Tears, smiles, friends and a wedding.

Melodie Lowe

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Butternut, 12 ½", Wood Rose
Melodie arrived early to the small chapel and set down her small bag. A smile was spread across her face as she entered through the big wooden door. Little did Abathyn know, but she felt as though she could burst into tears at any moment now. It was the day of her wedding, and it was meant to be the happiest day of her life, but to Melodie it felt no different to the day before, or even the one prior to that.

Melodie sat down on a small chair, being careful not to crease her dress that Abathyn had spent so much time altering to suit her ever-growing belly. Melodie sighed as Abathyn yelled all sorts of things in her direction, 'have you got the ring?' 'you had better not be creasing that dress!' 'where have you put the glasses?!' she wondered whether Abathyn even realised it was Melodie's wedding day, not her own. As a cool breeze swept past, Melodie's hair was gently lifted from her back. The guests would be arriving soon, so Melodie began to comb out her hair, and do some last minute touch-ups.
"You should be waiting in the office. And- oh we forgot! Who's giving you away! Come on, noone can see you until Adam arrives." Abby glanced over at Jaimee playing quietly for once, and Laani fast asleep. The stress of the wedding had turned to an odd calm, it was incredibly quiet in the beautiful old chapel. Abby knew she would never get a wedding like this, her history proved that she could hardly even stand to be in the same room as a guy. She heard people in the corridor and pushed Melodie. "Get out there! And don't let anyone see you!" Abby straightened a bouquet at the front of the room somewhat wistfully, smiling at the guests that were just arriving.
Melodie let herself be bustled out of the church hall and into the small office by Abathyn. She smiled sweetly at the sleeping Laani, she was so adorable. Melodie couldn't wait until she had her very own to hold. Melodie paused when Abathyn mentioned about being given away, traditionally it was the father of the bride. But Melodie had barely known her parents a week, and they weren't even able to make it to the wedding, being back in witness protection in Canada. She thought long and hard, the only person she could think of giving her away was Izaak. She was the only friend who had been there through everything, and supported her through her pregnancy. Even though he didn't like Adam, he surely would do it for her?

"Uh, Izaak, I guess" Melodie said to Abathyn as she bustled about, approaching the door to welcome the first guests. She wondered who had arrived, but as she was under stric orders to stay out of view, Melodie could do nothing but sit and wait. She looked down at her necklace and thought of how much it had meant to her when her grandmere had given it to her. A tear emerged from her eye as she thought of how her mother had died, and it was all she had left of her. But things had changed since meeting her parents and new sister, and now more than ever, Melodie would never understand how her mother could leave her, extreme circumstances or not, they were mother and daughter, and Melodie could never trust her parents again.
"Izaak?" Abby frowned. She didn't approve, but then it was Mel's choice, right? "All right, I'll send him through when he arrives." she called loudly after her cousin. Abathyn moved over to the food-tables, checking that everything was okay. Her bridesmaid dress fitted her perfectly, but was starting to get annoying. Abby wasn't a dress person.
Jaimee sat quietly, trying to dress her doll. She gave up angrily, picking up her toy broomstick to zoom around the chapel. She avoided hitting her sister; apparantly Laani was 'fragile' and couldn't be played with. She was absorbed in her playing, and ignored her surroundings completely.
Laani slept, her small breaths causing the blanket she was covered in to flutter. She was oblivious to her sister's boisterous playing, and simply slept.
It had not taken long that morning for Izaak Finch to step into his fitted black wedding suit, it had taken a mere few seconds to check himself in the mirror and to make his hair appear neater than it usually would. And it had taken less than that to get to the chapel itself. But Izaak was still trying to comprehend the fact that his Melly was getting married, much less to a person he didn’t quite think good enough. It seemed like it had only been yesterday when the two had dreamt up their own wedding, way back when losing a tooth was the most dramatic a day got. Things had changed since then though, a hell of a lot. But Melodie and Izaak had been through so much together and deep down he wanted her all to himself. Not in the way of a romantic relationship or anything of the sort, just as the friend she had always been.

With azure eyes aglow, Izaak stared up at the quaint chapel before him, not quite sure if he was ready to step inside. There had only been one time in his life that he had seriously thought about marriage, and that had been with Alexis but that had also been something he’d been set for in years and years to come. Not at now, and here Melodie was promising herself to a man at the age of nineteen. It was craziness at its peak. But if she truly did love Adam then there was nothing Izaak was going to do to stop her.

