Temporary Solitude

Cosette Mayfair

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Eucalyptus Wand 13 1/2 Essence of Mermaid Scale
Cosette Mayfair, wanted to relax for a bit, maybe have her alone time or something like that. Sure she likes spending her time with Raffaelo every single minute of her stay here in Hogwarts New Zealand but it wouldn't hurt to wander alone. After she needs to, roam the corridors for her daily duties. But for today she decided to go outside the castle, just have some fresh air. As it's been a while since he last visit, she chose to sit nearby the lake stare at it's greenish hue. It wasn't that clean that's for sure, she sat at the edge facing her reflection trying to get a glimpse of what she look like today. Still in her golden eyes and bright auburn hair, the puff decided to experiment something. So she turned her head, only to notice she was alone. Cosette tried to focus on one color, first off, the color green. Closing her eyes she managed to imagine her hair change into a greenish color, as she opened both of her eyes. Cosette sat there seeing her hair is now green, in which it looked so creepy that she immediately change it. Next was purple, one of her favorite color, in an instant her hair change into a light purple color. She looked like a freak show, so she hurriedly returned to her original hair color.

The sixth year grew tired of playing with her hair for a while, so instead she sat there on the ground. Namelessly staring at the water, trying to wait for a mermaid or anyone to come since it's really quite out here. It wasn't that cold nor was it that hot, the weather seems fair to her. Cosette sat there, as the azure sky above her somehow entertained her. She then looked at the sky from above, missing her childhood days. Back at home where she's free to move without any judgement, then again her sibling would always judge her for being so quiet and a loner. She really didn't mind them but somehow for this certain day, Cosette wondered why the gossip magazine pointed out her lack of personality. She knew it's a lie but still, letting other people read that makes her stomach growl at her. There was no escape from everything and only a few people she adored knew the real her. Sure she was shy most of the times and even labeled as delicate or fragile, but those weren't true. The puff sigh and wondered what will occur next year, since it will be her last year in Hogwarts New Zealand. Up to know her career remains as a mystery, but of course she wouldn't get married early just as some speculated to be.
Jacob Simpson didn't feel like going to his classes that day, not that he had any worthwhile, and the concept of skipping class wasn't hard. It had never been difficult for the Slytherin to slip past professors unnoticed when he was supposed to be studying, doing homework, or sometimes even eating. It was just easy for Jake to blend into a crowd, and turn into the last thing that drew somebody's attention. It was his craft in some ways, to be ignored. However there were a few people that refused to ignore him, people the Slytherin now called his friends, people who were persistent enough to talk to him, and keep him social when it was the last thing he wanted to do. Jake was thankful for his friends, after all, they were the ones who allowed the fifteen year old to be as confident as he was when walking through the castle, and it was that confidence which let Jake ask Sara Moon, his first and only girlfriend to be his girlfriend. For that he couldn't be thankful enough. Jake skipped class that day, not knowing which direction to walk to get away from the castle but his first destination was outside, some where the prefect could have solitude. Of course it would be frowned upon later, for a prefect to be skipping class on the excuse of wanting to be alone, the professors probably heard that excuse every other day, which didn't mean Jake was going to be an exception.

But did he care? Not at all, Jake had other things on his mind then detention, or losing points for his house. He really just wanted some time away from school, as he hadn't properly adjusted back into school life again. He strolled casually around the great lawn, making his way to the lakefront in record time. Probably because a lot of the students were either in class, studying or doing something else that didn't involve going to the lake. He arrived at the lake front, trailing the water's edge until the sight of a girl with purple hair caught his eye. Jake was instantly intrigued. He hadn't seen somebody with unusually coloured hair outside of London for years, and this girl wasn't dressed like a punk, although her shoes did say otherwise. Still, Jake was too far away to get a good look at her, although she did seem familiar. He made his way closer, shoes crunching on the pebbled sand and once the girl changed her hair to a beautiful auburn, he knew it was his friend Cosette. The Slytherin arrived at the Hufflepuff's side, sitting down next to her, shooting her a toothy grin before his words broke the silence. "Hey Cosette." Jake uttered, a casual tone to his words. "How's the second prettiest girl in school been since we last spoke?" He asked, of course he thought his girlfriend Sara was the prettiest girl in school, and Cosette was second, with Kate in third place, not that he based their friendships off looks anyway.
The prefect looked up to the azure sky, trying to wonder what she'll be here for a long time. For some reason she's willing to skip her classes for today, maybe for the sake of just enjoying her time alone. Since the last time she'd been here was when he met another prefect, though she didn't seem to remember his name, not that he's important or anything. The puff decided to just enjoy everything, all at one. Lingering, as different images of her past life started to enter her mind. All she could do was sigh, wondering if she'll be staying her for hours. Since her boyfriend is too busy visiting her aunt or something, she didn't liked to elaborate on that for now. Cosette tried to play with some leaves, beside her by just gliding her hands through it. Feeling the crispy texture as got entwined into her fingers, just staring at the brown and dark green leaves. Peaceful and Quiet, as the pace blended with her. Though the lake seems to be liking her reflection very much, she could sense that maybe later or sooner someone will come see her. Not that she was expecting someone to visit her. Until she heard someone's footsteps, recognizable but unsure. She didn't bother to turn her head, afraid to see some random stranger stalking her or something. The fact that she isn't a fan of surprises at all, so instead she looked down at her reflection and trusted to show someone.

Jake Simpson, changed a lot as he used to be this shy boy she met a year ago. Was he the boy she where in Cosette being a klutz fell at him, she isn't sure. The last time she met her was when she heard the rumors of her ex-boyfriend cheating on her, which made her hair turn into this ugly dark shade of black. No one was there for her at that moment, only her current boyfriend, Raffaelo. She couldn't blame him, now hearing he just got a yes from his new girlfriend, a fellow prefect, Sara Moon. Cosette met her twin once, Kate Moon. Though never really knew her, guess she was too occupied at that time. Jake seems so confident with his smile, she can't stay mad at him. As he's her friend, from a few remaining. "Hey Jake." answered Cosette in a blunt tone, she wasn't after all expecting a company. She knew that Jake is happy with her new found love in Sara Moon and with that she's happy for her friend. "Breathing, Fully now. Unlike the last time. How about you?" Cosette said, smiling lightly as she watched him sit down beside her. The sixth year knew that Jake's mesmerized with his girlfriend, making her the second beautiful. Some part of her hated hearing it, knowing she'll always be second. It applied to everything, in some school contest, with her ex-boyfriend and even now with her current boyfriend. Cosette being the second, she knew that Raffaelo still is in love with his first love but he promised that he's the one for her.


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