Tea, Biscuits and a Chat

Tybalt Archer

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 1/2" Sturdy Ivy Wand with Vampire Blood Core
9/2019 (42)
It had been a busy winter holiday for Tybalt he'd had barely had the time to go see his cousin. Well, that wasn't entirely true, he'd been a number of times to his home, but he hadn't been able to talk to him really. Ty was glad that at least his cousin now worked at the library, where he'd be able to go talk to him. Unlike most other times when he'd have to wait until the next break. Tybalt had been faced with a strange reality lately. He'd been faced with the fact that after this year, he only had one left, and after that he was out in the real world. Tybalt was ready to go forward and follow the career path he wanted, but Hogwarts was his entire life currently. It had been his life for five years, he knew barely anything else at this point. He found it incredibly difficult to imagine not waking up every morning of the term in Gryffindor. Of eating in the great hall, and having free access to a large and amazing library, or the pitch. He knew that obvious he couldn't just stay at hogwarts for ever, but as a second and third year, he'd felt like it would just be forever. Now, he really was faced with something that he didn't like. Well, he didn't like the sound of. Ty was looking forward to classes, and he was looking forward to studying, and really he was looking forward to the hard work and the NEWTs, but there was a part of him that was really questioning how much he could manage. Questioning how he'd survive outside of Hogwarts. Tybalt knew that he'd pretty much made himself a nice little home in this school. He needed to know how things were after. Ty was sure there were plenty of professors he could talk to about this, but there was really only one person that he actually wanted to talk to about it. The Gryffindor knew that perhaps it wasn't the right person to talk to, and on most occasions when relating to school he would agree but definitely not on this.

Tybalt had a little gift for his cousin, it was a simple picture frame of himself, Stefan with his fiancee Kate and Ty's family taken during those holidays there. His little sister who was just one year away from attending Hogwarts herself, stood just beside Ty. He was happy with it. Happy to give it to his cousin, whom he knew hadn't really had much in the way of family until now. It was pretty late in the day, just after dinner, and most people were retreating to their dorms, it was early in the year, there were few studying at this point, which was why, Ty was sure that it would be a good time to go visit his cousin. So, with that said, the Gryffindor teen slipped on his shoes, and a thin jumper and headed towards the library. After having spent so much time in the library for his OWLS, Ty was sure that he could walk to the room blindfolded. Not that he really wanted to try such a thing, that was a little ridiculous. He made his way to the library, of course with a lot of ease. He had the gift in his hand, though it was unwrapped and headed into the library. Tybalt first glanced around the usual places he found his cousin, until he remember that since his cousin was not a student at the school, he might just be in the librarian's section of the room. Tybalt wandered over to where it was, and knocked on the door lightly, while pushing it open. Spotting his cousin having a cup of tea. "Stef!" Ty exclaimed happily, without even waiting to be invited in wandering inside. "Here, this is from me and the family" He first took the time to hug his cousin and then held out the gift for him. "Listen, I was hoping I could talk to you about leaving Hogwarts and life outside this place" He cringed slightly, knowing he made Hogwarts almost sound like a prison, but he was really hoping to get some answers about what it was like adjusting to normal every day life after so long with such a strangely strict but also relaxed routine.
The school term had started up again, and while Stefan had been happy for the break, he had then been able to spend time wedding planning with Kate, he was also happy to be back at work. Stefan had returned to the school a little before the students. Just because he had work to do. He had to be sure that the library was in perfect condition for when the students arrived again. Which had in fact been pretty easy to achieve when he really thought about it. Honestly for Stefan, following his proposal to Kate, things in his life had been a little crazy. Admittedly, some of it was brought on himself, and other parts of it were completely out his control. Stefan had spent time, with Kate and Sara at their birthday. Where himself and Kate had announced to most of their family and friends that they were engaged, then later he'd had a strange, but interesting conversation with Kate's dad about himself and Kate, and that relationship. He had been more than happy to break the joyous news of their engagement to his extended family, which had resulted in a great many laughs, and swapping of tales. His cousin's mother had been incredibly pleased for him, she had almost acted like it was one of her own sons who was off getting married. Honestly Stefan couldn't believe how warmly all had reacted to it. Even his cousin's father had been incredibly pleased. It had really shown Stefan that after everything he'd been through things really were now better. He was better, everything was better. It had been a strange few months, but his feelings hadn't changed. He still loved Kate, and he couldn't wait to married to her. Unfortunately for him, he was stuck at work, rather than being able to spend time with her. Stefan knew he didn't have long of his shift left, but it was still long and he wanted to get home to her. Wanted to tell her he loved her, and just be happy to spend a little bit of time with her.