The designer lace-up shoes he was wearing were almost restrictive on his feet as Izaak slipped passed the guests gathering inside and to the back of the chapel where he was ushered into a room. Standing at the doorway now, his eyes caught a brunette figure so beautiful that he was hard-pressed to recognise her. But his heart ached and he knew that this was his Melodie.
Tears began to trickle down Melodie's porcelan cheeks as she heard the guests outside, waiting to see her married. To say that she was scared would be an understatement. This was meant to be the happiest day of her life, the day she would remember for the rest of her life, sitting in the small office, Melodie didn't feel special at all. She felt like bursting into tears. Melodie shook her head and pulled a tissue from a nearby table. She gently dabbed at her eyes, she could almost hear Abathyn in her head, scolding her for ruining her make-up. As Melodie looked up she saw a tall figure standing at the door, looking through the tinted glass. Izaak. She knew it immediately.

Melodie reached for the door handle to let him in, looking down at the state she was in and gently sniffing. She could hear Abathyn, rounding up Laani and Jaimee. The door gently creaked open and Melodie was faced with a handsome Izaak, wearing a suit and tie. "Hi" Melodie said, quietly, she wanted to say more but the words wouldn't come out. Why was she so speechless in front of him, they had never been shy in front of one another. Why now? Why today? As she looked up at the clock on the wall, Melodie realised what time it was. The wedding should have started 10 minutes ago, but Adam hadn't arrived yet.
Time was of the essense. Melodie didn't know it, but they only had the chapel for five hours. Abby smiled at the guests, now pouring in, and noticed Melodie coming out to talk to someone. She bustled over to chivvy her cousin back inside the office, curtly nodding at her friend. "Izaak, hello. Melodie wanted you to give her away, could you?" the woman turned her attention away from the man and frowned at Melodie. "Mel, you are meant to be hidden. Get back inside!" she exclaimed, as if Melodie was another one of her children. Abby realized that something was wrong. She could suddenly hear one of her children. The little blonde one to be exact.

"Jaimee, GET OFF THAT BROOM!!" she yelled, beginning to chase after the child.
Sia arrived at the chapel in the midst of what seemed to her curious eyes to be absolute chaos. She paused for a moment at the door, regarding the intricately carved facade and trying desperately to calm herself. Sia had never been to a wedding before, and this was her sister's, and her parents weren't here, and she hadn't even met the groom, and, and . . .

Recognising the symptoms of almost-panic, Sia forced herself to take a deep breath. Breathe in, breathe out . . . Hearing Abathyn's shout from inside, she entered, suspecting her cousin might need a hand. The scene inside was, however, more than she had expected. Noticing a small child zooming past on a miniature broomstick, Sia caught the girl, presuming she was Abathyn's. The child wriggled frantically in Sia's arms, but to no avail. Catching sight of Abathyn, she hurried over.
"This yours? What do I do with her now?"
Marlana Dalmoir did not looked as if she were pregnant at all. She looked so different so dolled up in her black with white polka-dotted dress, if anyone see her they would think she did not have a infant growing inside her womb. But in fact she was very well pregnant gracing everyone with a brilliant smiled while holding her matching handbag. Looking about she realize she had arrived at the wrong time, everyone was seem to be or look as if they were running around out of place. Marlana didn't know what to do, she stood clueless for just a minute before she caught Abaythn whizzing by her.

"Hey sis you need any help?" she asked while holding her bag in front of her. Marlana silhouette shoes made her look taller than what she really was, her round belly feeling the nudges of a small child. Marlana still hadn't got used to that, in fact it made her giggled every time she felt her baby kicked her inside. Marlana giggled and gushed till she was able to breathe again holding onto her adoptive sister shoulder. "Oh I feel a little..." she exhaled than smile. "Anyways need help?" she question her again.
Izaak drew a deep breath inwards, savouring the musty scent of the old chapel with each passing moment as he steadily watched his friend open the door with a ginger motion. The tail end of her sobbing was the first thing that he noticed and he was suddenly numb to all else but the sickening feeling of his face falling. As much as he didn’t like that she was marrying Adam, Izaak would so much rather see her in wedlock with him rather than like this. There was an all but silent greeting that tumbled from the length of her glossed lips and the young man suddenly felt restless in his own skin. Izaak gulped. Part of him wanted to curl her into his arms, another part wanted to make a mad dash for the double doors. But he couldn’t, not now and not ever.

