Telling A Story

Isaiah Jeffreys

Unspeakable | former head boy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Bisexual)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14" Sturdy Yew Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2025 (36)
Isaiah was thoroughly enjoying the time he was spending at Hogwarts. The lessons had kicked off, and the boy was really looking forward to learning so much more. He knew that it would take a while before he actually managed to do anything interesting, but he was looking forward to that time. For now, between the classes since they didn't take up that much of his time, he always found himself wandering around. In his mind, as he wandered around the halls of the school, he was seeing all the different lives which had lived in this place. All the different people who had been there before him. He wondered what stories lay within the walls. What tales could be told about the students who'd been at the school before him. He had always wondered about what he would learn in this place, but he was also curious about which of the stories he could tell his siblings about. Sure there would be those of his own adventures, but surely there would be others, more stories that obviously for Isaiah's young age he wasn't involved in. However, he was wandering around the hallways of the school, looking for something to do. He had the book he'd borrowed from the club academia in his hand was really looking for a quite place to read it. He had his wand tucked up the sleeve of the school jumper he was currently wearing. He couldn't really use it just yet, but he preferred having the wand with him at all times.

Finally after a good while of wandering the boy came across something which interested him. It was the trophy room, he could tell this as soon as he walked in. As there were just so many trophies. He was able to tell that it was that, but what interested him more were not really the trophies themselves, but actually everything else about it. The names. Who was who, who won what awards. He looked around the room, looking at the awards for head boy and head girl. Looking at the portraits of the previous and current headmaster. Isaiah continued into the room, into every small part of it, picking up trophies and then placing them back down. He placed his book near the entrance, and it was now mostly forgotten. He smiled to himself as he just continued to look at the many awards of this school to it's students. He glanced around and took out his wand, "Lumos" he muttered and the wand lit up. He didn't actually need the light on his wand, he was capable without it. But, it was just to avoid having to pick all of them up, that Isaiah directed the light towards their names in the slightly darker areas of the room. That and Isaiah just really liked being able to preform even the simplest of spells. With a smile, Isaiah couldn't wait to tell his siblings all about this room, and all the stories that he had discovered because of it.
Raymond Mandy was tired. There was just so much he wanted to find and know while he was here. He had forgotten that he has seven years to uncover it all. Wands had become of particular interest to the first year, as well had Old English. The two did not look related at first, but he was looking for connections. Since, English was basically a mixture of many languages, and due to the fact he was a first year, it was difficult doing so. There were myriads of books in the library, and Raymond felt like he was becoming too much like his sister. The Slytherin found himself reading every chance he had. He was reading something on something a majority of his free time. He had also been splitting rumors from truth. Ray Ray had to make sure all the information he received was correct before he actually acted on it. He did not want to get in trouble with his Head of House. All Slytherin prefects had been called to Professor Styx's office. The mere thought made Raymond shiver. Styx had boasted about how they upheld the "Slytherin values", and then they all had to be called to his office? Maybe Styx was not as good as he looked or seemed to be.

Raymond had saw a student go into a room. Curiosity got the best of him, and he decided to follow the student inside. He walked into a room full of trophies. He refused to let his mouth fall in awe.Raymond picked up the book and he walked up to the book. "You dropped your book." he told the boy quietly. He seemed to be very interested in the trophies.
Isaiah was pretty lost in his thoughts as he picked up trophy and award after trophy and award. it was pretty good. Some of the names seemed a little familiar, others were incredibly odd to him. But, it was all incredibly amazing to him. Just to think that one day he could have his own name on a trophy of some sort. He was very much looking forward to being able to leave this school knowing that somewhere in this room would sit an object with his name on it, where people could come up with their own stories about him. He just liked the fact this place even existed. He loved the fact that he could come here and read if he wanted. He was sure that it would be a good spot to read school books, or things like that. Ways to get motivated, or just for a spot, that most would not look. As Isaiah looked further into the room, he wondered if he would be able to actually spend a lot of time in the room. As much as the room was interesting, and apart from the rest, it was a sort of chair-less room. He'd have to sit on the floor. Which he had done plenty of times, but he didn't think he really wanted to continue that.