As Stefan sat down in the little room for Librarians to hold meetings and make tea or coffee, he heard a knock at the door. A quick glance at the clock on the wall, caused Stefan to be a little concerned, who would be at the library at this time when it was so early in the term. And also when there was another librarian out working in the shelves and manning the desk. He was greeted with the sight of his cousin. Stefan smiled at the familiar nickname. Putting down his mug of coffee and then wrapping his arms around his cousin. This boy was very different from the one he'd met all those years before in this very library. So much had changed. Stefan smiled at him, and then glanced at what was being handed to him. He took it, and couldn't help but smile even more. It was perfect, he loved it so much. He patted his cousin on the shoulder, "Thanks" He placed it down on the table, to remind himself to take it with him at the end of the day, when he was finally able to go home. When his cousin continued, Stefan realised that his cousin wanted to chat, so he did what any would do in his situation. He got the boy a cup of fresh coffee, and motioned for him to sit down. Stefan then proceeded to walk over to the door and opened it pretty wide. So, that anyone really could join them in this little chat. He then took a seat beside his cousin. "Tybalt, leaving hogwarts may seem like a scary thing now, but it's okay. You'll see that when it actually becomes time to leave, it's the easiest thing to do." Stefan told his cousin, he spoke softly to him, knowing that sometimes letting go of certain things could be tricky. It had been something he'd seen a lot. "It seems daunting out there Ty, but you'll be fine. You have a family who support you no matter what. You have friends, and you have achieved so much. Trust me, it seems a lot scary than it actually is."
Glad that he had someone he could talk to pretty openly when he was at Hogwarts Tybalt, was more than happy to take a seat in this small room. He knew that really he probably wasn't allowed in this area, but it wasn't like it was the restricted section of the library. Ty was just looking to talk, and this seemed like the best place to do it. He'd of course spent time outside of school, in the way of holidays, but since arriving in first year it had never been over two months. It was strange. He wasn't sure how much he really liked the idea of leaving completely. It was a very strong part of him, who knew that when it did come to it, that leaving Hogwarts would be incredibly simple, but he was just hoping he could put it off for a while. Stay and help out, doing the flying lessons or something. Though the boy really did realise that such a thing was not possible in the slightest. Tybalt was just feeling nervous about leaving, he really did understand that when the moment came down to it, he would be fine. He was good at adapting to new situations he knew that he would be fine. Just, he wanted to talk about with someone he trust and that had on multiple occasions left the school. He knew that it was perhaps a little hard to talk about it completely, but Ty was just looking for words of wisdom, or at least the comfort of family to calm his nerves, and anxieties. That was why he'd chosen his cousin, not the young new cousin, that Ty had to remember to tell his ma about, but his older cousin. He was sure his younger cousin was perfectly nice, but he wasn't looking to be told anything by a first year.