“Mels... You- you look...” Izaak gulped once more, amazed by her beauty even if it were bittersweet. “Beautiful. You look beautiful.” The young man leant his tall frame downwards until his cologne mixed with her perfume, until he was close enough to see the minerals in the make-up that was dusted across her eyelids and the paint of the mascara that had been slicked onto her lashes, clumped together now with tears. Izaak first graced her forehead with a kiss and then more softly her cheek. So loving, yet so brotherly as he whispered, “I love you Melodie.” She would know the way in which he meant it, platonic yet so sincere. The moment was shattered though as Abathyn bustled in and spoke a blunt sentence that Izaak was shocked to hear. With a hung jaw, he hustled his friend back inside the room as per Abathyn’s orders and closed the door behind them. Still looking as stunned as a mullet, he spoke with an incredulous tone in his voice, “Give you away? Are you sure you want me to?” It were as if he doubted his own presence in her life with the tone of voice he took. Disbelieving, honoured and shocked all rolled into one, staring at her all the while with those oh-so famed azure blue eyes.
Melodie grimly looked up at Izaak, not truly wanting to admitt how she was feeling, not wanting an 'i told you so' lecture. As the clock ticked beind the two, Melodie couldn't help but count the seconds, wonering when Adam was going to arrive. Her heart melted as Izaak lent in closer and closer to her, his lips gently touching her forhead, then cheek. Melodie could see the sweat appearing on his brow as he moved away from her, Abathyn's words making his lips jolt away from her cheek. Emotins raced through Melodie's aching heart, memories of the two together, how they had planned their wedding day as children. But as much as she wished, Melodie could never go back. Everything had changed, they had changed.

'I love you Melodie' as the words left Izaak's lips Melodie said them in turn. Saying it felt so right, and being in that room with Izaak, Melodie knew she felt more comfortable with Izaak than she could ever feel woth Adam. Melodie was bought back to reality with Izaak's words "Yes I want you to. I know my father should be doing it. But her won't be here" Melodie's soft voice began to trail off as she wiped another tear from her eye. She knew Izaak would understand, he more than anyone knew what her parents had put her through. She couldn't have them be here today, she especially didn't want them to see her so weak, so helpless. Melodie held Izaak's hand in hers "I'm scared" she whispered looking into his glimmering blue eyes "so scared"
The lids of Izaak’s eyes fell shut as he listened to the words that Melodie returned him with. If only she could just stay with him in here for the rest of the day then perhaps the chance of her getting hurt was less. Adam was out of his mind to be even ten minutes behind schedule. If he really did love her, he’d be ten minutes early because he’d be so eager, he thought bitterly to himself but was soon tugged away from his bitter attitude with her affirmation. He, Izaak Finch, was going to give Melodie away even if he weren’t quite sure if he was ready to do so. The hesitance within him was evident and his thoughts raced as clear as crystal through the blue of his eyes. Could he do it?

In a gesture so anxious, Izaak’s teeth latched onto his lower lip as his friend admitted to her fear. A frown was etched lightly across his brow, deep in thought as he stared at the linkage of their two hands together before gingerly leading her over to a chair by a rather ancient looking desk. With an audible sigh, he sat upon it before wrapping his arms around his friend and pulling her onto his lap just as he had done the night that they had all but slept with one another. But Izaak didn’t think Melodie would be delirious enough to play that card again. “I don’t think I can do it Mels, not for a guy that makes you feel like this. You deserve better, everyone thinks so.” His fingers deliberately brushed against the side of her swollen stomach as he spoke all of this as if trying to remind her that the twins were really all she was marrying for.

Sitting on Izaak's knee in the reception room, Melodie felt like crying and crying and never stopping. The clock kept ticking behind the two, as the minutes passed it bacame more apparent to Melodie how late Adam was. Melodie lay her head softly on Izaak's shoulder, her tears making it damper by the minute. Melodie could tell that Izaak was too noticing the time, as her eyes darted back and forward with each second. He wasn't coming was he? Melodie nibbled on her bottom lip, searching for something to say to break the silence between them, but nothing came. Any minute now Abathyn would come and get her, tell her Adam was waiting for her.

