance the voice in his head told him smugly.

Joan must of done enough caring because Brodie had come to. As quikly as he recovered, he got up and walked out.

"Hm...I hope things turn out well. I've did all I could do." Joan walked back into her office. She still left Derrik with Tala. She figured that the both of them needed to catch up on somethings. Derrik and her will catch up later themselves.

While Derrik was with Tala, he saw a body get up and walk away. "Look its Brodie running away. I think he's a tad hurt."

Derrik thought back. "Oh well. He deserves it. He's been giving me so much grief that its been driving me mad. So what if I like it when he messes with me? It's because I've gotten so used to it. I've got Tala now. He's the only who can satisfy me."

"I don't know about that. Ever since Tala has been gone it seems you've been running into him then you running into Tala."

Derrik was getting mad but wasn't showing it. He didn't want Tala to see his frustration. "That means nothing! Just shear dumb luck that it happens okay? Now bug off." Derrik went back to tending to his fudge boy.


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