He took the cup of coffee from Stefan and took a long sip of it. Often he'd drunk coffee in this library. It did not taste very good, but he was generally always given it by Stefan, and who was Tybalt to turn down a free cup of coffee which he didn't have to make. He watched his cousin carefully, as the elder opened the door and then took a seat next to him. He looked at his hands, as his cousin spoke. He knew his cousin was right about it. It was really exactly what Tybalt knew was right, he just hadn't really wanted to see it. He didn't really want it to be over. He was about to reply just that, but he was stopped when his cousin spoke again. He nodded his head, knowing he was right. "I know, it's just going to be weird." He wrapped his hands around the coffee and looked up at his cousin, "This place has become everything to me, and I don't know if I'm ready for it to end. This place is my home" He continued. Knowing that he probably sounded like a whining child who didn't want to leave disneyland, but, it was how he felt. "How did you manage it? I mean you left more than once, was it strange?" He knew that asking his cousin of all people this, considering the entirely different situation he'd been in wasn't the best thing, but he couldn't help it. "Do you ever feel like you should still be at school, like leaving was the worst decision ever?" Ty stopped himself from saying anything else. Instead he took the time to just take a long sip of his coffee. "I'm just anxious about it. What if I fail completely after Hogwarts?"
Stefan was not always entirely sure how to deal with his cousins questions. They were generally quite blunt, but they were family, so it made it okay really. He was just always made to really stop and think about what he was saying to his cousin who might take things the wrong way, or even just not like the answer which Stefan ended up giving. It was of course a problem which Stefan had never had. When he'd left school, he'd never really had much trouble. The holidays were hard for him yeah, but once he'd left school properly, both the first time and the second it had become easier. The first time around, it had been too soon for him to return to a boarding school. He had issues in dealing with having people around, of not being able to leave when he wanted. Having to deal with people, the magazine that had completely trivialised his entire situation. The there had been Kate. All in all, he hadn't been ready to return, but with no proper parent or guardian there had been no one looking out for Stefan. He'd just left when he realised he hadn't been able to deal with it at all. Which was why, he smiled at what his cousin first said, yeah, it was definitely going to be weird. It was going to be hard, but he had his life so much figured out. A plan was not a necessity when it came to leaving school, but it was helpful for some. Any idea of where they were then going was pretty helpful. He knew that maybe it didn't work for all, but from the time that Stefan had spent with Ty he knew that Tybalt was a man who liked structure, and liked plans. Despite the fact he was quite messy, Tybalt was methodical and liked structure a lot. Knowing what each next step was. it was really no surprise to him that his cousin had been having trouble figuring out how he felt towards leaving. Hogwarts was such a life support that it was difficult for some to accept leaving, clearly his cousin was one of these people.

Stefan continued to listen as his cousin spoke, almost venting out the feeling's he'd probably been keeping bottled up. The inevitable questions came of course, and Stefan took a minute to gather his thoughts while taking a sip of his coffee. "It wasn't as strange as I thought it would be really. It's like travelling, one minute you are in one place, and then you go somewhere else, and you just adapt." He replied, putting the mug down and thinking about it. He had been about to say more, when once again, his cousin blurted out more. "The worst decision? No, Ty, you will make worse decision than leaving this place. The first time I left, you could say that it had been a pretty bad decision, I mean I was fifteen at the time with no home, no money and no family, this school provided shelter and food." Stefan glanced out the room, "But, at the time, it had been the best decision. I was in no way ready to be in school. I couldn't handle it, so I had to leave." He smiled at his cousin, knowing that would never be a reason that he would have to leave Hogwarts. "The second time, graduating, that was different. I was ready, I was in a better place. I had you and your family. I had Kate. It felt daunting, but I knew I could do it." Stefan had actually felt like that. He had known at the time when he'd graduated that he was more than ready to leave. Stefan had thought that what he'd said would help his cousin feel better, but it was the last question that made Stefan realise what was actually bothering his cousin. Stefan laughed slightly and placed a hand on his cousin's shoulder.

"Listen, Ty, you aren't going to fail. You are the smartest person I know, you work really hard. No matter what you do you aren't going to fail. And it doesn't matter if you do, you'll have given it your best, and your family and I will support you no matter what." He made sure to speak clearly, keeping his eyes on his cousin so that he'd take in this information. "You'll be fine, you will be ready to leave when it is time, and you'll realise your worries were pointless"
Tybalt did feel somewhat bad for how blunt his questions were. Around his cousin, when he was nervous or anxious he just blurted things out. He couldn't stop himself, and this meant that Ty always felt a little bad by putting his cousin on the spot. He was much more knowledge about the world now that he had been back then. Back when he'd first heard about his cousin, he couldn't ever understand how a person would've been able to leave school. Now, he could see it. He understood much more, and this meant that in reality he should've phrased his questions better, but it was too late to take it back. To change what he'd said. Tybalt was just nervous about it all. He couldn't understand why he was nervous about it all. He totally understand that it would all be fine at the end of the day, he didn't doubt it, he was just unsure about it all. He wasn't sure about his classes, or the NEWTs, it was just a hugely busy time, and Tybalt needed a little bit of guidance. He felt like he needed someone to talk to who wasn't going to tell him to grow up, or get a grip, he needed someone who would at least listen to what he had to say, he took a long drink of his coffee while nodding at what his cousin was saying. He understood that it was probably like a journey. It would be like when he'd arrived at Hogwarts one minute he'd been with his family and the next he'd found himself in Gryffindor completely unsure about everything. He didn't know anything about the house when he'd arrived other than it was for the the brave. He knew that he'd adapt after leaving school. It just in his mind appeared like it could be tricky. Trickier than it had been to come to Hogwarts. Despite this, he was still looking forward to the rest of his life. He was looking forward to being a healer.