'You deserve better' Izaak told her, as Melodie looked worringly up at him. 'Everybody thinks so' he contnued, each word making Melodie's heart race. "I deserve better" Melodie repeated, "like who? You? We both know that never worked out" she said, her fists clenched over a slightly jagged object. She opened her palm to reveal a small white shell, soft and weathered. Her fingers stoked over the lines of the shell, her eyes not wanting to meet Izaak's. Melodie still remebered the day Izaak had given it to her, back when they were only five or so years old. Melodie had treasured it that whole time. With one swift move her pendant fell from her neck and landed in her hand. She knew now it didn't mean anything to her, her parents hadn't died, they abandoned her. Melodie carefully replaced the pendant with the shell and tied it around her neck, she let herself smile, if only slightly.
The azure of his eyes pooled with an ocean of concern for Melodie as she began to sob into his shoulder, just as she had done so many countless times before. Were it not for the charcoaled black of his suit Izaak was sure there’d be noticeable stains of ruined mascara all over him. But he wouldn’t have cared anyway, he never had. Large-palmed and deft-fingered hands smoothed gentle paths up and down his friend’s back, trying to ease the heartbreak she so far from deserved.

The way she questioned the words he had spoken sliced Izaak right down to his very core. There was no way Melodie would have meant for him to interpret it like he had, but the guilt was unshakable. Their break-up was something that had initially arisen from his issues with commitment, that of course coupled with the fact that deep down they both knew they were better off as friends. But at any rate, perhaps if he had not began to chicken out when things began to grow serious between the pair of them then she might not be in this pain right. “I’m no good for you Mels, you wouldn’t want me back now.” There was a distinctive light-heartedness to his words but they were the truth through and through. “But not him, he’s practically left you pregnant at the altar. He’s a cowardly f*cking...” The furious young man trailed off with a disgruntled mumble, not wanting Melodie to hear all the names he had called her fiancé beneath the depths of his breath.

But there was something that replaced his fired temper as he watched Melodie unlatch the pendant from around her neck, causing his jaw to fall open. It weren’t as if Izaak didn’t know what would cause the sudden change of heart, or jewellery to be more precise, but he could not help himself. Curiously his gaze fell over the shell she had tied around it instead and stared at it for a long moment, perplexed by its odd familiarity. “What is...” But Izaak’s words were left unspoken as his long fingers carefully picked the shell up from where it rested on her collarbone. “Oh wow.” The tones of his voice were a mere whisper now as the pad of his thumb grazed over the eroded lines of the shell. Then suddenly Izaak remembered himself brushing a wisped blonde curl from his eyes, even then such a striking azure, as he handed the treasure to his best friend with a toothy grin. “You still have this?!” Izaak exclaimed, admittedly touched by the gesture, as he squeezed her close in excitement and with a winning grin plastered over his expression.
Melodie felt somewhat comforted by the strong hands rubbing her back, but it was no quick fix for the pain she was going through. She felt so stupid, so helpless. She wanted nothing more than to be home with Izaak, not in this chapel wallowing in her own self pity. Melodie tried to tell herself that Adam was just held up, he would arrive any minute now. But it didn't help at all, thirty minutes had past and the guests were getting restless. "Izaak don't" Melodie pleaded listening to the words coming out of his mouth, but she couldn't help but notice that it was all true. With a solemn look on her face, Melodie reached for another tissue.

Melodie couldn't believe this was happening. She was going to be alone for the rest of her life, alone with two infants to look after. How could Adam do this to her? Her chest ached as she thought of him, sitting at home, probably crying over her. Melodie wiped the tears from her eyes. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction, he didn't even deserve her tears. She looked down and held her belly, feeling her boys kicking again "I can't do this alone" Melodie sobbed. She knew Abathyn would be there, but she didn't have anyone long term now, her parents would be so ashamed.

