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Casey Carlin

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Now that Casey was back in school for her last year (finally!), she couldn't wait to graduate. Even Alexis Richarde, the last connection to HWA, Izaak, and Bella, had graduated and Casey felt isolated from everyone within the walls of HNZ and knew she was going to be missing a lot since she started school again in September. Unable to take the lack of silence from anyone anymore, Casey wrote Izaak a letter, practically begging him for gossip to keep her sane while she was stuck at school.
Izaak Dearest,

I'm writing you this letter during History of Magic, the most boring class in the history of ever, under pretense of writing an essay on someone I didn't pay attention about. :p Seriously, I'm happy I'm not wearing a watch right now because I'd probably be staring at that thing every second, waiting for us to be dismissed. Though that probably wouldn't work, seeing as it's said if you stare at the clock time goes by slower...

Anyway! What's up with you?! How's the Bondi lifeguard enjoying freedom on the beach while his poor best friend is stuck behind bars the castle walls? Update me on anything and everything because I'm dying for something interesting. Though I hope nothing too terrible has happened. :( Even just telling me your life has been as boring as mine would cheer me up haha. :p

Damn, the teacher's checking up to see how we're doing so looks like this is it from me for now!

Love always,
Casey xoxo
Casey was a bit upset that her letter to Izaak was rushed and didn't contain much, but she was too eager to hear back from him so after class she sent it out like that.
It was mid-afternoon and Izaak Finch was sound asleep, face first amongst the pillows and twitching feverishly in the midst of a dream. But it was not just any dream; it was a memory, one that was delirious enough to be confused with such wonder. Though it was not similar to anything that he’d been experiencing lately, in fact it had nothing to do with Isabella, not her kisses or her giddy confessions, not even her smile. It was what was coming up to two years ago and he was with Alexis, azure eyes hooked on her every motion, hands never daring to leave her waist. He remembered the words ‘I love you’ as they slipped from his unguarded mouth but even in such a state of subconscious he could register the ache in his heart. As familiar as they were they were so far away that they might just as well have been a dream. He remembered pulling away, staring anxiously into those mixed irises of hers and trying to decipher her response. It was lingering on the tip of her tongue, he could see it so clearly and then there was a rustle of wings right against his ear, rousing him grouchily from his dreams.

Blinking and groaning, Izaak steadied his mind on the subject of the dream he had just encountered. Alexis? Well he knew he still loved her but he hadn’t dreamt about her for months. Why now? Simply because he hadn’t seen Is for several days? The disorientated young man let the thoughts gradually ebb from his mind though as he finally came to focus on an envelope, scripted in a hand so oddly familiar that it made his heart jump excitedly. Curiously he tore it open, only to grin like a madman once he realised that it was in fact from Casey. At points in her letter, which he eagerly read over several times, Izaak laughed out loud in humoured spitefulness at her dull life. Rubbing his eyes harshly, Izaak sat up straight and reached for a pen and paper.

Casey Andrea Carlin,

It sucks to be you. Like that is actually the most boring day I’ve ever known. The joys of school, hey? But I love you all the same my dull little friend. But not paying attention in class? My, my you have changed. As I do recall it was always my idea first to ditch papers, you were just the one to tag along. Bad influence, much? Haha. Solid effort though.

Sure you really want to know what I’ve been up to? Well for one, you just woke me up. I hope you’re proud. But the Bondi lifeguard is very much enjoying his freedom, almost too much. Like what am I supposed to do with all this time on my hands? Want some? Haha. I haven’t seen Is in a while which is... surprising? And I just... I don’t know. I’m kinda confused but whatever, you don’t want to hear about my wacked out love life.