As he leaned back in his chair, he listened to Stefan's response, he smiled a little. Ty was sure that his cousin was right, he would make worse decisions in years to come. He would do things wrong, and mess up. Leaving school had clearly been something that his cousin had to do at the time, but Tybalt couldn't figure out how he'd managed it. He knew that he could've never been able to do such a thing. He was just lucky that his family hadn't been torn apart quite like his cousin's had. Tybalt glanced around the room, wondering what it would be like to feel like this school was so overwhelming that without any prospects you still had to leave. Feeling like there was no other option besides, but leaving the security of the school. Tybalt would've interrupted him there, but decided to stay quiet. Just let his cousin continue smiling and nodding. "Daunting but doable" he said, knowing that was really where his own mind was about it. He knew it would be hard, but he also knew that he would be perfectly capable of doing it. When he admitted, really what had been plaguing his mind more, he could see his cousin realising it. He bowed his head, taking a sip of his coffee. Listening to his cousin's words and He didn't think that he was the smartest person that Stefan knew, but he was happy for the compliment. He knew that his worries would be pointless. He would be fine but he was still nervous. "I know. I know your right" He told his cousin, " I couldn't imagine doing what you did, and I know leaving for me will be simple. I just worry you know" Tybalt shrugged, looking back up at his cousin and forcing a small smile. "How are you and Kate though?" He asked, wanting to get the conversation away from him. "Actually, do you know what I should do about B? I mean, are we even still dating?"
Stefan very clearly when he left the school the first time. It had definitely come with a heavy heart that he had said goodbye. Of course Stefan wondered about how things might've turned out had he stayed in the school. Stefan always wondered about how things could've been, it was in his nature to. But the librarian realised very clearly that no matter what had happened he was better off now. Those decision had been hard, and they had severe consequences but they had been at the time necessary. Which was why Stefan believed that perhaps his cousin Ty was actually talking to the wrong person. Stefan had no knowledge of what this school was like for a much more normal person. He hadn't ever really taken much from the school. He had participated in things but never a lot. He was always happy to talk with his cousin, but for the first time he wasn't overly sure that he could provide his cousin with the answers that he wanted or even needed. Which was why as Stefan spoke, he kept his eyes on his cousin to try to gage his reaction. If he was actually heading in the way that his cousin really wanted. Stefan took a small sip of his coffee and gave a small sigh. It was always hard to talk about certain things, although his answers seemed to ring true to Ty judging by his response. Stefan smiled gladly at what he said, nodding ever so slightly, maybe there was a way of perhaps suggesting that even though Ty agreed or understood what he said, that he really had nothing to fear, nothing to worry about. "Ty, when my dad died, despite how terribly he treated me, it was still devastating." he told him. "I was completely alone, I had to leave and it was hard. But you are not alone. You will be fine, no matter how daunting it may seem. At the time I did what I had to do. And it's a decision I'm glad you won't ever have to make" Stefan wasn't sure if that was enough to remind his cousin that he was well loved and no matter how daunting leave was he would be just fine.

