Open Telescope Nights

Norton Gillespie

astronomer | astronomy y5-7 (temp)
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Knotted 13" Rigid Redwood Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
2/2032 (25)
Norton loved the gardens so much. He had been coming to the gardens more and more, just finding them peaceful. Norton was using the gardens to improving his planting skills, he found them useful, and the area was good in the winter, since he could use his telescope in the open air. Which was what he’d begun doing. He would wrap up warm so that as the early night came, he was ready to just watch the stars. He found it easy to enjoy himself out here, and despite it being colder and darker then he could enjoy the way they looked. On this day, there was a light frost that had appeared in the morning and hadn’t faded in some of the bits of grass which hadn’t gotten any sun. He was sitting on a stool and had a cup of warm hot chocolate in his hands, his telescope was out in front of him, and he was waiting for a little more darkness to fall before he could start really enjoying it. There was enough time before curfew that he wouldn’t be hard pressed for time to see the stars, but it certainly seemed far later, and the grounds were far quieter than he might’ve expected them to be. It was quite peaceful, and it was the only sort of peace that Norton actively sought out. The kind he liked when he looked through his telescope to the stars.

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