I miss you Case! If I could tear down the walls of that prison, ahem, school I’d do it for you gladly. But here’s what we’re going to do—New Years Eve, you, me, a little firewhiskey and the most fun you will ever have. If you’ve already got plans, I don’t care, I’m not taking no for an answer. I miss you too much. And graduation too! I’m already waiting for my invite :)

Luv’chu bestie,
<FONT font="Georgia">

The grin was still spread out on his face, stretching ear to ear as he sent back the letter. The only thing on his mind now was Casey’s eagerly awaited reply and, well, food. With an amused shake of his head, the twenty year old gathered himself up from the bed and wandered out into the kitchen.
Casey was absolutely excited when Izaak's letter finally arrived. She hadn't known when it was going to get here, which was a real pain because she was so impatient and hated waiting for something she really wanted; but the exciting thing about not knowing when the letter was going to arrive only made its arrival more exciting and the letter more rewarding. Without haste, Casey opened up the letter eagerly, grinning from ear to ear as she read it, and laughing to herself at a few moments, making her miss Izaak more.

She rolled her sea green eyes playfully as he seemed surprised that she wasn't paying attention in class, and pointing out how he had always been the bad influence on her when they were both in school. Now that he was gone Casey really had been trying to focus on her school studies more, but she had written that letter in History of Magic, the title alone had to tell you that it was a snooze fest, you couldn't blame her for not paying attention! At least she had stayed awake, unlike some of her classmates, and at least made it seem as if she was doing work while she was writing the letter.

Later that evening, after finally begrudgingly doing all her late homework first, Casey was finally free to write back to him.

Mr. Finch,

You, my friend, suck! First for rubbing in all your freedom in my poor imprisoned face, and secondly for teasing me with the idea that I could actually
take some of your free time from you. Because you know if I could, I would! It'd have so many more days in the hour to do more stupid useless things like writing you letters. :p And for the record, I am still a good little girl in class :D I just couldn't bare sitting in that particular History class, I swear even other people's snores were putting me to sleep, it was torture. So I had to do something to stay awake and I decided I'd wake you up instead so you could know what it felt like for me to have to be awake at such an ungodly hour, at least to you, sleepyhead. :p

Ugh Izaak! I wrote to you so you can tell me all the details of your life to make me laugh and you completely hold out on me! Come onnnnnnn, I totally want to know what your noggin is full of right now, other than salt water. :p But in all seriousness, what're you confused about dear friend? Why haven't you seen her lately? Isn't she who you want to be with right now? I just think you're just so full of love and that's sometimes a bad thing, haha.

Now as for New Year's Eve--that sounds like a plan! We MUST have some BFF time to ourselves, but I'd reeeeally like to meet Is, oh pleeeeease, pretty please?! I promise I won't embarrass you! :D And duh, your invite to graduation's been written out from the second I became a seventh year. :p

Hurry up and write back to me, since you have ALL that free time, right?! And don't leave out the details this time!


P.S. In case it needed to be said: I miss you too!
Casey could tell that her eagerness in hearing from Izaak was obvious through her letter, but she didn't care. After she had gone to the owlery to mail the letter back to him, she looked up the days to see how far away the holiday break was, and most importantly, New Year's.
Casey Cakes,

Stay in school, you have much to learn—writing letters is not stupid or useless especially not when they’re to me. But seriously, why do you torture yourself with HoM? Why? It’s the worst subject out. See? This is all your fault for not dropping school with me! Haha, kidding Case. I love you, really. Stay in school

Well if you’re THAT desperate I guess I could share something with you. Ahha. But yeah, Isabella. I guess I should start from the beginning, yeah? So here’s the thing... I took her to Paris (please, hold your gasps Casey Carlin
). It was a huge surprise I’d been planning for a while and it worked a treat, she had no clue. We made out over the Seine, did the whole rooftop, candlelit dinner, I even had like the rose petals scattered in our hotel suite... And that’s as far as your details are going! It was amazing Case, she was amazing, Paris was amazing, everything was really. And hey, I was suss about me having romantic side like this but I didn’t know that I was this hopeless. Haha. But that was two weeks ago and I haven’t heard or seen from her since. At first I thought it might have been her work that had been keeping her but now I’m not so sure. I mean I don’t think I did anything wrong. I didn’t, did I?
On another note, I think I still have feelings for Alexis. I can’t help being a pathetic excuse for a man Case, I just can’t.