As the conversation moved on and Tybalt asked about both his engagement and well actually it was much more just about how they were than anything else. Stefan had bought the ring with Ty, so he had known about it, he just hadn't known when it was happening. However he was happy that Ty was asking about it. "We're both great." he told his cousin smiling and taking another drink of his coffee. "A lot planning goes into weddings, we're constantly having to think about little things. But I think we have it mostly all together. It'll be small. We're having it in the back garden." Stefan told his cousin with a small smile. "You of course will receive a plus one and actually your parents should get the invites soon. As should everyone else invited." he nodded as he spoke, they were pretty much done. Stefan was definitely sure they were almost all ready to go. However the subject of Ty's plus one seemed to dampen the boy's spirit. "Maybe it's time to call it quits. You are young there will be someone else.i wouldn't worry about that at all." Stefan said brightly. "And your plus one could always just be a friend, just someone that you would want to bring along. Now have you decided what your are taking this year and next?" Stefan asked placing the mug back on the table. "Your mum said you were having some problems deciding."
Bryce Chamberlin found himself in the library once more, trying to read up on how to get over his sudden depression. His father died. He was a good man, and so far, studying to become a seer was helping him a bit. He smiled as he read about how to deal with the loss of family members. Some of it seemed helpful and all, but he did not appreciate it as much. Some things were not as personal, and he knew that he would have to talk to someone about it. Bryce could not talk to Rosie about it because she had never lost a parent like he had. He needed to find someone that lost someone, so that he knew how to handle it. Bryce really needed some advice. But, he had no idea where to look. He let out a sigh, and he held the book up to the shelf, and it floated up to simply place itself up. He watched as the magic occurred. Bryce briefly wondered how that worked before his mind wondered back to what he really needed to think about before he turned to leave the library. He was in the back so he had a long walk before him.

'I really need to get a handle on this, and I need to do it fast before I break,' thought Bryce as he shoved his way through the library, looking around to see if anyone would even try to talk to him. It would make a good distraction. The Ravenclaw Prefect continued to look forward, and he noticed someone that he knew from the yearbook. The two were not close, but he knew him just a fair bit. And he looked at the new librarian. Upon reading the man's lips, he noticed that he was talking about his dad dying. Bryce looked down, and he thought, 'This is it. Someone I can talk to. Not Tybalt, but the other man.' This was his chance. He took a deep breath, and walked up to the pair of Archers. He looked toward Tybalt, and then toward the older one. He felt bad for seeing their conversation, since that was his version of overhearing. But, he just really needed some help. "I'm sorry for intruding. I saw that your dad died... Um, how did you cope?" He looked toward Tybalt and mouthed that he was sorry for interrupting, but this was really important to the Ravenclaw prefect.
Tybalt bowed his head slightly, when Stefan spoke about leaving. it was always tricky speaking to him about such things, ever since having found out about what had happened. But, he needed to know that it would all be alright. And from what he gathered about Stefan and that time during his life was that it didn't really matter how bad things were leaving school was more than doable. It was as simple as going to school in the first place. He shook his head slightly. "I'm sorry my family couldn't have helped you then" he spoke quickly, avoiding Stefan's gaze as he spoke. It was just as Stefan began telling him about how things were with Kate and the wedding planning that he noticed Bryce standing at the entrance way. Tybalt gave the other boy a small smile, he didn't know him all that well, they weren't really friends, though he respected the other boy a lot. He knew that it was difficult sometimes for Bryce. He really did have a huge amount of respect for him, but he wondered if perhaps the boy needed something from Stefan the librarian, rather than Stefan the person. He was sure that they didn't know each other.

However, upon hearing what Bryce said Tybalt realised that this had nothing to do with him at all. He took the coffee in his hands and downed the rest of it in one. As much as he loved chatting with his cousin, he could tell that this was important to Bryce, and he didn't want to get in the way of it. He gave a small nod at his cousin as he got to his feet, looking at Bryce as he mouthed an apology. Tybalt didn't mind. "it's alright, he's my cousin, I can talk to him any time. Plus we were done" He said before he then placed the now empty cup into a sink. "I'll see you later Stef, don't bore Bryce too much" he said with a smile at his cousin before looking at the other prefect, "I'll see you in class," he gave the pair a last smile before heading out of the room. Tybalt knew very little about Bryce, but it was clear that something was wrong, and Stefan with his varied experience of people was pretty good to talk to, even just to vent to. He had this knack for listening, that Tybalt was sure he didn't yet have.
Stefan just frowned with Tybalt's words. He had been annoyed at the time. He had been annoyed for months following it, but Stefan had since gotten over it. There were certain times when he felt bitter towards them, but he was always reminded about how much they had actually done for him throughout the time that had followed. He was thankful to them, and those bitter thoughts never lasted long. Some times it was just tricky to talk about. "Don't worry about it Ty" he told him. It was as Stefan continued to talk that it ended up being that he'd not noticed the other boy standing at the door until he spoke. Stefan glanced over suddenly, a little startled but smiled at the person who stood at the door. Stefan knew him from a distance, Bryce or something. He was deaf or something, Stefan didn't really know. What he knew stemmed from whatever he heard around the library. But, he at least knew that Tybalt and Bryce were in the same year. He gave the boy a small smile as he took in the words. He wondered why this person was asking Stefan of all people, but perhaps he'd noticed what they'd been briefly talking about before. Stefan wondered if this boy, Bryce had perhaps lost someone recently, and was looking for a way to talk about it. It was the only way that Stefan could see such a question being asked. He glanced down at the coffee in front of him, not sure how to explain to Bryce, that perhaps he wasn't the right person to talk to about this. That the loss he'd suffered when his father had died would be different to the loss that Bryce had suffered if his father had been a good and kind person.