Melodie changed her tone with Izaak's excitement over her new pendant. "Of course I still have it, it meant so much to me, it still does" she said, smiling at the memory of them sitting at the beach, Melodie braiding her long auburn hair, Izaak playing in the surf. "I could have stayed there forever" she said, looking up into the azure eyes above her. Melodie took a deep breath in, smelling the dampness of the old reception room, looking at the faded paintings hanging from the walls. She looked at the door, expecting Abathyn to bustle in any minute now, bringing her the bad news.
Izaak was still in the midst of dwelling over Melodie’s sobbed words of negativity when he noticed a smile shine through her expression. Ever so gradually his chest began to swell with aching pride as he realised that him and their friendship was the reason for her chimed happiness even if it were merely fleeting. Even after he allowed his fingers to drop the treasured shell, Izaak found himself unable to tear his azure eyes away from it. Melodie and Leah had truly been the only ones that had made his childhood a childhood. Without them, Izaak wished he could have doubted the fact that he would have just been inducted into the death eaters as his father had before him. Supposing that that was a horrific path his life had had the possibility of taking put things into perspective for Izaak because he knew he life was not that bad. But things could certainly be better.

“You won’t be doing this alone Mels, I promise. I’ll help with the twins and so will Abathyn.” Izaak was genuine in his tone but he squirmed against the feelings of her babies kicking against him as she sat curled into his arms. “Come to Bondi! It’d be a fresh start, there’s a few flats around that are up for rent, the boys will love it I’m sure and you will too, of course. Almost like the old times, yeah?” But then, amidst his delirious excitement Izaak’s face fell as he realised that things were not quite as fairytale as they seemed. Adam still had somewhat of a say in this, as much as Izaak disliked it, depending on how much Melodie wanted to include him into the twins life. “But their father...” It were almost as if Izaak was annoyed at Adam for ruining his plans for his best friend.
Melodie smiled even more as she imagined what Izaak was saying in her head. It did sound just like old times, as he said. It would be the right thing to do. But Adam would want to see hs boys grow up. But truth be told, Melodie had those babies inside of her, and she didn't want Adam anywhere near them. "It sounds great Iz" she said looking up at him, her smile growing. Melodie looked into Izaak's eyes as she spoke she was going to move to Bondi whether Adam liked it or not. She wondered to herself where Adam was right now, why he didn't show up, why he didn't care about her. Melodie knew now that Izaak was the only guy she could ever trust, and she knew he would never leave her.

"I wish they were'nt his" Melodie said, knowing she would regrett it, but not caring at all. Melodie wished the babies were Izaak's, only a year ago Melode would have never thought that he could be a dad. But Izaak had proved her wrong, he had become so grown up, so responsible. It almost made Melodie wish that Izaak was hers, Melodie chuckled "I guess you have me all to yourself now" she joked, knowing that Izaak had wanted to hear it all along. She should have listened to him, she should have called off the wedding, Izaak was right and she was wrong about Adam, she still couldn't come to terms with it.
Completely oblivious to her sister's tragedies, at least for the moment, Sia handed the child to Abathyn, taking note that her name was Jaimee. Sia looked interestedly around the chapel, seeing nobody she knew. She presumed that Melodie was somewhere around, adhering to that tradition that no-one should see the bride before the wedding. But . . . Sia had never met the groom, but Melodie had shown her a photograph, and surely he should be here by now.

Sia was feeling increasingly uncomfortable as she drifted back towards Abathyn. The small girl twisted one of her blonde plaits, and reflected on how awkward it was not having her parents here.
Abby shook her hed. It had been ages since the wedding was due to strt. With a heavy heart she moved back to the office to deliver the bad news. "He's not coming Mel." She turned her back to prevent herself from seeing the tears. Abby never held up well to sadness.
Adam walked along side a road. He didn't know which one nor did he care. "Does she really love me?" He asked himself. What if she didn't. What if it was all some plot. After all, the way they met was so...wierd. "I'm not sure I'm ready." He said aloud, but to himself. Foolishness. He was being foolish. Of course Melodie loved him. And of course he loved her. The passion inside him was something he never felt before. This was the passion of pure love. The passion of Melodie becoming a Bomonti. The passion of them being married.
Adam had disappeared, he did not want to tell anybody why. He had hoped the wedding was still on the planned date. Today. "It's time I went." He told himself. It was time he went and made everything right. "I'm sorry Melodie. I hope you are still out there." He said aloud. He took his wand out from a sleeve in his Tux, and apparated to the front doors of the Chapel. "This is it." Adam said. "This is my chance. I've kept everybody waiting long enough."
He opened the doors and entered the chapel. HE was not sure where to go. HE saw familiar faces, however he just stood there, he did not see Melodie anywhere. He just starred. He was hoping someone would notice him. However he failed to see how anyone could as every person was engrosed in their own conversations....

(Again I am terribly sorry)

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