Teagan Maxwell

Teagan Riley

Mum to Winter | Countess | UK & NZ Barrister
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Heterosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 Inch Flexible Laurel Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Admin approve ID #11498932

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i'll never learn to put up a guard


"From Revenge, Hope"
The Maxwell's has been around for centuries dating back to the middle age. Originally, the Maxwell's where from England and had moved to Northern Ireland when Carrigan Maxwell was made Viscount Hollingsworth in the Peerage of Ireland by King James I of England. The Viscountcies is a subsidiary title to the current Marquess of Donigael, Devin Maxwell, father of Teagan Maxwell. The Countess of Brickwood. The family has been known to the magical and muggle community of Great Britain. The Maxwell men had been a member of the House of Lords and Wizengamot. The nobility linage tradition has been broken starting with the current Marquess for marrying a commoner while the nobility lineage of the Beckham's had been nobility though out. The Maxwell's history of helping others has been well known as well. A lot of the foundations of the Maxwell's are all helping young and old people around Europe.
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§ Maxwell Family Crest §
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The family crest is as old as the nobility title of the family. It is a pristine and gorgeous crest with meaning depicting its owners. It was picked specifically by the Maxwell's ancestors. It is also how they symbolized in the wizarding community.</COLOR></I></FONT>
Purple the color symbolizes their nobility statues. Meaning Royal Majesty, Sovereignty, and Justice
Crane means vigilance, and a bond to one's family. It is also every Maxwell family member's patronus
Mantling fancy and with a forward looking knight. It symbolizes a family of nobility and military rank.
Half of the Maxwell men had been in service with the Royal military since the 1920's.
Thus, the mantling was added by that time period.
Supporters the Stags represent peace and harmony or someone who will not fight unless provoked.
It is in the Maxwell's nature to be patient at any cost. That is why they are loved by their people.​

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<FONT font="Georgia"><I>§ Maxwell Family Household §
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County Seat
Subsidiary/Courtesy Title Of
Baronetcies of Clairemont​
Annalong, County Down, Northern Ireland​
Held by a distant relative of the Marquess of Donigael​
Viscountcies of Hollingsworth​
Annsborough, County Down, Northern Ireland​
Marquess of Donigael​
Earldom of Brickwood​
United Kingdom​
Rawcliffe, York, United Kingdom​
Countess of Brickwood​
Earldom of Englewood​
Helensburg, Scotland, United Kingdom​
Dowager Marchioness of Donigael​
Marquisate of Donigael​
Whitecross, County Armagh, Northern Ireland​
Marquess of Donigael​
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§ Letters Patent of the Earldom of Brickwood §
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courtesy of the crown office of the queen
C harles the first, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith to all Lords Spiritual and Temporal and all other subjects whatsoever to whom these presents shall come greetings know ye that we of our especial grace certain knowledge and mere motion do by these Presents advance create and prefer our beloved son The Right Honorable Cain Joaquin Maxwell, Viscount of Hollingsworth to the state degree style dignity title and honour of The Right Honorable Earl of Brickwood and for Us Our heirs and successors do appoint give and grant unto him the said name state degree style dignity title and honour of The Right Honorable Earl of Brickwood and by these Presents do dignify invest and ennoble him by girding him with a sword and putting a cap of honour and a coronet of gold on his head to have and to hold the said name degree style dignity title and honour of The Right Honorable Earl of Brickwood unto him and the heirs general of the body of the grantee lawfully begotten and to be begotten.

Willing and by these Presents granting for Us Our heirs and successors that he and his heirs general of the body of the grantee aforesaid and every of them successively may have hold and possess a seat place and voice in the Parliaments and Public Assemblies and Councils of Us Our heirs and successors within Our United Kingdom amongst the Earls And also that he and his heirs general of the body of the grantee aforesaid successively may enjoy and use all the rights privileges pre-eminences immunities and advantages to the degree of an Earl duly and of right belonging which Earls of Our United Kingdom have heretofore used and enjoyed or as they do at present use and enjoy.