Glancing back at Tybalt, he watched his cousin excuse himself from the room. The kid was going to leave Stefan to deal with it. Stefan shook his head at the younger Archer, watching him leave, and give them both a small good bye. A small silence gathered over them. "Take a seat, do you want a tea or coffee" he asked the boy, getting himself some more coffee while he got something for Bryce, and then placed it in front of the boy. Taking a small breath before thinking over the question once more. "My father died when I was 14. I'm 21 now," he paused, glancing down at his hands before glancing up at Bryce, "Losing my father was hard, I didn't know what to do with myself, he'd been all I'd known and suddenly he was gone. It was hard" Stefan sighed slightly, he didn't know what else to say about it. It had been hard, he didn't know how he'd coped, he just had. Life had continued and now, at 21, he felt at ease with it. His father had been horrible to him, but there were moments he wished that he was still there. Wished he could see his father again. Speak to him. "When he died I felt completely empty for months, I hit a rock bottom I didn't know existed. I couldn't talk to people about it, because they would never understand. When I lost my father I lost everything, I had lost the only thing I had when he died. It was so difficult, it seemed there would be no end to how miserable I felt, but eventually it just got easier. One day, I just woke up, and despite the fact I do still miss him, it's really did just get easier" Stefan didn't know why this boy was asking him about coping, but he figured it had to do with losing a family member. This was the best way to put it, and Stefan might've brushed over how terrible his father had been, it didn't seem right to bring it up.
Bryce felt instantly bad when Tybalt said that he was leaving. This librarian was his cousin, so they could basically talk any time. But it did not stop him from feeling bad. He looked over at the Gryffindor prefect and gave a small smile. They would see each other in class. They'd been going to the same classes for years, and both were respectable boys. Luckily for Bryce, since he was deaf, he did not hear the awkward silence that was left between the older Archer and Bryce. He turned his attention to Stefan, and shook his head at the offer, but saying thank you. He might be grieving, but he had no excuse not to be polite. However, the librarian brought him something anyway. Bryce gingerly took the cup into his hands and sipped it. He might have said no, but his body said yes to the coffee. He carefully watched the librarian's lips as he said that his father died when he was fourteen, and he was twenty-one now. So, it has been seven years. He explained how it felt hard, and took note of the emotions running across the man's facial features. He had to see if this would be like him in seven years.

The librarian hit rock bottom, and felt empty for months. That's what Bryce felt right now. It might have been months, but he felt so empty. He couldn't talk to people about it. However, the librarian's dad was the only thing he had. That meant that during his past, the librarian had no family. "I...lost my father a couple of months ago," said the prefect slowly, but he knew that the pair were as different as night and day. "He was sick, and withered away. We were close. I just didn't know how I can have my life without my dad anymore. But... Should I talk to my friends and my sisters about it? My friends wouldn't understand. But my sisters are far away. I can't imagine my life without my dad." Bryce sipped the coffee, the warm liquid soothing his throat as he took in the flavors. He didn't know what to do. He needed direction. "I guess I just need someone to tell me that it does get better, and what I need to do. I know our situations are different, but the loss is the same?" He looked up at the librarian, finally feeling like someone would understand. This wasn't just losing someone. This was losing a father.
Stefan had his experience of dealing with pretty negative emotions had learned that tea and coffee were almost necessary for it. It really helped a lot of the time. It was just better, which was despite the fact that student had said no, he still got him a cup of coffee. Stefan always ended up drinking a lot more coffee than he was supposed to, he was sure, but it didn't matter to him. Since he liked coffee, and if he didn't sleep it was no matter to him. Since he had gone more nights than one without real sleep. As Stefan spoke to Bryce, explaining as best he could about how he had felt in the time after his father had died. It had been tricky for Stefan. Stefan hadn't had anyone else at the time that his father died. All he'd had were his friends, but his friends hadn't been able to understand where Stefan had been coming from, why he'd felt how he'd felt. Only now, explaining it to Kate was he able to understand it, or able to talk about it with ease. Losing his father, had been hard, it hadn't mattered that his father had treated him terribly. He had loved his father in a sort of twisted him. Since he had never known his mother it had been all he'd known for a long time. It had been like someone had just pulled the carpet out from under him. Everything had felt like it had been crumbling around him. He had fallen to low levels before them, but losing his father had meant he'd truly hit rock bottom. Stefan raised the coffee to his lips when he finished speaking, taking a long sip of the beverage, letting his eyes fall to the cup in his hands. It was only when Bryce spoke, that Stefan looked back up at the other boy.

