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Miles Carter

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M I L E S avery C A R T E R​
<SIZE size="50">WELL HI. So this is is my bby Miles, ain't he pretty? The things you need to know about him is that he's twenty-two,he loves quidditch, he loves to partay, and he's currently living in New Zealand caring for his sick father. However the main thing you're going to need to keep in mind, is that not everything is as it seems with him. Miles is guarded, he has trust issues but fears being alone and because of this he doesn't have any true friends or never had any real relationships. He's also not the brightest bulb academically but can surely whack the crap out of a bludger, but he's quite self-conscious about his lack of magic ability and hates being in situations where he has to use magic, which is why he often prefers spending time with muggles. Miles also is a dog person and has a fear of pygmy puffs. For a more detailed background on Miles, check out his biography.

So, lets boogie on down to the fun stuff! I'm looking for everything and anything for Miles. So hit me up with your best ideas, here's just a few to start off with!
BROMANCE; Miles needs a bro, he needs a Ron in his life. He needs someone who won't be afraid to tell Miles to get his sh*t together but at the same time isn't against partying it up with him when needs be. He should be around Miles' age, 20-24 I would say. I'm not going to be more picky than that, so if you got any ideas hit me up.
PASSING LOVERS; I don't want to start plotting finals and stuff yet, but any flirts and flings are plots I'm always open to! So if you need a character to be flung or need a broken heart, this is your man!
<COLOR color="#47b864">A GIRL FRIEND; And by that I mean a close friend who is a girl. It's going to be a relationship that's completely platonic. Maybe she's someone that Miles tries to flirt with but she can see right through him. Or someone who maybe Miles had a thing with but they remained friends afterwards. IDK, again if you have any ideas please let me know. This could be a really fun plot! But yeah it's more or less the same deal as the bromance, except I'll allow her to be a little younger, maybe like 19-23? And yeah she's going to need to be someone who can see right through Miles, who understands him and who is loyal to him.
ENEMIES; Pretty self explanatory, I have no plots in mind for this at the moment, but if any of you do, please feel free to post!

So, that's a wrap! WHOOP I'm so excited to finally get started on this! Happy plottin'!

kalani and miles
i can offer kalani up as the bestie/past relationship if you want? she is from new zealand
and went to beauxbatons until she graduated and moved to new york to live with her twin
and their best friend, jenn. she is a prima ballerina at st. petersburg but has recently moved
in with her boyfriend, edgar, who also works at st. petersburg. he is friends with mostly
girls so there really is no jealousy at all in that relationship so i think that these two could
be best friends and snuggle and be adorable. she'd tease him every time he had a girl
but be really supportive and everything. she was also raised the 'muggle way' so she
does not mind not using magic even if she is good at it (she was head girl) so that would
work, right? idk if you have anything you need to know her biography is in her signature.
KALANI&miles;</SIZE><i></i><SIZE size="50"> This sounds all kinds of perfect! Yeah I think it would be really cute if they were involved with each other in the past but now it's all good and sibling-like. I didn't mention it in the previous post but Miles used to spend every summer in New Zealand with his father sailing and fishing and all that jazz so maybe they could have met during that period, when Kalani wasn't at school? Miles would have been around fifteen/sixteen then? Or actually, I've another plot idea! Maybe they haven't seen each other or kept contact since then and they just bump into each other in like Obsidian Harbour now. It'd mean we'd have to start the friendship from scratch but I don't have a problem with that. It's up to you! Also its so fitting that she doesn't use that much magic either btw, it'd make a lot more sense why he remained friends with her. And also, omgawd, best playbys evarr. The adorableness is going to be intense.
i can offer eddard stark who's my new charrie or i can offer wolfie wolfington who i've had a little longer.
I have Johanna Murray here. She is currently living in New Zealand. She works as a ministry official. She originally went to Beauxbaton and she is French. Sh is an easy going girl who loves music. She grew up in a muggle house hold so other then work she doesn't use magic. She is quite good at magic but she doesn't find it that necessary. She lies quidditch though she doesn't blame it much anymore. She is a really good and loyal friend. She doesn't judge people and is pretty open-minded.Anymore info is in her siggie(which I sadly can't give you the link cuz I'm using my IPod :r )
Anyways I can offer her up as a friend. She is an understanding girl who likes to enjoy life. So tell my what you think ^_^
I have Victor Dodge that could be a close friend to Miles. He is 20 years old. He is a chaser for the Quibberon Quafflepunchers, and he lives in New Zealand. More like staying. He doesn't live a wild life, but he can party when he wants to. He does not have a lot of guy friends. Only girls. :( He can be nice to people once he sees you as worth his time, but I think that Victor would take an interest into helping Miles get his life together. He also has a sister that attends Beauxbatons.

I also have a Muggle character I could offer you for a close girl friend. She has a younger brother that is a wizard, so she knows about the wizarding world. She is 23. I don't know if you want a muggle, so tell me if you want more information..tell me what you think:)


kalani and miles
i can offer kalani up as the bestie/past relationship if you want? she is from new zealand
and went to beauxbatons until she graduated and moved to new york to live with her twin
i'm fine with either and hnnng yes! best/cutest besties ever. i usually ship quick but kalani
has a final. also miles plays quidditch right? lani's sister and best friend (the two she lived
with) both were/are on the holyhead harpies. maybe she goes to a game and he picks her
out of a crowd? idk i'm spit balling here.
JOHANNA&miles; This sounds great, but I don't think I need another close girl friend. It would be unrealistic for Miles to have so many at this time in his life. If you're willing for them to maybe have a fling or whatever, I'll be up for that! It's up to you!

VICTOR&miles; Oh yay! I love the sound of this! Miles needs a guy pal so badly! Would you mind starting it? Also, regarding your muggle character, I'm no longer in need of a girl friend anymore, but thanks for your offer!
No problem. Here you go. :)
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