In Witness whereof We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent.
WITNESS Ourself at Westminster the 7th day of FEBRUARY in the 22nd year of Our Reign
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§ The Maxwell Family line §
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*Second titles are for married daughters of the main holder of the title*
*Some wives have previous titles higher than they have currently and thus, it is their second title*
<TH>[th colspan="1"]Baronets & Barontess of Clairemont[/th]
[th colspan="1"]Viscounts & Viscountess of Hollingsworth[/th]
[th colspan="1"]Earls & Countess of Brickwood[/th]
[th colspan="1"]Marquess & Marchioness of Donigael[/th]
<SIZE size="50">Guideline for addressing nobility in the UK
courtesy of wikipedia
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learn me hard , oh learn me right
The Right Honorable The Countess of Brickwood
Teagan Maxwell's current title that was given to her after her father was made The Most Honorable The Marquess of Donigael when her grandfather died. If Teagan wasn't born, this title would have been for the middle child of the Maxwell which is The Lady Ainslee Maxwell.
(Tee - ghan)
The name is of Irish origin meaning 'Poet'. It is believe that why her mother choose the name is to impress her in-laws and to gain their trust by naming their first grandchild of something Irish.
(Ro - se)
Rose as we all know is a perennial flowering plant. The name is of Norman Germanic origin meaning 'Fame' in Hrod and 'Kind' in Heid. Teagan's middle name was secretly given by her aunt Jessica (biological mother) before her birth certificate was revealed to the Maxwell.
[th colspan="2"]What's in a name?[/th]
Date of Birth:
23rd of August 2029
Birth Place:
Raleigh, North Carolina
Teagan's mother and aunt's hometown. Although living there their whole life, her mother and aunt works for the Magical Congress of the United States of American as high profiled Aurors.
Whitecross, County Armagh, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Teagan was brought up at the Evergreen Castle with her parents, grandparents and aunts. Here she was taught basic etiquette and being a lady as suggested by her mother who was keen on shaping her whatever she wanted her to be.
Current Residency:
Rawcliffe, York, United Kingdom
The county seat of the Countess of Brickwood. Formerly occupied by her parents, Teagan now resides there every Winter break and would stay in Northern Ireland for holidays. The castle was named Dahlia castle because of its vast Dahlia garden front and back.
[th colspan="2"]The Birth Record[/th]
All she knows is that she's a mixed-blood. Her father originated from a pure-blood family but all changed when the sixth Marquess of Donigael married a muggle-born. The Maxwell's were not the type to shun muggle or muggleborns, though, they are cautious about who they are specially to the government and the queen. Though, making her mixed-blood in the process is her mother who came from a long line of pure-bloods and hadn't change since her mother married her father. Teagan being mixed-blood hasn't change her attitude, she was still the kind and yet aggressive kind of a lady.
In reality, Teagan is a half-blood. She is not Camilla nor Devlin's daughter, instead, she's Jessica's daughter from one of Devlin's circle of friends. A muggle from the same nobility statues as Devlin. Although still a secret, time will tell if Camilla or Jessica will tell the truth about who she really is. But the draw backs of her knowing the truth is that Devlin will eventually divorce her wife and might still keep Teagan in the process. Her title remains as long as she's legally with the Maxwell's.
[th colspan="1"]Blood is blood[/th]
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i am what i am
Relationship Statues:
Single but looking for the right one
Sexual Orientation:
Teagan is a heterosexual
Meaning of life:
For the young lady, life, she thinks has full of surprises. Just enjoy the ride because once it's over, there is nothing more but darkness.
Meaning of death:
Death is simply like a long nap but dreams keeps coming
Teagan speaks traditional Irish, Gaelic, Welsh, French, Spanish and Dutch
Play By:
Former: Britt Robertson
Currently: Gage Golightly
Sherlock Holmes, The Raven, Lenore and The Murders in Rue Morgue, The Murder at the Vicarage, The Mysterious Affair at Styles and The Midnight Train
Can't help falling in love with you, Flower Duet, Fur Elise, True (Country)
Pretty much, Teagan eats everything. She's not picky.
Edgar Allan Poe, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie
School Subject:
Potions and Herbology
Playing Quidditch, photography (if she has time) and reading
Quidditch, Archery, Soccer and Baseball
[th colspan="2"]We All Have Favorites[/th]
Laurel Wood
Laurel wands are sometimes called fickle, but this is unfair. The laurel wand seems unable to tolerate laziness in a possessor, and it is in such conditions that it is most easily and willingly won away. Otherwise, it will cleave happily to its first match forever, and indeed has the unusual and engaging attribute of issuing a spontaneous lightning strike if another witch or wizard attempts to steal it. courtesy of Pottermore
Doxy Wing​
<FONT font="Georgia">like the creatures they come from, can be unmanageable and mean-spirited. They are second only to basilisk wands in their abilities with the Dark Arts. <SIZE size="50">courtesy of Durmstrang Institute
[th colspan="2"]Curly 13 Inch Flexible Laurel Wand with Doxy Wing Core[/th] [th]
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or even spit some holy word

