Teh Eminem Wannabee Needs a Few Rps...

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Dymetris Kozlov

Al. Hufflepuff 🌿 Healer ✨ Part Veela ✨ Dad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Faxen's ❤
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring


Just making this short and simple! Read Dymetris Character Development (A much better Biography will be posted soon) If anyone wants to rp with him that be great. Just to let you know he's a big fan of hip-hop musiq and such, not his biggest personality trait but that's just one of many. Thanks for reading :D Hope to see least a few post.
Kthanxbai xx...​
I would RP with you. Siobhan is pretty bubbly, but she's a tomboy trying to find her niche and gets along with guys very well... even though she's a little bit older than Dymetris.
Hey I have Sidda if you want?

Sidda's a big-time muso. Her favourite genre is rock, but she enjoys most music. She's a singer, tomboy, very feisty and brave, but can be caring all the same. Has a hot temper, but would never blow up at someone who didn't deserve it. Has a sharp tongue and mean fists, if she needs them. She's also a skater, so maybe she could be skating and something could break and Dymetris could fix it for her?

Tell me what you think. Sidda's a tomboy, but she only has like one guy friend, so... ;)


Hey thanks for replying ^^!
Great I don't mind the age difference its just one year apart if you like to start something that be great, if not i'll start something tomorrow :) or before I got to bed and send you the link
Yeah that sounds like a good idea. Its really just a title, he likes all music and skateboard himself from time to time. He can fix her board with magic than may decide to use his hand. Dymetris very friendly towards the female gender with him being brought up with two mothers he can much more sympathy and all. But sometimes can lose his temper with his English :p link me if you start, if not I'll pm you too ^^​

Anywhere in School is fine thanks :)
I have Halina right here. She's a Russian sweet, and just loves to make friends, I don't have a bio up yet for her since she's new, but here's what I have. She is going to be Beuxbatons, but they can meet in Brightstone or something, and write to each other.
Halina is a very sweet girl with a broken home. She is cheery and caring and can make friends with most people. She is a Beuxbatons student, her mother sent her away after she had lashed out against her step father. She bottles up her emotions and is someone who can be counted on no matter what. She will always make light of a situation just to make her friends feel better.

It's not much, but still, I'll have more soon!

+Thanks Siobhan
+sounds good Halina but I won't be writing letters as much, I tried to avoid it even if its the easiest rp to do here :)
That's completely fine! Distant friends works for me =)
I went over his bio, is it possible they might have known each other from Russia?
Just PM me when you'd like one started, or start one and post/send the link.
Hope you dont mind the lateness :)
Anyway I have Tamalia here who I would like to be more active so anyway.

Tamalia is adventurous and can be a bit careless, she is very musical and enjoys all music ranging from rock to classical, she plays the piano and is learn the guitar, she is flexible and always makes time for friends and family, she enjoys playing around and can be competitive and she is quite confident, but she can be rude and mean when agitated and annoyed.
If you haven’t realised she is in Gryffindor second year :p so they may have already met in classes and stuff. :) how about it?
Halina Cossak-Slovane said:
That's completely fine! Distant friends works for me =)
I went over his bio, is it possible they might have known each other from Russia?
Just PM me when you'd like one started, or start one and post/send the link.
+I will pm you the link when I have it posted ^^
+Tamalia no its not to later, Dymetris always good with friends. If you like to start something that be great?

Any guys want to be his roommates//friends?
Dymetris Kozlov said:

Hey thanks for replying ^^!
Great I don't mind the age difference its just one year apart if you like to start something that be great, if not i'll start something tomorrow :) or before I got to bed and send you the link
Yeah that sounds like a good idea. Its really just a title, he likes all music and skateboard himself from time to time. He can fix her board with magic than may decide to use his hand. Dymetris very friendly towards the female gender with him being brought up with two mothers he can much more sympathy and all. But sometimes can lose his temper with his English :p link me if you start, if not I'll pm you too ^^​
Sounds good! Haven't started anything yet, if I do I'll PM you ;)
So i've been lurking this thread for good only knows how long and have finally decided to leave you with Gabrielle and Shiloh. Yeah I realise that you have had this thread up for ages. But I was contomplating which of my characters might be the right one for Dymetris. Love the pb by the way Tom Kaulitz is hawt! :wub:

Anyway so moving on.
Gabrielle is a lighthearted, self conscious, and easy going girl. She doesn’t have many friends because she is a hardworker and so she is always studying in the library or ignores people, though it is unintentional. She is intelligent, she is also curious and friendly. When she does finally talk to someone she is always polite and often quite curious aswell.

What you think? Bio is in the siggie.

Secondly I have Shiloh Denton. Shes a first year Gryffindor, but she is very open and energetic. She is also an artistic genius. She plays piano and most other instruments and she can also paint, but she prefers to draw.
Shiloh is a happy-go-lucky-loves-everything-about-magic girl. She is a muggle-born so she now does everything she can to learn about magic. She is oblivious to alot of things when she likes some-one and she is kind. She doesn't take crap from people and she can be mean. But only when she absolutely has too. She is intelligent and smart and she knows what she wants. She is a leader at times and a follower at others. She knows what to do to get what she wants, and she knows when to do it. If her upbringing has taught her one thing, it is too never take anything for granted. This is a personal rule she has chosen to live for. It is her most valued belief. Shiloh’s favourite words to use are, “Fabulous”-when she is being Sarcastic. “Awesome”- When she is genuine and “Total Snazz bang”- This is something she made up herself, she uses this to emphasise how much of a Let down something was.
Shiloh is never one to judge people. She always wants to get to know some-one well before she actually forms an opinion on them. She sees this as the easiest way to get to know someone. By seeing them in their own environment, it also helps make her feel alittle more comfortable about everything. If you are a bully however, she will be able to spot you at a distance. She is very observant, often too observant and this can sometimes lead to alot of trouble for Shiloh.
Her bio is located here.

Well tell me what you think

+Gabrielle sounds find for Dymetris, not sure about Shilo. If you want to start something its completely up to you. If not I'll start something when I can :] thanks​
Sure sure, I shall start something and send you the link :)
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