As a voice drifted through, Isaiah looked back in the direction of the door. It was a male voice, not too far from him, telling him, he'd dropped his book. Isaiah smiled and spotted the boy with the book in hand, walking over to him. He shook his head lightly. "I just put it down so that I could have the wand in one, and look at the trophies with the other." he told the other boy, with a polite smile. He held up the wand, with the end still lit to show the boy, though at the bright light, he muttered a small knox, and the light went out. "I'm Isaiah," He told other boy as he pocketed the wand and then reached out to take the book from him. "Thank you anyway," He held up the book as he said his thanks. It had been a nice gesture he wasn't about to throw it back in the other boy's face just because he hadn't actually dropped it. "Which house are you?" he asked, politely, since he didn't remember this boy from Ravenclaw meeting, so he had to just assume that the boy was from another house.
Raymond thought all of the trophies were spectacular. He, personally, was not the type of guy to want to keep around a bunch of relics and trophies. His memory went far, and there were certain things that he did not want to remember. He did not like to reminisce on the bad times he had. He did not want to think of all the stress and trouble he had put his family through. Raymond was more emotional then he let on. He just showed his extreme excitement and dedication to being lucky enough to learn magic. This room held so many memories. It held so much history. However, Raymond did not want to know any of it. It was his time at this school.

Raymond shrugged. "I didn't really need to know all that, but you're welcome." he said, and he gave the boy a small smile. It was like his textbooks. The writers put too much information. Sometimes things just needed to be simple as day. Not everyone that attended this school was a genius. He left the book be taken from his hands before he stuffed them in his pockets. "Raymond," he told the boy simply. He liked the name Isaiah. It sounded modern. His name sounded old. It was a mouthful to him. Ravynn had a much more pretty name that even allowed variation! Raymond's name would look strange if spelled any other way. "I am in Slytherin. What about you?" he asked as he took a seat on the ground. There were no chairs! Ray Ray had no problem sitting on the ground. It was the best way to relax. It was like getting ready to go to sleep, but not.
Isaiah glanced at the boy with a confused expression. He wasn't sure what the other of the two had meant by the fact he hadn't had to know all that Isaiah had told him. He was just explaining to him that he'd not dropped his book, but intentionally put it down, knowing where he would then be able to pick it up from when he was finally ready to leave the room. Which would probably still be a while for now. But, Isaiah just let his confusion slide away, it was pointless to get confused about such things. It was truly pointless to him. He didn't really care about it. He wasn't bothered by the fact that the boy had said something pointless. It wasn't for him to worry about. Isaiah appreciated the fact that he'd at least come to give the book to him, rather than leaving it there, or taking it himself. It was why, he had thanked him from bringing it to him, no matter how pointless it had been.

The boy, Raymond introduced himself. He liked the name a lot. It was a name he hadn't really heard before but it was really one that he liked. It felt nice, it was a roll off the tongue sort of name. When people in his last school had heard the name Isaiah they had thought that his parents had been super religious and named him like that for that reason, but it had mostly been because they'd randomly selected a letter for the start of his name and then decided from that. He'd come pretty close to being can Ivan. He was at least pleased that most people knew the name Isaiah. That was probably the only good thing about it. It was difficult to shorten, but only his siblings did that. "Ravenclaw" he replied with a smile, watching as the boy then sat one the ground. He smiled warmly at it. "I love this room. I mean so many people have ended up on these walls, or on the trophies, and the ones from when this school was founded, think where they might be now." He said, almost too excitedly. He chuckled lightly, and shook his head. "I really love stories, and learning about people."
Raymond said what was on his mind. If there were people that didn't like it, they weren't the people for him. Before, when he was more immature, he had trouble making friends because he did not like anyone except his sister. He realized that he couldn't be a burden to his younger sibling. She was already having a hard time getting out of her shell. Raymond had always been extremely outgoing. He was easier to make friends with due to his energy. It was a trait that Raymond always had possessed. He wished his sister had been blessed with it. He did not like seeing the girl so alone. Relationships were necessary to move up the latter of power. Was there any other way to do so?