The boy had like him, lost his father. He listened to what the student was saying, nodding along as he spoke. Being sure to not interrupt him as he spoke. The younger of the two clearly was having a lot of difficulty. It was a tricky time. He knew just how hard it was to lose a parent, he had lost both, Stefan was more than knowledgable in the field. Although he'd grown up without one, and the other had been pulled from his life when he'd been a little younger than this boy. As the student seemed to want Stefan to tell him that it would get better and what he needed to do. Stefan gave the boy a small smile and nodded, their situations were different, but it didn't change it really, loss was loss. And stefan hadn't been very good at talking about it. "For me, talking to people about it was the hardest part. You shouldn't feel bad, if at this point you can't talk to them about it. Losing someone who was a large part of your life is incredibly difficult." Stefan told him, he didn't think anyone should be pressured into talking about it. He paused, wondering how best to continue.

"Bryce, it really does get better. It gets easier to deal with" Stefan said carefully, "My father, he'd been sick for a long while before he died. My mother died when I was two, and my father never got over it. He didn't talk about it, he dealt with the loss by drinking and with violence. He would just drink and get angry and lash out, didn't matter if he hurt himself or destroyed the few belongings that we had." Stefan paused, taking a small breath, "He never got over losing his wife, he got worse and worse, and eventually the loss was what killed him" Stefan sort of hinted towards what kind of father he had been without stating anything. In a small way, but without actually saying it since he didn't really want to, not particularly. "What I'm trying to say is that people deal with loss in different ways, but, I'd say don't let the loss dictate your life. Take your time with it, but if you have people around you who care about you, or who love you don't shut them out completely. Don't feel bad about spending time alone either." Stefan stopped. He raised the coffee cup to his lips and took a drink. "Losing someone you care about is incredibly hard, deal with it at your own pace but don't let it stop you from achieving what you want in life. Loss becomes easier as long as you keep moving forward." Stefan shook his head slightly, "I'm sorry, I'm not that good at this. I wish I could be more help to you"
Bryce watched the lips as the man said that talking to people was the hardest part. He believed that he would be able to become like Stefan, and he would be able to just move on. Bryce gave a quick nod, and took a sip of his beverage for a moment, as he continued to watch the lips of the librarian. He seemed like he knew a lot, and bit by bit, he was understanding and felt like the weight was lifting off of his shoulders, and he didn't want to just sob. That was good, but he imagined that he would have to cry for his dad at some point. He informed Bryce that this would end up getting better. Bryce looked down for a moment, but didn't want to miss anything. Stefan was an orphan. He didn't have a mom or a dad. He had a mom. And his dad was a bad man. A really bad man. Yet, he still went through grief and not relief. Once Stefan finished, Bryce started to speak, "Your situation appears to be much worse than mine. I still have my mom, and my three sisters. My dad was a good man, always willing to help another, and loving." Bryce finished his cup, and set it to the side. He looked at the young man once more, before he smiled, though forced, it was sincere. "Thanks, so much. I really needed to hear that. You helped me more than you realize. I should probably get back to my studies. You have a good one..." Bryce gave the librarian a brief wave before walking away, knowing that he needed to get back to patrolling the halls, and studying for his classes.

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