THE MOST HON || The Marquis of Donigael
NAME || Devlin Liam Maxwell
TITLE/s || Viscount Hollingsworth, Baron Eagleton
HOUSE || Maxwell
BLOOD STATUES || Mixed Blood
CAREER || Barrister/Wizengamot member
BIRTH YEAR || 2015
RELATION || Father
PLAY BY || Linden Ashby
DIVORCED TITLE || Camilla, Marchioness of Donigael
NAME || Camilla Josephine Fields
HOUSE || Maxwell
CAREER || Retired MACUSA Auror
BIRTH YEAR || 2015
RELATION || Mother
PLAY BY || Eaddy Mays
THE LADY || Ainslee Maxwell
NAME || Ainslee Carrigan Maxwell
HEIR PRESUMPTIVE || 2nd in line to the title of The Countess of Brickwood
HOUSE || Maxwell
BLOOD STATUES || Mixed Blood
CAREER || Improper Use of Magic Office, New Zealand
BIRTH YEAR || 2020
PLAY BY || Jenna Louise Coleman
THE LADY || Louise Maxwell
NAME || Louise Holly Maxwell
HEIR PRESUMPTIVE || 3rd in line to the title of The Countess of Brickwood
HOUSE || Maxwell
BLOOD STATUES || Mixed Blood
CAREER || International Magical Office of Law, Britain
BIRTH YEAR || 2025
PLAY BY || Madison Blaine McLaughling
THE MOST HON || The Marquis of Donigael
NAME || Liam Seamus Maxwell
TITLE/s WHEN ALIVE || The Earl of Brickwood, Viscount Hollingsworth, Baron Eagleton
HOUSE || Maxwell
BLOOD STATUES || Mixed Blood
CAREER || Chief Warlock Wizengamot
BIRTH YEAR || 1994
DEATH || 2040
RELATION || GrandFather
PLAY BY || Len Cariou</FONT>
<FONT font="Georgia">THE MOST HON || The Dowager The Marchioness of Donigael
NAME || Rosaleen Gael Beckham
TITLE/s || Viscountess Hollingsworth, Baroness Eagleton, The Lady Rosaleen Maxwell
HOUSE || Maxwell/Beckham
CAREER || Kindergarten teacher
BIRTH YEAR || 1995
RELATION || GrandMother
PLAY BY || Helen Mirren

The 411 said:
Rosaleen Beckham is from another peerage family of Earls and Countess of Englewood. She is now the 2nd in line to inherit the title Countess of Englewood if the daughter of her brother doesn't produce a male heir. Thus her title as such; The Dowager The Marchioness of Donigael, Viscountess Hollingsworth, Baroness Eagleton, The Lady Rosaleen Maxwell
The 411 said:
As a recently divorced noble but not a peer, Camilla Maxwell is now titled without 'The Most Hon' and thus will change to; Camilla, Marchioness of Donigael. If remarrying, and I doubt that, she can still be called as such but is not necessarily.
THE MOST EXT || The Duchess of Castellana
NAME || Daphnie Siobhan Maxwell
TITLE/S || Countess of Castellana, Lady of Castellana, The Lady Daphnie Seville-Maxwell
HOUSE || Maxwell/Seville
BLOOD STATUES || Mixed Blood
CAREER || Accountant
RELATION || Aunt/GrandMother
PLAY BY || Aubrey Hepburn
THE MOST EXT || The Duke of Castellana
NAME || Carlito Esteban Frederiko Seville y Huelva
TITLE/S || Count of Castellana, Lord of Castellana
HOUSE || Seville/Huelva
BLOOD STATUES || Mixed Blood
CAREER || Pediatric Doctor
RELATION || Uncle/GrandFather
PLAY BY || Joe Mantegna
THE MOST ILL || Dona Leonora Seville y Maxwell
NAME || Leonora Francesca Seville y Maxwell
TITLE/S || The Most Illustrious Dona
HOUSE || Seville/Maxwell
BLOOD STATUES || Mixed Blood
CAREER || Student
BIRTH YEAR || 2032
RELATION || 2nd cousin
PLAY BY || Camila Mendes
THE MOST ILL || Don Jacinto Seville y Maxwell
NAME || Jacinto Gabrielle Dominico Seville y Maxwell
TITLE/S || The Most Illustrious Don
HOUSE || Seville/Maxwell
BLOOD STATUES || Mixed Blood
CAREER || Keeper for the Braga Broomfleet
RELATION || 2nd cousin
PLAY BY || Mark Wahlberg
THE MOST EXT || Don Flavio Seville y Maxwell
NAME || Flavio Juan Baltasar Seville y Maxwell
TITLE/S || The Most Excellent Don
HOUSE || Seville/Maxwell
BLOOD STATUES || Mixed Blood
CAREER || Beauxbatons Potion Master
RELATION || 2nd cousin
PLAY BY || Donnie Wahlberg
The 411 said:
The Seville are titled nobility family from Spain. Teagan's grandfather's sister married a Spanish Duke from Valencia, Spain

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