Once again the boy shrugged and brought himself to his feet. He was surprised he had not lasted on the ground for long. "I don't like holding on to relics or treasures, such as these." he explained as he stepped over to run a finger over a trophy. He felt himself sigh. There was an energy about the room he stood in, one he tried to avoid. "They are like burdens. They hurt to think about after awhile." he continued on. He picked up a trophy with both hands and held it straight out in front of him. Isaiah liked to learn. Ray Ray smiled. He could talk to people if he wanted to learn about them. He did not have to come into this room to learn. Learning was always being done. "Do you write? I don't like writing, it takes too much energy." he told the boy. Sleep and sustenance only gave him so much energy until he felt tired again.
Isaiah was more than happy to have found someone to talk to. He had very often spoken to people in places he had no expected to talk to people, but that was a good thing. This was all good to him. He missed his brothers so much, but he was always glad that he had people to take his mind off it while at school. It was easier when that happened. Happily Isaiah smiled at the boy, Raymond as he spoke, clear he didn't share the same passion that he'd felt about it. He listened to the boy who seemed less than optimistic about things. Isaiah knew the world could be cruel and that sometime it was easier to not think of things. Or see things as burdens, but he thought that was an incredible room with plenty of things that were amazing. He wondered how he could try and explain it to Raymond that this was a magic place and the trophies were too amazing for words. He took the trophy from the other boy, really wanting to see that his passion for stories was something that he too would like, it probably just took the right story.

"I do, well, I rarely write any of them down, but, my brothers know most of my stories by heart." he told the other boy glancing down, "And these trophies aren't burden, they're stories. Like this one," he glanced at it, "I have no idea who this person is, or the amount of work they put into getting this trophy but, it's here. Perhaps they were someone who worked for everything, and never asked for anything in return and ended up getting this award." he said, trying in some odd and round about what to explain what he meant. What it was amazing to have stories and such. Isaiah's mind just really loved stories, just loved thinking about people's stories or coming up with them. "This person has probably long left school, so do you think they remember it, or how hard they worked to get this. Perhaps they have a copy of the trophy in a box somewhere" He paused and gave a small laugh, "I like imagining things about people. I just think stories, and people are so interesting. Just making up a life for them. Admittedly, I have slightly strange tastes."
It felt good to Raymond that he was getting along with somebody. There were so many people that weren't very social in his house. Slytherin was not supposed to be a house for just mean people. There were mean people in every house. But, the Sorting Hat had put too many of them in Slytherin. Isaiah seemed to be enjoying his company. His sister and Michelle often told him to go away because he was too loud. They just were horrible at socialization. He could see why the boy was in Ravenclaw. He had a curiosity that rivaled those in other houses. Slytherins were ambitious. They looked forward and rarely looked back. That was the difference between him and Isaiah.

Raymond nodded. He could see where Isaiah was coming from, but he personally would never chose the path of storytelling. He sent the trophy back where he had gotten it from. He did not want to hold it anymore.Raymond shook his head. Isaiah wasn't strange. "I think it's pretty normal to wonder about people. It's not strange at all." he said. He would listen to Isaiah's stories, if he needed him to. Raymond did not like to stay in one place for too long. Maybe they could walk and listen to stories. He would rather have someone tell him a story, because he did not like to read as much as his sister did. If he really needed to, he would read. He found the urge rare.
OOCOut of Character:
I am sorry this is so bad. :(
Isaiah had really always been into stories. It had been one of the things that his mother had showed him, and it had been something that he had carried on with his siblings as they had grown up. He smiled happily at the memories he had of his mother and the stories she had told him. She had shown him about being interest in others and just doing little stories for all of them. It was why he liked learning about people. He was happy therefore that the other boy didn't find it too strange that Isaiah really liked watching people. Though it was obvious that he didn't really understand why he did it. Isaiah wondered if this boy was just not much of a reader. Which was fine, Isaiah was just a much bigger reader. "You want to go for a wander?" he asked the other boy, since this was pretty nice, but he could begin to tell that the other boy was not that much of someone who stayed in one place too long. Which Isaiah was not like at all. But, since looking after his younger siblings a lot, Isaiah had grown very good at telling what people wanted. he was much better at reading people than others would be. "Come on, I really want to try to find this room of requirement that I keep reading about in the Hogwarts a history books. It changes into whatever the person wants it to be." he told the boy, "I don't know if this school has one, but I want to find out at the very least."
Raymond shrugged. He wanted to get out of this room anyway. Room of Requirement. There was one here? The Slytherin was the first to walk out of the Trophy room. He wanted to find the Room of Requirement too. "What do you want it to turn into? I want it to have a bunch of fun stuff! At home, I played a lot of games because Ray would never play with me." he told Isaiah. He felt comfortable with the fellow first year. He was not going to be mean to him, and he was interesting. He was someone that Raymond wanted to keep around. He did not know if Isaiah would get who he was talking about. He did not even know he had a twin! He wouldn't talk about himself like that. "Which way do you think it is?" he asked as he looked around expecting a door to pop up somewhere. He turned his gaze to Isaiah, who he hoped was keeping up.

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