I’m guessing (hoping!) we’ll have this petty business all sorted out by New Year’s though, so yes, yes you can meet her! You better not embarass me! Haha. She’s the sweetest thing though. You’ll adore her. But we are in some desperate need of time together, just like old times yeah? Gee I miss those days.

Love Izaak

ceebs to write more sorree, ima tired :[
Izaak Jay Finch,

Ha! Do you think I'm taking History of Magic voluntarily? You're funny my friend. I would never wish anyone, not even my biggest enemy, a morning of History of Magic. :p But hey, it's good for something; this class has officially become the class that I write letters to you in. Which is good because then that leaves me all this free time afterward to do homework and other such important things. ;) And don't tempt me with the thought of dropping out! Though I say if I made it this far it'd be more pointless to give up now so I might as well stick it through until the end, which seems to be approaching too slow!

Okay now onto the good stuff! :D OMG you took her to Paris?! Trust me, there was major squealing on my end once I read that, but I'll contain myself in the letter, especially since I'm writing it to you in class so I can't look like a fool squealing out of nowhere; I already look weird and out of place for smiling like a fool as I'm writing this 'essay'. But wow Izaak! That is so romantic! And yes, don't even try to deny it, you are such a hopeless romantic! It's part of your charm though, everyone loves you for it. ♥ Nice choice of city by the way, no girl can't NOT fall in love with someone as adorable you under the Parisian influence! :p What was the surprise trip for anyway?

So, anyway, maybe she really is busy? I don't think she'd be avoiding you or anything. Obviously things went well in Paris, I definitely don't think you did anything wrong. Unless she can read your mind, which contains your feelings for Alexis. :/ Then that would be wrong. I don't blame you though, Alexis was a huge part of your life and as lovely as I'm sure Isabella is, you can't just expect deep, long time feelings to go away in a quick manner. It just takes some time, and I suppose the distance is another way of helping you get over her. You're just full of love Izaak, you can't help it, like I said, part of your charm. ;)

I'm sure you and Isabella will have things worked out by the time I'm freed. :D Make time go faster pleeeease? So we can hang out already! I'm getting impatient, hmpt!

Love you!

P.S. Umm, have you heard from Bella? :/
My Casey dearest,

It’s been what, a week? Sorrysorrysorry. Forgive me please? Things got busy (yes, busy, even with all of that free time on my hands!). Writing to you was the first thing I should have done, it probably would have helped but I don’t know, maybe it’ll help a little now. Wait, who am I kidding? Of course it’ll help, that’s what you’re here for, right? Haha. You’re only like the sweetest person alive Casey Carlin.

So I went to the Leaky after I got your letter back and I ran into Sakura, my girlfriend’s Isabella’s best friend. And she was being really spiteful, like she’s always been sort of iffy around me but this was just over the top. She told me Is had gotten a letter from someone, god knows who, just after we’d gotten back from Paris claiming my infidelity and whatever else. I’m not gonna lie Case, there were a couple of girls before we started dating but someone’s just gone and blown it right out of proportion. And now, no one knows where she is, no one’s seen her since. And I’ve looked everywhere I could think of for her, it’s like she’s just disappeared off the face of the planet. I feel so... helpless.

The funny thing is though, I went back today and she wasn’t there but Alexis was. I didn’t see her, I did see her brother though. He said that she didn’t want to see me. And it’s horrible to compare, but that just absolutely gutted me, y’know? I think I made a mistake. I’m still in love with her Casey.

Oh wow. I’m sorry, my moping is awful. It’s probably the last thing you wanted to hear about me, hey? Anyway, I haven’t seen Bella either. We had a pretty colossal fight not all that long ago, about.. Well... Loads of things really. And I haven’t seen her since. Sorry Case :(

But I think I have a solution to all our problems... We should get married Casey! The two of us! Haha :D I’ll put a rock on your finger, you can have whatever you like. We can skip out on the whole making babies thing but I promise I’ll love you forever!

Love you too Mrs Izaak Finch ;)

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