Teigan and Tenile are back, for now atleast.

Stephanie Stark-West

tortured soul
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 18 Inch Sturdy Oak Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Hey everyone,

After a long absence of just under six months, Tenile and I have returned, atleast in a small capacity. For now we are only fully into two characters and will unlikely be returning at full capacity for some time. Anywho, we just thought it fair to tell you that every now and then we have been known to stalk the board, and so we were not exactly absent completely. To update you on what happened, our Uncle died shortly after we posted our absence and tragically on Tenile's birthday. (So as you can imagine it was a very unpleasant birthday). However we did not feel aptly ready to rejoin HNZ as we were upset over the small amount of time we had with him, being only one day or so.

Eventually Tenile and I were able to pull through but later found ourselves tied down with other family situations. However, we have finally seen the light and hope to get back into the swing of things very soon.

^_^ Tenile and Teigan.
Teigan and Tenile,

I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle :(
Welcome back to the site ladies!

Thanks Cyndi
And yes, we were suffering from withdrawel symptoms (well I was :r )
It's good to be back :D
So sorry to hear about that ladies.
Welcome back, I hope things improve for you guys from now on ^_^
Sorry to hear about your uncle ;'(
Though, glad to see you both around :]
Thanks you guys. The words mean lots :hug:
I'm glad you guys are back! :hug: ^_^

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